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Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 92
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 17, 1976
10 Cents
Eight Pages
Pennywise and...
While some of us are already getting blisters on
our elbows from riffling through the pages of our
still-new textbooks, apparently that isn't the case
over at Alice Lloyd Hall. There, two men claim to
have set a new world record for penny snatching.
Mark Anderson and Jay Ross both claim to have
broken the old mark for this odd event which re-
quires balancing a stack of pennies on your elbow,
then letting the pennies go and tryiig to catch
them with your falling hand. The old record was
37. Anderson claims to have caught 47 while his
partner pulled down 45. Good to know college hi-
jinks are still alive and kicking.
Grebe it while youcan
The Board of Regents yesterday approved a paid
leave of absence for University Zoology Professor
Robert Storer. The reason for Storer's leave? "To
study the newly discovered Hooded Grebe in Pata-
gonia and to measure grebes in the collections in
Buenos Aires, La Plata and Tucuman." Happy
Old rads never die
The state Supreme Court has agreed to hear
a state appeal of the reversal of the extortion con-
viction of Lawrence "Pun" Plamondon, co-found-
er of the White Panthers Party and member emer-
itus of Ann Arbor's aging radical vanguard. The
1973 conviction was overturned by the Court last
September and a new trial was ordered because
of alleged illegal wiretap evidence. The state
attorney's office now contends that the evidence
was actually legal because it was approved by the
wiretap victim, Uwe Wagner. Wagner, the original
plantiff in the extortion case, charged that Pla-
mondon and a companion threatened him physic-
ally if .he refused to pay a debt for 25 pounds
of marijuana. Plamondon made the FBI's "Ten
Most Wanted List" after being accused of the 1968
bombing of a CIA building here.
Volunteers nee ded
Down the road in Ypsilanti they need volunteers
to help staff the phone lines at the SOS Com-
munity Crisis Center. Help is also needed for pub-
licity and fundraising. Persons interested in start-
ing work as a phone volunteer should call 485-3222
to arrange an interview. To be eligible, you must
be available for the next six months. If you've
got idle time slots on your calendar, give them a
begin bright and early with an ecology
workshop sponsored by the Ecology Center of Ann
Arbor. It begins at 8:45 am at the Calvary Preby-
terian Church at 2727 Fernwood. The second ses-
sion begins at 2:00 p.m. The workshops are de-
signed to give people training to help work on
ecology issues in a community.
Dope note
The Secretary of the Health, Education and Wel-
fare Department is peeved with news media for
blowing results of a federally funded study on the
streets of marijuana on sexual performance out of
proportion. David Mathews' line with Congress is
that the research may succeed where tens of
thousands of school drug education classes have
failed - that it may stop people from smoking
dope from fear of deteriorating sexual perform-
ance. The original experiment called for a pro-
fessor at Southern Illinois. University to show
young males stag films and measure their sexual
reactions before and after they try the weed. But
Congress threatened to cut off the $121,000 orig-
inally granted for the study. Commented one Con-
gressman: "The study is offensive to the stand-
ards of conduct pursued by most Americans, in-
volves outright or potential violations of the law,
and the showing of potentially obscene films and
renresents a frivolous use of funds at a time when
federal funds as a whole are in short supply."
On the inside..
Editorial Page features a PNS report on busi-
nessmen trying to win contracts within Indochina
. . on the Sports page, John Niemeyer writes on
last night's hockey.
Local ban)
A staggering upswing in city bank robberies-part of a nation-
wide trend - has taxed Ann Arbor police and bank officials to
their limits as they wait uneasily for the next bandit to strike.
In the past year, robbers have hit city banks nineteen times,
mostly for only a few hundred dollars but occasionally for major
heists of over $40,000. Outside the Detroit area, Michigan bank
robberies rose by eight per cent in 1975.
THE ANN ARBOR police have so far made five arrests which
they say account for seven of the ninteen hold-ups, and are sure
that only one or two more arrests would account for most of the
Deputy Chief of Police Harold Olson explains: "It's just like
John Norman Collins (a man convicted of one murder following a
wave of sex slayings in the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti area in the late
sixties). He was charged with only one. We can't say that he
committed all the others but it sure stopped him, didn't it?"
Olson says his department is looking particularly for a white,
full-bearded male who may be responsible for five or six of the
robberies. Several bank cameras, including one in Lansing, cap-
reach new high
tured him on film.
"HE'S THE LONE guy with a knapsack who walks in, shoves
a note in front of the teller, gets a very few hundred dollars, walks
out, and disappears," Olson says.
Bank officials are stepping up security measures and in De-
cember instituted a new type of reward program. In cooperation
with the FBI and Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti police, local banks are
offering up to $1,000 for information leading to the indictment
of suspects.
Detroit FBI agent Frank Godtle, a specialist in bank robbery
investigation, says such reward programs have curtailed bank
hold-ups in Detroit by 53 per cent during the past year, from 157
in 1974 to 74 in 1975, accounting for 27 indictments and solutions
tO 67 robberies.
GODTLE IS puzzled over Ann Arbor's burgeoning robbery
problems, but suggests: "We do have a spillover. Some (crimi-
nals) who were operating in Detroit now operate in Ann Arbor,"
possibly because of the success ,of reward plans in Detroit as well
as better bank security, such as the use of bullet-proof screens
in front of tellers. He also says bank security guards are fre-
quently lax or frightened to use force during a robbery, whereas a
bar or store owner is more likely to pull a gun on the thief.
But Olson says his officers can do little before robbers strike
again. A footprint in the snow, recognition by a passer-by-only
such chance clues can lead to an arrest, and only further rob-
beries can provide such leads.
"You hate to say it," said Olson yesterday, "but if they keep
hitting you're just increasing your chances of getting the guy."
OLSON SAYS THE bandits are "hitting" the, banks due to
simple economics.
"Look at it this way," he says. "It just doesn't make sense to
hit the corner grocery store and get $20 when you can get $20,000
at the bank."
"One of the best deterrents," he claims, "is to have a swift
and severe penalty once they're (the suspects) arrested and con-
"WE TALK TO a lot of those bandits (in Detroit)," says
Godtle. "They'll tell you here in the city it's easy money, it's an
easy target."
See LOCAL, Page 8
q ueshlons
Esch on
A handful of picketers protest-
ing U.S. involvement in Angola
confronted Rep. Marvin Esch
(R-Mich.) yesterday morning at
the North Campus Commons as
the Republican congressman ar-
rived to deliver a campaign
The demonstrators,, organized
by the Michigan Campaign for
a Democratic Foreign Policy,
demanded that Esch take a firm
stand on proposals pending in.
Congress that would prohibit
military or economic aid for
U.S.-backed factions in Angola.
ESCH, WHO is making a bid
for the U.S. Senate, spoke at an
oen meeting of the Life Un-
derwriters Association.
Phil Carrollea spokesman for
the group, asked the Ann Arbor
representative if he will support
a bill rider, sponsored by Rep.
Robert Giaimo (D-Conn.), which
calls for a halt to all American
aid to Angola.
See GROUP, Page 2
Seeks increase In
Social Security rate
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - President Ford will propose a 1977
fiscal year budget calling for an increase in Social Secur-
ity taxes, informed sources said yesterday.
The budget, which will be made public Wednesday,
will raise the tax rate for Social Security from 5.85 per
cent to 6.15 per cent. Administration officials argue that
higher payments are needed to insure the soundness of
CONGRESSMAN MARVIN ESCH (R-Mich.) talks with a group of demonstrators who confronted
him yesterday on North Campus. They questioned him about his position on further American
aid to forces fighting in Angola. Esch did not take a firm stand one way or the other.
the program.
FORD'S BUDGET calls for a
third largest since World War II,
jected federal expenditures will
about $351 billion.
The maximum Social Secur-
ity tax for an individual would
be about $1,014 in 1977, up from
$895 in the current year. Even
without the increase proposed
by Ford, it was estimated the
maximum tax would total $965
in 1977. That is because of au-
tomatic changes according to a
formula pegged to increase in
the nation's average wage
For example, a worker earn-
ing $16,500 or more in 1977
would pay the maximum tax of
about $1,014 under Ford's pro-
posal. If he earned $10,000, he
would pay $615 for the year, or
$11.80 per week. The em-
nlove's tax would be matched
by the emnlover.
IN ADDTTION to the Social
Seclritv tax increase, Ford's
b-deet also will nronose:
* Defense outlavs of $101,
h;lion,. un from about $92 'bil-
lion in finc-l 176. Ford will
sav the increase is necessarvto
maintain a strong defense pos-
A Consolidation of various
grants to states for health nro-
arams, child nutrition .pro-
grams, education for handicap-
ned persons and social services
for the elderly.
* A reduction of $10 billion
in individual income taxes to
carry out the $28 billion tax de-
crease the President proposed
in October.
0 A change in the Medicare
program for the elderly to in-
crease both contributions and
See FORD, Page 2'
deficit of about $43 billion - the
informed sources also said. Pro-
total $394 billion and revenues
pos tpone
The University Board of Re-
gents voted yesterday to post-
pone a decision on PIRGIM
funding until their February
meeting, further delaying action
on last fall's controversialfund-
ing system.
The postponement came after
President Robben Fleming in-
dicated that the present sys-
tem of funding may be illegal.
"I SPOKE to a University
lawyer about the PIRGIM fund-
ing system and he expressed
serious doubt as to its legality,"
Fleming exulained. "In -Mary-
land and Massachusetts, the At-
torneys General found similar
funding systems to be illegal."
PIRGIM, a public interest
group composed mainly of stu-
dents, has been under attack
for its funding system since
fall, when students were auto-
matically charged a $1.50 PIR-
GIM fee. Under this plan, a
student had to claim his or her
See BOARD, Page 9
Zaire threatens Angolan invasion
By The Associated Press
Zaire threatened yesterday to
declare war on Communist-
backed forces in neighboring
Angola that have routed their
rivals in the northern zone of
the country.
The Soviet news agency Tass
said units of the National Front
for the Liberation of Angola
(FNLA) - supported by the
United States and Zaire - were
"retreating in panic."
Washington advised its allies
by telegram that FNLA and Zai-
rean troops were fleeing before
an onslaught by the Popular
Movement (MPLA). U.S. offi-
cials said in Washington that
9,500 Cuban soldiers are fight-
ing with the MPLA and 1,000
others are en route to Angola
aboard two troopships.
They estimated Russia has
sent arms worth $200 million to
help the MPLA and Cubans and
predicted that once they secure
the north, the reinforced Cubans
will move to the southern zone.
The south is now held by units
of the Union for the Total Inde-
pendence of Angola (UNITA),
which is allied with the FNLA.
Tass said Holden Roberto,
leader of the FNLA, has fled
north and sought sanctuary in
Kinshasa, the capital of Zaire.
Zairean President Mobutu Sese
Seko is Roberto's brother-in-
law and a stpunch supporter of
the FNLA.
alliance are fighting to rule the
potentially rich West African
nation, which received its in-
dependence from Portugal last
M ob u t u ' s government an-
nounced it would protest to the
United Nations "the bombings
of Cuban troops" of the Zaire
border city of Dilolo Wednes-
day. While it called the attacks
bombings, there was no men-
tion of aircraft. Previous re-
ports were of shellings.
A statement issued after Mo-
butu returned from Dilolo said
"this is a casus belli (cause for
war)." It warned the Soviet
Union and Cuba that "the ser-
ious consequence to which any
repetition of these acts of ag-
See ZAIRE, Page 2
N.C. drops charges
against black.leader
North Carolina authorities, cit-
ing the illness of a key prosecu-
tion witness, yesterday dropped
kidnaping charges t h a t had
stood for 15 years against mili-
tant black leader Robert Wil-
Williams, who now lives in
Michigan and once held a Uni=
versity appointment, was ac-
cused of holding a white couple
in his house against their will
during racial violence in Mon-
roe, N.C., in August 1961.
MONROE Dist. Attv. Carroll
Lowder said vesterday he had
received word that Mabel Ste-
Pychic 'heals' with,
D' Ubconscious power
v- -
le packs no bag of tricks and boasts of few miracles, but
"psychic" Stern Morgan insists that he can heal the physically ill.
The technique requires no special skill, asserted Morgan last
night at Canterbury House. "Each and every person has the power
and capability within themselves."
"THE ABILITY rests within the subconscious." It's just like
a muscle - we all know we have them, but the more you exer-
* cise it - the stronger it gets." continued Morgan.
Morgan first became aware of hisown "powers" about five
..;,r kyears ago, through a University extension course in Detroit.
kF4~ . "I found I had the capability of scanning, of looking into the
human body and seeing skeletons, then seeing the ailments." he
SEVERAL University medical students present attested to his
special diagnostic and healing abilities. But Morgan declined to
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