Ann Arbor,
Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXIX, No. 5-S
Tuesday, May 8, 1979
Sixteen Pages
Ten Cents
Begin vows to
continue attacks
Daily Photo by LISA UDELSON
SAM DAY, managing editor of The Progressive, speaks to a University audience;
about the magazine's protest of a court ruling forbidding them to print a
story on the hydrogen bomb.
'Progressive' editor
blasts gov't restriction
By JULIE ENGEBRECHT was very simplistic.
"I wish I could tell you what the
Sam Day, managing editor of The secret restrictive data is," Day told -|
Progressive, told a University the audience of about 50 people. 2
audience yesterday that the article The editor compared the infor-
his magazine was to have published mation in the hydrogen bomb ar-
about the hydrogen bomb was tile-written by Howard
"nowhere near as technically Morland-to telling someone how to r
precise, technically interesting or build a Volkswagen. He said it con-
helpful as some (articles) that have tained only basic information.
appeared (elsewhere)." "YOU PUT THE motor in the:
Day said he could not discuss the back of the car, not the front. The
specific contents of the article,
although he said the information See EDITOR, Page 2
From AP and Reuter
JERUSALEM - Israel sent its
warplanes against Palestinian targets
in Lebanon for a second straight day
yesterday and then invited the
Lebanese to negotiate peace. Prime
Minister Menachem Begin vowed con-
tinued attacks on bases of "terrorists
who spill the innocent blood of men,
women and children."
Lebanon firmly rejected Begin's in-
vitation to peace talks and accused
Israel of committing barbaric
aggression against its territory.
Prime Minister Selim Al-Hoss, in a
lengthy statement carried by the state-
run Beirut radio, said continuing Israeli
attacks on Lebanon represented
blackmail in its ugliest form.
"BEGIN'S CALL for Lebanon to con-
clude a peace treaty with Israel is
amazing," Boss said. "It comes after
barbaic Israeli aggression against
Lebanese territory which has caused
the deaths of many peaceful people as
well as extensive damage.
"The aim of these aggressions is
blackmail in its ugliest form as a
preface to this (peace) step," he said.
The Israeli raid Sunday, which repor-
tedly killed six and wounded 25 other
persons, was aimed at a refugee camp
in the northern Lebanese town of Nahr
El-Bared, near Mohmara. Israeli gun-
boats shelled the town last month after
guerrillas landed on the northern
Israeli coastinda raid on the town of
Nahariya in which four Israelis were
killed, including two children. Two of
the four guerrillas were killed.
Yesterday's air raid, in which no
casualties were reported, was made on
a Palestinian guerrilla-held area 11
miles inside Lebanon near the town of
ISRAELI JETS hit the area just one
hour before Begin opened the summer
session of the Knesset, the Israeli
Parliament, with an offer to meet
Lebanese President Elias Sarkis on
Israeli or neutral soil to negotiate a
peace treaty.
See BEGIN'S, Page 2
State, 'U' set
to bargain
on hospital
SpecialtoThe Daily
LANSING - University and state of-
ficials yesterday laid ground rules for
bargaining over the $254 million plans
to replace University Hospital.
Hermann Ziel, chief of Health Care
Administration in the Michigan Depar-
tment of Public Health (MDPH) told
University officials that any changes in
the plans would have to be hammered
out in meetings at the state level.
In addition to officials from the MD-
PH, the meetings will include represen-
tativeds from the legislature's Joint
Capital Outlay Committee and the
Department of Management and
Budget - both of which will have in-
fluence on the extent of state funding
for the hospital project.
See STATE, Page 2
United States and the Soviet
Union completed the outline of a
treaty to limit strategic nuclear
weapons late last night and have
begun planning a summit
meeting for the signing, See
earlier story, Page 9.
'Any legislator who hasn't
made up his mind hasn't
got his ears open.'
-State Senator
John Welborn
Carter alters rationing proposals
WASHINGTON (AP)-President Carter modified his will keep rising.
standby gasoline rationing proposal yesterday in a move In California, odd-even gasoline sales restrictions based
congressional leaders said improved chances for passage on license plate numbers will begin at 12:01 a.m. tomorrow
this week. for nearly half of California's 15 million motorists, in an ef-
The proposals would, in the event rationing is imposed, fort to shorten waiting lines at service stations.
give relatively more gasoline to "hardship cases" and to ACCORDING TO Carter's proposals, less gasoline per
drivers in states where each auto uses more gasoline than the car would go to households withfour or more automobiles
national average. and to drivers in states where vehicles average less
THESE INCLUDE Arkansas, Texas, Mississippi, South gasoline consumption than nationally.
Carolina, and the District of Columbia, among others. These include North Dakota, Montana, Rhode Island,
Meanwhile industry officials yesterday said there will be Hawaii, Pennysylvania and California.
a supply squeeze in coming months, and the price of gasoline See CALIFORNIA, Page9
Abortion bill may reach Senate
By BETH PERSKY Ann Arbor), requires the vote of twenty (taking the bill out of committee) - we
State senators are scheduled to senators for discharge from commit- are being denied our rights to be
decide today whether a controversial tee. heard," said Lorraine Beebee, former
abortion bill should be taken out of Some groups favoring public funding state senator and state chair of the
committee and brought to the floor of "for abortions planned to submit Michigan Abortion Rights Action
the Senate for debate. The bill would 'resolutions to the senators calling for League (MARAL). "The fact that the
prohibit the use of tax dollars for abor- the bill to remain in committee for fur- bill would be discharged from commit-
tions of poor women except in cases ther consideration. Group spokesper- tee would eliminate public hearings,"
where the woman's life would be en- ' sons said they would have more input she added.
dangered. into the decision-making process if the Beebe said that the bill "would deny
Senate Bill 157, now in the Senate bill remained in the Health and Social the woman on welfare the means to
Committee on Health and Social Ser- Service Committee longer. bring herself up to the level of the
Ye hared bySenator Ed Pierce (D- "WE AE opposed to di shrge See ABORTION,-Page 12'