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April 20, 1979 - Image 28

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Michigan Daily, 1979-04-20

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Page 8-Friday, April 20, 1979-The Michigan Daily
Spartacus.Youth League suspension lifted
BY AMY 'DIAMONI)those damages and now allowing us to use the Union April 5 forum.
raises the question of our organizational status in According to SOB member Roy More, theS
Four members of the student government's general," explained Meg Grulich, a member of the violated six articles under the general regulat
Student Organization Board (SOB), decided last SYL. governing student organizations. These violation
night at a hearing to lift the suspension which had Grulich began the hearing by presenting SYL cluded: finances - credit standing, bad debts, fij
been placed on the Spartacus Youth League (SYL) demands which included dropping the charges again- cial accountability, open activities, sponsors' resi
barring them from using Michigan Union facilities, st the SYL, restoring SYL's full rights, and stating . sibility, and financial responsibility.
The SOB hearing, which took place in Michigan that Fatima Khalil must be allowed to speak tonight After a 15-minute recess, the SOB announced t
Student Assembly (MSA) offices, resulted from the in the Undergraduate Library at an SYL forum on decision to the SYL. SOB members stated that
violence which had disrupted an SYL forum earlier Workers Revolution to Defeat Islamic Reaction. In process of law had been violated and all rights
this month. addition, Grulich presented various letters of support privileges of the SYL would be recognized.
DURING THE April 5 forum "No to the Veil," a written by University professors and a petition with IN AQDITION, the SOB said the suspension w
series of skirmishies developed between members of 200-250 signatures. be lifted and that the SOB would "serve as advoc
the Organization for Iranian Moslem Students ANOTHER member of the SYL, Bruce Richard, to the SYL" in relation to Union manageme
(OIMS) and the SYL which resulted in some broken maintained that if the SYL's organizational status broken window complaint.
glass of the Kuenzel Room's entrance door in the was lifted, "it would set a bad precedent for others "This was new territory for our committee and
Michigan Union. and that there would be a green light to this kind of general regulations governing student organizat
"They (Union Management) wanted us to pay $100 stuff" such as the violence that went on during the are vague and out of date," More said.

s in-

for the damages. but the SYL is not responsible for

'U' study forecasts
rise in traffic deaths

A recent study by a University pro-
ject manager at the Highway Safety
Research Institute (HSRI) projects a
six per cent increase in traffic deaths
after 1985 due to the "downsizing" of
the nation's auto fleet.
Howard Bunch, who presented his
findings in a paper given at a Harvard
University symposium last October,
said his study indicates that laws
restricting every auto in the U.S. to a
maximum weight limit of 4000 pounds
will lead to the greater number of
"THIS SIX per cent figure doesn't
surprise people," he said. "We've
talked to people involved in
biomechanics, vehicle dynamics, and
other mathematical disciplines, and
they generally feel our number is right
in the ballpark."
Bunch's disheartening analysis
resulted from "fatal flaws" in
previous downsizing studies, par-
ticularly in prior research predictions
of what the standards for downsizing
"The problem is that there is a mixed
bag of automobiles on the road," Bunch
explained. "The large car fleet as op-
posed to the small car fleet will not be
the same down the road beyond 1985.
We tried to predict what that fleet would
look like then." he said.
THlE AVERAGE weight of a car in
1975 was over 5000 pounds. Bunch's
analysis used Texas highway fatality
data collected between 1975 and 1976.
The entire data base was chopped off at
4000 pounds and under and used as a
surrogate sample for the future auto

The findings indicated after the fleet
was totally stabilized, taking into ac-
count the increasing age of the
population and other variables, vehicle
size showed a direct relationship to a
six per cent increase in traffic deaths.
The study also examined the benefits
of passive restraint systems-such as
the three-point seat belt-that are ex-
pected to become standard equipment
in 1981. "Still, every parameter that we
took into account, including passive
restraints, did not change our findings
or in any way relate to the six per cent
figure," Bunch said.
significant increases in the total car
population in the future. Bunch said
there were approximately 107 million
cars on the road in 1975. In 1995, the
number should rise to 136 million.
But the major safety consideration
for the future is not how many cars are
on the road, he said, but the total miles
travelled by those cars. "It is a direct,
one-on-one exposure meter," the
researcher explained. "If a vehicle
miles travelled increases, injuries go
up in a linear fashion.
Authorities are claiming future in-
creases in both total car population and
vehicle miles travelled, Bunch said. In
1975, the average passenger car
travelled 9635 miles. The projections
for 1995 shoot up to 11,400 miles per
passenger car, which, he noted, is an 18
per cent increase.
The increases are due in a large part
to two main fact rs, Bunch
said-higher disposable incomes that
tend to make people drive more, and
the continuing diffusion of driving pat-
terns as a result of geographic expan-
sion of urban areas.

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