Page 18-Feidby May'11, 1979-The Michigan'Daily
Carter cautions against SALT 11 rejection
(Continued from Page 3)sacrosanct or that executive draf- sponsors scholarly exchanges between House, following nearly sever
st trying to rewrite SALT II on the tsmanship is infallible. the United States and the Soviet Union. complex negotiations und
Senate floor. "During the course of the debate, the Republican Leader Howard Baker presidents, drafting of a fo
Church said, "The vote for or against Senate may indeed strengthen SALT Jr. of Tennessee, who has suggested will continue for another two
the treaty should not be camouflaged II ... This is the proper role for the significant changes may be necessary weeks in Geneva.
by attempts to destroy it by indirec- Senate if responsibly exercised." to save the treaty, said he offered to THE ACCORD, which woul
tion" The Senate made substantial changes keep Carter informed of the GOP head feet until 1985, is intended
BUT WHILE cautioning against in the treaties Carter submitted to it for counts as the debate progresses. ceiling on long-range nucle
major changes that could force the returning the Panama Canal to "I don't want my president to fly in while laying down princi
Soviets to reject the agreement reached Panama by the year 2000. the dark, to fly blind," Baker told his significant weapon reducti
during six years of negotiations, Chur- CHURCH'S REMARKS were in a Senate colleagues. SALT III treaty to be negotia
ah added that "this is not to say that speech to the International Researches CARTER APPEALED to represen- future.
any treaty presented to the Senate is and Exchanes Bord.arp hic' h e Amprir;, Rptail 1hrmi i
n years of
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d be in ef-
to put a
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Brezhnev calls SALT
stage 'epnsbe
MOSCOW (AP) - Soviet President
Leonid Brezhnev said yesterday the
Soviet Union and United States are "at
a responsible stage" for making impor-
tant decisions to curb the arms race.
Brezhnev's remarks, carried by the
official Soviet news agency Tass, were
the first top-level Kremlin statement
since Wednesday's announcement in
Washington that the two countries had
reached basic agreement on a new
treaty to limit strategic weapons.
Western diplomats in Moscow said
they were puzzled by the Soviet Union's
delayed reporting of the agreement,
which was limited to a brief report
yesterday over Moscow radio.
A senior diplomatic source said the
slow response, which came 17 hours af-
ter the news broke in Washington, did
not appear to reflect a hitch in efforts to
ready the treaty for signing at a sum-
mit next month.
Brezhnev's statement did not deal
with the SALT II agreement in detail. It
came in a greeting to Americans
visiting recently opened Soviet cultural
exhibits in New York and Washington.
TheSoviet leader said mutual under-
standing and trust between the two
superpowers "depends first of all on the
success of the joint efforts by the
governments of the U.S.S.R. and the
United States in solving such a cardinal
task of our time as ending the arms
"Our countries are at a responsible
stage of adopting important decisions
LOGAN, Utah (AP)-Renovation on
the historic Logan temple of the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has
been completed.
One of the main reasons for the
renovation, which began in 1976, was to
increase the 95-year-old temple's
capacity to handle sacred ordinances
such as marriages, baptisms and
family sealings.
"The new temple will take 75 per cent
more capacity than the old one," said a
spokesman for the church.
in this field that will provide ground to
look with much optimism into the
future - a peaceful, bright future, as
we want to believe and do believe," he
In Peking, China's senior vice
premier said the United States should
not rely too heavily on the arms treaty.
The meeting between President Car-
ter and Brezhnev, the first Soviet-
American summit since Carter took of-
fice, is projected for mid-June. Sites
said to be under consideration are
Stockholm, Helsinki, Geneva and Vien-
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance an-
nounced Wednesday in Washington that
agreement had finally been reached on
key provisions of the SALT II treaty. I
ive ot Le american neca
Federation "to help me sell to the
American people and directly to the
U.S. Senate the advantages of
Contending ratification would be "the
most important single achievement
that could possibly take place during
my lifetime for our nation," Carter
declared, "Rejection of this treaty, now
that it has been negotiated ... would
be a massive, destructive blow to world
Carter, continuing a personal lob-
bying effort with Senate members, met
during the day with Church and other
senators from both parties.
CHURCH, WHOSE committee will
have initial jurisdiction over the pact,
expressed hope the panel can complete
about a month of hearings by the end of
After that, he said, the Senate Armed
Services Committee probably will want
to consider the treaty, which he said
would likely delay floor debate until
sometime in September.
Although agreement on a treaty was
announced Wednesday at the White
i roug lam, i woul iix a limit of
2,250 on the mix of intercontinental
ballistic missiles and bombers Russia
and the United States each can deploy.
THE TREATY also would limit the
number of warheads per missile.
Asked what factors will loom largest
in Senate debate, Church said:
"One is whether there is equal treat-
ment here - no hidden advantage here
for the Soviet Union.. .-Secondly is the
matter of verification.
"If the treaty neets those two stan-
dards, then I think it clearly is in the in-
terests of this country."
SALT II is being denounced by foes as
an unequitable and unverifiable pact
that would give the Soviet Union a
definite advantage in long-range
missiles and bombers and a chance of
winning a nuclear war with the United
Meanwhile, State Department
spokesman Thomas Reston said there
would be an announcement "very shor-
tly" on the time and site of a summit
meeting between Carter and Soviet
leader Leonid Brezhnev to complete the
Troopers still lack representative
With UPI reports
Due to what a Michigan State
Troopers Association official called
Gov. Milliken's "efforts to sabotage"
state troopers' rights, a representative
still has not been elected for the
troopers during collective bargaining.
A state troopers spokesperson said the
officers may file an unfair labor prac-
tices suit against Milliken.
In order to appear at the bargaining-
table, the troopers association must
have an elected representative. Union
elections have been held up for the past
six months in a dispute over who should
conduct the elections.
"OUR INTENT as far as an election
goes, was to go to the Michigan Em-
ployment Relations Commission
(MERC )," said troopers association
Executive Director Doyle Brown.
According to Brown, however,
Milliken insists the Civil Service Com-
mission conduct the elections, in
keeping with constitutional mandates
dealing with state workers.
Troopers say they want the Civil Ser-
vice Commission to stay out of the elec-
tion process, since, in addition to
regulating state workers' employment,
it also contracts for arbitration.
BECAUSE THE troopers cannot ap-
pear at the bargaining table, they
might take the issueto court, filing an
unfair labor practice charge against
Milliken. "We're drafting a court suit,"
Brown said. He explained that a body of
law is needed which can handle unfair
labor practice cases. The association
wanted MERC, which has this type of
body, to handle the problem, but "the
governor controls the MERC staff,"
Brown said.
Bob Pisarski, Director of the Bureau
of EmploymentaRelations for MERC
said, "If we are assigned to do it, we're
willing and able to conduct the elec-
tions. I'm a bureaucrat - I take orders.
The decision is elsewhere," he added,
referring to Milliken's office.
According to Brown, although
Michigan voters passed an amendment
granting state police troopers the right
to collective bargaining in November,
1978, "The governor has never
cooperated (with the troopers)."
Brown admitted, however, that
Milliken has never given the troopers'
association a specific reason for wan-
ting to block the elections.
KEN FRANKLAND, legal counsel
for the governor, denied Brown's
allegation. "The governor has made
every effort to implement the con-
stitutional amendment," Frankland
said. "We have no problems with
collective bargaining with the
troopers." The amendment requires an
In an effort to save the situation, the
troopers association on Monday offered
to let the elections be run by the
American Arbitration Association
(AAA), with the troopers association
footing half the election costs.
Frankland said, "They (the troopers)
were looking for an objective body and
we thought the AAA (would suffice)."
However, the AAA would have to be
authorized by the Civil Service Coin-
mission. Troopers see this as another
tactic on Milliken's part to avoid the
bargaining table and decided against
~h toatn
Wednesday nights
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Open 11;30 A.M.-Mon.-Fri.
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Also, according to Brown, Milliken
met privately at least once with
Richard Ross of the Civil Service
Commission. The Civil Service is not a
third party, but is controlled by
Milliken," Brown said.
ROSS COULD not be reached for
comment, but asked if he knew of any
private meetings between the governor
and Ross, Frankland said, "Not that
I'm aware of."
Milliken has vetoed similar measures
to allow MERC to conduct the election.
Once, according to Brown, Milliken
vetoed a plan even though all members
of the Michigan Senate and House of
Representatives backed the bill. "I
think we have the support of the
legislature," said Brown.