Page 6-Friday, May 4, 1979-The Michigan Daily AP Photo A Dallas, Texas downpour caused unexpected problems for motorists yesterday. The sudden rising waters caught these drivers in an underpass. Oil company profit ta NEW YORK (AP) - AMericans overwhelmingly favor President Car- ter's proposal for a windfall profits tax on oil companies, even if they don't care much for his decision to lift price controls on domestic crude oil, an Associated Press-NBC News poll shows. Interviews with 1,600 adults across the country Monday and Tuesday were the basis for the AP-NBC News poll on energy, which indicated 'public support of a new tax to keep oil company profits down while they also blame oil com- panies the most for higher prices on gasoline and heating oil, according to the poll taken Monday and Tuesday. Their rejection of Carter's statement that "the energy crisis is real" appears to lie behind the public's refusal to ac- Auditions for "TERROR OF LIG HT" by Charles Williams Monday & Tuesday, May 7 & 8 8:00 pm at Canterbury Loft 332 S. State (2nd(oor1 Perf ormance )aie; une 1w-m1n 6 men r r~~liC ~c s /x has public support cept removal of oil price controls as a Nearly two-thirds of those necessary element of national energy viewed said they support a newI policy, oil companies. Only about 24 pe On April 5, Carter made the second opposed the action and ten pe major energy speech of his ad- were not sure. ministration, announcing his decision ONE OF TH E undercurre to gradually lift price controls on old public opinion about energy th domestic crude oil and asking Congress behind these results is a subs to impose a new tax on oil companies to negative feeling about the oil prevent them from reaping excessive panies. Thirty-nine per cent of th profits due to his decision. terviewed laid the blame for THE PRESIDENT argued that lifting gasoline and heating oil prices price controls would give greater incen- door of the oil companies. Next tives for searching for new oil fields, for the blame came the oil pro But now, less than a month after his countries, named by 29 per cents speech, the public doesn't accept that U.S. government was picked by rationale for lifting oil price controls. cent. The rest of the respondent Carter's decision received the sup- tered the blame among other tar port of only 37 per cent of the public, were not sure. while half said they opposed it. Thirteen The poll was taken before the per cent of the 1,600 adults interviewed nment reported on Thursda3 nationwide by telephone were not sure. surges in the wholesale pri But the flipside of Carter's decision - gasoline and heating oil helped p asking for a windfall profits tax on oil the wholesale price index 0.9 per companies - drew substantial public April, despite a decline in wh backing. food prices. Tho ch "i- fn r inter- tax on er cent r cent ants in at lies tantial . com- ose in- higher at the in line ducing and the 19 per s scat- gets or gover- y that ces of push up cent in olesale sonline t e wnoiesaie price 1U gab111 soared 4.4 per cent last month, while heating oil jumped 6.7 per cent, the Department of Labor said. IN HIS NATIONALLY televised speech on April 5, Carter said, "The energy crisis is real. I said so in 1977, and I say it again tonight, almost exac- tly two years later." The public does not agree with his assessment, providing another critical element in their perception of energy policy. Fifty-four per cent labeled the nation's energy shortages a hoax. Only 37 per cent said there are real shor- tages. Nine per cent were not sure. This finding is quite a change since last summer, when the public was evenly split on whether energy shor- tages are real. At that time, eight per cent were not sure. How someone views the energy situation is pivotal in how Carter's ac- tion is judged. Those who say the energy crisis is a hoax split 58-31 again- st lifting crude oil price controls. But those who-think the energy situation is threatening split 48-42 in favor of lifting controls.