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January 15, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-01-15

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See Editorial Page




See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 90

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, January 15, 1976

10 Cents

Ten Pages

. _._.i

JFK 's





Flew the coop
A car leased by the fugitive president of a
suburban Grand Rapids "check factory" has been
found in a parking lot at Metro Airport. James
Redican is wanted on a federal warrant charging
him with fleeing the state to avoid prosecution on
charges of embezzling payroll money from some
600 western Michigan firms. Investigators estimate
the loss to Michigan businesses may run as. high
as $6 million. Redican, president and founder of
Computer Payroll and Accounting Services, closed
down his firm last week after thousands of payroll.
checks issued by his company began to bounce.
Happenings .. .
...include the last day of registering for classes
in speed reading, self management and other
academic arts by the Reading and Learning Skills
Center at 1601 Washtenaw . . . a Chinese painting
exhibition by K. N. Chang at the Rackham gal-
leries from 10 until 4; it will run through Jan. 20
*.."How to feed a growing heterocycle" will be
the topic of a lecture given by Edwin Vedejs at
8 p.m. in 1300 Chem. Bldg. . . . the Food Action
Coalition will hold a food day planning meeting
at 7:30 tonight in 1040 School of Natural Resources
. . . there will be an SGC meeting with public
comments at 9:00 p.m. in their Union offices,.
women's IM paddleball doubles clinic will be held
at 7:00 at the IM Bldg.'. . . the Yoga Center of
Ann Arbor is presenting a series of conferences
on Mathesis at 7 tonight at 500 Miller . . . the
Campus Chapel presents a workshop entitled
"Cadillacs or Communes: Choosing a Lifestyle"
beginning at 7:30 p.m. at 1236 Washtenaw Ct... .
the Sierra Club will have a general meeting at
the Northside Presbyterian Church, 1679 Broadway,
at 8 tonight; there will be a program on cross-
country skiing . . . and the Inter-Collegiate Bridge
qualifying rounds will be held in the meeting
room of the Union at 7:00.
It's alright, Ma
The Chronicle of Higher Education reported
Monday that the Modern Language Association,
meeting in San Francisco, concluded that there
are "crucial links" between Bob Dylan's poems
and those of Arthur Rimbaud and another nine-
teenth century symbolist, Charles Baudelaire.
Furthermore, the group of mostly young English
professors found that Dylan's attitudes toward
women have evolved from "macho posturing" in
early poems like "Girl from the North Country"
to "a more androgynous vision of himself" and "a
spirit of reconcilation between the sexes" in his
most recent works. They said that like- Rimbaud
and Baudelaire, Dylan undertook "psychic trips
mainly through the use of drugs" and "emerged
from them with changed perceptions of reality."
Americans for Democratic. Action last weekend
rated the "liberal quotient" of 12 people it said
were possible 1976 presidential candidates and Sen.
Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) finished first while
the University's most famous alumnus finished
last. The report was based on the congressional
voting record of the dozen present and former
members of Congress either seeking or frequently
mentioned for the major party nominations this
year. Candidates who never served in Congress,
iowever, were not rated. Kennedy got a score of
92 out of a possible 100, Sens. Edmund Muskie, 87;
George McGovern, 84; and Hubert Humphrey, 83.
Of the announced candidates, Rep. Morris Udall
was highest with 81. He was trailed by Sen. Birch
Bayh with 79; former Sen. Fred Harris, 73; Sen.
Henry Jackson, 63; Sen. Lloyd Bentesn, 40; and
President Ford trailing the pack with 8.
Born to run?
According to Democratic National Committee

Chairman Robert Strauss, there is "no basis in
fact" to a published report that his party will move
its convention site from New York City to Miami
Beach. The New York Times said yesterday that
some top Democrats are worried that an investiga-
tion of state party officials might embarrass the
national party and one unnamed "prominent lead-
er" had asked Miami Beach officials whether they
could handle the meeting. Strauss called the story
"purely and simply a rumor." "We are at a com-
plete loss as to how the rumor started," he added.
The convention is scheduled to bpen July 12 at
Madison Square Garden.
On the inside .. .
. . . the Editorial Page highlights an analysis
of the presidential race by former Daily Editor
Dan Biddle . . . Sports Page will have a column
by Ray O'Hara on the upcoming Superbowl . . .
and Arts Page features a review of Stanley Ku-
brick's new film, Barry Lyndon, by Jim Valk.


By AP and Reuter
NEW YORK-Judith Exner claimed in an out-
line of her soon-to-be-written memoirs yesterday
that John Kennedy once told her his marriage
was in poor shape and that only Kennedy family
intervention had stopped Jackie from divorcing
The outline was given out by her agent, Scott
Meredith who is seeking bids in the millions for
her book.
EXNER'S AGENT said his agency was satis-
fied the book was accurate, with Exner providing
documentary proof, mainly personal unpublished
photographs showing her "with everybody."
Exner, who recently disclosed she had a
"close personal" relationship with Kennedy dur-
ing the early 1960s, said in the outline that their
sexual relationship began during a four-day week-
end at the Plaza Hotel in 1960.

The book also will tell about her relationships
with underworld figure Sam'"Momo" Giancana,
who often joked about her affair with Kennedy,
and singer Frank Sinatra, according to the 10-
page outline.
MEREDITH SAID the outline was written by
his office here and approved by Exner, 41, who
lives in San Diego. According to the outline,
these are some of the details that will be included
in the book:
-"During the middle part of 1961 Judith met
Jack at the White House approximately 20 times."
Evelyn Lincoln, the President's personal secre-
tary, arranged the meetings.
-On several occasions Jack Kennedy "ex-
pressed to her his doubts that his brother Ted
would act responsibily enough to fulfill what he
saw as the destiny for all of the Kennedy brothers

Exner's agent said his agency was satisfied

the book was accurate,

with Exner providing documentary proof, mainly personal unpublish-
ed photographs showing her "with everybody."

-the Presidency."
-When Judith was in the hospital fora
pendectomy, "Jack sent her three dozen
each week with a card that read 'from f
of Evelyn Lincoln.' "
Exner said she met John and Ted Kenne
a dinner with Sinatra and several other p
at the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas on Feb. 7,
and before the evening was over he invite
to lunch the next day.
They met again in New York in the s
week of March in Judith's suite at the Plaz
que stioi

"Soon after their first meeting, Jack had con-
an ap- fessed to her that his marriage was in poor
roses shape and that Jackie had intended to divorce
riends him, although the Kennedy family had managed
to hold them together and make her realize that
1dy at a divorced Catholic from Boston stood small
r ats dchance of gaining the nomination, let alone the
,eson0s Presidency," the outline said.
1960, MEREDITH SAID the names of 'five writers,
d her all'. "prominent investigate reporters" whom he
would not name, had been submitted to Exner
second who would choose the actual writer of the book,
a. See JFK's, Page 7
is asked

to confer
on arms
By AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
State Henry Kissinger yesterday
hedged his announcement of new
Soviet arms talks in Moscow
with a warning to the Soviets
to withdraw support for a Cuban
expeditionary force that he said
is trying ,to take over all of
"The United States considers
such actions incompatible with
a genuine relaxation of tension."
Kissinger said at a news con-
ference. "General relations will
deteriorate and the SALT (Stra-
tegic Arms Limitation Talks)
will be affected," if the Com-
munist intervention conk ved,
he added.
that harnessing nuclear weap-
ons technology is a paramount
concern to the two superpowers
and the world itself.
Even with the conflict in An-
gola, Kissinger said, "we should
not play with the strategic arms
limitations negotiations. It is
a matter that is of profaund
concern for the long-term fu-
While apparently optimistic
about his mission to Moscow,
beginning next Tuesday, Kis-
singer insisted that the two prin-
cipal negotiating 'hangups, the
Soviet Backfire bomber and the
American Cruise missile, re-
mained unsettled at this point.
"THERE HAS been no discus-
sion with the Soviets except
they have assured us they are
about to modify their last pro-



AP Photo
Officials take Patty Heart from San Mateo County Jail to a
special hearing in 'San Francisco. A federal judge called the
hearing after accusations were made against the validity of a
government psychiatric examination of Hearst.

By AP and Reuter
tricia Hearst broke her si-
lence of the four months
since her capture to testify
yesterday that a govern-
ment. psychiatrist had driv-
en her to hysteria by ask-
ing accusatory questions.
In a surprise move by
her defense, the jailed
heiress took the stand at a
special -hearing called to
c onside r defense com-
plaints about the conduct
of the psychiatrist, Dr.
Harry Kozol of Boston.
IN OPENING the hearing,
U. S. District Court Judge Oliv-
er Carter said the session was
called to consider whether the
psychiatrist had acted "in a
manner inconsistent with appro-
priate procedures for inter-
viewing t h e defendant."
Hearst's lawyers had said they
planned to make "serious
charges" about the encounter.
"Everything was like an ac-
cusation," Hearst said in a
soft but firm voice. "He didn't
care what I said or didn't say."
Clad in a blue blazer, match-
ing slacks and a turtleneck
sweater, Hearst was asked
about her Jan. 7 meeting with
Dr. Kozol, one of a number of
psychiatrists who had examined
her prior to her Jan. 26 trial on
federal bank robbery charges.
The examinations are for possi-
ble use as expert testimony
about her mental state.
SHE TESTIFIED that among
other things, Kozol had asked
if she was congratulated by
members of the terrorist Sym-
bionese Liberation Army (SLA)
after the April 1974 bank rob-
bery in which she is charged.
"I told him I didn't feel proud
about it," she answered. She
was kidnaped by the SLA two
months before and later de-
claredshe had joined her cap-
Hearst also said the doctor
had accused her of being hos-
tile during the interview and
that she had cried as the ques-
tioning continued.
"I WAS UPSET and didn't
think Kozol was a real doctor,"
she said. "He was making me
feel worse."~
"He (Kozol) said 'let's go to
Feb. 4, 1974. You got yourself

kidnaped,"' she quoted the doc-
tor as saying.
Asked what she replied,
Hearst said, "I don't remem-
"SO YOU took offense be-
cause you felt it meant it had
something to do with your own
kidnaping?" defense attorney
F. Lee Bailey asked.
Under cross - examination by
U. S. 'Atty. James Browning,
Hearst said Kozol also asked
about her contact with SLA
member Willie Wolfe for whom
she proclaimed her love after
he died in a May, 1974 shootout

with police in Los Angeles.
"ISN'T it a fact that he ask-
ed you if you 'had deep rela-
tions with Wolfe?" Browning
"It is possible," she said.
She also said that the prose-
cution psychiatrist asked ques-
tions about the skin tones of
Cinque, the black leader of her
SLA kidnapers ,and accused
her best friend, Patricia Tobin,
of being a member of the group.
She did not indicate her re-.
sponse, as for Ms. Tobin she
said, "He was accusing her of
being a member of the SLA."
She said that was untrue.

WASHINGTON (Reuter) - Labor Secretary
John Dunlop resigned from the Ford Adminis-
tration yesterday because he felt he could no
longer be effective following President Ford's
veto of a controversial construction picketing
Dunlop told reporters he did not resign spe-
cifically because of the President's veto of the
bill which he had strongly supported.
"I HAVE NOT resigned in protest of the veto
. . rather, I have resigned because since the
veto an atmosphere and a set of attitudes has
developed, and is likely to persist, that seems
to me .to preclude constructive and cooperative
policies and administration in the fields of con-

esigus poSt
cern generally to the labor department," he said.
Dunlop said he arrived at his decision to quit
- his resignation is effective February 1 -
after a series of consultations with labor, man-
agement and congressional officials.
Administration sources said the front-runner
to take over the job is William Usery, who
serves as Ford's chief labor trouble-shooter at
the White House and has strong support from
union officials.
President Ford, through his White House
spokesman, had made it clear that he wanted
Dunlop to stay on in the job when rumors that
the Labor Secretary planned to quit first sur-
faced several weeks ago.

AP Photo
Cleaning up on Wall St.
A lone janitor rakes in a pile on the floor of the New York
Stock Exchange Tuesday after the second busiest day of trad-
ing in Wall Street history.
Evaluate DNA study
benefits, pro says
Research into genetic transplants should continue even at
the risk of some harmful results, a University professor in-
volved with controversial biological experiments said last night.
Microbiology Professor David Jackson, one of numerous
scientists in the United States engaged in recombinant DNA stu-
dies, told an audience of some 100 persons at East Quad the
potential benefits of such research must be weighed against
possible risks before the experiments are continued.
BUT, HE ADDED, it is extremely unlikely that the results of
the investigations would be used for harm when more practical
methods already exist.
Jackson caeid "evtranrdinarily naive" the nhilnonnhv amon



Gun fires 50,000 volts into unwary victims

WASHINGTON kP) - The inventor of an
electric dart gun designed as an alterna-

connected to a battery by a 15-foot copper
and stainless steel wire. The electric charge

other government officials puzzled. The
Bureau of Alcohol. Tobacco and Firearms

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