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May 11, 1979 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1979-05-11

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Michigan Daily
an Ten Cents

Vol. TXXXIX No. 8-S
Friday, May 11. 1979
Twenty Pages

Ann Arbor, Michigc

House rejects
Carter's gas
rationing plan
CARTER HAD submitted the plan
WASHINGTON (AP) - The House under a 1975 law requiring him to do so
yesterday rejected President Carter's and giving Congress 60 days in which to
request for standby gasoline rationing act on it. That time runs out today.
authority despite an impassioned ap- The House recessed until next Mon-
peal from Speaker Thomas O'Neill that day after the rationing vote, meaning
"this is the only plan you have." there is no possibility the plan could be
The vote was 246 to 159. revived.
The vote killed the twice-modified However, the House did approve -
plan that would have given the by a unanimous voice vote - Carter's
president authority to order gasoline plan to require that thermostats in
rationing in times of severe energy public buildings be set at no less than 80
shortages. degrees in the summer and no more
O'NEILL BLAMED parochial in- than 65inthewinter. I
terests for torpedoing the proposal, REP. JOHN Dingell, (D-Mich.),
saying legislators looked only at how chairman of the House energy and
the plan would affect their own areas. power subcommittee, said the law did
"Today I'm shedding a tear for not require Carter to submit another
America. This is the only plan you plan if Congress rejected his first one.
have," O'Neill said in an emotional "The possibility of the president
speech from the floor. submitting another plan is very slight,"
White House analysts had feared Dingell declared.
from the beginning that modifications Voting against the measure were 106
made to pick up needed votes from Democrats and 140 Republicans.
senators from large rural states would REP. JOHN Brademas, (D-Ind.), at-
cost the plan support among urban tributed Carter's defeat partly to con-
legislators in the House. fusion over the plan's impact on each
member's district. He said many House
members believed a vote for the plan
would be "taking a leap into the
The Senate had approved the plan
eontrac ~ Wednesday by a58-39 margin.
Backers of the standby plan had in-
The city currently is planning to raise sisted it would be used only for a major
the price of sewage service by 23 per interruption of oil supplies like another
cent, and this year the increase is in Arab oil boycott and not to ease long
large part due to paying for sludge lines at gas stations.
hauling. "THIS IS A plan to put on the shelf in
"We pay them n the basis of case this nation finds itself in a dire
mileg, Ciy Ademin h bsista Syvete emergency," said Rep. Phil Gramm,
Murray said after he found out about And Energy Secretary James
the sludge dumping last night. "If we
find that he is either violating the law, Schlesinger, testifying yesterday
ochrigus-for more than the ser- before the House Ways and Means
or charging s rmrehntesr- Committee, asserted: "Unless there is
vice he is providing, then we've got Comijteeasete"nteris
problems," Murray said. a major debacle in the international
Although the Ann Arbor sludge a arena - there iszero.probability of
pears to be relatively free of pollutants, gasoline rationing."
sai Abot, lauesin hecit'scon- But House Republican Leader John
said Abbott, clauses in the city's - Rhodes of Arizona urged rejection,
See CITY, Page 2 See U.S., Page 2

WHO SAYS members of royalty never get their hands dirty? Prince Khalid Talal
Abdulaziz Al-Saud, nephew of King Khalid of Saudi Arabia, fills the gas tank of a
friend's car in Redwood City, California. The 17-year-old high school senior com-
plained about the long lines, which California's off-even rationing plan, imple-
mented yesterday, was supposed to curtail.
Sludge hauler violates

The company that Ann Arbor pays to
haul sludge from the city's waste
treatment plant dumped sludge on
farms in Michigan without telling the
city and in violation of its contract,
state, county, and city officials said
According to a Department of
Natural Resources (DNR) official, the
city also may bear legal responsibility
for any harm to the environment
resulting from the use of sludge as fer-
tilizer on farm lands.
yesterday from the Michigan Depar-
tment of Natural Resources (DNR)

that the Ohio company, NyTREX, was
dumping the city's sludge on a Sharon
Township farm, in southern Washtenaw
NyTREX managed to obtain "oral
permission" from the DNR to dump
sludge in Michigan, according to
Richard Sprague, who is in charge of
sludge disposal permits for the DNR.
NyTREX failed for at least three
weeks to tell the city it has been dum-
ping sludge in Sharon Township, accor-
ding to City Utilities Director Wayne
ABOUT one-quarter what NyTREX
charges the city goes for fuel to haul
sludge to Ohio, Abbott said.

Women in
Women administrators have begun to
appear in significant numbers on
college campuses only in the past eight
years, according to a recent study of
the Office of Communications Services
in Washington, D.C.
The study reported the number of
women in administration in state
universities and land grant colleges has
increased from a token few in 1971 to 21
per cent of all administrators in 1978.
WOMEN ARE not prevalent in the
highest level of administration,
however - almosto80 per cent of female
administrators are assistant or
associate presidents or deans.
At this University, only the dean of

'U' administration: Step-by-step gains
the School of Nursing, Mary Lohr, and "They have been working to achieve be slower as a result of challenges men
the dean of the School of Education, their objectives," said Brinkerhoff. are making in the courts. I don't think
Joan Stark, are women, and bothfields "Over time, more than half of the ad- that's a reason for us to stop. This
traditionally have been dominated by ministrators will be women." means it has to be pursued with per-
women. Some women say they think recent sistent vigor," said Kate Davis, a black
Affirmative action efforts seem to charges of reverse discrimination may woman appointed last week to the
have begun channeling women into hurt the position of women in ad- position of clinical director of com-
administration. ministration. munity health nursing of University
"Women have made their way up to "I THINK it'll be difficult to continue Hospital.
middle management, but women have the trend if affirmative action weakens Though the field of nursing ad-
not made their way to the top slots," as it has seemed to," said former ministration is traditionally occupied
said Sue Rasmussen of the University Associate LSA Dean Eva Mueller. "It by women, it is interesting to note that
Affirmative Action Office. may be hard to maintain our goals. It the appointments of Davis, and of
JAMES BRINKERHOFF, University may even be hard to remain where we Mayble Craig, another black woman, to
vice-president and Chief Financial Of- are now because there are fewer out- the position of clinical director of
ficer, said women aren't in top level side pressures (pushing for affirmative medical nursing, mark the first inroads
administration because they've entered action.)"
Mthe work force more recently than men. "The process of hiring women may S WOMEN, Pagez

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