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May 09, 1979 - Image 13

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Michigan Daily, 1979-05-09

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, May 9, 1979-Page 13
U.S., Soviets to sign SALT II in June

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WASHINGTON (AP) - The United
States and the Soviet Unionhave
reached basic agreement on a new
treaty to limit strategic nuclear
weapons, and the pact will be signed at
a June summit meeting in Europe, ac-
cording to administration sources.
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance is ex-
pected to make the formal announ-
cement on the treaty this afternoon at
the White House.
Vance met briefly late yesterday with
Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin
to put final touches on the agreement, a
meeting that lasted only seven minutes.
Department spokesman, said Vance
described the session as "an excellent

one" "
But administration sources said
while the treaty itself was nailed down,
further negotiations were needed to set-
tle on a 'precise time and place for
President Carter and Soviet leader
Leonid Brezhnev to sign the arms con-
trol accord.
Later in the week, if agreement is
reached on the specific date and site for
a summit meeting between President
Carter and Soviet President Leonid
Brezhnev, that will be announced
THE SOVIETS are understood to
have proposed the summit be held in
Helsinki, Finland. Other so-called
neutral cities under consideration are

Vienna, Austria; Stockholm, Sweden;
and Geneva, Switzerland.
Vance told reporters on Capitol Hill
that he and Dobrynin "have discussed
in preliminary fashion the possible
locations of a summit and, in addition,
the date of a summit, but nothing has
been finalized."
The strategic arms limitation treaty,
SALT II, will impose restrictions on
U.S. and Soviet long-range bombers
and intercontinental ballistic missiles
through 1985. The accord has been un-
der negotiation for nearly seven years.
THIS YEAR alone, Vance and
Dobrynin held 25 negotiating sessions
at the State Department. Their talks on

Pharmacists learn new patient skills at
(Continuedfrom Page3) necessary in the pharmacist/physician training instead of the five now
implement clinical and on-sight prac- relationship. "They need cooperation required for the Bachelor of Science to
tice," she added. Pharmacists are and association to improve patient "provide better professional training.
being more closely trained now in care," Eich said. The additional year will provide
assisting physicians. In their patient THE AMERICAN Commission of students with more clinical experien-
counselling, they can enhance College of Pharmacy in its Report of ce," he said.
physician/patient relations, Kim- the Study Commission of Pharmacy The college currently offers elective
berline added. said these changes in the profession courses in communication skills such
"We try to help by solving the per- have been advocated by both internal as the one taught by Eich, "Com-
son's problems," Kimberlin said. "As and external forces. Internally, the munication in Health Care." The focus
pharmacists, if the problem can be Commission reports, pharmacists are of the course is to help students under-
solved by drug therapy, we're the ex- responding to changes in the direction stand the basic concepts of com-
perts." She said that patients' problems of research, education, and to a shift in munication theory and to apply these
may be psychological or emotional and attitudes and aspirations of phar- ideas to a variety of health -care
in these cases, the pharmacist is not the macists, and to the development of organization. The course includes in-
expert. what is referred to as "clinical phar- terpersonal communication as well as
DURING THE workshop, the 120 macy." Externally, social, economic, small group, public and written com-
pharmacists were given the oppor- and political changes in the health ser- munciation. Eich said, "There is a
tunity to practice some of the skills vice delivery system have forced combination of courses and continuing
Kimberlin spoke about. pharmacists to re-evaluate their skills education programs to expose current
They participated in role-playing in communication to interact directly and former students and practitioners"
with each other and group leaders in with patients. to communicationskills.
hypothetical situations to learn to Pharmacists have not always been PHARMACISTS FROM the Ann Ar-
communicate with their patients. They trained in patient relations. The bor area who attended the symposium
also discussed personal encounters and University is moving toward a Doctor see communication skills essential to
talked about how those situations of Pharmacy program instead of the their role. Lowell Jay of Luck Drugs
should or could have been handled traditional Bachelor of Science degree will graduate fromthe University
more effectively. pharmacists receive, "as strongly College of Pharmacy at the end of June.
The symposium, designed to examine suggested by the Millis Commission," He said the changing role of phar-
the expanding role of pharmacists was said James Richards, Associate Dean macists is "something you can't jump
the first to include a workshop with the of the College of Pharmacy. Richards right into" but is in favor of the
lectures, said Eich. Pharmacists need said the Doctor of Pharmacy is the initiation of communication skills to the
these skills to improve patient "degree of the future." It will require
education, but the skills are also students to have six years of academic

Monday produced the breakthrough,
but administration officials withheld an
immediate announcement.
White House press secretary Jody
Powell said yesterday he hoped to have
an announcement on SALT sometime
this week. He also said two announ-
cements were possible, with one
focused on the treaty and the second on
a date for a Carter-Brezhnev summit.
APPROVAL OF two-thirds of the
senators present - a minimum of 67 if
all 100 vote - is required for
Before a summit takes place, U.S.
and Soviet experts will assemble in
Geneva to prepare the text of the
profession. "Communication skills are
very important," he said. "We do
patient counselling with every new
prescription. Patients usually don't un-
derstand the medication," he added,
and doctors don't always have the time
to explain how the medication is to be
taken. If the physician has already
given the patient instruction, the phar-
macists's counselling "acts as a rein-
forcement," he said.
Dan Hunter of Collins Drugs became
a pharmacist in 1960. He said, "There
has been a change in what they're
(pharmacy schools) teaching. The
change will be slow in coming in."
Patient counselling, said Hunter,
"benefits us business-wise and it
benefits patients. A lot of doctors are
too busy to completely explain (the
Hunter said continuing education
courses should "very definitely" be
implemented in the annual license
"A change like this doesn't happen
overnight," said another Ann Arbor
pharmacist who attended the sym-
posium. "Both roles (those of phar-
macists and physicians) are changing
and we have to learn to work

State gas stations won't Odd-even plan for buying
participate in shut-down gas begins in California
(Continued from Page 9) (Continued from Page 9)
would understand our plight"
SINCE 1972, he said, 50,000 retail gas Shipley also criticized both state and assigned among the odd numbers. exact causes is something that's very
dealers have gone out of business. federal authorities for their inability to THe regulations limit gasoline to 20 elusive," state Energy Commission
"Based on the profit figures, there is convince the public there actually is an gallons per car, and prohibit "topping Chairman Richard Maullin said Mon
no indication any of the large oil com- oil crisis. off" by motorists with gauges reading day. "I don't have a handle -on it and
panies are on the verge of bankruptcy," The association represents about more than half full. Violations carry neither does the federal Department o
Shipley said. "If the average workers 1,500 members, comprising one-third of misdemeanor penalties for both Energy."
was forced to live on 1974 wages, they all the gasoline stations in the state. motorists and operators of up to $500 in
_ _ ._ivsauiiin: anu., niarr iiu LiiiL iih"


Prof. rf'ceires citation
Prof. George Kish of the University maps. He has also contributed to the
geography department received an fields of Soviet Geography, and
award citation from the Association of economic, regional, and political
American Geographers at its 75th an- geography.
nual meeting in Philadelphia. His most recent books are "Northeast
The citation honors Kish "for his wide Passage: Adolf Erik Nordenskiold, His
range of contributions to the field of Life and Times" and "History of Car-
geography, and especially history of tography," both published in 1973.
cartography, and for many years of He has received several international
service to the geographic profession on honors, including the "Andree Plaque"
the national and international scene." of the Swedish Academy of Sciences.,
A member of the University faculty Born in 1914 in Budapest, Hungary,
since 1939, Kish is the author, co-author Kish received degrees in geography,
or editor of eight books, and author of economics and political science from
more than 100 articles, book chapters, the Ecole des Sciences Politiques in
and monographs. Paris, the University of Paris Sorbon-
His most recent works have been in ne, and the University of Budapest. He
the field of cartography - includ ng was awarded the D. Sc. in economics
such subjects as the history of m ps, from the University of Budapest in 1909
mapping, map 7makers, and re and a Ph.D. in geography from the U-M.

fines and six months in jail.
BROWN AND other officials said it
was hoped the plan would reduce the
long lines at service stations - stret-
ching five to 10 blocks in some areas.
Throughout the state, those lines,
which first appeared nearly a month
ago, have triggered a wide variety of
reactions by automobile-dependent
Passenger loads were up about 10per
cent on city buses in the Los Angeles
and San Francisco areas and about 30
per cent on inter-city routes of
Greyhound and Continental Trailways.
TWO ATTORNEYS who rode their
horses to work in Beverly Hills were
among the most widely quoted Califor-
nians seeking alternative forms of
" Why is one of the most perplexine
questions. 'Tob'eonest np po mg he

Maumln andi otners note tnat wniie
demand is up, gasoline supplies coming
into California have dropped because of
reduced crude oil production by Iran
and Saudi Arabia. But they say the real
crunch is the result of panic buying
during the shortage.
Prof's paintings
On display
Paintings by George Bayliss, dean of
the University School of Art, and
University art Prof. Al Hinton curren-
tly are on display at the Zriny-Hayes
Gallery in Chicago, through May 16.
The gallery is at 2044 N. Halstead.
Hours are 1 to 6 p.m. Wednesday
S . ,. , 4,

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