The Michigan Daily-Saturday, May 5, 1979-Page 3
'U' students bike cross-country
Trip to help
local charity
The Staten Island Bridge in New
York is 3,500 miles from the Golden
Gate Bridge in San Francisco, and
Joseph Shields and Eric Nichols plan to
travel the distance across the country
by bicycle to raise money for autistic
The two University engineering
students hope to raise between seven
and ten thousand dollars for the
Michigan Society for Autistic Children.
Since Monday they have received $500
in pledges from parents, friends, and
Ann Arbor businesses.
"A RIDE FOR the Autistic
Child-'79" was the idea of the 22 year
old Shields, a December graduate of the
University with a degree in environ-
mental engineering. Nichols and
Shields are scheduled to start from New
York on May 12 and arrive in California
by July 4.
"In 1974 I did a bike trip from New
Hampshire to Florida and I made a
commitment, I said I was going to do it
again," explained Shields. He made
that trip as a senior high school project
for local charities.
After graduation, Shields began
thinking about doing another charity
bike tour because he was bored and
wanted to do something before getting a
He convinced the Miller Brewing Co.,
through Lowenbrau division, to pay all
expenses for the trip.
LOWENBRAU IS "giving us a check
for $1,300 to buy equipment," stated
Shields, who was sporting a warm-up
jacket and Tshirt with the Lowenbrau
logo. Bikes, sleeping bags, mess kits,
saddle bags and other necessary items
have been purchased with the money.
Planning the trip has caused more
than a few headaches for Shields. When
his roommate decided he couldn't make
the trip, Shields advertised in the Daily
for a partner for the all expenses paid
cross-country trek. Nichols, a
sophomore in mechanical engineering,
said he answered the ad because he was
The Muscular Dystrophy Association
See 'U', Page5
Daily Photo by JIM KRUZ
UNIVERSITY STUDENT Eric Nichols (left) and University graduate Joe Shields (far right) will leave later this month on a
cross-country bicycle trip to raise money to help autistic children. Their companions are Ronny (left) and Jimmy (right).
National unemployment rate increases;
Michigan's rate is highest since 1977
From AP and UPI state officials said yesterday. said officials were surpr
National unemployment rose only The 8.6 per cent jobless figure sharp increase, which he
slightly in April, to 5.8 per cent of the marked Michigan's highest unem-' could not be entirely bl
labor force, but the largest drop in em- ployment rate for any month since the trucking dispute.
ployment in a decade had Carter ad- 9.2 per cent recorded in August 1977, MESC officials were un
ministration officials worried that the said S. Martin Taylor, director of the the reasons for the bal
figures could be misinterpreted. Michigan Employment Security Com- jobless gain. McGhee said
The rise in unemployment from a 4 - mission (MESC). explanation might be the
year low of 5.7 per cent in March was "Normally, Michigan enjoys a drop jobless survey compiled
the first increase in four months, the in unemployment during Aprif," Taylor Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Labor Department said yesterday. said. "However, this year secondary "One of the things that
MICHIGAN'S unemployment rate layoffs mainly in the auto and related been a factor was the fact
jumped more than half a percentage industries caused by the Teamsters vey was taken in the we
point in April, partly due to layoffs dispute pushed the state's unem- Easter," he said. 'Some
resulting from the Teamsters dispute, ployment rate upwards." layoffs because of the Ea
South Africa's apartheid system. It seems Cardinal L
staffers have been watching too many horror films f
wised by the
said probably
amed on the
certain as to
ance of the
one possible
timing of the
by the U.S.
might have
that the sur-
ek preceding
ster holiday
T, Page 9
Abusing the news
The Daily Cardinal, the student newspaper at the
University of Wisconsin at Madison, has its own
version of the Washtenaw County Coalition Against
Apartheid (WCCAA) disruption of the March Board
of Regents meeting here. The April 27 Cardinal
report reads likea bad movie script: ".. . some 250
protestors were beaten; two were arrested in an at-
tempt by the regents to close the meeting to the
Wayne County Coalition Against Aparthied (WC-
CAA). Earlier, WCCAA members had collected
10,000 signatures against apartheid ..." While
Cardinal readers may have envisioned a band of
police and security guards wielding baseball bats
among the crowd of protesters in the Regents Room
at the March meeting, the truth is that no one was
beaten; the pair was arrested, but not in the attem-
pt to get the court injunction, which allowed the
Regents to bar everyone but the press and others
invited by the Board; the group is names for
Washtenaw, not Wayne, County; and the petitions
were in favor of divestment, not .simply against
on late night TV.
Happenings . . .
... begin with the Extension Services'
"Workshop on Research in Dance and Music: Focus
on Nonverbal process and/or Product" at 8:30 a.m.
in the Recital Hall, School of Music, on North Cam-
pus ... The International Association for the ad-
vancement of Appropriate Technology for
Developing Countries presents a "Technological
Legacy in Pre-Colonial Africa," a speech by
Richard Bradley, at 10 a.m., in the East Conference
Room at the Rackham.. . for late sleepers, at noon
the Ann Arbor city government is holding a canoe
auction at the Argo Park Canoe Livery at
Longshore Drive, just off Pontiac trail. Call the
livery at 668-7411 for more information. . . at 1
p.m., the Ann Arbor Center for Independent Living.
and Washtenaw Community College are hosting a
workshop, "Community Resources for the Han-
dicapped" in Room 1908 of the Student Center
Building at 4800 East Huron. River
Drive ... Shgetoshi Yamda will join University
faculty members Edward Parmenter and Enid
Sutherland for a free concert at 8 p.m. in the Recital
Hall at the Moore Building on North Campus ... on
SUNDAY, from noon until 5 p.m., the Ecology Cen-
ter of Ann Arbor will hold its annual Bike-a-thon.
Call Gail Gredler at 761-3186 for more infor-
mation ... at 7 p.m. at the Guild House, former
editor of the Student Non-violent Coordinating
Committee newspaper and author Terry Cannon
will report on his recent tour through Viet Nam,
Laos, and Kanpuchea ... on MONDAY, the
University Macromolecular Research Center
presents "Experimental and Theaoretical Aspects
of Protein Folding," a colloquium by Prof. H. A.
Scheraga of Cornell University at 4 p.m. in Room
3005 in the Chemistry Building. Refreshments will
be served at 3:40.
On the outside .. .
After last night's frost, the high temperature
today in the mid-50s will seem like summer. It will
be sunny, winds 5-10 miles out of the northeast. The
low tonight will sink again near freezing.
_ ..- _ _.