w£a Dit Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Wednesday, January 7, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan IF LILI EDirWLV~jIO -3 - - Angola: The Cold WTar revisited AP Photo Troops of the Soviet-backed Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) listen to political lecture during training on Luanda parade ground. B eyod Angola... 0 .. Fa minle in Africa Stop U.S. mercenary aid LAST DECEMBER, when Congress shut down President Ford's at- tempt to bolster pro-Western Ango- lan forces with a multi-million dol- lar dose of American aid, most ob- servers assumed the legislature's ver- dict to be clear and final. Then last week, in an NBC interview, Ford dis- closed that American money is be- ing poured into mercenary factions active in Angola whose motives con- cur with Ford's. The same non-interventionist ar- guments which ultimately defused America's Vietnam policy clearly ap- ply to the Angola situation. Con- gress, along with its constituency, Photography Staff 'KEN FINK PAULINE LUBENS Chief Photographer Picture Editor Editorial Staff E. SUSAN SHEINER ......., Staff Photographer GORDON ATOHESON CHERYL PTLATE Co-Editors-in-Chief DAVID BLOMQUIST ................ Arts Editor BARBARA CORNELL .. Sunday Magazine Editor PAUL HASKINS ..............EditorialnDirector MARY LONG .. Sunday Magazine Editor JOSEPHINE MARCOTTY Sunday Magazine Editor SARA RIMER...................Executive Editor STEPHEN SELBST...................City Editor JEFF SORENSON.Managing Editor STAFF WRITERS. Tom Allen, Glen Allerh and, TH MISREPRESENTATION OF THE PRE5VIENT'S IMAGE MUST 6TOP! 1E I 5 NOT THE BUMBLING, INEPT, CLUMSY PRESIPENT lHAT CARTOONISTS AND COMEPIANS PORTRAY! ~~a ) ~ * learned its lesson the hard way in Southeast Asia, and the lopsided anti - Angola aid vote dramatically demonstrated legislative aversion to the prospect of another Vietnam. Now Ford, by authorizing and de- fending U. S. aid to mercenary activ- ities in Angola, is attempting to strong-arm Congress and the law where persuasion failed. American activities in Angola are cut from the same cloth as the hush- ed-up Cambodian invasion of 1970 and U.S. bombing of the plain of jars in Laos. The fact that Ford chooses to ad- mit surreptitious if indirect U. S. in- volvement in this case makes it no less appalling. Congress must no allow the admin- istration to wriggle its way out of every directive not to its liking. If the lawmakers sit back and let Ford get away with the Angolan gamble they are no better than he, violators of both the lessons of the recent past and the law. TODAY'S STAFF: News: Jay Levin, Cheryl Pilate, Jeff Ristine, Steve Selbst Editorial Page: Paul Haskins Arts: Joshua Becker, David Blomquist Photo Technician: Steve Kagan By BRUCE WATSON Jan. 1 (PNS) - As the U.S. pours military aid into Angola, millions of malnourished Afri- cans 1,500 miles to the north await U.S. aid for their drought- ridden region. International relief came quickly in 1973-74 when West Africa's Sahel desert was hit by mass starvation following a seven-year drought. But since rains ended the emergency a year ago, interest in helping the Sahel has nearly evapora- ted. A long-term U.S.-sponsored development program for the Sahel has been mired so long in bureaucratic red tape that its chances for passing Con- gress may now be in jeopardy. It took the U.S. Agen- cy for International Develop- ment (AID) a full year to de- velop an initial proposal for the Sahel rehabilitation projezt. ("One doesn't convert from drought relief to long-term de- velopment overnight," srys AID official Irving Rosenthal.) Then it took three more months before Congress recently au- thorized $5 million to AID to finalize its plans. As the 1974 emergency passes further from the public mind,, AID's planeed multi-billion dollar proposal may be lost among more politically pressing issues. The Sahel has no politically or militarily stra- tegic value. EVEN IF CONGRESS quick- ly approves the AID plan when presented this spring, aid would- n't begin until 1977. The AID proposal - of whch the U.S. would contribute $140 million a year, or 20 per cent of the total, over a 10-year peri- od - is',intended to head off the worst effects of future .1rougnts by doubling food producti n in the Sahel region. Several West- ern European governments, Canada, U.N. organizations and the World Bank have indicated they would help finance such a project. All) officials estimate that U.S. investment now could save billions of dollars in emergency aid later when another drought hits the Sahel. Key targets of relief officials are improved transportation, grain storage areas, irrigation of waste land and replenishing of cattle herds. " The landlocked Sahel c ntries of Chad and Mali have no rail- roads and few paved highways. When grain shipments from re- lief agencies arrived during the emergency, they backed up for weeks. Up to 50,000 tons of grain waited at one time in Dakar, Senegal, which thousands starv- ed just a hundred miles inland. WITH THE HELP of AID, which in 1974 provided S6C mil- lion to the six Sahel nations, road renair and maintenance has begun in Chad,, Mali and Upper Volta. But still no funds have been allocated for rail- road construction. Grain storage areas have been increased in the Sahel country of Niger to 35,,000 tons - from 5,000 tons in 1972. But this is still only four per cent of Ni- ger's annual grain consump- tion. Irrigation projects include two new dams planned for the Sene- gal River that will irrigate 825,- 000 acres in Senegal,, Mauritan- ia and Mali. Rice and tomatoes are being raised on 173 acres of newly irrigated land in Sene- gal,, with the support of the National Council of Churches. The drought killed 40 ~per cent of Sahel cattle, a crippling blow to the nomadic tribesmen who tended the herds. Ranching has begun in Niger with the help of Canada and West Germany, but the nomads are reluctant to settle on them. The recent drought was the third such disaster in the Sahel this century. After the first two droughts, the inhabitants co)n- tinued their primitive methods of livestock breeding and farm- ing. West African farms still yield only one-fifth as much grain per acre as U.S. farms, lacking fertilizer, equipment and technology. BEFORE THE RECENT dis- aster, the people of the Sahel seemed doomed to continue their cycle of starvation followed by devastating drought. Agricultur- al production has been unable to keep up with growing popula- tion. Only mass starvation has maintained any kind of balance. Now, the world-wide publicity given the recent famine has of- fered the Sahel people a, chance to improve their plightathrough economic delevopment. But if humanitarian aid lags until an- other drought hits, massive em- ergency relief will again be needed, thousands will starve before the rains return, and the cycle will be repeated. Bruce Watson is a freelance journalist. By DAVID OLSEN Dec. 21 (PNS) - Unknown to much of the world only last year, Angola today is the focus of saturation news coverage.. As in the early days of the Vietnam war, much of this com- bines an ignorance of African affairs with an all-too-ready re- course to standard cold-war analysis. Take Cuba's involvement in the crisis. It is commonly as- sumed that by sending troops to fight with the Soviet-backed MPLA in Angola, Cuba is fol- lowing the dictates of Moscow. That Cuba is prepared to sac- rifice normalized relations with the U.S. over Angola is seen as further evidence of Cuban subservience to Russia. But Cuba has its own foreign policy reasons for committing troops to, Angola. Cuba has maintained close ties with all three anti-Portuguese indepen- dence movements in Africa (the PAIGC in Guinea-Bissau, Freli- mo in Mozambique and MPLA) ever since their beginnings in the early 1960s. Cuba in fact has been far more supportive of these three movements than the U.S.S.R. Although it had no military hardware to offer, Cuba sent medical supplies, doctors, edu- cational materials and political advisors to all three movements, and led a world-wide propagan- da campaign in support of their struggles for independence. FROM CUBA'S POINT of view, participation in Angola may be worth much more than the fading possibilities of de- tente with the U.S. Cuba has a long-standing commitment to build up its own armed forces. The military has an important place in Cuban life because of the ever-present possibility of invasion. Fighting in Angola not only gives Cuban soldiers com- bat experience but puts some backbone in Cuba's political presence in Latin America. Soviet intervention in Angola and growing Soviet influence elsewhere in Africa remains the predominant concern of most Angola news coverage. Reports point to the flocking of African nations of all political persua- sions to the Soviet camp, in- cluding Nigeria-long aneutral, nonaligned nation and the U.S.'s largest foreign oil supplier; and Mozambique and Tanzania, both recipients of Chinese aid and heretofore considered in the American press as sympathetic with China. All three have re- cently announced their support for the Soviet-backed MPLA. But like Cuba. all these coun- tries have their own reasons for supporting the MPLA. Un- like Cuba, none of them have alliances with the U.S.S.R., and none can be considered in the Soviet socialist camp. NIGERIA, FOR EXAMPLE, has long been friendly toward the U.S. and indifferent toward the U.S.S.R. But Nigeria's fore- ign policy in Africa is built on opposition to South Africa's in- fluence on the continent. Ni- geria maintains the largest standing army in Africa ex- pressly "to counter South Afri- can power on the lower third of the continent and announced support of the MPLA only be- cause South Africa entered the civil war on the other side. Had South Africa stayed out of the conflict, Nigeria would more than likely have remained neu- tral. In the case of Mozanbique, its ruling national party Frelimo has been an ally of the MPLA for over 11 years. At the begin, ning of their simultaneous wars of national liberation against Portugal, the PAIGC, Frelimo and the MPLA formed a joint organization to coordinate the propaganda and diplomatic activities of the three move- ments. The founders of all three (including Dr. Neto of MPLA) studied together at the Univer- sity of Lisbon, and the leader- ship of each retains close per- sonal ties with the others. These historical factors explain Mo- zambique's support for MPLA much better than do supposi- tions of Soviet influence on Fre- limo. THE FACT IS that many Af- rican nations have remained re- markably independent of the influence of both capitalist and socialist bloc countries. This is true not only of Mozambique, which received small amounts of military aid from both Russia and China, but also of Tanzania. Tanzania's president, Julius Nyerere, is a proponent of "Af- rican socialism," but this "so- cialism" has amost nothing in common with its Soviet or Chi- nese namesakes beyond some degree of economic planning and an emphasis on coopera- tive styles of production. It is precisely Tanzania s in- dependence that explains how it could supposedly desert the Chinese camp even while China just completed a major rail- road linking Tanzania and Zam- bia. It never was in the Chi- nese camp, as it is not in the Soviet camp now. Tanzania has been an active supporter of Fre- limo in neighboring Mozambi- que, and of the MPLA and the PAIGC, for over 10 years. 'That it continues to support the MPLA should present no mys- tery. Because much of the report- ing on Angola advances cold- war preconceptions rather than historical and political informa- tion about Africa, the civil war is largely regarded only as a communist vs. anti-communist conflict. Certainly big-power in- tervention into Angola has in- troduced this element, but the key issue remains how Angola will achieve self-determination. FAILING TO ASSIGN proper importance to African history in the emerging crisis could mis- lead the American public into accepting a set of policy deci- sions completely out of touch with the interest of the people in Africa's newest independent country. David Olsen, co-author of "Race to Power: The Struggle for Southern Africa", is former director of the Africa Research Group in Cambridge, Mass. HE~ 15,84' FAR, THE MOST' GRACEF-UL, AT16fLETIC PRPESDEN1" IN MEMORY! HEY, RON! THROW ME MY SKI,VWILL YAZ SASXT P1SLOPGE Ir F?om clericals To The Daily: PLEASE PERMIT ME, an outsider, a few thoughts on the current election of officers for the clerical union, UAW Local 2001. There are four basic con- siderations, I suggest, for voters to keep in mind. Maturity is a curious item to list first. And yet, as the con- duct of several candidates spon- sored by the Clericals for a Democratic Union has demon- strated for example, the dis- ruption of meetings, the ado- lescent responses to frustration) that the Union membership can- not assume that an elected offi- cer will exercise mature and rational thought on matters af- fecting 3,000 clericals. For ex- ample the latest CDU flyer in- cludes charges of a rigged elec- tion in case they lose. The act that the contention - like all those which preceded it - to- tally lacks evidence or logic bothers me less than the imma- turity of the mind which con- trived it. Maturity involves also coop- eration. And yet major CDU candidates have spent the past six months alienating the very people with whom they must, work if the union is to be ef- fective. For example, major CDU candidates have called I n t e r national representatives (again, without factual or logi- cal bases) liars and despots. And yet the representatives are the only dependable allies the local will have in future rela- tionships with the university. Irrational statements do not promote cooperation. Secondly, experience is obvi- ously a qualification for any Letters union here. The contract in- cludes for e x a m p l e the best grievance procedure of any campus union. And because of that one accomplishment alone, for the first time in the history of the university, job security is a reality or clearicals. The contract also gained the best total economic package that any campus union has achieved in several years. The contract is not perfect, but it is strong, and a remarkable document. Moreover, despite unwarranted obstacles which distracted them, the bargaining committee and its chairperson have done an extraordinary ob o enforcing the contract. I suggest that to dis- regard such proven competence, responsibility, knowledge and experience would set back the union at least one full year - and perhaps destroy it. Certain- ly, it is a poor sacrifice to someone's ambition. Experience has another facet. The CDU candidate for presi- dent has worked for the uni- versity for ony a year. Their candidate for chairperson of the bargaining committee has been a clearical for only four months. In my view, their ob- vious inevperience as clericals poses three questions: Did they become clericals because they needed jobs,, or because they wanted to dominate a union? Next, Commitment to cleri- cals is fundamental. A candi- date must not allow extranal obligations to compromise her effectiveness as their represent- ative. The fact that the CDU has refused to discuss their fi- nances or the source of their "donated labor" causes me to to side. Any major officer of the union -and especially chair- person of the bargaining com- mittee - must represent every clerical throughout the Univer- sity. Most CDU proposals, which have originated with their can- didates for president and other major offices, have the effect of divinding the community of clericals. Some of their propo- sals flagrantly discriminate against clericals who are work- ing parents. The prospect of leadership based on such a narrow view of who constitutes the clericals' union is disturb- ing. Integrity is the final princi- ple which I suggest. Through flyers, and through the manipu- lation of news media, the CDU has barraged clericals with mis- information and distortions of fact. I know from personal ex- perience the extent of such falsehoods, which the CDU has spread without regard to either reason or common sense. I could not conceive of anyone (short of Richard Nixon) who wanted power so badly that they would lose sight of all acceptable eth- ical standards of conduct. The clericals' union began to stagnate the moment the Clericals of a Democratic Un- ion politicized it. Those peo- ple who held it together through its crisis - for example,, Jean Jones,, Deborah Moorehead, and Susan Susselmann - deserve to be rewarded for their con- sci entiousness and, indeed, for their courage. Their History of involvement in the union since it began attests to their com- mittment to continue to build a union of, by, and for cleri- cals. The union needs desparate- have the chance so long denied them to restore to the union the vitality it needs. That is why the election is more than the game which CDU wants to play. Ronald Jones January 6 Stevens 7w To The Daily: I WRITE TO express my dis- agreement with the lead editor- ial in The Michigan Daily of 10 December 1975 concerning the appointment of Judge John Paul Stevens to the Supreme Court. Dissatisfaction is expres- sed in that editorial with the ap- pointee's position on the ERA amendment, particularly with Stevens' appraisal . of the legal significance of the proposed amendment. According to the article in The New York Times of 9 December 1975, Judge Stevens suggested in the con- firmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee that the ERA was more of "symbolic" value than. of any legal importance. The nominee defended his stance, saying that "women should have exact- ly the same rights under law as men," and he rejected the argument of those persons cri- tical of his position, that he had shown bias against women's cases. It is his view that the rights of all persons are ade- mnately covered under the Four- teenth Amendment. This position seems to be in line with Stevens' concern with methodology rather than ideol- ogv. He said, in those hearings, "It's always been my philoso- Daily tion might be. Who shall decide what the proper "spirit" of in- terpretation is? This does not preclude disagreement about interpretation of the Constitu- tion: times and circumstances continually change, and deci- sions based on the Constitution certainly should not become static despite such change. BUT WHAT is meant by the "spirit" underlying Constitu- tional interpretation? If one does not agree with a justice' interpretation of the "spirit" be- hind the Constitution, in a par- ticular case, who shall decide what the true "spirit" of inter- pretation ought to be? Under questioning by Senator Edward Kennedy, Judge Stev- ens repeated several times that judges make their decisions on a case-by-case basis, and that he believed in treating all who come before the court equally. Kennedy tried to get a broad statement of the Judge on dis- crimination: he wished an ex- pression of Stevens' "sensitivi- tv" on the 'problem. The posi- tion of Stevens', that he would annly the law equally to all, The Senator, according to the Times, "sought reneatedly to elicit a broad deminciation aeainst discrimination." I be- lieve the Senator, asking what seems to he a vague sort of anestion (the "sensitivity" of the nominee on the matter), sought an equally vague ans- wer. Judge Stevens showed e-inent good sense, I think, in not giving such an answer. KENNEDY SEEMS MORE concerned with scoring politi- cal debating noints than with suhstantive (that is, case-by- case) resolitions of what is in-