Page 12-Thursday, May 17, 1979-The Michigan Daily i Harvard revamps undergrad curriculum CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) - Har- U.S. Commissioner of Education Er- educated. .. It's not just whatever you will be used by all students by 1982 vard's first major overhaul of its un- nest Boyer said in Washington that he want to do for four years." As under the current system, al dergraduate curriculum in 34 years - had long held the position that there is a Harvard Associate Dean Phyllis each student's 32 courses requir requiring graduates to prove they can certain "core" of knowledge that Keller said the purpose of the highly graduation will be in their major write, do math and read a foreign should be part of an undergraduate focused courses is to show students how of study and a fourth will be consi language - was greeted en- education. scientists and historians think, rather "electives." thusiastically yesterday by the nation's COLLEGES must make "some than giving them a smattering of The students will have to ts top education official. judgments about what is important and knowledge about a general subject. semester-long courses in the The core curriculum unveiled unique about human knowledge," "THE EMPHASIS is more on ap- curriculum's five areas - liter Tuesday also abolishes required Boyer said. "There is no absolute core. proaches to knowledge than on facts and the arts, history, social general survey courses in favor of Judgments must be made. A college and information," said Mrs. Keller, philosophical analysis, science highly-focused subjects that stress the that fails to make those judgments is wvho helped develop the new program math, and foreign culture. process of thinking. Instead of taking left bankrupt - it has no ideas." with Henry Rosovsky, dean of arts and AMONG OTHER core course such courses as "Survey of American "I never felt that every course we sciences. "Turn-of-the-Century Aus History," next fall's Harvard freshmen taught was as good as every other one. The change is likely to be imitated by Culture," "Space, Time and M( will fulfill their history requirements by That's not to deny the value of glec- planners at other colleges. Several and "The Concept of the He picking from "The Christianization of tives. But some courses are much more other large universities, such as the Hellenic Civilization." the Roman World," "The Eman- valuable in terms of the goal of an University of Chicago, the University of Until now, students chose req cipation of the Jews" and "The Dar- educated person," he said. "We must Missouri and Northwestern, have courses from Harvard's ge winian Revolution." be able to say what it means to be already set up new core programs. education program, which wass The only courses required of all by President James Bryant Con, students in the new program at Har- 1945 and which had a great imps H vard are writing and a new course that American higher education. ouse me1 ers repori emphasizes the application of "The general education prograi mathematics, including how computers become very diffuse," said Mrs. K L i i i 1 @ * work. "There were so many choices S OcK no din gs in energy AT A FACULTY meeting Tuesday, there was no coherent program." officials revealed the first 84 core cour- Broad survey courses, sucha ses, 55 of which will be available to in- troduction to chemistry or psych WASHINGTON (AP) - As Congress reported $1,000,376 in business income coming freshmen. Students will choose will still be available as elective debates the lifting of oil price controls and honoraria, and the report indicated about one-quarter of their courses from students cannot use them to fulfill and other energy issues, more than two at least $299,000 in interest and capital the core curriculum. The new program basic requirements. 2. half of ed for r area idered ake 10 core rature I and e and as are trian otion" ro in quired neral set up ant in act on m had eller. that as in- iatry, s, but ; their J dozen House members disclosed yesterday that they had financial in- terests in oil and natural gas in 1978, according to newly-released documen- ts. Seven other congressman listed honoraria from oil companies in their disclosure statements for last year. The statements, required by the new Ethics in Government Act and by existing House rules, are the first to cover a complete year. Reports issued in May 1978 covered only the last three months of 1977. SOME CONGRESSMEMBERS listed stock portfolios so diversified that their votes on a whole range of issues could potentially affect their financial in- vestments. Many, however, showed lit- tle income except for their $57,500 congressional salary. Earlier statements also released un- der terms of the Ethics in Government Act showed-that Chief Justice Warren Burger of the Supreme Court owns stock worth more than $500,000 in the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co. and in Woodale Hillside Inc. The initial filings by presidential candidates showed former Texas Gov. John Connally as the wealthiest. He GET COOL FOR THE SUMMER U-M Stylists Dave & Chet at the U N ION gains for a total of $1,299,976. THE HOUSE disclosure statemen showed that Rep. S. William Green, (I N.Y.), is one of the wealthier membe of Congress, owning large enoug blocks of Allis Chalmers and Starre Housing stocks to be earning dividen( of between $15,000 and $50,000 fro each, and lesser amounts in other cor panies. FIgures are not exact because ti disclosure form indicates only rang( in which amounts fall instead of givin specific amounts. Green and his wife also reporte holdings in several oil companiesi 1978, including Atlantic Richfield, Del International Oil, Clark Oil, and Butte Oil and Gas. REP. JOHN DINGELL (D-Mich.), leading opponent of last year's oil pric decontrol bill, reported receiving $5,85 in honoraria from oil companies an industry associations. Dingell has sul ported President Carter's recent decoi trol decision. Rep. James Cleveland (R-N.H.), sai he received dividends for stock froi Standard Oil of California worth be ween $2,500 and $5,000 and dividend from Gulf Oil, Mobil Oil, and Exxo Corp. of between $1,000 and $2,50 apiece. Cleveland said he had holding in all four companies worth betwee; $15,000 and $50,000 apiece. The Senate is expected to formall3 issue its financial disclosure statemen ts for 1978 later this week. Burger was among eight of the nin Supreme Court justices to fil( disclosure statements, Justice Lewi; Powell has received permission to fil( his statement one month late. its R- rs gh tt ds m n- he 25 years after Brown:. Critics claim segregation continues to exist in U.S. s COLUMBIA, S.C. (UPI) - The ng promise of integration spurred by the landmark Brown vs. the Board of ed Education desegregation case 25 years in ago has not been met, particularly in hi the North, the executive director of the es NAACP said yesterday. "We note that the commitment has not been fulfilled," Benjamin Hooks a told a news conference. "We note that e blacks and other minorities are still i0 faced with resistance to meaningful in- id tegration." p- The New York attorney is in Colum- n- bia for the NAACP's quarterly board of directors meeting, being held in South d Carolina this year because one of the m companion suits to the Brown case t- came from Clarendon County. Is TH 9 in THE 1954 U.S. Supreme Court 0 decision ordered an end to the long-time )0 "separate but equal" school facilities 'sthat existed in the South. " Hooks cited the Bakke reverse discrimination case; the recently dismissed Sears, Roebuck and Co. em- ployment discrimination challenge and - California's tax-cutting Proposition 13 as issues that show blacks a "mean and e pervasive spirit is gaining momentum e in this country." s "Black people have had to fight for e elementary rights that others take for granted," he said. "I don't think it will lessen in the next 20 years." HOOKS, A FORMER Federal Com- munications Commission member, said the south has made more progress in in- tegration than other parts of the nation "because it had further to go and the resources of the NAACP and the federal government were concentrated in the South." But Topekans who fought the lan- dmark legal battle in Brown vs. the Board of Education 25 years ago say full racial equality has still not arrived. Vestiges of segregation remain in this city today, they insist, even though the court decreed on May 17, 1954, in the Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka decision that children of all races had the right to attend the school of their choice. CHARLES SCOTT, one of the attor- neys who represented Linda Brown and 11 other black Topeka children and their parents 25 years ago, said in a recent interview there has been some progress in school desegregation here, but not as much as he would have liked. "I guess I could say that there has not been the rapid progress that we had ex- pected in-the span of 25 years," Scott said. The schools in the heavily minority east' side of Topeka do not have the same quality facilities or curricula as schools in the more affluent western and southern parts of the city, Scott said. "WHETHER THAT is due to race, I don't know, but that is certainly a suspect," he said. The Brown decision struck down a 1949 Kansas law which allowed racial segregation of school children in some cities. In the early 1950s, Kansas was one of four states which permitted segregation, while 17 states and the District of Columbia required segregation. In the decision, then-Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote, "Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal." Therefore, the doctrine violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment COOT (T LENSES soft and hard* contact lenses $210.00 includes exam, fitting, dispensing,,follow-up visits, starter kits, and 6 month checkup. * includes a second pair of hard lenses Dr Paul C. Uslan, Optometrist 545 Church Street 769-1222 by appointment.