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April 11, 1976 - Image 1

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See Inside


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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 157

Ann Arbor, Michigan--Sunday, April 11, 1976

10 Cents

Eight Pages


Milliken, the Mafia and
Governor William Milliken said yesterday that a
segment from an interview with him broadcast
Friday night by WXYZ (Channel 7) was "the shod-
diest cheap shot and the grossest breach of ethics
I've ever encountered." The film story showed the
governor storming out of his office after Reporter
Vince Wade asked a touchy question about his ap-
pearance at the opening of a Southgate restaurant
owned by a reputed Mafia leader. Wade had
begun the interview with a query about the 1976
presidential contest, then handed the governor a
copy of a newspaper carrying a photograph of
Milliken six weeks ago at the opening of Anthony
Zerilli's Spaghetti Palace. When Wade asked him
to explain, the governor responded: "You didn't
ask me anything about this. You got me here
under false pretenses." Later, Milliken's press
secretary charged the Channel 7 reporter with
"deliberate misrepresentation."
Happenings ...
... show no signs of impending finals. Today, at
2 p.m. in Michigan Union Rm. 3209, People for
Self-Management discuss the "Scanlon Plan for
Worker's participation" . . . The Senior Physical
Therapy Students conduct an open house with
tours and demonstrations from 2:30 to 4:00 at the
Physical Therapy Dept. on the third floor of 'U'
Hospital . . . Dr. Nathaniel Branden answers the
question "Does God Exist?" for anyone who's still
not sure at 3:00 in Conference Rm. C at the
League . . . Environmentalist Barry Commoner
speaks on "The Poverty of Power" at 7:30 in
Rackham . . . You can catch the film "Last Grave
at Dimbaza" on the conditions in South Africa at
8:00 at the Ecumenical Campus Center, 921 Church
. + Happenings continue Monday with a meeting
to discuss the creation of a Free University in Ann
Arbor next fall at Canterbury House, corner of
Catherine and Division, at 8 p.m.
Here we go again
Smilin' Jimmy Carter's "ethnic purity" gaffe
last Tuesday promises to dog him as much as Ron-
ald Reagan's infamous $90 billion welfare plan
and George McGovern's embarrassing $1,000-a-
person tx idea. "Why do you keep bringing it up
if you consider it racist?" asked the presidential
candidate of reporters in -Kansas City before jet-
ting to Detroit yesterday. "I have disavowed it
and apologized for it," said Carter, who would
just as soon drop the subject. But the former Geor-
gia governor seems pessimistic about acceptance
of his plea: "I will keep apologizing it and keep
explaining it to the press until they are satisfied,"
he said. It's gonna be a long campaign, Jimmy.
Day of the dolphin
Is Flipper running kamikaze missions for the
Pentagon? That's what the folks at Red Star, the
Soviet Army daily newspaper, charged yesterday
in a story about the training and education of sea
creatures in San Diego, Calif. The newspaper
claimed dolphins are being "turned into kami-
kazes" at the Marine Life Sciences Dept. of the
Navy's Center for Underwater Research, where
"They are loaded with explosive and taught to
intercept enemy ships and submarines." Further-
more, "Dolphins with knives attached to their
flippers are taught there to fight with underwater
divers." And you thought they were cute.
What's your price?
Sixty men in New Delhi, India were sterilized
last week in exchange for free tickets to an eve-
ning's entertainment featuring nearly 100 top, ac-
tors and actresses. The incentive is so popular, in
fact, that the show's being held two extra days so
more men can undergo the vasectomies. Tickets
for the stars normally run as high as 29 bucks.
Ho phead

Katie Wise, a veteran police dispatcher for the
Rock Island, Ill. Police Department, is sorry she
answered the phone yesterday morning. "This guy
calls up and says, 'You're not going to believe me.
I'm not drunk, I haven't been drinking. But I just
saw a kangaroo hop through my neighbor's yard."
The caller was a rate clerk for a local transporta-
tion company. The clerk said he was walking his
dog about 6:30 a.m. when a 3-foot-tall kangaroo
hopped over the hill across the street. A squad
car dispatched to the scene failed to find the mis-
placed marsupial.
On the inside.. .
Steven Selbst writes about genetic counseling for
this term's last Sunday Magazine, an issue which
bids adieu to Magazine Editor Cheryl Pite as she
prepares to move on to bigger and more lucrntive
enterprises at The Detroit Free Press . .. and our
Sports Page, whose editors are staying put for
as long as anyone can forsee, features an account
of the Tigers' opener ag-inst Cleveland by Paul







suggests possibility

of supporting Carter campaign

Special To rhe Daily
DETROIT - Democratic
Presidential hopefuls J i m-
my Carter, George Wallace
and Morris Udall launched
their Michigan primary
campaigns yesterday in the
Motor .City, and one influ-
ential Detroiter - United
Auto Worker (UAW) Presi-
dent Leonard Woodcock -
strongly hinted that he
would leap onto the Jimmy
Carter bandwagon.
Last night, the three can-
didates pounded away at
the problems of unemploy-
ment and the economy be-
fore a crowd of over 2500
at the annual Democratic
Jefferson-Jackson fund-
raising dinner.
EARLIER, Woodcock fell just
jest short of personally commit-
ting himself to the Carter cam-
"I personally am very sym-
pathetic to Carter," said Wood-
cock., "I might be endorsing
him before the Michigan p r i-
mary but not until after Penn-
Woodcock, along with Detroit
Mayor Coleman Young, accom-
panied Carter to a rally of about
1200 supporters, in the UAW's
local 174 union hall. Young has
already said that he is endors-
ing Carter. Today he reaffirm-
ed his support, but only
"through the Michigan state pri-
AT THE dinner, however, it
was Udall who received t h e
warmest reception from Michi-
gan Democrats. "I was down
in the dumps about the U d a l l

campaign, but as I got into town
a -sign said 'Welcome to MO-
town'," said the strapping Ari-
zona representative, drawing a
laugh and later a standing ova-
tion from the crowd.,
Carter has been reluctant to
campaign in favor of Federal
jobs for the unemployed. Only
recently he switched his position
to support a Federal job pro-
gram if the national unemploy-
ment rate should rise above
three per cent.
Last night he reaffirmed this
new stand saying, "we need to
work together to let all people
have a chance to work."
EARLIER in the day Carter
again denied that he had
sought the vice-presidential

nomination after the 1972 na-
tional convention. According to
Georgia legislator Julian Bond,
Carter invited Bond to the
Georgia governor's mansion to
ask if Bond would suggest his
name to McGovern as the
number two man on the 1972
ticketrafter Missouri Senator
Thomas Eagleton withdrew.
"I never invited him (Bond)
to the governor's mansion and
I did not discuss it (the vice-
presidential spot) with him,"
Carter told the Daily.
Bond called Carter a "liar
and prevaricator" when he ap-
peared locally earlier this
week, for denying this.
CARTER and his supporters
See DEMS., Page 2

Ford asks restraint
i~n Lebanese crisis

By AP and Renter
DALLAS - Amid reports that
Syrian troops have crossed into
Lebanon, President Ford yes-
terday urged restraint by all
parties in order to achieve
peace in that strife-torn coun-
"Our policy in Lebanon is to
achieve a permanent cease-fire
and to accomplish a political
settlement of a very complicat-
ed and controversial problem,"
Ford told a news conference as
he campaigned for a second
day for votes in the May 1 Tex-
as primary.
challenger for the Republican
presidential nomination, attack-
ed the administration's Leba-
nese policy later yesterday.
The former California gover-

nor, campaigning in Seattle,
charged that the United States
"missed the boat in Lebanon."
"The U. S. ignored that situ-
ation as it was developing at a
time when we might have been
helpful in preventing this blood-
shed," Reagan said.
He said the United States
"should have volunteered its
services" but not with troops.
FORD, WHEN asked about
published reports that Syrian
military units had moved into
Lebanon, replied, "I don't be-
lieve there has been any rash
action by any party so far and
we certainly will use our maxi-
mum diplomatic influence to
make certain that doesn't hap-
Ford also told the news con-
ference that he endorses inde-
See FORD, Page 2

Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
FORMER GEORGIA Gov. Jimmy Carter, Alabama Gov. George Wallace and Arizona Rep.
Morris Udall prove once again that politics. make for strange bedfellows during yesterday's Jef-
ferson-Jackson Day dinner in Detroit. When they aren't posing for pictures they are to be found
attacking each other as they each seek the Democratic nomination for President.
d urN Motor Cty Ctooer
duf- ig NO LOT Cit'ly stOparw '

special To The Daily
DETROIT - The plane's en-
gine screams as it swoops down
onto the runway like a downed
eagle. Painted on its tail a r e
three words in bold brown paint
-"Trust the People".
"Here he comes," shouts
someone, and the crowd ap-
plauds as G e o r g e Wallace
wheels himself across the windy
airfield, flanked by a line of
supporters and police.
HE HAS arrived in Detroit
for a day of stumping in antici-

pation of the May 18 Michigan
Democratic Primary.
"I'm glad God gave us a good
day," sighs a hard-core Wallace
fan. Flash bulbs pop and gum
cracks as Alabama's fifty-six
year old governor prepares to
speak into a microphone rigged
up on the field.
Wallace, with a soft drawl and
a slight smile, thanks his aud-
ience for their support.
"I WANT TO say that, if we're
ever run out of Alabama, we'll
go to Michigan," he says.
Wallace expects a win in
Michigan - where he pulled in

fifty-one per cent of the vote
in the 1972 Democratic P r i -
Although he is "not counting
on the support of the upper
echelons" of the labor move-
ment, he believes the "rank and
file" of workers are behind him.
"He's stepping forward for
the working class, regardless of
his health," said Carl Suther-
land, a Wallace supporter from
Madison Heights.
AND HIS expectations may
not be entirely unwarranted.
About one-hundred fifty people
came to greet the Alabaman at
Detroit Metropolitan Airport yes-
terday morning. Another 300 to
350 showed up for a mass Wal-
lace rally at the airport's Ra-
mada Inn later in the day.
The women were arrayed in
their best pantsuits or skirts "to
look nice for the governor."
Some wore earrings made of
Wallace campaign buttons.
THERE WAS abgreat show of
red, white, and blue, and sou-
See WALLACE, Page 2

i win
in MSA election
The Student Organizing Committee (SOC) and MOVE have
emerged the big winners in the Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) election. The victors in the three day election were
announced yesterday by Election Directors Elliot Chikofsky
and Mark Bernstein following a marathon ballot counting ses-
sion lasting 14 hours.
Ten of the 13 seats on the Assembly were taken by campus
parties with SOC and MOVE claiming three apiece. Campus
Coalition and Screw MSA both received two seats, and the
remaining three seats were taken by independents.
The only three candidates to get seats on first choice votes
under MSA's preferential voting system were Amy Blumen-
thal (SOC), Bob Garber (Screw MSA), and Calvin Luker
(SOC). SOC's third winning candidate, Wendy Goodman,
was among the top five vote getters.
The remaining five full-year seats were taken by F. Scott
Kellman (MOVE), Mike Nash (MOVE), James Hudler
(Screw MSA), Kenneth Wang (Campus Coalition) and G. J.
(Jasper) DiGinseppe (Independent). The half year seats
were taken by Dan Browning (MOVE), Brian Laskv (Cam-
p's Coalition), Janey Katz (Independent) and Gerald Tim-
mis (Independent).
Along with Proposal A (CIA 'NSA recruitment on cam-
pus), students passed Pronosals B throluih H by a wide
margin. The proposals asked whether MSA practices in=

Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
ALABAMA GOV. George Wallace proved yesterday that there is a form of bussing which he
approves of. He received this warm greeting as supporters met his plane at Metro Airport, be-
fore an appearance at the Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner in Detroit last night.

Few students willing to

Despite the increase in student voting
during this week's Michigan Student As-
sembly (MSA) elections, few students are
willing to work as MSA appointed members
on University committees. Along with fac-
ulty and administration members, the com-
mittees make recommendations on Univer-
sity policies.
Jim Tompkins, acting chairman of MSA's
Permanent Interviewing Committee (PIC),




says Mitchell, "and that's where all the
decisions are made. Nobody's willing to
work for nothing."
PIC virtually ceased to function when its
former chairman, Glen Engman, quit last
month to be seated as president of the
InterFraternity Council. It is alleged that
Engman left behind a mass of work with
no one to attend it.
Engman claims that his leaving did not
affect the number of students applying for
committee seats, saying there is just "not

therefore can't take part, he claims. Still
a member of PIC, Engman says he is in
the process of compiling a pamphlet ex-
plaining the entire system.
Elliot Chikofsky, who sits on the Academic
Affairs Advisory Committee, expressed un-
certainty on the students' role on this body.
"I'I IS A little unclear about who we
advise, I feel like its a body without a
purpose," he says. Chikofsky points out
another problem with the committees. He

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