Page 4-Saturday, May 19, 1979-The Michigan Daily I THE WEEK IN REVIEW MSA stung The horrors of administration inter- vention in student government affairs were magnified Wednesday when the disputed April elections of the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) were cer- tified by Vice-President for Student Services Henry Johnson. Johnson discounted the unanimous vote not to certify the election by the Central Student Judiciary (CSJ), claiming that body incapable of making its own decisions. He further disregar- ded MSA's legitimacy and ability to operate by reporting to the Regents on Thursday that he will maintain a firm grip on MSA's funds until unspecified "policies and procedures" are changed. He refused to detail the reforms he deems necessary, and lum- ped CSJ with MSA's ills. The regents directed Johnson at the April meeting to unilaterally decide on certification and to wield funding power indefinitely as well. Johnson sub- sequently concluded that alleged im- proprieties of this election do not sur- pass those of previous elections. Thur- sday, he told the Regents he will control MSA's funds for at least six months. Administrative trespassing in student government territory has alarmed many sectors of the University community. Students who previously had little or no interest in their gover- nment's activities are now irate over administrative disregard for their rights and self-governance abilities. Some student leaders have suggested that the student body withhold the mandatory $2.92 assessed fee each student annually contributes to the government. Not only would it be nearly impossible for students to stop the automatic assessment from being taken from student fees, it would be to no avail. For even if Johnson controlled a dimished student government fund, the autocratic clamp remains intact. Jim Alland, incoming MSA president, fails to see Johnson's actions as ex- cessive intervention. Alland also said he does not see the present lack of MSA officers as injurious to the Assembly's function, and that he wants to keep the administration within its bounds. Alland's idea of proper administrative bounds poses serious questions about MSA's future autonomy. City must atone The city must finally reckon with union negotiating tactics employed during the sixties to create somewhat balanced city budgets. By committing the city to increased retirement benefits, which means higher obligations to the pension fund, im- mediate allocations were minimized. The burden fell to future ad- ministrations and voters perceived city leaders as competent fiscal managers. City Controller Mary Devers warned City Council Wednesday that declining payments to the pension fund means the city is falling behind its schedule. The schedule was designed to com- pensate for a $14 million difference between actual and contracted con- tributions to the fund. She said the $180,000 in the administrator's proposed budget is an insufficient apportionment to reverse the present trend. In order to recompense the differen- ce, city officials must soon decide on its source. Sacrifices must be made by recipients of general services, city em- ployees, property owners or the city could subcontract city work. Property owners, who already pick up a substantial portion of the general services tab will doubtless vote down a ballot proposal requesting higher tax rates to make up for the city's irrespon- sibility. At least an advantage of Headlee is now apparent to the voters. Voter approval is now a prerequisite in order to levy them for the deficit in pen- sion fund allocations. Citizens will probably not escape sacrifice in services even if taxes are not raised to remunerate the city's mistake. Rate hikes for city utilities, already figured in the proposed budget, are one way city officials will pass on the burden. Subcontracting city work only signals city officials' further procrastination of its duties. But the city's obligation to the pen- sion fund can no longer be ignored. When a city employee retires, he or she cannot survive on a few more mended potholes. City workers have a right to E~ their retirement benefits and the city must face its responsibility. City of- ficials should also trim managerial and administrative costs to the bone before seeking out other ways to pay for poor planning. Parity sought The University's Board of Regents Thursday demonstrated insensitivity to sex discrimination allegations voiced by two members of the women's track team at the April Regents meeting. Regent Sarah Power (D-Ann Arbor) had requested a report on the women's complaints, and following its delivery at the May meeting she proposed that an ad hoc committee investigate the charges. Her motion met a 5-2 rejec- tion, with Regent Paul Brown (D- Petosky) favoring the idea. Although the complainants had already met with athletic department See PARITY, Page 5 Week-in-Review was written by Editorial Director Judy Rakowsky. *Mich*gan Daily Eighty-nine Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mt 48109 Vol. LXXXIX, No. 14-S News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Key divestment E VERY SO OFTEN the Board of Regents surprises the Uni- versity community. Yesterday, the Regents made a wise move and unexpectedly voted to divest University holdings from Black and Decker, a firm whose business ventures reinforce the apartheid system in South Africa. In his report on the employment practices of Black and Decker's branch in South Africa, Vice-President and Chief Finan- cial Officer James Brinkerhoff noted that the company had been unduly vague in reporting its segregation policies. However, correspondence between University financial adminstrators and officers of Black and Decker confirmed that the company does not subscribe to the Sullivan principles or their equivalent. Fulfilling the standards set by the Sullivan principles is required for firms in which the University invests, according to the Regents' policy approved in March 1978. Fortunately, six Regents did not echo the comments of Regent David Laro (R- Flint), who advocated shifting the divestment policy to avoid withdrawl of University holdings in Black and Decker. An action such as the one Mr. Laro supported would have obliterated any progress the University already has made towards divestment. It appears, however, that a certain amount of self-interest colored the Regents' decision, thereby polluting any moral motivation behind their action. Several Regents expressed domino tumbles dissatisfaction with the manner in which Black and Decker of- ficers responded to requests for information on the company's South African policies. This reason for divesting reflects a narrow, conceited attitude toward financial matters which should be avoided in future decisions involving the University's moral responsibility. Within the bounds of that responsibility, the Regents have in- cluded the Sullivan principles "or their equivalent" as standards to which firms with University investments must adhere. But the Sullivan principles do not extend far enough into the lives of the average black South African. For example, the Suillivan prin- ciples do not address access to equal education for South African blacks. The principles do call for training programs for blacks to prepare them for administrative, managerial, and supervisory positions. But, by excluding opportunities for equal education, the principles in effect fail to promote blacks to those positons. The Sullivan principles do not begin to reach past working con- ditions in American factories in South Africa. They fail to institute equal voting rights, equal rights to own land, or equal access to medical care. In other words, they do very little to erode the apar- theid system. Even though the Sullivan principles are far from adequate, See DIVESTMENT, Page5