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January 18, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-01-18

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Vol. LXXXVI; No. 93

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, January 18, 1976

10 Cents Eight Pages








. . . begin at 5 p.m. today with the third pro-
gram of the Eva Jessye Music Series in the Cady
Music Rm., Stearns Bldg. The free program cele-
brates Dr. Eva Jessye's birthday and is entitled
"An Ethnic Festival" . . . at 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
tonight and tomorrow everyone's favorite come-
dians Procter and Bergman -will appear at the
Matrix . . . at 8 p.m. there will be films on Cuba
and Chilean peasants in the East Quad Aud . . .
at noon Monday Dorothy Thompson speaks on
"Women and Chartism" in 1402 Mahon Hall . . .
novelist John Hawkes reads from his works at the
Hopwood Underclass Writing Awards ceremony at
4 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall . . . at 7:30
p.m. there will be a Revolutionary Student Bri-
gade-sponsored memorial for Chou En-Lai at
the International Center, next to the Union . . .
and the A-Squares Dance club will teach beginners
from 8-9:30 p.m.

Halts heaviest strife
in 9.m0o tli civil war
By AP and Reuter
BEIRUT-After 11 days of bloody fighting that cost
hundreds of lives, the guns of Lebanon's nine-month-old
civil war fell silent as a ceasefire took hold at ,7 p.m.
(EST) yesterday.
Premier Rashid Karami said on Beirut radio that the
truce calls for blockades. to be lifted around two Pales-
tinian refugee camps and four predominantly Christian
THERE ARE at least 25,000 Christians besieged in the seaside
towns in southern Lebanon, including Interior Minister Camille
Chamoun. Witnesses said "corpses are strewn all over the place."
Karami, a Moslem, said the government will guarantee that
all roads will remain open, and that all sides had agreed to lift
their blockades.
These include the Palestinian camps of Tel Zaater and Jier
Basha in Beirut's suburbs that have been encircled by Christians



Judith Campbell Exner, the dark-haired woman
with the list of famous boyfriends, which includes
former Mafia kings and former president John
Kennedy, will apparently get down to intimate ba-
sics in her proposed book. In an outline of the
work, which focuses on her relationship with
Kennedy, she claims that singer Frank Sinatra's
sexual tastes "ran into areas which might be
termed kinky." Sinatra had only a brief reply:
"Hell bath no fury like a hustler with a literary
T V diplomas
Remember when you -were in high school and
"heavy" books like the "Scarlet Letter," "Moby
Dick," and "The Great Gatsby' were required
reading? Well, it ain't as tough as it used to be.
The Los Angeles Board of Education has ruled
that beginning with the class of 1979, no high
school diplomas for those who can't read at least
well enough to understand TV Guide, labels, signs,
and government forms like social security and
welfare applications. That level of literacy is what
the~ board described as "survival reading ability."
The board felt it was unfair to the current crop of
senior high school students to impose this shock-
ing new graduation requirement on them, so the
rule will not apply for three years. The test will
be changed each year to prevent students who
cannot read from passing by memorization after
taking is so many times. Can you picture the LA
seniors studying three years from now? Thev'll
sit down in front of the tube with a stack of TV
guides, and a sixpack with plenty of labels and
cram. That's survival?
Those were the days
The times they are a changing. And it's sad to
watch them change, sometimes. Take,. for exam-
ple, Friday's watered-down protest against the
government. Across the parking lot from the Pen-
tagon's river entrance, a few youths dug a mock
grave while a few others sang "Tell Don Rums-
feld . . . we shall not be moved." Seventeen mem-
bers of the group were arrested. They had to
come to ask White House Chief of Staff Rumsfeld
to open a debate on national nuclear policy. In
1967 there were over 50,000 protesters demanding
an end to the Vietnam war. Over 150 were ar-
rested; officials had to call up 11,000 troops-al-
though only about 2,500 were used - at a cost of
over $1 million. On Friday it took only a few cons.
One young woman began crying as she lav face
down on the pavement waiting to be handcuffed
for violating GSA Regulation 101.19.3-blocking
the entrance to a public building. "That'd make
a terrible picture," said Sam Carmel, the mili-
tary security chief, turning to a policeman. "Get
'em the hell arrested 'and onta here."
Special to the White House
If you can't get Jerry Ford. to the phone to com-
plain, you might just have to vault the high White
House fence to get to the busy president. Secret
Service men arrested an unidentified intruder+
doing just that yesterday afternoon. It seems to be
the thing to do this year as several unauthorized
persons have been caught sneaking onto the White
House grounds. One young man was arrested re-
cently for attempting to see Ford about clemency
for his father regarding a narcotics charge. Who
knows, maybe it was New York City mayor Abe
Beame trying to get funds through the back door.
On the inside ...
Rich Lerner explores the glittering world of
Las Vegas and Bill Turque writes about the more
sober side of gambling in an interview with a
member of Gamblers Anonymous for the Sunday
mnnin nR t t-i n C ,.r r'c, (IP. nfn t.rAQn nfl

Pi askin puppet
The puppet's companion, who works at the University Cellar, is collaborating on a Ses me St.-inspired sequence for a cable TV
children's workshop.
Gaystudies course offered

for two weeks, and the Moslem
Jiysh, Naameh, Saadiyat and
Dfmieh that was captured by
Christians three days ago will
be returned to the guerrillas
and Moslem militiamen and
Palestinians will withdraw from
Christian territory that they
seized, according to the agree-
ment, Karami said.
Many Lebanese were doubtful
that the cease-fire would hold.
Dozens of truces have been call-
ed, bit only 16 were successful
for brief neriods.
If it holds, the ceasefire will
check what seemed to be the
inevitable slide of Lebanon into
a conflagration fueled by reli-
g~w s nassions which would have
torn the country apart.
'WSERVERS said that both
sides may have reckoned the
cost of a fight to the finish too
great to contemplate.
Certainly the Arab world was
deenly concerned a b o u t the
rind deterioration of the situa-
tion in the last few days and the
i'tervention of the Arab am-
bassadors here may have been
a decisive factor in persuading
the rival factions to put up their
The partial occupation by
g"errillas of Damour on Friday
sent air force jet fighters on
their first antiguerrilla bombing
and strafing missions in the con-
CHAMOUN, 76-year-old for-
mer president and Lebanon's
Christian leader, was trapned
with his family in their mansion
in Saadiyat, 13 miles south of
There were conflicting reports
on efforts to evacuate him.
Palestinian spokesmen said
guerrilla leader Yasir Arafat
sent some of his soldiers to
Chamoun's home to protect him.
They added that Chamoun re-
fused on offer to evacuate him.
AN OFFICIAL of Chamoun's
National Liberal party denied
the guerrilla reports. He said-
C ham o un and thousands of
Christian refugees in the area
"are determined to fight to the
end for their honor."

sieges of the Christian towns of
DES MOINES, Iowa (A)-Iowa
Democrats and Republicans be-
gin on Monday night the task of
helping the nation choose a
Both parties will hold pre-
cinct caucuses - neighborhood
meetings in each of Iowa's 2,617
votingprecincts-to make known
their presidential preferences.
THE CAUCUSES .are billed as
the first test in the nation of the
relative strength of the can-
didates. But odds are that no
clear-cut choice will emerge.
Six of the Democrats' 11 pres-
idential hopefuls have campaign-
ed extensively in Iowa for pre-
cinct level support.'
And on the Republican side,
supporters of President Ford
and former California Gov. Ron-
ald Reagan are urging party
members to choose between
CANVASSERS in all candidate
camps, however, report about
half the voters they have con-
tacted in the last week remain
undecided on a presidential
choice. They say there will be
more undecided votes than com-
mitted ones in the caucuses.
Most of the' candidates say the
contest for precinct support is
a game nobody has .to win anid
they'll be satisfied merely to
make a good showing.

.as a forum for
Gay activism has secured a new foothold in openly discuss
the University's academic door with a Course ward homosex
Mart offering on Gay and Lesbian Liberation. ays
The course, officially enti ed "The Politics of One gay stu
Gay and Lesbian Liberatiod," is the brainchild is taking the c
of Teaching Assistant Dan Tsang and will outline finding out wh
the history of gay oppression and homosexual f
struggle for acceptance and equality. tI have Lea
than going into
"WE WILL NOT just be looking at the victims A person whoc
of oppression but at the creators as well," said in today's socie
Tsang, an active member of the Graduate Em- step," he adde
ploye Organization's (GEO) Gay Caucus.
"We will examine the manifestation of homo- THOUGH TS
phobia (fear of homosexuality), racism and sex- gay studentsv
ism," he added. member of the
In addition to tracing the history of gay acti- majority of the
vism since its inception in Germany at the turn "People arer
of the century, Tsang says he plans to explore their transcrip
the "problems, contradictions, racism, and sex- they're gay-an
ism in the Gay Liberation movement, and its these days," thl
relationship with other leftist and third world Jean Crawfox
protects itself
fro-m own reports
WASHINGTON (P)-The Central Intelligence Agency maintains
a secret coordinating panel to make certain the United States is
not misled by its own propaganda, according to former intelligence
The purpose of the panel, which includes representatives from
the CIA, the State Department and the United States Information
Agency, is to prevent key policymakers from drawing erroneous
conclusions from false news stories or forged documents planted
by the CIA in foreign countries, the former officials said in inter-
views yesterday.
THE COMMITTEE also seeks to prevent the Voice of America
from giving worldwide circulation to stories planted by the CIA.
"You don't want to let them get taken in," one former official
said, adding that this procedure began in the early 1960s when
it was realized "there was a problem with contamination" caused
by CIA propaganda overseas.
"It's inevitable that it might bounce back," the second former
official said.
HE CITED as an ex-ample CIA radio broadcasts aimed at Cuba
during the time of the Bay of Pigs invasion. These fake broadcasts
were heard by Cuban exiles in Miami, printed in their newspapers
and in turn picked up by other U.S. media outlets.
A third former official cited CIA-sponsored radio stations
broadcastirg from Taiwan in the 1950s. The stations would purport

O anticipates the course serving
both gay and non-gay students to
their feelings and attitudes to-
uality and society's treatment of
dent enrolled in the class said he
ourse "because I am interested in
ere my true sexuality lies.",
xned that homosexuality is more
o a john and picking up a guy.
can accept the fact that he is gay
ety is strong. Coming out is a big
SANG had hoped that many non-
would enroll in his course, one
class said that an overwhelming
33 students are gay.
afraid to have it (the course) on
t because p e o p 1 e will assume
nd that's not a good thing to be
e student said.
rd, who attended the first meeting
See COURSE, Page 2



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