U.S. REP. MORRIS UDALL (D-Ariz.), sponsor of the Alaska Lands Bill, was cong yesterday after the House approved the bill, 360-65. The legislation sets aside m refuges and wilderness. PRO-INDUSTRY BILL THROWN OUT: House approves Alaska wii WASHINGTON (AP) - The House passed the conservationist-backed Alaska land bill yesterday, setting aside more than 100 million acres for wildlife refuges and wilderness. House passage came on a 360-65 vote shortly after members had thrown outa rival measure backed by industry. The bill now goes to the Senate. A similar measure, which would have set aside about one-third of Alaska for national parks, wilderness areas, and refuges, died in the Senate last year. HOUSE APPROVAL of the bill, spon- sored by Rep. Morris Udall, (D-Ariz.), marked a significant victory for President Carter and for a wide coalition of environmental groups. Car- ter had called the measure his top en- vironmental priority. After the vote, Carter said in a statement he was "pleased and gratified" and he urged'the Senate to take similar action promptly. "Mem- bers of the House should feel justifiably proud of their historic vote for a truly superior bill," the president said. The National Wildlife Federation issued a statement calling the vote "courageous and far-sighted" and said all conservationists should support it or a similar bill in the Senate. THE MEASURE sets aside 110 million acres of Alaska land for national parks, preserves, wild river areas, and wilderness. It would roughly double the size of the national park system. Shortly before approving the Udall measure, the House threw out a rival bill sponsored by Reps. John Breaux (D-La.), and John Dingell (D-Mich.). That bill was strongly supported by the oil and mineral industry, but Carter had said he would veto it. The House turned down the Breaux The Michigan Daily-Thursday, May 17, 1979-Page 13 Carter: Brezhnev desires SALT III WASHINGTON (AP) - President Carter said yesterday that Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev has privately "expressed a desire im- mediately to initiate" new talks on fur- ther limiting nuclear arms. Carter made the statement to a group invited to the White House to hear ad- ministration arguments in favor of Senate ratifiction of the proposed strategic arms limitation treaty an- nounced here and in Moscow last week. "Our own hopes have been that we could have much more stringent limits than those in the new SALT II treaty," Carter said. "The Soviets have been reluctant to have lower limits now, but in my private correspondence with President Brezhnev, he has expressed a desire immediately to initiate the SALT III negotiations with a specific goal of having even more limits." HODDING CARTER, the State AP Photo Department spokesman, confirmed ratulated by supporters in Washington meanwhile that discussions are under ore than 100 million acres of wildlife way to bring Soviet experta to the United States to examine devices for monitoring a treaty banning un- derground nuclear weapons tests. The treaty is nearing completion. Negotiators for the two sides have !d e rn ess bill agreed to permit on-site inspection. Spokesman Carter said the Sovieta would look at U.S. monitoring facilities and Dingell measure on a vote of 268- here and that American experts would 157. have similar inspection rights in the Soviet Union. SUPPORTERS OF the failed bill had The facilities are different from those argued that in view of the nation's that would be used to verify compliance energy problems it would be foolish to with the SALT II treaty. lock up the Arctic National Wildlife range which oilmen think represents the best chance for striking a major oil bonanza in this country. ' ' I Under the Breaux and Dingell bill, the oil industry would have been allowed to sink test wells beneath the A wilderness area. Backers of the measure said the test drilling could have been done without damaging the-E land or its wildlife. BUT THE Udall measure makes the NURSING BOARDS area off-limits to any development. In ThexeIPrrm &Hor arguing for his bill, Udall said oil com- panies should explore all other federal lands before drilling on the Alaska range, which contains waterfowl nesting areas and range for 120,000 CENTE A caribou. Breaux said his bill would have set s aside more land than the Udall For Information Plese Call: measure for wildlife refuges, wild river (313) 662-3149 corridors, parks and preserves. His measure would have set aside 128 TOLL FREE:800-223-1782 million acres of land, including 54 million as wilderness. Bavarian Village Ski Shops have openings for Graduating Seniors who are interested in a seasonal (July 15-February 15) ski or skiwear sales position. If you are contemplating Grad School or wish to take your time to investigate the job market, these six month positions may be just right for you. Retail experience is not necessary. You must be able to work 30.50 hours per week in Michigan's finest ski shops located in Bloomfield Hills, Birmingham, Mt. Clemens, East Detroit, Livonia- Redford, Lathrup Village, and Ann Arbor. Good Pay. Send a list of your qa ications to our main office: Bavarian Vilage Inc., 2277 Elliott Av. roy, Michigan 4M. Stolen 'U' bird skins found n Colorado and Miehigan By TIMOTHY YAGLE Federal investigators have found an estimated 150 bird skins in Colorado and Michigan that were stolen from the University Museum of Zoology during 1977 and 1978. Federal officials say some skins were found in four freezers ina mountain-top Colorado ranch. AUTHORITIES SAID they arrested two former Oakland county residents, Marcus Spoutz and Wayne Miller, for selling stuffed rare birds, a violation of the U.S. Migratory Bird Act. The investigation, which began nearly a year ago, has involved federal Fish and Wildlife Service agents from five upper midwest states, federal authorities reported, . ., According to earlier news reports, museum officials had no knowledge that the skins had been taken until federal investigators informed them of the theft. HOWEVER, museum technician Janet Hinshaw said, "We (the museum) did know (that the skins were missing.) I think that's (an earlier media report) incorrect." Museum directors said they were told by federal investigators not to com- ment on the case. Federal officials said that because the University's bird-skins cannot be sold legally, their commercial value cannot be assessed. However, some authorities said that sorne of theskins were sold for between $50 an l$300.