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May 16, 1979 - Image 12

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1979-05-16

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Page 12-Wednesday, May 16, 1979-The Michigan Daily
Brown orders pumps open on weekends

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Tempers
flared and at least one fight broke out at
California gas pumps Tuesday as lines
grew to as long as four blocks in Los
Angeles. Gov. Edmund Brown Jr.
signed an order forcing some of the
state's service stations to stay open on
Brown said police will enforce the or-
der, although he admitted that
penalizing violators will be difficult,
since it will be hard to tell if a station is
closed or simply out of gas.
That was the plight of a station in
Covina where six outraged drivers
kicked and pummeled two attendants
yesterday, forcing them to seek refuge
inside their office. They had no gas left
to sell.
As Brown signed the stay-open order
just before flying to Washington to
discuss the gasoline shortage with
President Carter, he said: "This will
spread out the distribution of gasoline
that is available. That should relieve
the number of people who need gas
during the week"
TheCalifornia stations will be
required to open either Saturday or
Sunday, depending on whether their
business license ends in an odd or even

number. The only stations to be affec-
ted are those in the counties with odd-
even rationing and those that pumped
more than 750,000 gallons of gas last
Plans for a shutdown of service
stations from Thursday through Sun-
day to protest federal price controls
seemed about to collapse yesterday
amid fears of a consumer backlash and
government retaliation. But many
stations may close anyway because
they've run out of fuel.
In other developments in the gasoline
crunch yesterday:
* House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill
said Congress could not meet President
Carter's challenge to come up with a
new gasoline rationing plan.
" The nation's large car-rental agen-
cies say their business has not suffered
because of the gasoline situation, but
many smaller companies say times are
In Washington, Saudi Oil Minister
Sheik Ahmed Zaki Yamani said his
country will oppoae another price in-
crease next month at a meeting of the
Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries but warned "Saudi Arabia
alone cannot do much.,"

CALIFORNIA GOV. Jerry Brown signs an order forcing the state's service
stations to stay open on weekends. Lines at California gas stations have been
unusually long since earlier this month.

Track members' sex discrimination charges answered

(Continued from Page 1
scheduling of practice times for the
women's track team.
The students allege that the Univer-
sity has violated Title IX of the
Education Amendments of 1972, which
prohibits discrimination by sex in any
education program or activity
receiving federal financial assistance.
The charges include: the lack of a
women's cross country team, lack of
equal funds for shoes and warm-ups,
poor quality track uniforms, lack of
equal money for meals during away
meets, unequal promotion for meets,
unequal use of electronic track equip-
ment, unequal size of varisty letters,
unequal accessibility of training rooms
and trainers, unequal advantages for


football and basketball players in dorm
lotteries, unequal representation of
coaches in the University staff direc-
tory, lack of sole use of track facilities,
and giving the football team top
priority for space, even when it is not
football season.
THE ATHLETIC Department's
responses to the allegations were writ-
ten by Phyllis Ocker, associate director
for women's athletics, and Charles
Harris, assistant athletic director.
The formal responses disputed the
women's complaints and both Ocker,
Harris, and Charles Allm and, acting
director of Affirmative Action
Programs said that Mayberry and
Supler lacked certain information,

which led them to make charges which
had no firm basis.
"There was a great deal of misunder-
standing," Allmand said. "The respon-
se hopefully answers their questions."
ALLMAND ALSO said he and of-
ficials from the athletic department
could have better explained the.
situation to the women through an in-
formal meeting. But, he said, the
women were unable to meet with the of-
Mayberry said it was difficult to meet
because the officials requested the
meeting during finals, even though
repeated attempts were made to
schedule an informal meeting to ex-
.plain responses to the women's
"Some of their information was not
correct," Ocker said. "They should
have done their homework a little bet-
ter." She also said the department was
aware of some of the problems, such as
scheduling practice time, and although
these problems were being looked at,
nothing could be effectively handled
while school was in progress.
"WE'RE TRYING to keep abreast of,
those things," Ocker said, "But
sometimes people get a little impatient
- wanting to affect changes tomorrow.
We were going to sit down this summer
and work out things like practice time.
It's more than the track team that's af-

Ocker said that although she was sen-
sitive to the students' concerns, she did
not think the rest of the women on the
track team supported Mayberry and
Supler. But Mayberry said that "in-
dividually each member agreed with at
least one of the grievances."
MAYBERRY SAID the women, who
are planning to attend the meeting
tomorrow, are not completely satisfied
with the Athletic Department's respon-
ses. "It can be looked into more. I feel
there's been a lot of misunderstanding
- that's for sure."
She said that although a women's
cross country team had been approved,
she knew of no money appropriated for
it, and that money taken out of the
women's track program would have to
support cross country, "spreading
thin" funds for women's track.
"I don't think they've resolved this
problem totally," Mayberry said, "and
I can't accept their answers unless I
feel that they're adequate - that
they've tried to solve the problems.
They've stated what their policies have
been and will be, but that's it."
She said the women went to the
Regents to inform them of the problem,
and said she was pleased a report was
being filed. However, Mayberry said,
"They're (the Regents) just com-
plementing us, and wishing us the best.
I don't feel like they're doing anything
other than that."

For our new
Tuesday through Saturday
* half-price onevery drink *
8-10 pm
Tuesday and Thursday
half-price on pitchers *
all night
611 Church St.

Pilot plans improvements

(Continued from Page 3
determine what kinds of programs
Pilot residents would like to see.
FORMER PILOT student Alan
Llooster said he feels that structuring
the curriculum is "definitely a -good
idea". He said that the classes last year
were "pretty easy" and "people got
credit for doing absolutely nothing in
some cases."
Alan Rosenbaum, a former Student
Advisor for the Pilot Program, said,
"There was a lot of lying about getting
'theme experience' credit. Now that the

class, in which students used to get
points for seeing speakers and movies,
will be more structured, Rosenbaum
said the problem of students lying to get
points might be solved.
Seventy students are returning to the
Pilot Program. Douglas said he hopes
to pick up more than 200 incoming
freshpersons at orientation.
Radcliffe said she is optimistic about
the "revamped" Pilot Program. "The
new freshmen are really going to get
the royal treatment," she said.

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