Page 4-Friday, May 4, 1979-The Aichigan Daily SMichigan Daly Eighty-nine Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Ml. 48109 Vol. LXXXIX, No. 3-S News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan for A The Michigan Student Assembly (MSA), election has become, by now, notorious for the shoddy way it was run, and for the irresponsible way candidates and other interested parties handled themselves after the election. The reputation is well deserved. The election scandal is almost lethally damaging to a student government which was beginning to show hints of promise in in- creasing the students' potential to participate in University decision-making. One departing MSA member said, "We've really made progress, really worked hard, and election time comes-the time when youhave the most visibility-and people act like fools. It really looks bad." 1% I Reins should not loosen on CIA T HE PROPOSAL recently submitted to the Senate Intelligence Committee by the Car- ter Administration aimed at loosening the reins of presidential authorization for "small-scale" covert activities engineered abroad by the Cen- tral Intelligence Agency (CIA) is distressingly misguided. Not only is the administration in- vesting greater powers in an agency which has proven undeserving, it is shirking its respon- sibility to the American people as well as foreign governments. Reducing regulations for permission to spy on Americans in foreign countries, and to conduct other unspecified covert activities, cannot con- ceivably encourage the CIA to reform. Past tran- sgressions and excesses of power are not likely to end if the agency is under even less pressure to justify its actions. Members of congressional panels and oversight committees in charge of CIA regulation, as well as administrative officials could claim they were unaware of actions later discovered and denounced if the proposal is adop- ted. More public servants dodging their duties like ostriches are not in demand. Another alarming aspect of the recommen- dation is its defiance of sentiments advocating tighter restrictions on the agency. In fact, the Hughes-Ryan amendment must be amended in order for this proposal to be approved. But instead of heeding the cries of the Church committee and concerned citizens, the Carter administration seeks to abuse the public's trust and ignore con- clusions of the committee. Without presidential constraints, the agency is compelled to notify the congressional intelligence committees, an executive branch body, and for counterintelligence, the National Security Council of planned activities. In the past, these bodies have failed to hit the brakes when the CIA over- steps its bounds. Oversight committees, fearing leaks will endanger the precious byword of the in- telligence community-national security-are reluctant to exercise their duties in this realm. The administration would better-aid the public by streamlining the mire of regulations plaguing other government bodies, and leave constraints on the CIA intact. It is unfortunate that the president considers spying on American citizens abroad and other covert activities so in- significant. The president is the only direct check on CIA powers. To forfeit the agency's accoun- tability poses a grave danger to personal liberties and fair government. The CIA's presumption of power must be pruned, not perpetuated. SPORTSSTAFF GEOFF LARCOM Sports Editor ILLY SAHN DAN PERRIN AssistantSportsEditors I THE FORMER Assembly member had a right totbe angry. Students who wanted to win the elections so badly-for whatever motive: personal prestige, social change, student power, or party pressure-did everything they could to make the elections go their own way, and were even willing to "cry sour grapes" wan- ting to make another party look as bad as possible. But both major parties in the election-the Student Alliance for Better Representation (SABRA) and the People's Action Coalition (PAC) became so preoccupied with winning the election that nothing else seemed to matter. It seems strange that those who said "student power" and "making MSA stronger" were their reasons for running let the desire to win the election get in the way of the issues. If they were really sincere, about their goals and promises the election scan- dal would never have reached the Regents and the administration. ics to bl OSS of A By Julie Engebrecht The administration does not belong in student government af- fairs. But as badly as the students were handling the election, the responsibility might as well have been handed to the ad- ministration. So often we hear the rhetoric of student government leaders and party members about increasing student power, but the strongest of those advocates spent so much time quarreling among them- selves, they eventually were for- ced to sit back and watch any "power" they had slip through their fingers, as they lost their student government. AT ONE POINT, just before administrators decided on a procedure to handle the elections, several students came up with a plan which might salvage the student government, but'the at- tempt was only half-hearted. It is ironic that the people who requested the administration to become involved in the process were some of the same ones who d been crying for student power all year. SABRE personnel admitted they were willing to go to any length to see the elections certified. They even discussed lawsuits with several lawyers. SABRE party president Brad Canale even promised to purge any party members who gave un- favorable information about the party to the press. During the short life of the party, its leaders already admit ousting at least one party member for presenting proposals to the Assembly which resembled those of PAC. Early in the election scandal, much blame was placed on the elections director, Emily Koo, who did not handle the election procedures very well, but is cer- tainly not to blame for all the problems. The candidates them- selves must accept most of the criticism for election difficulties. ame iSA election certification, CSJ might as well not exist, now that its power has been usurped by the administration and other students. Criticism of CSJ's ability to follow their own procedures is hypocritical, because candidates initially agreed that a cer- tification hearing four days after the election was fine with them, and then complained as soon as the result of the hearing didn't suit them. They then found a technicality, which said the cer- tification hearing had to be held between five and ten days after the election. SABRE members could not then pesent enough evidence to the court to warrant a second hearing. The court then, in a reasonable manner, allowed its decertification of the hearing to stand. AND THEN, MSA President Eric Arnson saw to it that the Court's initial findings on the election could not be typed to be made official. By the time they were typed up by CSJ members, the Regents had already made a decision to turn the election over to the Office of Student Services (OSS). Such actions by someone who spoke all year about "student power" seem irrespon- sible. The solution might be to do away with political parties, as some schools, such as Harvard are discussing. The only argument against eliminating parties is that voters identify par- ties but may be unfamiliar with the individual candidates. Parties, therefore, do not con- tribute to more responsible voting. In any case, it is clear that student government really has no power, if it is up to the ad- ministration to handle funds and decide on whether another elec- tion is justified. If students have the power to run their own student gover- nment, they should exercise the power wisely, or not have it. Perhaps a history professor's recent comments on the election, during a lecture on watergate, provide insight on the election. The professor compared this student government election to dirty tactics elections run by another group of government leaders at the University of Southern California (USC)- The USC cast included Watergate characters such as Donald Segretti, who later became famous for using dirty campaign tactics for Richard Nixon in the 1972 presidental election. It's unfortunate that student government is run by a political machine with a boss with strategic connections who willingly subvert student gover- nment, while saying they are trying to save it. They might have had good intentions, but winning an election was more important than making concrete accom- plishments for students. Julie Engebrecht covered MSA for the Dailys II BUT RECENT administrative and regental intervention into election affairs has clouded the issue of student tampering with LL.e ejec..tio..issAf- n nae uiameu the election. Many have blamed the administration for inter- SERIOUS DAMAGE was also ference, but if the student groups done to the Central Student had simply worked together to Judiciary (CSJ)-the students' handle their own affairs, the ad- judicial body normally respon- ministration would have never sible for making a decision on become involved. 00 , __ ra I