Page 4-Saturday, May 12, 1979-The Michigan Daily ~Mchigan Daily Eighty-nine Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, M. 48109 Vol. LXXXIX No. 9-S News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Contracts do not rid responsibility T HE LATEST SNAFU over dumping of Ann Arbor sludge in Sharon Township by a com- pany which was contracted to haul it to Ohio raises a broader question of city and state of- ficials' accountability. This controversy conjures up memories of dismayed city officials shrugging their shoulders when it was discovered that PBB-laced wastes were dumped in the city an- dfill. A year before that, the local bureaucracy was in an uproar over city investments which were illegally used in an investment scheme. Each time the crisis scenario is recreated, the facts change, but the lack of accountability does not. Blame is tossed around to several parties, then squabbling over authorization and propriety perpetuates until everyone tires of the subject and it is somewhat forgotten. This situation is admittedly different, since the company had a binding contract to uphold. Therefore, the city was not directly responsible for the dumping. The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) claims the city is liable for any damages done by' NyTREX's Michigan dumping. City officials claim NyTREX is ultimately responsible. Regar- dless of what the final outcome of that controver- sy is however, the city's Solid Waste Department should have kept tabs on where the sludge was going. It's easy to see why no one wanted to let their superiors know what was going on, even if NyTREX's activities were discovered earlier. The city spent years trying to find a place to deposit the sludge to make way for sewage plant expansion. A broken contract with NyTREX could mean greater costs to the city. But high costs and the difficulty of finding alternative dumping sites must not stand in the way of responsible of- ficiating and protection of the public's health and safety. Whether or not the DNR gave NyTREX per- mission to dump the sludge in Sharon Township is yet unclear. But, even if it did not grant formal permission to the firm, the DNR's failure tc report any knowledge to city officials concerning the issue is reprehensible. It is curious that DNR officials are the ones claiming municipality liability for the dumping, while simultaneously admitting that they did not inform city officials of the Michigan dumping. Without improved communication and a clear line of authority and accountability, Michigan residents can doubtless expect health hazards to increase with our technology instead of the rever- se. This case teaches a lesson to all involved government officials that they must not only monitor the fulfillment of contracts by private firms, but also maintain close contact with other city officials in the jurisdiction. This lesson has been repeated too often already, maybe this time they will learn. Health Service Handbook By Gail Ryan Q: I would like to know more of the effects of should see a physician who can order, if ap. male homosexual contacts, medically speaking: propriate, the administration of Gamma Globulin to What are the recognizable symptoms of gonorrhea help prevent the infection. contracted anally? Finally, a dependence on enemas to achieve a A: Gonorrhea contracted in the anal and rectal bowel movement can develop if enemas are areas may produce itching, pain, bloody or pus- frequently used prior to anal intercourse. This is covered stools, discharge of mucous, and rectal done for the subjective feeling of cleanliness, spasms. However, rectal gonorrhea may be asym- although a normal bowel movement can achieve the ptomatic (no noticeable symptoms) and should be same result. (Also, if this is done to decrease the diagnosed by a culture taken at a clinic or chance of V.D., there is no substantial evidence that physician's office. this works.) Q: Is regularanal intercourse known to have Q: Are V.D. clinics open-minded in dealing with any negative effects (e.g., hemorrhoids)? the gay patient in the Ann Arbor area? A: Regular anal intercourse may promote or The Health Service treats not only students but aggravate hemorrhoids, venereal warts, and small any Washtenaw County resident in its V.D. Clinic, tears of the lining of the rectum. These may cause The Clinic strives to provide high quality medical bleeding, which should be brought to the attention of care to all persons, with questions about and con- a physician to rule out other more dangerous causes sideration of sex, sexual orientation, or lifestyle of rectal bleeding, such as cancer. only as they relate to medical treatment. In addition, parasitic infections of both the rec- The Office of the Gay Advocates, staffed by Jim tum and the intestines occur more frequently in gay Toy, Jean Hopkins, and volunteers, has as one of its men. The most frequently occurring symptom with goals the fair and appropriate treatment of gay these infections is diarrhea. Again, a physician students in all services of the University and com should be consulted, and the appropriate stool munity. This office, which is part of the Student specimens and rectal smears obtained. Development unit of Student Services, would be a The other infection that can be transmitted good place to go to talk with other gay people about venerally, and is occurring more frequently among their experiences with the various V.D. clinics and male homosexuals, is viral Hepatitis B (inflam- services in the area. The office is located at 3404- mation of the liver). Hepatitis B has traditionally 3407 Michigan Union, phone number: 763-4186. been associated with transmission through con- Send all health-related questions to: taminated blood products or needles, but is now} The Health Educator found to be transmissable by other means, in- University Health Service cluding sexual contact. 207 Fletcher Ave. A person who has come into sexual contact with Ann Arbor, MI 48109 someone who has a diagnosed Hepatitis B infection LETTERS: S. Africa To the Daily: Coverage of the South African crisis has been excellent so far in your. paper and I wish to congratulate your staff for their factual and aggressive reporting. I would like to comment, however, on the front page story (from AP and Reuter) that ap- peared Wednesday, May 2, "S. African panel calls for reform." Specifically, the statement which reads "The government's racial laws also keep blacks from voting and relegate them to cer- tain neighborhoods and restaurants" is a gross under- statement of the facts. Native South Africans have been robbed of their national identity by the white minority government. South Africans are forced to move onto one of several "homelands," divided according to ancestral heritage, and are not allowed outside the borders of these noncontiguous, desolate tracts of land unless they have proof that they are employed out- side these areas by white businesses, households, etc. This proof is proper stamping of this information in passbooks which they must have on them at all times. It is the policy of the white minority government that these barren tracts of land will become "independent nations;" in other words, the native South African population will no longer be con- sidered South Africans. In fact, a convenient pool ofworkers who can never become the neighbors of the white minority will have been formed in a way that the minority government hopes will be considered to be legitimate by the outside world. . - 'li elaids" 'policy is in active operatio ultimate goals ce" and "legit yet been realiz the situation children, the disabled are fo the "homeland the young and' are compelled t provided by bus white areas.E "allowed" to i shanty towns cities. The nati% cent of the popu call 13 per cen own. These lan estimated to ha provide subista ce for 2,008,001 people are forc The white mini the most devel fertile land fo The infant m "homelands"i disagrace. On born die befor of five. There every 44,000 Africa and av tancy for bla men, 32 for w( five city labo malnutrition laborers are c off than their terparts. The white g which advise Africans be a spitting in the faces of the m of South AfricK the world progressive be allow blacks to real situation i are not and ca coverage n now though the South Africans under the present of "independen- system; they are considered imacy" have not foreigners in their own land. ed. The reality of They may reside in South Africa is that women, only temporarily while they are elderly and the working for the white minority. rced to move onto How effective can any union be ss" while many of when it is organized under such able-bodied" men conditions? to live in barracks Unfortunately, the advice of sinesses within the this panel will probably be used Some people are by foreign investors and gover- lve in segregated nments such as the U.S. to excuse outside the main their diplomatic and economic ve majority, 87 per relationships with the racist ilation, is forced to South African government. t of the land their We must not allow this to hap- d areas have been pen. We must not allow any eve the capacity to whitewashing of star- ince level existen- vation/murder and nation theft 0 people. 8,000,000 by any group, anywhere in the ed to live on them. world. If we as , fellow human ority has reserved beings fail to stand up and speak ped and the most the truthton this matter, we con ir itself. tribute to the lies being per- ortality rate in the petrated. There is always the is an international danger that we will be referredito ie in two infants as some "silent majority" who by e reaching the age virtue of our silence are assumed is one doctor for to agree with "official" policy. blacks in South Let your voice be heard in verage life expec- speaking out against abominable cks is age 31 for actions of the white South African omen. Four out of government-write to the Regen- rers suffer from ts of the University of Michigan, and those city write to city administrators, to onsiderably better state and federal representatives "homeland" coun- and let them know there is no ac- ceptable excuse for economic and government panel diplomatic support of any mur- s that all South derously racist government bNe to unionize is anywhere in the world. This ocean and in the nation will not stand up for the ajority population human rights of the people of the a. The message to world unless its citizens do so. We is:- "We are will have to speak very loudly in cause we may now order to compete with the power- join unions." The ful voices of American cor- s that black people porations but we must not fail to nnot be considered do so. -Margaret Duncan