See Editorial Page
W Irv,
See Today for details
Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 159
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, April 14, 1976
10 Cents
Teri Pages
I ...
Tenant rights
The State House of Representatives yesterday
passed a tenants rights bill by a 62 to 29 margin.
The bill, which now goes to the State Senate, pro-
hibits landlords from evicting tenants with out a
hearing. The bill also provides a $200 penalty if
landlords turn off heat, change locks or board up
windows to harrass tenants. The bill's sponsor,
Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) said he was
"optimistic" about the proposal's chances in the
Happenings ... .
begin at 10 a.m. with a workshop on the
book trade and the diffusion of ideas in the 18th
century at the Center for Western European Stu-
dies . . . at noon a luncheon seminar on radical
politics and literary culture in pre-revolutionary
France will be held in the Rackham West Lecture
Room . . at the same time the Student Counsel-
ing Office (SCO) is holding a Peanut Butter and
Jelly Sandwich Spectacular, just 15 cents in 1018
Angell Hall . . also at noon in the Lane Hall
Commons Room, P. G. Hare will speak at a brown
bag luncheon on "Hungary in the 1970's: Prospects
for the New Economic Mechanism" . .. at 3 there
will be a photography exhibition entitled "Photos
de la France" in the fourth floor Commons Rm.
of the MLB . . . from 3 to 5 there will be a work-
shop on low cost accommodations for those travel-
ing in Europe this summer in the International
Center . . . at 6 in the Business School's Hale Aud.
Ernie Jones, Chairman of the Board of Darey, Mc-
Manus, and Manius Advertising Agency will pre-
sent "Belief Dynamic", an audio-visual presenta-
Damage deposit
The government will pay for property dam-
ages if the FBI or federal narcotics agents raid
the wrong house by mistake, according to Attorney
General Edward Levi. Previously, the victim of
an erroneous raid had to prove that he or she
was innocent and deserved reimbursement for any
property damage. The change in policy was re-
ported by Senator Charles Percy (R-Ill.) when he
disclosed the contents of a letter from Levi. The
attorney General said "It is my view that these
costs should generally be borne by the federal
government rather than by innocent individuals."
The Treasury Department, which oversees the Cus-
toms Service, the Internal Revenue Service, the
Secret Service and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco
and Firearms, says it will adopt a similar policy
Yippies strike
The Youth International Party (Yippies) has
emerged from obscurity to strike once more, this
time hitting columnist William Buckley with a
shaving cream pie according to Aaron Kaye, who
said he is a reporter for the Yipster Times, the of-
ficial publication of the Yippies, he launched his
attack because the conservative columnist "was
putting Soviet author Alexander Solzhenitzyn on a
pedestal and spouting that jazz about America,
love it or leave it." But it appears that hard eco-
nomic times have struck the Yippies. When asked
why he chose a shaving cream pie Kaye replied
"A lemon meringue pie costs about $4 and I wasn't
going to spend that."
On the inside,...
...'on the Editorial Page Marty Porter, of Stu-
dent Legal Aid, writes about security deposits .. .
on Arts Page features Jim Valk writing on movies
of the summer . .. and Sports Page has the story
on yesterday's Tiger game.
On the outside .&.
It will be warm. A storm system moving out way
from the Rockies will cause increasing cloudiness
today. But a warm front associated with the storm
system will produce much warmer temperatures
this afternoon in spite of the cloudy skies. Highs
will be 67 to 72. Tonight will be cloudy, windy, and
mild with showers and thundershowers. Low 50
to 55.
bill limitin
Daily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY
Birthday rally
Students, faculty and other Ann Arbor community members dance and sing on the diag yes-
terday, celebrating Israel's 28th birthday.
liis *1te ra tu r e .e m -erg es
By AP and UPI
The House Judiciary Com-
mittee yesterday approved
a gun control bill that
would ban the manufac-
ture and importation of
cheap, concealable hand-
guns, commonly known as
"Saturday Night Specials"
and would set mandatory
jail sentences for persons
convicted of using a pistol
to commit a crime.
By a vote of 26 to 6 the
panel approved a measure
offered by Rep. Tom Rails-
back (R-Ill.) as a substi-
tute to a more restrictive
gun control bill defeated
by the committee 1 a s t
THE BILL, as it reads now,
would allow gun dealers to con-
tinue selling Saturday night
specials they may have in stock
or those they obtain from other
gun owners. But new guns
could not be manufactured or
The original proposal also
banned the sale of existing Sat-
urday night specials.
Yesterday's vote set in mo-
tion the procedure for the first
House consideration of restric-
tive firearms legislation since
passage of the 1968 Gun Con-
trol Act.
would increase license fees for
wholesale and retail gun deal-
ers and require pistol purchas-
ers to wait 14 days before tak-
ing possession of their hand-
The legislation does not affect
any handgun already in private
The Bureau of Alcohol, To-
bacco and Firearms has esti-
mated that about 5 per cent of
all handguns made in the Unit-
ed States in 1975 would fall into
the category of cheaply made
Saturday night specials.
IT ALSO reduced the pro-
posed increase in license, fees
for gun dealers. Fees would be
hiked from $10 to $50 for retail
firearms dealers and from $10
to $125 for wholesalers. The or-
iginal bill called for license fees
of $200 for retailers and $300
for wholesalers.
The mandatory sentencing
provision calls for persons to
be sentenced to one to 10years
on the first conviction, and to
two to 25 years for a second
offense. The jail terms would
be added to any sentences hand-
ed down for a felony conviction.
The criteria to be used to de-
termine whether a weapon is
classified as ' a Saturday Night
Special, and thereby banned
from manufacture, would be
identical to the standards es-
tablished in 1968 to block the
imports of certain handguns
into this country. The criteria
includes such factors as size,
caliber, quality of manufacture
and safety features.
The Michigan Student Assem-
bly (MSA) elections may be
over, but that hasn't stopped
the flow of derogatory litera-
ture aimed at MSA members.
A new leaflet, this time in the
form of a "wanted" poster list-
ing the names of ten student
political figures, emerged on
campus yesterday.
The handoutdescribes the stu-
dents as the "ten most wanted
campus political conspirators,"
and refers to each of them by a
disparaging nickname. Many
of the epithets used are racial
in nature (MSA member En-
rioe Barroso, for instance, is
called "Poncho").
NINE OF the ten students
named (with the exception of
Ken Berneis) are members of
the Student Organizing Commit-
tee (SOC), which has been the
target of most of the election
The students named in the
handout are:
* Calvin "Coackroach" Luk-
er, newly - elected MSA presi-
* Amy "Squeaky" Blumen-
thal, newly - elected MSA vice
* Wendy "The Dog" Good-
man, newly - elected Academic
Programs Coordinator;
O Ken "Mad Dog" Berneis,
ontgoing MSA nresident;
* Dave "Goebels" (sic)
Goodman, MSA Communica-
tions Coordinator;
* Dave "Big Jelly" Mitchell,
former MSA vice president;
9 Amy "The Spoon" Berlin,
former LSA representative;
* Debbie "The Dupe" Good-
man, former SGC president;
* Marty "Camel - Jock"
Kaufman, MSA member, and
* Enrique "Poncho" Barro-
so, MSA member.
The leaflets repeat the fa-
miliar charges that SOC mem-
bers conspired to rob students
through use of mandatory
funding, used MSA funds to
"promote partisan viewpoints
in a campaign," and illegally
removed the entire Central
Student Judiciary (CSJ). They
also accuse MSA of "grossly
malapportioning" itself to steal
the votes of 16,000 students.
SOC MEMBER Calvin Luker
See MSA, Page 2
Police arms control measure
in limbo after judges' ruling
A panel of three Circuit Court
judges agreed Monday to halt
immediate implementation of
a police firearms policy, re-
cently approved by City Coun-
cil, that would substantially re-
strict the use of guns by offic-
Acting, in response to a law-
suit filed on behalf of the Po-
lice Officers Association (POA),
the court agreed to hold a 10-
day moratorium on the contro-
versial gun policy. The 10-day
period will allow the now Re-
publican - dominated City Coun-
cil to reconsider the policy,
passed last week by the out-
going Democratic-SHRP major-
THERE is little doubt on City
Council that the Republicans
can muster up enough votes to
rescind the new restrictions and
revert to the old ones. But Dem-
ocratic Mayor Albert Wheeler,
a staunch supporter of the mea-
sure, holds veto power over the
Council's decision. At least two
Democrats would have to vote
with the Republicans to over-
ride Wheeler's veto.
Councilwoman Liz Keogh (D-
First Ward) doesn't consider
that event as unlikely as it
might seem. "There might be
AATU stages rally
at Reliable Realty
Nearly 40 tenants and Ann Arbor Tenants Union members
circled in front of Reliable Realty's office on Church St. yesterday
afternoon to demonstrate their support for the rent strike begun
against that company last January.
The protesters carried picket signs and the blue Tenants
Union flag while chanting anti-landlord slogans such as "We ain't
got no shower, but we got tenant power." The strike apparently
initiated in an effort to upgrade maintenance, speed up repair
work and bring rents down.
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two Democrats around to over-
ride the veto," she said.
According to Keogh, a com-
promise between the two sides
is likely in the event of a may-
oral veto. "There are only a
couple of points on which we're
in serious disagreement," she
declared. "If it comes down to
a question of government by
veto, I think there'll be some
compromising. At some point
they're going, to have to."
ASKED HOW much ground
the Democrats intend to give,
Keogh replied, "It all depends
on what kind of screws the Re-
publicans are going to put to
Wheeler has already stated
that he hopes to meet sometime
this week with representatives
of the police unions and other
concerned officials to discuss
the newly - passed guidelines.
Councilman Robert H. Henry,
(R-Third Ward), leader of the
present Republican majority,
also expressed hope for some
kind of agreement with the
Democrats. "I think we're all
interested in some kind of com-
promise," he said. "But if
we're going to have quality
law enforcement we're going
to have to get thewcooperation
of the police."
POLICE, Henry maintains,
"aren't opposed to some kind of
Daily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY
Engineering freshman Bob O'Neill relaxes with his multi-
legged friend, Boris, a tarantula.
Locals cash n on
new two-dollar bill
The two-dollar bill made its comeback yesterday, and the
long-lost greenbacks have been flying out of local banks like
hotcakes into the hands of a curious, giddy public.
"I can't believe it," exclaimed Danny Rosenberg, who
received Thomas Jefferson's portrait while transacting busi-
ness at the Ann Arbor Bank on Ann St. "I'll definitely save
it as my patriotic bit this year."
LOCAL BANK managers, however, do not view the
new currency in patriotic terms.
"The cost of printing a one and a two is the same," said
Mark Ouimet, manager of the Huron Valley National Bank
branch on North University. "They (the government) feel
the two will lessen the expense of currency."
According to Ouimet, Huron Valley's customers have
been enthusiastic, "looking at the bill with a great deal of
"MOST PEOPLE here on the University campus real-
ly don't remember a working two dollar bill, one that they'd
use," he explained.
The last two-spot vanished ten years ago, a victim of
waning public interest. However, there was massive interest
found yesterday in local banks, as customers begged tellers
for a look at the latest in pocket money.
J. C. Handy, an assistant manager at the National Bank
and Trust on William, termed the public's response "un-
"I THINK this branch had roughly three thousand dol-
lars in two-dollar bills and now they're pretty close to gone,"
Handy said yesterday during lunch hour, just hours after
the bills were made available. "I don't know if people con-
sider them collector's items or not."
Although customers briskly snatched up yesterday's
initial batch of bills, Handy believes that "once people be-
come convinced that this is not a one-time shot, they won't
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