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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, May 15, 1979-Page 5
Calif. officials: Oilfirms knew of shortage
h-eAngeles than there once were. JIM CAMPBELL, chairman of the
AMENTO, Calif. (AP) - The 1974. Odd-even allocation plans will he "The reason people are getting out of California Service Station Council,
nergy chief, trying to cut down around for quite a period of time," station dealerships is because of con- testified at the hearing that if th
lines of motorists in search of Maullin said. trols on profits," he said. "Many closure did not occur at the end of this
, moved yesterday to require Under the proposed order, stations retailers can't make a decent living week, "We're going to be closed the last
lifornia service stations to stay that pumped more than 50,000 gallons of while others can charge $1.20 for gas four days of the month because there is
ekends. gas in March would be required to stay and make a fortune." no gasoline."
dition, Richard Maullin, chair- open Saturdays if their fuel pump BROWN ASKED Maullin to draft While the debate raged, a San Fran-
the state Energy Committee, location number was odd or on Sundays emergency regulations by this morning cisco physician, Dr. Myles' Lippe, was
d to limit the amount of fuel if their number was even, to require at least half the stations in typical of many waiting at the pumps.
tion operators can sell to EARLIER IN the day, Maullin said counties affected by rationing to He was second in line this weekend
's on weekends, he expected gasoline dealers to remain open on weekends. when his beeper signaled that a patient
Edmund Brown, Jr. is expected cooperate with the program, but war- "I think we will have a good deal of was trying to reach him.
he orders today. ned that "if the stick has to be used, cooperation," Maullin said. "But if the The doctor phoned his patient, who
NEW regulations would permit then it would be. stick has to be used, then it would be." had a rash, and told him to come to the
perators to set a 10-gallon limit He also told a special Senate In another development, a hearing is , station, where he examined him and
stomer on weekends and legislative hearing that oil companes scheduled for Wednesday in San Fran- wrote a prescription on the back of a
.The current limit of 20 gallons knew of California's impending gas cisco Superior Court on an injunction business card.
a customer on weekdays would be un-
"To simply order gas stations to be
open doesn't fully answer the
problem ... There's no doubt this will
be a long-term thing. It won't be like
snor-age monn soerore it i ana
helped cause the problem by their slow
Maullin said the peculiarities of
federal gas allocations were partly to
blame for the shortage. He also said
there are fewer gas stations in Los
sought by Attorney General George
Deukmejian against the threatened
closure of stations from this Thursday
through Sunday to push dealers'
demands for higher profits at the pum-
ps. Maullin said he supported the suit.
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A LONG LINE of cars stretched out into the street Sunday at this gas station in the Rainier Valley in Washington State.
Similar lines formed at the few other stations that were able to remain open in Seattle.
Councilman demands sludge report
Continued from Page 3possible environmental damage. slated for May 21.
Greene added he thoughts the in- AFTER THE public hearing session, IN ADDITION to residents who spoke
creased cost of alternate methods to the council held a working session to out for city programs such as the
dispose of the city's sludge was far out- review the budget proposed for the city Bryant Clinic, former Ann Arbor
weighed by the possibility of damaging clerk's office and the Fire Department. Mayor Albert Wheeler requested that
the environment with sludge that might For the past three weeks, the council money be alloted to maintain the
contain contaminants and heavy has been examining the city's proposed present level of funds for Ann Arbor's
metals. 1979-80 budget, which totals about $43.8 model cities program.
He demanded Belcher give the coun- million. In the budget review process, Wheeler suggested the money be
cil a full report on how the DNR made the director of each city department siphoned from the budgets of other
its decision to allow the use of the city's defends the funds requested for his or Community Development Block Grant
sludge on fields in Michigan, and said her department. - Programs, some of which, he said, do
he was, concerned whether the' city Council will discuss changes in the not use all the money allotted to them
could be held legally responsible 'for budget Thursday; with formal adoption each year.