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May 08, 1979 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1979-05-08

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Page 6-Tuesday, May 8, 1979-The Michigan Daily
U.N. trade conference opens
A - -ifi thi i i The oorer nations also want to


MANILA, Philippines (AP)-United
Nations Secretary-General Kurt
Waldheim, opening a conference on
reshaping the world's economy, war-
ned industrialized nations yesterday to
ease their protectionist trade policies.
U.S. officials said they fear the U.N.
meeting will be sidetracked by
unrealistic Third World demands and
political posturing.
Waldheim told the opening session of
the fifth U.N. Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD) that the cen-
tral issue must be "how the current
protectionist trend can be arrested and
"THE PROBLEM needs to be tackled
through short-term action in the form of
acceptance of new internationally
recognized principles and disciplines
governing restrictions on imports
from developing countries," he said.
U.S. officials who asked not to be
identified said the gathering "lacks
form." They said they are worried poor
nations, especially those of Africa,

may sacrifce ceir ecunomic n-
terests for political issues."
A major topic will be implementation
of an already., agreed-upon common
fund of 19 basic commodities. Accor-
ding to the plan, developed at the last
conference in Nairobi in 1976, UNCTAD
members would make donations to a
common fund to buy up commodity
THE FUND'S goal is a stabilization
of commodity prices to help alleviate
the damage done to Third World
economies by wildly fluctuating
markets for their raw materials.
The debate will center on how much
each of the 156 UNCTAD members
should pay to the fun. The Group of 77, a
bloc of the world's poor nations, met in
Arusha, Tanzania, in February to draw
up a position paper in advance of the
Manila meeting.
The group was unable to agree on a
proposal by its African members, who
called for each UNCTAD nation to
donate $1 million to the common fund.

lessen their overall financial dependen-
ce on raw-material exports and to shift
their resources to industrialization. The
Group of 77 agreed in Arusha to press
for a Marshall Plan style program of
massive new assistance-$25
billion-from the rich nations.
THE GROUP'S position paper, highly
critical of Western trade and foreign
aid policies, will be central to the two
weeks of debate here.
. "Even if they get what they want in
terms of development that's nothing,"
said one U.S. official. "If they spend all
their time on applying pressure for that,
they'll go home, think about it, and find
out that they didn't get much. It could
happen very easily."
The permanent head of the U.S.
delegation is Charles Meissner, a
deputy assistant secretary of state.
U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young, chief
representative at this meeting, arrives
Thursday and is to speak to the con-
ference Friday.

Nuclear protesters march. on Washington
(Continued from Page3) - "pathological addiction" to nuclear declared when a reporter suggested you want to get out and do something
Jersey, who, while waiting for their power of the American people. that much of the crowd had turned out besides just wear buttons and stuff.
tourmobile to arrive, yelled "no more Backstage, security tightened as only to hear free music. Browne, who When you get here, you don't just hear
nukes," much to the delight of the Brown wandered around, talking to Fogelberg called the vanguard of the one person, you hear a lot of people
passing marchers. reporters and denying that he "flip- anti-nuclear movement, was vehement coming together."
Much of the the between speakers flops" on issues. during a press conference following his Other local participants cited various
was spent exhorting the crowd to clean "THIS IS A real turning point," said set. "There is no choice," he said. "To reasons for their decision to make the
up after itself, and after the marchers Hayden, a long-time left-wing activist speculate on whether or not we'll be 1,000-mile round trip in just one or two
finally departed around dusk, officials told reporters. "This crowd is like a victorious in this fight is totally futile. days. "I'm just fundamentally opposed
marvelled at the excellent condition in hydrogen bubble - they don't know It's terrible that we have to wait for a to it," said John Hofweber, a 1976
which the grounds were left. Police where it came from, but it's ready to disaster to wake people up," he said University nuclear engineering
reported few incidents and there were explode. It's a giant movement just referring to the Pennsylvania incident. graduate, who is currently working asa
no arrests. beginning to spread." "I first heard about this when Dan carpenter.
Backstage on the steps of Capitol's The politicians, however, weren't the Fogelberg announced it at his concert
west front, speakers and performers only ones spewing the anti-nuke line. at Hill," said Joani Huls, an LSA Dat, stafe'r Ron GiIford assisted in re.
alike rushed around, shaking hands in "This wasn't a concert, it was a demon- Junior. "We came because this is so narch forthe Ior" ',tor,
awe at the turnout and spreading the stration," singer Jackson Browne hotly important. It's very inspiring. It makes r rr.
anti-Carter, anti-(Energy Secretary
James) Schlesinger, anti-nuclear line
to anyone who would listen.
"WE INVITED Carter, but he
refuse ussis' Rossartess :e OCC elaihMs election not vald
didn't have anything to say."
The speakers, however, were not at a
loss for words, and the enthusiastic By PATRICIA HAGEN series of unfair labor practices which University. "The majority of clericals
crowd cheered everyone, from author The Organizing Committee for limited our ability to organize. When cast their votes against the OCC
Kurt Vonnegut to Susan Cassidy, a Clericals (OCC) last week presented its the clericals went to vote they were in- representing them," said the Univer-
pregnant homemaker from Mid- objections to the validity of the election timidated," said Patty Schwartman, an sity lawyer.
dletown, Pennsylvania, who left shortly held last Nov. 17 at hearings before the OCC recording secretary who testified VERCRUYSSE said he did not expect
after the start of the Three Mile Island Michigan Employment Relations at the hearings. a final decision in the case for several
ncident, and has since been afraid to Commission (MERC) in Detroit. In the GREENSPAN said the ULPs by the months. He said additional hearings
return. November election University clericals University are the basis for the OCC are necessary to "get the facts out on
Gov. Brown, while not denying that voted down an OCC proposal to challenge to the election. The OCC is whether they (MERC election officials)
he would like to be president, said he organizea union. "asking that the election be set aside did something right or did something
came not to campaign for himself, but According to OCC attorney Donald and a free election be held," said wrong."
to fight what he called the Gannnt 0(. nnarcta rroenWhnt hric r fiill

ureenspan, me %,.cont
University was involved in a
unfair labor practices (ULP)
actions by MERC itself pre
fair election from taking place
However, the University ha
it did not obstruct OCC effort
and during the election. "We
that the election is over wi
University counsel Robert Ver
THE HEARING was cond
Administrative Law Judge
Bixler, and more hearings
scheduled for MERC to pre
ditional evidence on alle
proprieties in the November
The decision to hold more heal
be made this week.
"MERC did not have a r
tative to defend their interes
Greenspan. He said the jut
reopen the hearings to allow
representative to defend the gr
"We felt the University ha
a .s.i*~.

enus ne ureenspan.
series of The OCC claims that during the week
and that of the elections the University commit-
vented a ted six unfair labor practices including
several incidents in which the OCC was
is argued prohibited from distributing leaflets at
s prior to Administrative Services in a non-work
contend area at a non-work time.
th," said Greenspan said the OCC argued at
cruyssee. the hearings that the University also
ucted by prevented OCC members from verbally
Joseph soliciting union support.
may be IN ADDITION to the ULPs, the OCC
esent ad- lawyer said, "My4ERC itself committed
ged im- some practices that prevented a fair
election, election from taking place."
rings will Schwartzman said the OCC alleged
that observers "known to be closely
represen- allied to management" had an in-
ts," said timidating effect on the clericals at the
dge may polls.
a MERC Vercruysse maintained the Univer-
roup's ac- sity position that the election was valid
as certified last November, despite
d done a OCC charges of obstruction by the

wen ne nearings are o c any
closed, Bixler will make a decision on
whether University actions were ULPs
and whether MERC conducted a valid
The University and the OCC will each
have an opportunity to appeal any
decision handed down by the judge.
"IF WE DO not prevail, we have a
strong case for an appeal," said Green-
span. He cited "errors on the judge's
part" and said Bixler "didn't allow
some evidence we wanted to put in."
Regardless of the outcome of the
decision, "we're committed right now
to continue to organize," said Sue Ellen
Hansen, chairperson of the OCC. "The
decision will determine whether we are
able to exercise our full rights to
organize," she said.
Hansen called the alleged 'ULPs
"blatant," and said they had "an im-
pact on the election and our rights to
organize, and an impact on some

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