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January 07, 1976 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1976-01-07

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Wednesday, January 7, 12 76
Reagan out paces Ford
in campaign fund raising


Page Three



WASHINGTON (P) - Helped spend more than $10 million to-
by a law he opposes, Ronald tal to campaign for the presi-1
Reagan is outpacing President dential nomination of any party.!
Ford in campaign fund raising. A L T H O U G H incumbent
A spokesperson said Reagan's presidents traditionally raise
campaign committee raised money easily by tapping weal-'
about $2 million in private do- thy donors for big contribu- ,
nations during 1975 to finance tions, the new law makes it il-
his bid for the Republican pres- legal for anyone to give more
idential nomination, than $1,000 to a single federal
FORD RAISED only $1.7 mil- campaign. This works to the ad-
lion, according to a spokesman vantage of a challenger, in this+
for his campaign. case Reagan.
Reagan took the finan- By limiting large donations,
cial lead after a late start, rais- and by providing federal match-
ing more than $500,000 a month ing money for up to $250 of each
during the last quarter of 1975. private gift, the law also placesj
A spokesman said the heavy a double emphasis on small do-:
pace' was continuing into the nations. This works to Reagan's,
first days of 1976. advantage because his strong
Ford's pace was $327,000 a political views stir strong emo-
month for the period. tions among his baclers, who
F U R T H E R M O R E, had to onen their pocketbooks
three - fourth of Reagan's mon- more readily than voters in the
ey qualifies to be matched dol- political middle.
lar-for-dollar by additional pay- "It's more difficult for a
ments from the federal govern- moderate to raise money,"
ment, his spokesman said. Less said Ford campaign spokesman'
than one-half of Ford's money Peter Kaye.
qualifies, according to his REAGAN C A M P A I G N
spokesman. lawyer Loren Smith put it an-+
Thus, Reagan is getting a other way. "It (the law) helpedt
boost from the year-old federal us because it put an emphasis
election money law, which he on small contributions and vol-
o p p o s e s on philosophical unteers. We're very strong on;
grounds. these two things."
Whatever Reagan gets, he Smith said 50,000 persons;
can't necessarily spend more have donated money to the Rea-+
than Ford because the election gan campaign. "It isn't just+
law now limits campaign out- the money that makes us hap-+
lays. The spending ceiling is py. It shows there's support outi
$200,000 per candidate in the there."I
New Hampshire primary, for As recently as last July 25,1
example. No candidate may the Reagan forces hoped to do;

without federal subsidies be-
cause Reagan, as a conserva-
tive, opposed them.
"WE'D LIKE to be in the po-
sition so that we wouldn't have
to go on to the government, be-
cause philosophically Ron's op-
posed to it," said campaign
strategist Lyn Nofziger.
But on Jan. 2 the Reagan
campaign got a government
check for $100,000. Reagan is
claiming another $500,000 in
matching money based on pri-
vate donations received through:
last October, and is expected to
file claims up to $1 million
more based on receipts in No-:
vember and December. Nofzig-
er said the law's limits on pri-
vate donations make it impos-
sible to pay for a presidential
campaign without the federal
What brings in the Reagan
money is a massive direct mail
campaign. Millions of letters
seeking donations have gone to
past Reagan donors, Republi-
can givers and backers of vari-
ous conservative causes. The
average Reagan donation is
about $20. As much as $100,000
in small gifts has come in dur-
ing a single day.
FORD'S campaign staff, by
contrast, focused early appeals
on businessmen and others who'
could afford to give the maxi-
mum $1,000. Ford's first fund
raiser, David Packard, quit last1
Oct. 31, however, and a new
fund - raising team is laying
plans for a broader appeal.
Ford spokesman Kaye said
the Reagan money lead may
turn out to be temporary, and
may not mean much. "I'm sure
we'll be able to raise all we
need," he said.
John Adams, second Presi-
dent of the United States, lived
longer than any other Presi-I
dent, dying on July 4, 1826, a
few months before his 91st birth-

in S.F
the past we'd always have to
run when we spotted the cops,"
said Red, a hooker. "But now
we ain't gonna run po more."
Red made the remark as sev-
eral prostitutes gathered on a
downtown street corner Monday
night to celebrate and circulate
an announcement by San Fran-
cisco's new district attorney
that he will virtually stop pro-
secuting prostitutin cases.
"IF IT'S a nonviolent, non-
coercive activity between
adults, and it doesn't involve
any other crime, my office will
not bother with it," said Dis-
trict Atty. - elect Joseph Frei-
tas, who takes office tomor-
Freitas specified that his poli-
cy included minor cases of
marijuana possession and pro-
stitution cases "where there is
no coercion or other crime in-
He said he would instead de-
vote his staff's resources to
fighting violent crimes and en-
forcing laws protecting concum-
FREITAS, a liberal labor
lawyer, said he expected his
policy would not please support-
ers of the police vice squad
which, under the guidance of
Capt. Gerald Shaughnessy,
makes most prostitution ar-
y California law makes prosti-
tution a misdemeanor, punish-
able by a $500 fine or a maxi-
mum jail sentence of six-
"It's fair to say that our of-
fice will fail to prosecute vice
cases with the vigor that Capt.
Shaughnessy might desire,"
Freitas said. Shaughnessy's in-
itial comment was: "We'll just
have to wait and see what the
policy will be."

AP Photo
The Squash and The Kid
Christoprer Washinger, 4, of Orrstown, Pa. gets his arms around the first place squash in the Pennsylvania Farm Show, held

in Harrisburg. The squash weighed a burly 272%.
Vetnam vc
ROME, Ga. (') - A Vietnam aries to fight in Angola.
veteran who calls himself a
" free-lance soldier" says he THERE HAVE been r
plans to work for the Commu- dened by the White He
nists in Angola because the pay that the Central Inte
is better than for Western-back- Agency has recruited n
ed factions in the civil war. aries to fight against

t eyes Angola

use -

The veteran, who refused to

allow his name to be used, was
One of the chief sources of quoted Monday by the Rome!
income for the tiny principality News - Tribune as saying bothj
of Liechtenstein is from the the Soviet Union and the United
sale of postage stamps. States are recruiting mercen-

backed forces.
Although it is illegal for a
U.S. citizen to fight in the serv-
ice of another country, the vet-
eran said the practice is wide-
He said he will receive $2,800

a month and the rank of ma- being a Rome native in his late
jor for fighting with the Soviet- 20s, said he answered a news-
backed Popular Movement for paper advertisement addressed
the Liberation of Angola. to "young men" which promis-
"THE WORK will be routine ed "high pay and travel oppor-
guerrilla warfare - the hit and tunities working on the exciting
run sort of thing," he was quot- African continent."
ed as saying. Don was quoted as saying he
In an interview with reporter suspects to be provided a pass-
Betsy Neal, the veteran, who port from a country near An-
was referred to as "Don," said gola, probably Rhodesia, and
he was recruited through an then to be flown across the An-
advertisement in an Atlanta golan border with other mer-
newspaper.. cenaries in a private plane.
The manager of classified

HE said he was
statement from
George Moscone.

waiting for a

Doctors' slowdown action
hits S. California hospitals


LOS ANGELES () - A swell-
ing load of patients may force
the early release of some pa-
tients and transfer of others out
of county hospitals as parts of
Southern California buckled un-
der the effects of a doctor slow-
down, an official said yester-
Dr. John Affeldt, director of
Los Angeles County's Depart-
ment of Health Services, said
patient population this week
has been increasing at the rate
of 100 per day at county hos-
"WE'RE GOING to start
planning for earlier than nor-
mal discharges . . . We think
we could free up quite a few
beds by doing that," said Af-

feldt. He said county facilities,
where patients are arriving in
burgeoning numbers as treat-
ment is curtailed elsewhere,
will reach capacity of 3,700 by
the end of the week.
Ha also said negotiations
were under way with seven
private hospitals to accept pa-
tients under county contract.
The county would pick up the
cost of a temporary malprac-
tice insurance policy at the
facilities to insure that doctors
would be available to treat the
contract patients, Affeldt said.
Mothers and their newborn
infants, along with patients suf-
fering from broken bones, would
feel the brunt of the projected
discharge program, he said.

M E A N W H I L E, special-
ized emergency services had
ground to a virtual standstill at,
some hospitals in the suburban
San Fernando Valley, where
many private doctors refused
to treat patients unless "a life
threatening, limb threatening
emergency" existed, officials
The doctors in several South-
ern California counties trigger-
ed the slowdown to protest sky-
rocketing malpractice rates an-
nounced by the Travelers Insur-
ance Co.
Some private hospitals, where
nonemergency cases were be-!
ing turned away, were report-
ing greatly reduced patient oc-

advertising for the Atlanta
Journal and Constitution - the
city's two major newspapers-
could find no record of such an
ad in the past six weeks. He!
s-'id federal reeulations would
nr ohibit any ad specifying men
or vo'ne persons for jobs.
"S"VME OF my associates on
the West Coast say that Amer-,
ican recruiters are coming to
their door and asking them to
Stn uTn for service," the man
--lied Don was quoted as say-
He told Ne'i the allegedI
Ameri-an recruiters are not!
identifying the groups they ren-!
resent but are recruiting in the
name of Holden Roberto. head
of the U S.-backed Front for the
Notional liberation of Angola.
NeaI said she was shown
rioc'nents and letters s'innort-
in chlims that he had been
recruited by the Soviets to fight
in Angola and that he fought for
them in Chile in 1969 and 1970.
DON, who Neal described as

N.Y. acts on
aerosol hazard
ALBANY, N. Y. () - Start- layer can increase skin cancer.
ing next January, perfume, de- State Environmental Conser-
odorant and household cleaner vation Commissioner Ogden
sold in New York State in aero- Reid said he will seek federal
sol spray cans will have to car- action to impose a similar lab-
ry labels saying their use could eling requirement nationwide.
harm the environment. THE LAW permits the com-
Aerosol spray cans, if they missioner eventually to ban
come under the regulation is- the sale of spray cans contain-
sued Monday, will be labeled, ing the chemical if it is deter-
"Contains chlorofluorocarbon mined that the products defi-
propellant which may harm the nitely present hazards to the
environment." enxironment or public health.
THE REGULATION follows At hearings last November on
a 1976 state law which included the regulation, representatives
a provision that the public be of the cosmetic, drug and other
warned about the possible dan- businesses argued against the
ger to the atmosphere's ozone proposals because, they . said,
layer from the propellant. the cost of compliance would
Some research has indicated unduly burden the industries in-
that breaking down the ozone volved.

AP Photo

A Hard Day's Night
An ice-covered fireman shows the strain of battling his second
blaze in two nights in Rockhill, Conn. A fire broke out Mon-
day night for the second time in a Gulf storage shed follow-
ing a blaze in an apartment building. Rockyhill elicited aid
from fire departments in six other towns.
THE MICHIGAN DAILY Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription
Volume. LXXXVI, No. 83 I rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 senes-
Wednesday, January 7, 1976 ters); $13 by mail outside Ann Ar-
is edited and managed by students bor.
at the University of Michigan. News
phone 764-0562. Second class postage Summer session published Tues-
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. day through Saturday morning.
Published d ai1y Tuesday through Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Sunday morning during the Univer- Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor.

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lunch: Monday thru Friday, 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
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club bar: Tuesday thru Thursday, 4:00 p.m. - midnight
Friday, 4:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m.
Saturday, 5:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m.
The Club bar features Happy Hour, with reduced drink
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To reserve your place at the University Club,
contact the Club manager, Mary Armstrong,
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first floor of the Michigan Union.













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