Page 2-Friday, May 11, 1979-The Michigan Daily Women in 'U' administration: step-by-step gains (Continued from Pagei) to maintain the place of women in ad- Several male administrators said not because they're men, but because ministration because men are eager to they disagree with Mueller's opinion. there are men in the office I look to for of minorities into University Hospital have these jobs," said Mueller. "I SPEND most of my time with men, help," said Assistant Dean for administration. Academic Affairs Eugene Nissen. he also said he views women ad- CRAIG CLAIMED she doesn't have ministrators as "efficient, proficient" problems that are unique to her as a and he "can't imagine any man would minority. "It's very easy to say you be able to do any better." have problems asa minority. That is an Another problem for femalead- easy cop-out. Any administrator is Aohrpolmfrfml d bound to have problems," she said. ministrators is trying to combine an administrative career with raising a " s ' gfamily. The shortage of child care "In nursing, it's my feeling that IR facilities on campus has been noted in have more problems being a woman in the pas administration than a minority in nur- the past. sing administration," said Davis. "We still live in a society that expects " 'a working woman to be doing two jobs," "I don't think that one can separate said Rasmussen. "It's going to take the two," she added. "What somebody women a long time to develop societal else may perceive in one area, I per- ceive in both." supports, to have better facilities for eivein bth.children," she continued. But the situation for women looks en- MUELER CIMEDr eme inad- couraging, according to Rasmussen. ministration view their female coun- "It takes a while to get into the terparts differently than their fellowp "skesaiwh i t itethe males, pipeline," she said. "If it is true that women are getting into career ladders, "The men on campus are most frien- it looks fairly favorable for years to dly with other men - they help their come." colleagues get advancement - it's hard Craig Davis U.S. House turns down gas rationing plan (Continued fromPage 1) saying even though the proposal was called a standby plan, "within a very short period of time, you will find it im- plemented." CARTER ORIGINALLY wanted to allocate rationing coupons based solely on the number of registered vehicles in a household. But he modified the plan twice in an attempt to pick up needed votes. BROTHERS PROVIDENCE, RI. (AP)-In what they believe is a first, Rhode Island state senatorial brothers Michael and James Flynn have introduced a bill that would prevent job discrimination based on age. The "first" is not the idea of banning age discrimination, but the brotherly cooperation in introducing the bill. Since the Flynns are thought to be the first brothers to serve together in thel chamber, they would be the only ones to have had the opportunity to co- introducce legislation. NEW HOURS BILLIARDS and BOWLING Now open 11:30 A.M. Mon.-Fri. 1 P.M. Sat.-Sun. at the UNION The final plan would still allocate gas based on the number of registered vehicles but the number of coupons issued per vehicle would depend on the past statewide average for gasoline use. Average per-vehicle gasoline con- sumption among states ranges from 38 gallons a month to 67 gallons a month, with the average at about 64 gallons per month. STATES ABOVE this-average would get more than an average number of gas coupons while those below would get less. The plan would limit eligibility to three cars per household. Although details remain to be worked out, preliminary plans would have the government mail the appropriate num- ber of ration "checks" to each house. THESE, IN TURN, would be brought to banks or other financial institutions and exchanged for actual ration THE MICHIGAN DAILY H CUSPS 344-900)\ Volume LXXXIX, No.8-S Friday, May 11, 1979 is edited and managed by students at the University of, Michigan. Published dailyTuesday through Sunday morn- ings during the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12 Septem- ber through April (2 semesters) $ 13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer1ses- sion published Tuesday through Satur- day mornings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 by mail out- side Ann Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST- MASTER: Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. coupons which would be used, along ration would range from about 30 to 50 with cash or credit cards, to buy gas at gallons per month per automobile, the pump. depending where a person lived. Motorists could buy and sell excess Motorcycles would get smaller propor- coupons without restriction. tionate amounts while trucks would get A total of eight per cent of the total more under the plan. supply would be set aside to meet Meanwhile, Sen. Paul Laxalt, (R- special "hardship" cases. The amount Nev.), came up with his own novel way distributed would depend on the to ease gasoline shortages. He proposed severity of the shortage and is not part that his state enter the gasoline of the legislation. business itself and "purchase gasoline HOWEVER, FOR a loss of oil sup- on the domestic and international plies on the magnitude of 20 per cent, a market," and then resell it to Nevada rough calculation shows the likely residents. City contraet violated, waste dumped i-sat (Cssinsefromage - (Continued from Page 1) tract with Ny TREX exempt the city from liability for the sludge and force NyTREX to buy liability insurance for sludge dumping. "They (the city) are liable," claimed Calvin Lowe, owner of NyTREX. "I don't care what their contract says . .. You just have to read the federal order on that." Sprague said the permit DNR issued to the city is vague on which party carries responsibility for the sludge. "They can't get out of the responsibility as far as the contract is concerned. The have been responsible in the past few months by going to Ohio, whether they know it or not," Sprague said. "We maintain that the contract is not legal." Abbott earlier yesterday said NyTREX did not have permission from the DNR to dump sludge on the Sharon Township site. The site is not licensed as a sludge disposal site. ABBOTT INDICATED the DNR was pressuring the city toaccept respon- sibility for the sludge. NyTREX owner Lowe said he had planned to tell Murray about the sludge dumping in Michigan at a May 14 meeting, but had not yet had time to in- form city officials. Murray refused to comment last night on whether the city would take ac- tion against NyTREX. ALTHOUGH CITY Council last week tentatively approved the 23 per cent utilities rate increase, the city has been looking for methods to have developers pay a portion of the $1 million sludge hauling is likely to cost the city in the next twoyears. Last week Murray asked a group of developers gathered at the Chamber of Commerce if they could foot part of the sludge hauling costs, since increased sludge is caused/by new buildings con- necting to the city's sewer system. Murray asked developers to pick up part of the tab for sludge hauling through a surcharge on sewer connec- tion permits, building permits, or site plan reviews. At a similar meeting yesterday, developers still had not agreed to pay surcharges on permits, although several said they would try to work out an ordinance with the city on sur- charges. GRAND MOGUL NEW YORK (AP)-"The Grand Mogul: Imperial Painting in India 1600- 1660" will be on display at the Asia House Gallery through June 10. The show consists of 73 paintings. - - - - - - - - - - - - I I COUPON $1.00 OFF ANY LARGE PIZZA NOT TO BE USED WITH ANY OTHER COUPON ONLY ONE COUPON PER PIZZA. NO TAKE OUT. Exp, May 31, 1979 51MOS DOWNTOWNI- 114 E. Washington i i i t E _4 . w rasw r "ws rrM Mr r irĀ® . w a i w w s s ,rrr rrs . .* .