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January 16, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-01-16

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Vol. LXXXVI, No. 91

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, January 16, 1976

Ten Pages





Daily treat
Many of you on our delivery routes are receiving
this issue of The Daily as a gimmick. Yeah, a
gimmick. But we think you'll be impressed with
our mix of local, ,national and international news-
along with .reviews of cultural events on campus
and an editorial page that takes a "different"
view of things. Frankly, we hope you'll want to
subscribe. If so, all you have to do is return the
card. In any case, enjoy this issue-it's a freebie.
China bound
A group of 25 University faculty members, execu-
tive officers and Regents have been invited to
visit the People's Republic of China. They will
pay their own way. Negotiations involving the trip
are taking place with the Chinese liaison office in
Washington. All faculty members on the trip are
specialists in Chinese studies. President Robben
Fleming toured China with a group of university
presidents in November, 1974. And Richard Solo-
mon, political science professor now on leave with
the National Security Council, was with President
Ford's party in China during December.
are kicked off by a noon lecture in the
MLB, Lecture Rm. 1 entitled "The Sales of Wives
in 18th Century England" . . . at 5 p.m. the
Center for Western European Studies holds a
sherry hour with English historians Edward and
Dorothy Thompson in the Corner House, 202 S.
Thayer . . . the opening reception for an exhibition
and demonstration of Printmaking: Lithography,
Serigrapry and Intaglio will be'held from 7-9 p.m.
at the Jean Paul Slusser Gallery in the School of
Art, North Campus . . . at 7:30 p.m. the Michigan
Alliance presents a multi-media event on "Southern
Africa-the Last Vietnam?" in Aud. B, Angell .. .
Mary Crow Dog speaks at 8 p.m. in the Union,
Pendleton Rm. about the government's alleged
assault on Leonard Crow Dog, the Sioux and Ameri-
can Indian Movement spiritual leader from Rose-
bud, South Dakota. . . and also at 8 p.m. practicing
psychic healer Stern Morgan appears at the Canter-
bury House, corner of Catherine and Division.
Sins of Sex
The joys of sex, unless you're married and
cavorting in bed with your legal spouse, are sinful,
the Roman Catholic Church declared yesterday.
In stepping up its campaign against sexual per-
missiveness the church produced a document on
the side of sexual repression. "Every genital act
must be in the framework of marriage," the
Church ruled. Specific sins were described as
homosexuality ("serious depravity") and mastur-
bation ("seriously disordered act"). The Church
also condemned those progressive Catholics "Who
have begun to judge indulgently, and even to excuse
completely, homosexual relations between certain
people." The 21-page document, approved by Pope
Paul, was immediately described as repressive
by a leading progressive Catholic theologian and
branded as "grotesque and criminal" by an Italian
homosexual group. Will Linda Lovelace repent?
American way of death
We all gotta go sometime. That's a fact the
undertaking industry has often chosen to overlook
for its own financial gain, President Ford's con-
sumer adviser says. And if you imagine your body
lasting forever within a sealed casket, then you've
bought the Great American Funeral Myth, Vir-
ginia Knauer warns. She attacks the undertaking
business for encouraging myths of "indestructible"
caskets, burial vaults with half century guarantee
and the misconception that more than one person
cannot be buried in the same grave. No matter how

much money you spend on fancy boxes you are
only delaying the inevitable-and natural-disinte-
gration of the remains says Knauer.
Battle of the bats
Dracula beware! Government biologists think
they have finally come up with a good way to kill
vampires. They say an overdose of anticoagulant
causes the little bats-who drink the blood from
animals and sometimes people-to die of internal
hemorrhaging. The vampire strikes at night when
its prey sleeps unaware. It bites the skin around
the neck, tail or feet. Then it hungrilly laps up
blood from the wound and flies off, leaving its
victim bleeding and susceptible to rabies or other
On the inside .. .
the Editorial Page features a Pacific News
Service analysis of the U.S. move toward dealing
with the PLO . . . Andrew Zerman reviews the
1975 Broadway season on the Arts Page . . . and

Kissinger to







By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON-The United States has outlined detailed propo-
sals to the Soviet Union for ending the deadlock that has blocked
progress toward a nuclear arms limitation treaty, high American
officials said yesterday.
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger gave the proposals to
Russian Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin during a Wednesday night
meeting at the State Department.
THE SECRETARY will leave Monday night for Moscow in
an effort to set definite outlines for a Strategic Arms Limitations
Treaty (SALT).
Kissinger said last November that the United States would

vote- to
About 30 striking 'Sunrise
Management tenants rejected a
settlement package last night,
prolonging the current rent
strike until new discusisons be-
tween additional strike support-
ers and the Ann Arbor Tenants
Union (AATU) can be held next
Representatives of both the
management company and the
striking tenants formulated the
multi-faceted package proposal
Wednesday after University me-
diation talks broke off.
SUNRISE tenants, in a closed
meeting with members of the
Ann Arbor Te na n ts Union
(AATU) last night rejected spe-
cific points in the settlement in-
cluding an eight per cent rent
reduction for strike supporters
and various maintenance pro-
According to AATU steering
committee member Robert Mil-
ler, the tenants' attitude was
"surprising but gratifying. It
was extremely militant."
The AATU, said Miller, plans
to mobilize the other striking
Sunrise tenants to attend next
Monday's meeting. The tenants
union also hopes to foster sup-
port from Sunrise tenants who
are not participating in the
About 50 Sunrise units, which
include at least 100 tenants, have
been supporting the strike by
withholding two months rent
from landlord Dewey Black, the
young owner of Sunrise Man-
agement (formerly Trony Asso-
ciates), in protest of what they
See RENT, Page 2

make no new proposal until the
Soviet Union offered a new pro-
posal, but he has now made it
clear he is going to Moscow
with the promise of such a pro-
posal, rather than any concrete
Soviet idea.
While the officials declined to
elaborate on the American plan,
it was learned that the pro-
posals, approved by the National
Security Council, on Wednesday,
included these points:
* Neither the new Soviet-
manned Backfire bomber nor
the American Cruise missile sys-
tem would be counted in a pre-
viously agreed upon formula
limiting each country to 2,400
offensive missiles and bombers;
* The Russians would limit
deployment of the bombers to
bases effectively out of range of
the American mainland;
* The Russians would not
deploy in-flight refueling sys-
tems for the Backfire, or at
least would seriously restrict the
use of such systems; and
* The United States would
agree to limit the range of the
Cruise missiles to a point that
would restrict their use to tac-
tical missions only.
The Cruise missile is an un-
manned weapon that can be
launched from a plane, sub-
marine or even ground artillery.
STRATEGIC planners consider
the Cruise as a potentially major
addition to nuclear arsenais, one
that could threaten the super-
powers arms balance because of
its flexibility in targeting and
its ability to evade existing de-
Though the Soviet Union has
not agreed to the- American
thinking, Kissinger said in a
news conference Wednesday that
"we have been given a clear
promise that there would be a
significant modification in the
Soviet position."
Last year the SALT negodia-
tions broke down when the So-
viets flatly refused any restric-
tions on the Backfire and de-
manded that any Cruise missile
be countesd in the 2,400 limit
opposed on American nuclear
KISSINGER will not sgn a

to vote
in Feb.
University students will
be paying an average of 8.9
per cent more for dormi-
tory housing next year if a
proposal presented yester-
day to the Board of Re-
gents is approved in Febru-
The plan, which was de-
veloped by the student-
staff Rate Study Commit-
tee, would hike yearly fees
for double rooms from
$1400 to $1511 and rates
for single rooms from
$1565 to $1753.
UNIVERSITY Housing Direc-
tor John Feldkamp presented
the plan, saying that dorm rate
hikes have not kept pace with
"Residence hall rates have
not kept pace with general
changes in the outside econo-
my, as a double room in a tra-
ditional residence hall renting
at $900 for two terms in 1964-
65 now rents for $1400, a $500
increase," Feldkamp explain-
ed. "That's a 55.6 per cent in-
crease in 11 years, but the
Consumer Price Index has in-
creased by 75.6 per cent in the
same period."
Rates for single rooms will be
hiked 12 per cent, while fees
for all other dormitory spaces
will be increased eight per cent.
THE average 8.9 per cent
hike is the largest increase in
recent years. Last year, the
Regents turned down Feld-
kamp's proposal for a three
per cent hike, saying they
hadn't had enough time to
study the measure.
Housing rates were hiked 5.1
per cent for the 1973-74 school
year and 8 per cent for 1974-
University President Robben
Fleming told the Regents yes-
terday that housing office
might lack adequate funds
even if the 8.9 per cent increase
is approved.
"WE STILL do not know
what the governor will do to our
budget," Fleming said. "If, as
we susect, we get no increase
for next year, then we will
probably be forced to take some
funds away from John (Feld-
The Regents won't be taking
any action on this proosal at
[his month's meeting, but they
will rote on it at the Feb.
In other action, a committee
headed by Vice President for
Student Services,; Henry John-
son, recommended that the Re-
eents delav a decision on how
to fund PIROtTM next fall until
See FEE, Page 2

Doily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
Pa triotic popsicl
A frozen flag at Dobos photo studios on the corner of E. William and S. Division hangs limply in
the spirit of the Icentennial.
Students hit hiring plan

Three University students yesterday told the
Board of Regents that reverse discrimination in
the University Housing Office cost them resident
advisor (RA) positions in West Quad.
James B o w d e n, spokesman for the three,
charged that housing officials are applying a
double standard to applicants, resulting in bias
in favor of minority students.
BOWDEN, Regina Kane, and Jeff Reade ap-
plied for the four openings last November and
were approved by their respective selection com-
mittees and Building Director Leon West. They

were, however, notified this month that because
federal affirmative action guidelines had not
been met, the application process was being re-
opened, and, for the time being, they have not
been accepted.
Fred Nance, a black RA candidate who under-
went the same selection process, was appointed
to one position. Three openings remain.
Following their rejection, Bowden, Kane, and
Reade protested to University Housing Director
John Feldkamp and Building Director West and
sent letters to President Robben Fleming, the
Regents, and other officials.
See STUDENTS, Page 2

Moore receives life sentence

SAN FRANCISCO (P)-Former attempting to assassinate the
FBI informer Sara Jane Moore President.
was sentenced to life in prison "I AM certain of one ining,
yesterday by a judge who blam- I know you wouldn't be htanding
ed a permissive society and lack here today if we had a capital
of capital punishment for her punishment law," Judge Conti
attempt to assassinate President told Moore. "If you thought
Ford. when you pulled that trigger you
U.S. District Court Judge would be subject to capital pun-
Samuel Conti said Moore had ishment, you wouldn't have ptll-
"no remorse" and that he hoped ed it."
the stiff sentence would be a The judge noted that during
deterrent to others. the years when there had been
She was the second woman capital punishment there was
in a month to be sentenced forless kidnaping and less violence.

He reiterated: "If we had capi-
tal punishment, you wouldn't
be here. Many people would be
saved. You wouldn't be putting
down bombs and pulling trig-
"The only reason the Presi-
dent was not killed was not
through any fault of your own.
Your aim was straight," Conti
added. "It was a faulty gun-
sight that made the attempt
on the President's life unsuc-
HE SAID Moore and peuple

like her "are misguided, and
you are blaming society for
your own faults." He accused
her of taking it on herself to
"be the judge, jury and the
executioner" when she shut at
Ford as he left a San Francis;co
hotel Sept. 22.
"What really concerns me
most about America is how cal-
loused we have become to crime
and to violence," said Judge
Conti. "If you thought at the
moment that you were going to
;press that trigger and fire that
shot that you world be subjevted
to capital punishment, you
wouldn't be pulling the trigger."
Before her sentencing, Mocre,
45, read a lengthy statement
describing how she "came to
understand that violence can
s ometime.s be constructive.'
SHE SAID she regretted at-
tempting to assassinate Ford be-
case it "'acconlished ihtle

Rackham fees to be revised

The Rackham fee structure-condemned as

1974, will present a modified version of the com-
mittee's recommendations to the Regents next

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