{ ~The Michigan Daily-Thursday, May 10, 1979-Padge 11 Pm~3Vf: I ii 1:1 'I i 2Z!! Wards 0-14 15-2 1 22-28 29-35 36-42 43-49 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES 1 2 3 4 5 ad 1.70 3.40 4.60 580 700 10 *255 510 6.90 8.70 1050 15 3.40 6.80 9.20 11.60 1400 20 4.25 8.50 11.50 14.50 17.50 25 5.10 1020 13.80 17.40 21.00 30 6.80 11.90 16.10 2030 24,50 35 add. 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 DAILY LINE CONTRACT Number of Weeks Number of Weeks 13 26 39 Inches/week 13 26 39 34 .31 27 6 2.10 1.90 1.65 33 30 .26 9 2.05 1.85- 1.60 31 28 .24 12 2.00 1.80 1.55 30 27 .23 15 1.95. 175 1.50 28 .25 21 18 1.90 1.70 1.45 27 .26 .20 over 18 1.80 1 65 1.40 26 .24 .18 24 23 17 23 .22 .16 SUBLET JUNE-AUG., 2 hedroom apartment. Fur- nished, parking, taundry, AC, rest negotiable. 995- 2833. 32U516 FALL OPTION with summer subtet uvuituhte Juse. 2 roams is coaperativety rus semi-vegi house. Yard, wood tisishisgs, Burss Parh area. 2 wmin or womas and mas. Catt 062-2445 persistestty.! OWN ROOM is quiet, ctean modern 2-man apart- ment sear North Campas. Lots of space, batcony, dishwasher. Fatt option at ittte or no increase. 665-5722. dU5ts SPRING AND/ON _SUMMER SUBLET. Spacious room in Coed house. Catt Cares evenings and week- endsopersistently, 995-3461. 23U511 SUPER SUBLET FOR MALE-t furnished bedroam in Vittage Green Apartments. Avaitabte tate May through August. $75/month. Catt 995-9430. t8U5t7 READ THIS AD! Fantastic suhlet availably Jose 21st thraugh Aug. it1 Beautiful sunny room in hoiusse close to campus and tM building. Proc-cheap and negotiable. Call 769- 0886 pesistently U510i tMMEDIIATE OIPENING Inr indisidual to shave apartment in Walden Hills Complex. 2 heitrooms, 2 bath, pioil, and costis courts. Rent negotiabale. Contact Johnoor Larry at668-t1753. 71lU507 CAMPUS MANAGEMENT INC. line beidroomo furnished apt, Acailable immediately. I blotck from campus.,mwi tall optin.We alsoi hiaveother 1usnd 2 brdrooim subiletsavibl .137 E tlurnsSI.a663-41i1 FEMALE NEEDED to share tarnished one-hed- roam apartment._Call 995-8913 after5:00. 99U512 OWN ROOM available for tall in coed house with 5 quiet hut fun-loving students. 110 Main sear Hoover, close to Stadium, tM Bldg., and Commuter Bus Route. Rent negotiable. Call Anna, t-5 p.m., 764-6274. dU512 SUBLET-ONE BEDROOM apartment. Ideal fnr cnupte. Falt option. June-August, negotiabte. 789- 4847. 98U511 SPACE FOR ONE WOMAN is a 2 bedroam apart- ment 2 btocks from South Quad. May-August. Price negotiabte. Catt. 764-0552 or 995-2376 persistently. dU5t2 SUBLET-Furanshed twii bedroom apartment. Cor- ner of Packard-Madison. Balcitny, air conditioning. 994-06t5.tI OU4tS OWN ROOfM in quiet, clean modern S-man apart- went near North Campus. Lots of space, hatcony, dishwasher. Fall option at little or no increase. 665-5772, dU5lI HEY WIMEN! May-Aug., ins bedrotm in a two iedrooim apt. Parking. A.C., skylights. cervilare. great roommate Rate negotiable. 662-in9t. :35U415 SONY n-TRACE STEREO tape recorder, 2 VU meters, Pause, auto eject. 662-5330. 3nX5t6 Ut)DIAI2STRI)M Semi-Automatic guitar. test tfler user $22 -761-04:31 exte EPtPttIiNE GUITARt SALE. Electrics and Acios tics. Ttip Savings through May. Apolli Music ICenter, ca-I S.Main. Ann Arbor. 719-14iM. exte ROLAND) SPACE ECtHO tapi- delay with swell. 769-904:31 exte VEGA 5TENORIIBAND,).11Old. oustselwihof i-ass.6-94:ii 1.a eXte RiAtt -ACTiORfauthiirict-tlamp. isali- tplto t:33i(i off' Stiiilivoir li-mu. Apiilii Music (i-stir. 769- i4H1i cXfc 35, WATT LAt-AYETTE, $1113Oii0Walt Shrwcood, V00. En-i-il-ni cindiiio. 6626744. IXaus N. B.. Each group of characters coasts as one word. Hyphenated words 0vev 5 characters count as two words ( this includes telephone numbers) 8 lines equals 1 inch 7 words per lineI iContinued from Page 101 VIC PtEIDNI'fo sal, bt roin import TYPtNG, experienced all hinds. Reasonable,.1971- ucporation. Management, marbeting,3ao9accuoI52,1515 ing cills requireid. fompiuter shutls desired. Send TYPtNG SERVICE-Reasonahle Rates. 453-2243. risame to: P.O. Bos 7950, Ann Arbor, MI 4fiii7 13J512 9111517 t DEStGN StGNS, murals, and layouts at reason- lfiitSEKE-SEtc, 7-10 hours week. 35:1/ho uoy able prices. Commercial and private accounts. Call Hurns Parkh area. 769-1672 eves. or weeeds. Lori at1663-2743 or7691-5183. 33,J512 TEACHI OVERSEAS'!YPN Send Isell-aiddressed, stamped.,iiingrenceliipe tic TYPING/BINDING EACHINcG. P.O. tox 1149, SaonIDiegiiCA 92112.lfu-isscrtuti-, 9211510 The-sscem Payes IllNTERf GATHIERIERfS SuesiesslI i iii it sum Join iimalaanoYeti,ueist Lli Dectails95-4658s cltc Julie Birdsall 665-9843 171 Vl~tTEISNEIEI- 612 S. Forest Suite B tve iii ofMMchigao Ailergy Dui-siooeeds mal ous- er cioi-csaged 1i-:35 years ito participate io WIIITING) SERIVICES.Cri-atic-,Techbnical. Editiog; a -tytai eterminettheior i ptimal dosage olaaidrug lRse-arch. Typiiig. Expe-ri-enci-dProfessioai l.9i oSichbaslieeowidelyused inimiical pacticer 1l56 iiorwminy scars Weineed normalsbjects witbiout c-ftc aiiiirgii-s ir uoter seriosus medical priibems. Pac- COPIES: :1121geach, isi-rnight. tiiat ilb suido ocosctv asLowst Prics! Fastest Service' onas out-patieot basis. IRemuneration will be $100l. Ac-oy 2 .Wlim 6-33 Pli-asecaull 76.-141tfor furtber information.7711712 Ac-fp.54FWila,79ocu "Typiog. ex perienceid all binids.cR-asonablle. 971-:36/9 BU I E SS R IE 52J515 THE SECRETARIAT Term PapticsTheses S&IDisertations I WANT-TII BUY a gioid quality bicycleRligh, Typing Copying &Binding fGitoc., etc.) in g od ciinditiion Man ir woiman Do a Tree o Favor:' Recycle Your Daily 812SoutStat Sreet 194-3154 904 Mio.Sat. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING -POLICY SD deadline is 12 noon the day before publication (4 P.M. Fri. for San.) including corrections and cancellntions. The Dailyp is not responsible for more thus one incorrect insertion at an ad. Advertisements map be remoed from pablication but will be billed according tn aniginal number of daps ordered. This policp is also applicable to ads reqoiring pre-payment, i.e., no refunds. Information regarding content of classified ads cannont by disclosod prior to pubcation. Adertisers' names map neoer be reoealed. Number of ines in adoertisements is determined by ttal number of wrds- 7 words/tine. "Help Wanted" ads cannot discriminate on the basin of sea, color, creod or national origin to asp extent i.e. "preferably" is still discriminatory). ~Found ads are ran free-of-charge note-' maximum uf 3 lioos for 3~daps. styli oh. Call Kiehua 9 1-7a6, dE i FIAT 124 Sports Coupe, 72, 5sped, rebuilt engine, new Michelin radials, gas eonomy, t1000.40243608 LOW hCOIST TRAVEL TOI ISRAEL. Tiill Free 8011 22:1-7676.9 a.m -6 p m. N.Y. tme. 661P511 LOIVE BOIATS WANTS YOU. EXCITINGCI AREERLS O)R SUMMER JOIBS, WORLD WIDSE TRAVEL. PFlE DETAILS RUSH $1.00 CRUISESHIIPS INTER- NATIONAL. BOIX53o188. MIAMI SHOIRES. FLA. :3:315:3.67P516 LOW COOT TRAVEL to Iurael. Toll Free 80-223- 7676, 9a.m.-6 p.m. N.Y. time. 66p511 ARC.'NOIWEflIAN ELKHIOUiND PUPS. clod watch dogs, good with children, nice dispositiiin. Reasoinabl' all 48:3-973evesings btorch1. TEACHERS witlt-a grades. Lowaiscume Catholic schools iv Teasu. Small monthly sti- pend, furnished bousng and basic needdsenroided. Begin Aug.12. I Wet. Vsluoes for EdcatinalI ad $nsleI Srvies. Sox N, 301 Sooth Congssm Austin.. Taxs earn $100 a month for 2 or 3 hours a week of your spare time. do You may save a life! It's easy and relaxing. Be a twice-a-week regular. $10 cash each donation, plus bonuses. this ad worth $5 extra New donors only. Phone for appointment. ANN ARBOR PLASMA CORPORATION 662-7744 x