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May 05, 1979 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1979-05-05

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The Michigan Daily-Saturday, May 5, 1979-Page 5
'U'students bike cross-country for charity
(Continued from Page3) will be used in programs to identify Nichols and Shields hope to keep ex- trip for about a month. Nichols said he
withdrew from the project last month autistic children and to educate parents penses down and publicize their cause prepared by riding his bike to and from
and the pair has had problems finding about the disorder and the services at the same time. Referring to his 1974 classes on North Campus.
another charity to sanction the trip. available to autistic children and their trip, Shields said "People were really
Several national organizations turned families. good along the way,', and will probably "I WAS RUNNING three miles a day
them down for a variety of reasons. Autism is a severely incapacitating, offem them accommodations and food. and skating for two hours," said
"No one would take my money," said developmental disability that usually On the 1974 trip Shields, recalled, "I Shields. "I haven't been on a bike since
Shields, who didn't want to cancel the appears during the first few years of spent nights in jails and churches. The that '74 trip," said Shields whose bike
trip. life. The cause of the disorder is not best times were at fire stations."
FINALLY, ABOUT two weeks ago, known. "It is not an emotional disorder, The bik was stolen after the trip. But he grin-
Shields contacted the Michigan Society but it is often (wrongly) confused with will be a hard one. Nichols explained ride."
for Autistic Children which agreed to mental retardation or emotional that they will be "starting out with 60 or En route, the two travelers will keep
support their project. "We're very en- illness," Wilson pointed out. so miles a day. We will be working up to a journal and take pictures for a record
thusiastic about it, said John Wilson, Autistic children have difficulty over 100 miles," he added. of their adventures.
spokesman for the organization, which acquiring speech and listening skills THE 3,500 MILE tour has been Nichols and Shields plan to reach the
is affiliated with the national society. and focusing attention on appropriate .carefully mapped out, "once we hit Golden Gate Bridge after about 65
"We couldn't pass it up." objects. "These kids need special in- Cincinnati, it's Route 50 all the way," exhausting days. Then, they said, they
Wilson declined to estimate how struction in special programs," said announced Shields. plan to have a relaxed trip home-on a
much could be raised. "It depends on Wilson. "I'm most concerned about cars, bus. The bikes will be shipped back.
how much our parents get behind it," SHIELDS SAID he was glad the trip traffic, and repairs in the middle of Pledge cards and information can be
he said. was not cancelled. 'I've never been nowhere," commented Nichols, and obtained from the Michigan Society for
The bikers will not be taking pledges west of Muskegon, Michigan, and I experienced cyclist. Shields cited Autistic Children by calling (313) 973-
en route but will distribute literature want to see the West," he explained, prevailing winds and dogs as other 9004, or writing to Suite 18, 2002
about the national chapter. "and I can't afford the gas to go out possible problems. Hogback Rd., Ann Arbor, Michigan
THE FUNDS the bikers plan to raise there." The bikers have been training for the 48104


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No miracles
says Carter
(Continued from Page 1
dependent on cars and has been hard
hit by the interruption of oil exports
from Iran.
Under the California plan, expected
to come into force next week, gasoline
would be supplied on odd-numbered
days to cars with license plates ending
in an odd number and on even num-
bered days to cars with even numbers.
Carter said Brown had acted
properly and responsibly and warned
that the gas situation in California was
an early indication of a widespread
shortage expected this summer.
THE PRESIDENT also disclosed
new programs to protect farmers
against fuel shortages that guaranteed:
" 100 per cent of current requiremen-
ts for natural gas in agriculture.
" Suppliers of diesel fuel would give
first priority to agricult e.
" Larger amounts of oil would be
allocated to suppliers who serve rural
and farm markets.
Carter said $11 million would be
made available by 1981 for the con-
struction of up to 100 gasohol plants.
Gasohol is a mixture of 90 per cent
petroleum and 10 per cent alcohol made
trom wheat, sugarcane, and other
agricultural and waste products.
Carter said 600 million gallons could
he produced for cars by 1985 and 140
million barrels of oil saved each year
hy the planned rehabilitation of 100
rural electric turbines.
At present, the United States burns
daily between 20 and 21 million barrels
at oil, nearly half of it imported.
Do a Tree
a Favor:

«.(r JY4R d f

LVo diving yet Daily Photo by JIM KRUZ
It may not seem like swimming weather right now, but on May 26, Veterans Park Pool on Jackson Rd. will open. Yesterday
the pool remained empty, waiting for water and swimmers.


Guidelines not working, Americans say
JEW YORK (AP)-The Carter are not succeeding in holding down the adults. Twenty-nine per cent expect
ministration's voluntary guidelines prices and wages. a stable economic picture and 2 per
it seem to be slowing the upward Only 14 per cent said the guidelines cent were not sure.
ge of the cost of living, Americans are succeeding. And 6 per cent were not Despite this deep concern about in-
but that doesn't necessarily mean sure. flation and dim hopes for improvement,
public wants mandatory wage and LOOKING AT public perceptions the public is divided over whether the
ce controls. another way, most Americans still ex- government should intervene with
.n Associated Press-NBC News poll' pect prices to rise even faster in the wage and price controls.
en Monday and Tuesday found the next 12 months. Forty-nine per cent said they favor
Aic still deeply worried about the Sixty-eight per cent say inflation will government mandated limits on wages
ng cost of living and pessimistic worsen in the next year, while only 7 and prices. But 43 per cent said they
ut the future course of the economy. per cent think the rise of prices will were opposed to such measures. Eight
ast October, President Carter called slow. Twenty-three per cent said they per cent were not sure.
American businessmen and workers expect inflation to continue at current
hold down increases in wage and levels. Two per cent of the 1,600 adults
ces voluntarily to whip inflation, interviewed nationwide by telephone AS WITH ANY sample survey, the
ich he and the public view as the were not sure. results of the AP-NBC News polls could
ion's No. 1 problem. The, dark prospect of continually differ from the results of interviews
YORKERS WERE asked to hold rising prices pushed pessimism about with all Americans with telephones
ge increases to 7 per cent and the future of the economy to its highest because of chance variations in the
inesses were asked to hold down level since 1976. sample.
ce increases. FIFTY-NINE per cent of the public
tow, half a year later, four out of five said the economy will get worse in the Of course, the results could vary from
ericans-80 per cent-say Carter's next year. The ranks of the economic other polls because of differences in the
untary wage and price guidelines optimists includedonly 10 per cent of wording of questions, timing of inter
untay, riceg otimits nclued.only10 et cnt f ,views, or the method of interviewing

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