The Michigan Daily-Saturday, May 5, 1979-Page 11, (Contiued from Page 10) WANTED-Disc Jockeys foe AM radio statio. Interested persos should atted Mass Meetig Wednesday, May 9 as 800W p.m. is the Studet Activities Buildig. 00H09 AtRCITECTRAL DRATSMAN-tuildr eeds home plans dasw. Coil foc details beteeo 9 & pm., Brightono2275S340. - 21510 Stdets: Earn extra moey by paticiatg n Psycho)ogy experimnts is our spae time. Es- perimets usally last one hour: absoteley no drgs or deception involved. Call 764-1590 bhwelnr 9 am and 4 pm to sig up for Spig/Summer Tem list. 641150 Childae Atio CentredOu(toteach students to worb andplay with childenage 2z-6yas. Sprig and/or somme tem. all 74-487. 65H.50o5 STUtDENTS. CAN YOUC SPARE SIME TtMEy .. Volontee. rs a anedo shar ahor aeeswih prospetive UCM studens and theie families hod like to see the camps and her hbout lie a Michigan. (Call Chrs Ien. Alumni Associaion. 74-1384 a. -pm. O60tt5()5 HOUISEKEEPERt. 7-I0)hoosweek $.502S/hou. Burns Prh area.79-1672 evs. or weeends. TRA tf(VE.RSEAS: Send) sel-addressed samped long envelope to: TEACtItNG, IP.O. Bs1049, San Diegs. CA 911. WAINTD-INSTRUCTOSotg for Silbcreeing and tBallroom ancing . Rxperiene eessary, toe further inormaion al lLinda fakis or Cecil 'Tayloat 94-401) after:00 py m. ette WOR STU:DY. The Great tBriain Study need yo0u-Is reatt 19th cetry nespapes coe adoen- ter ldasing MP. You mulhave worb suy financial aid to apply. Call Deie MStesln/R .A. Shweizer 747017 p5ttS VICE-PtRFSIDEFNT for smllu going iportr corprarolnMnagemenmairbetingand accout- ing skil. equred Computr sills desired. Send resume to: -D. BI ots7909 Ann Aror, Mt 401(7. 8111517 PARIT-TIMEF ANTOR NFFDED l.Must e l ot M student. Approx 2:3hr. per ifay {mrning) Mon thru Fri. a1 Studet. Publicaions, 420 Maynard S. CotatArhiitm Sup). dtt ELECTOiNICSTFF6NICtlIAN fie repair of vm- mnuictions equipnt.slExperience and minimum 2nd class operao'slicene necessary Call tioe lilatoree6621247 to apply 911181 ceptinog applicaions for prt imo smmer em plomeo. 4./io lan hour;' noter UM prf-onmy emoymntoff(ie. Ann Aror Assembly Corp 49ff505l Weekenod resiemaage eoededlfor sto-ll gop homoei AnAbor.StMonage fnions as prtoat tratetem iaidiilon toomonogigng home Ex- celenlexerie or ipoi-hlg. ad ocilork Sildris. lll 79-755. 411512 OiVEfRSAS JOBS-Smmer/year roundFEurop, S America. Australia. Asia, e. Allfiltdoo$5)0120 mnothlly. Rxpenses paid. Sigh seeing Free in fo -Wrie: L1,1.oxns52-i3. Crona Del SarCA 4225, 59105:31 HUCNTERIIGATHEFR1RFS11 Jona imalyan Yeti Qus Dteails 95-45 PAI VLUNTRIS NFFDOFDI Civesity ol Mihig-n Allegs- Division neds male oluneers aged 1-5s yarstonpariaei a sudy todterminethenoptimaldosag oaodrug wicbhebhas bh's widefy umd is mdia)pacic fornmany yars. We need normal shjecs wihout allergies or other serios medical problems Par ficipasowill e studied on 3 oconseuierdys on as ou-patiet hasis. Remueraio will e $110). Please all 78:3-314 forurherinformatin. 711512 Market Research Interviewers : A I-arge make research ftrm eeds itevieoers in conduct naionidecosumernourveys by tele- phone from ou0 of Deit office. Permanent prt- time and temporry positions available. Mostly evening worb with some wekends. We iwill train. Call ofter 4p.m. Moday through Friday. 872-0032 - 82H5i6 LIV' IN BABYSITTER, mature female. 0 p.m.- 7:30 ' .m.3tchilde. Howeli i517i 54-154-C6.8511511 COUNSELORS For op's summer wap in Maine. (peiugs is - mes- speciatis. Write: Camp Chthr. 175 Becon- Street. Brookline.Mass._02146 or call 617-277-01. 83H5f7 WOMEN" Words 0-id 15-21 22-28 29-35 36-42 43-49 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES 1 2 3 4 5 170 3.40 4.60 5.80 7.00 2.55 5)0 6 90 8 70 10.50 3.40 8 80 9.20 1).60 14 00 425 8.50 1150 14.50 17.50 5.10 1020 13.00 17.40 21.00 6.80 11.90 1610 2030 24 50 add. 1 00 1 50 2.00 2.50 3 00 3.50 DAILY LINE CONTRACT Number of Weeks Number of Weeks 13 26 39 inchs/weenk.13 26 39 34 .31 .27 6 2.10 190 1.65 33 .30 26 9 2.05 1.85 160: .31 28 .24 12 2.00 1.80 1.55 30 27 .23 15 1.95 175 i.50 28 25 21 18 190 120 1.45 27 26 .20 17Oct78 1.80 1 65 1.40 26 24 .18 24 - 23 17 .23 22 .16 READ THIS AD! FantaisuhbltavilableJune21stfthouogh Aug, 31 Batflsiinny roimioon house' close:t'o cami~tpus and IM buoilding. Prior-cheapo aid negotliahbl'.fall 76)9- 0i886ipe'rsiste'nily.-151 IIMEDIATE7OPE'NINGfofr individual to share aatetin Walden tills Compli'x. 2 be'driooms~ 2 hath. piiil, and tennis;courts. Ifent negootiahle. Contact Joohniir Larrv at660-1752. 711)507 CAMPUS MANAfGEMENT' INC'. One hedroom furnished api. Asvailahle immediaty. 1 blockbfroom campus.mwih faill tption. We alsot have other l and 2 bedrom souolets av-ailahle 3f7 FE. fluroon St. 663-41i I MALE neededfor :3 story 3iedroom apartment. 3 blocksiro'm campius.font negotiabole. Call Art tie Stan too665-74311),:360504 SUBLET ~Fursedwol ooed'oroioimapariment. ICor- nceroof Packardf-MSamdison. tBalconoyair condiitionsing. 994.01:5. 10U)415 2 Bedoroomonfurnshied apot.Closos cam-51pus. l$29isf plus utilities. Call) after 5. 761 -100100. Availahli' June 1. IK Imont securomity odipoosit. 56Ut5i1) HEFY WOMIFN' May-Aug., 000 one beroomoin iia Ot bdomaid. Parbing. A..,sbylighots.i-icy large, 'earoommateo Ra'teoiioiigoofialle. 0112-1091 :5fU415 'SF/il iAGSTRiltoSem'oi-Auiiototic gui):clirtBei F/llIHiNF/ GUITARi SALI./EFlit-tries aniso)uiiis- tics. TopSaingsolbtough May. Apiollo Muisic foster. 32:S. Main, Ann Arbor. 769t-141x0, exte iOLtANDi SPACF/ECFOftape0 doteot'lay moth sm-ill. 76$,914:31. eteo VF/GA) IFNOll IANi-. fld, nmust soil. moth sooft cs.7131-9-i 1. oxto ROtAD F'ACTl'ORiamuthorizao mp000. salt'. fUptoo$:3tx) oll'. Stopfoinitor-od'emo. Apoollot Mu00i00'Conior, 769- ito0. citi- 35 WAltTi.AFASF.-F/E, $10)). Wal olShermooid. $10 xele*o1tin62674 X1 N.B..- Eacb group of charactees counts as one cooed. Hpphenoted iwordsoer S characters count ox inn words (this includes telephone numbers) 8 lines equalsl1 itch 7 words per line ably thirty years oil agemwihot childrensn lve inohoiusepoei'is rfor grouplfoster hioefosi teenaoge girls ini Shiaoasseoo6unty.ICompenato includs salary apartmont, allboairdlcoosts, iea fringe benefits. Prefer peesoolso moth house poretn experineho ons caracaonbgithe month ofl Junte,1979. Sentd resume too:mCotDietr ShiamasseerCtontyJuveniloCourtOh10Mack'otreet. Coieunoa. MI 4817. 8011509tb FURINiIUF/ SALFS-PF'RSOiN neoeded.F'l-ie goood salary plos commissiono'xferi'ceprefered. Ann Arbnrora.-Call Me.ihuffy, 719-2210. f7115ot9 WORKIING 111CRKb&11)O11BANDl looobiog tor experienced Lead Singer. (all (bros: (17) 764- 2411. tittItoo H~OUSECLE/ANING 12 hours a wek throuagh July. Walking distancento campus. Afte~r 3:300ptoocall 662-7169.8111509 I WANT TOli iCY a good quality hicycle (RIaleigh, Gitaniet.) in gotoodcondititon. Man o wma' styleob. (Call Eatierat 996-0720. - dE5lI COIPIES: 31-cr ack, overnight. LomestlPrices-. Fastest Servicet. Accu-ICopy, 524 EF William, 76o9-(110 QUO/ITAT ION CORREIFSPObNDEFNT UnvestMicrofilm Internatonalis seebing aoin- div-itual adept at numcerical calculatiotns anti possessiog a woinog kbowledge oil Freochor Spanitsh ftoethis lesrylion)posilton. Iyping is a must, althotugh accuracy is more important thas speed.EKnouledge oil periodical tiles and familiarity mitkcataloguing procedures aplus. Positionsrepiorts toi Manager, Salvo Administrtor. Poitioon is full lime, pemanent mith bullbefi package. Interested personosshoould apply on pro or ho resume to Pam Fletcher, Empltoyment Representative, 300l N. Zeeb lRd.(off 1-94) Ann Arbor. Ml 4(1(6. University Microfilm International Zeroox Publi--hing Division AnREtual fOpportunityEmploye M/S/H/V 431J5 05 WRIbTING SERVICF/S. ('eativi'. Technitcal. F/oitioog. Reosearch, Typing. Expeii'nce'd Prtofessitonal. 996-i cftc Tyspoingexperieneod all boins.Itsasonable.s971-3699. 11W 1C1ST IRAVFL/TO 'ISRIAE/L.roll Free 800)- 223i-76i76, 91aam.-6 pm. NY. tise. 66fi511 LO.i)YBOiATS WANT'S YOiU.F/XITINGl CARFE/RS OfR SUJMMFER(JOB~S.WOLD l2WIDEF:TRfAVEL. FiIOF/DTAILS RUISHI$1001)i/UiISF/SIiIPS INT.R- NATIOiNAL.,BOX 53i08. MIAMI SHOREIFS. I-IA. ARC NORiWEIAN RELKHIOUND) PUPS. Good oatch logs. goodtitmilkchildren. sicedsoion Reiasoinale'.Call 4831-5917:3evenings bofore 11.- i Summeor Sub lot June5Aug. 07 NearbCa10015,00) FEMALE NEEDED to share Iarnished one-bed- room apartment. Call 99-893after5:O0. 09512 SUBLET-ONE BEDROOM apartment. Ideal tsr couple. Fall option. June-August. negotiable. 769- 4047. 98U511 SPACE FOR ONE WOMAN is a 2 bdrmom apart- ment 2 hIock- from Suth Quad. May-August. Price negotiahle. Call 764-0552 or 995-2376 pesistently. dU5tS OWN ROOM available for fall in coed house with S quiet hut Ion-Inning students. On Main sear Hoover. close ts Stadium, IM Bldg., and Commufer Bus Route. Rent negotiable. Coil Anna, 1-5 p.m.. 764-6270. dU5ts FALL.OP'TIOfN wilk summer -ubleIt-aoailabhi June. 2 rooms is cooperatively run ormivegi house. Yard. wood finishings. Burns Park area. 2 mimes or woman and man. Call 662-2445 persistently. '6U50. (OWN ROllOM in quiet. clran modern 2-man apat mnt near North Campus. Lois of space, balcony. dishwas-her. Fall option at little or no innrease. 665-5772. dU5li TYPING TYPING/BINDIN, " Dossertations " TbesITerm Poper " Biusiness/,Le'tters/Resume " LrgaI Julie Birdsall 612 S. Forest THE SECRETAR; Term Papers. Theses & Disserl Typing. Copying & Bindit 81l2 South Slate Street 9943594 9-4 Mon:-Soi G CSSCBLET-NICREIONR hedronom apartment sear U nioutMIHospital and Camnpus. Furnished or an- Iarnsoed. Well maintainedml mcharacier. Terms 665-9843 negotiable. Call Cheryl. 995-2422 y --ings and Suite B weebends protstently. 78U506i ---- --- Sublet 5121/ms. o0bet offee xprisgl.-ummer-M'y JAT rest paid61 0S. 'ore-I 62-05'#- -turelie, 63iU505 nations rgAVAILABLE NOW-Large, sunny 2 or :3 person opt. NVice perch, garden space. roof for sunningXV 5 mis., to~sture.and.lnampuu. ,pceue angulshl%%-- f/, all o662-31115 persistently. 7:1'')0 Just for the health of it. Gnt mouig mericnna! ehsicalEucatmon Pubicn tInomation Amn r oana ( .oyntori, flv ,VuyuoS'CaumOn.aodu 0tr aioon 025 oouvsor> njW OsitovooxitltD OF 20h36