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April 20, 1979 - Image 34

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1979-04-20

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Doily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
REGENT DEANE BAKER (R-Ann Arbor) makes his way through a crowd of protesters just before the Regents met on

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Who are
(Continued from Page 1)
them can be found among other
politically active campus organizations
like the People's Action Coalition
(PAC) and the (Political Science Prof.
Joel) Samoff Student Support Commit-
While their particular interests vary,
the demonstrators have come together
around the issue of divestment. Their
strong commitment to ending the
University's association with cor-
porations that do business in South
Africa is demonstrated by weekly
strategy sessions and carefully or-
chestrated protests of the last two
Regents' meetings.
And while other groups - like those
supporting tenure for Samoff and op-
posing consolidation of Hill-area dining
facilities - have shown the ability to
mount such demonstrations, the WC-
CAA is distinguished by the loud per-
sistence it has been able to sustain in its
pro-divestment activity. The coalition
may be the nearest thing to an impor-
tant political movement on campus
because it has been organized for more
than a year's time.
WCCAA MEMBERS say they are
sure their actions are having an effect
on the University Regents.
"We're definitely going to win. It's
just a question of how long it takes,"
said WCCAA spokesman Mike Taylor.
"They (the Regents) do respond if the
pressure's big enough. But you've
really got to push them," he said.
"When you have a meeting like this,
when the Regents are forced out of their
normal pattern, they can't help but feel
that pressure," said WCCAA member
Jemadari Kamara.
Petoskey) cautiously assessed the
coalition's contribution. It is "perhaps
making us realize more fully than we
otherwise would, how strongly they feel
about it (divestment), or how strongly
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