Page 8 Friday, May4, 1979-The Michigan Daily State budget safe from loan defaults (Continued from Page 1) applicable only to the new Direct Student Loan program, which is just a part of the entire Guaranteed Student Loan program. The state of Michigan has always been reimbursed for 100 per cent of the defaulted guaranteed loans because the state default rate for the entire Guaran- teed Student Loan program has never exceeded five per cent, according to Patrick Cummings, director of Loans in the Michigan Education Assistance Authority.-This state agency protects creditors who make loans to students. The Direct Student Loan program is "like a bank within the guaranteed student loan program," said Tryon. Through this program, the state can loan directly to the student, similar to a bank or credit union. TRYON ATTRIBUTED the high rate of delinquency to the fact that the direct loan plan is so new. "You expect a high delinquency rate (with a new program)," he said. The state is reimbursed by the federal government if the total default rate is five per cent or less, according to a sliding scale that has been in effect since 1976, said Cummings. The state would receive only 90 per cent of the default total if the rate were between fivand nine per cent. Since the guaranteed student loan program began in 1962, a gross total of $13.5 million of loans has been defaulted by delinquency. Not included is default because of death, illness, or bankrup- tcy, according to Cummings. THE DELINQUENCY rate is about 8.1 per cent of the total amount guaran- teed by the state, as of April 13, 1979. This figure has "remained relatively constant between eight and nine per cent for the past several years," said Cummings. About $1.4 million of the gross total has been collected from delinquent borrowers, he added. The Univesity has been the source of guaranteed loans for 1,635 students sin- ce 1976. As of June 30, 1978, $6.9 million of the loans were still outstanding, ac- cording to Rob Barbrett, supervisor in the University accounting department. However, this total includes loans made a.......~ v v ! to students still enrolled in the Univer- sity. A TOTAL OF 44 University students have defaulted on loans and their ac- counts were turned over to the state for further collection efforts, said Bar- brett. "On guaranteed loans we have rather energetic follow-ups on all borrowers." The accounts are turned over to the state only after the University has tried to collect. Cummings detailed the steps taken by the state .to collect on delinquent payments. He called the first step "pre- claims work." The state arranges a meeting between the borrower and the lender to arrange payment. IF THE FINANCER cannot collect payment, the state "buys" the loan and "normal collection practices" are followed, said Cummings. The delinquent borrowers are sent letters and called. Because of these efforts, "About one half of the borrowers get into repayment programs," estimated Cummings. Borrowers are traced through in- come tax files and Secretary of State drives license records. When these efforts do not produce payment, the delinquent account is transferred to the state Department of Treasury, which has the power to sub- poena. "Any money coming from the state (such as income tax refunds) ... is pulled and applied to student loan accounts," explained Cummings. A bonded collection agency, hired by the state, tried to trace and collect from the defaulters who move out of the state without repaying loans. Despite the program of default, Cummings viewed the program positively. He noted that "79.9 per cent of those who have received guaranteed student loans have paid or are in the process of paying back." Daily Photo by LISA UDELSON Reflections of State Street in the windows of Jason's caught the eye of this passerby Wednesday afternoon. Active duty Active and challenging. The Navy Nurse Corps offers you experience in the practice of general nursing as well as the expanded professional func- tions of the Nurse Practitioner. Registered Nurses and Certified Nurse Practitioners can take advantage of programs in Pediatric Nursing, Obstetrics/Gynecology or your particular specialty. And if you qualify, you may even be- come eligible to work towards a master's degree.