ETHNIC PURITY? See Editorial Page :Y tP tgaYi A6V 04&r :43 40,11brIII& Idah.- I TWPI mr I y PRISTINE High-61* Low-38 See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXX\ f, No. 156 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, April 10, 1976 10 Cents Eight Pages .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . fF MU SEE NEWS HAPPEN CAILL%"1~MJrY A Jewel of a choice Jewel Cobb, the black woman educator who was the focal point of last year's controversial search for a literary school (LSA) dean, will become dean of Rutgers' Douglass College effective July 1. Cobb, a Chicago native who is now a zoology pro- fessor and dean of Connecticut College, will assume the sixth deanship post in the 58-year history of the women's school in New Jersey. Last year, the University offered Cobb a two-year, no-tenure deanship post which she turned down amid fiery debate centering on the University's compliance with affirmative action guidelines. Passing up the pucks Some dorm residents refused to eat the grilled chopped round and shrimp creole the University had planned for dinner last night and fasted so the money saved could be allocated to the United Farm Workers (UFW). Although Martha Cook and the Lawyers Club did not participate in the fast, Alice Lloyd Hall shut down its entire meal service and East Quad only served one fifth of its residents. David Super, local UFW director, estimated 3500 students agreed to sacrifice the University cuisine for the benefit of the farmworkers' organizing ef- forts in California and elsewhere. ! Rah! Rah! Rah! Pom-pom girls will once again grace the Uni- versity football field starting in September. Pat Perri, advisor to the female cheerleading squad, said that ten women were picked Thursday on their ability to do cheers, pom-pom routines, mounts, jumps and perform original routines. "The tryouts were quite stringent," Perri said. Male cheer- leaders will be picked sometime next week, and interested persons can attend after-dinner work- outs in the IM gym. Perri suggested that "they know something about what they're doing, and be able to do flips and routines on and off the mini- tramp." So get bouncing. Who ever said that? To put an end to rumors, workers at the Com- munity Center on E. William insist that the build- ing has locked its doors only temporarily. The Center, which houses the Community Switchboard, Ozone House, Creative Arts Workshop and Drug Help services, will re-open Monday. The building is closed this weekend while staff members meet to discuss and re-evaluate the goals of their pro- grams. Although the building itself will be closed to walk-in clients, staffers will remain on duty throughout the weekend to handle any phone calls. Happenings ... . ..are few and far between today . .. Project Outreach is sponsoring a conference on "Volunteer- ism as a Valid Educational Experience" today and tomorrow at the Ann Arbor Inn. Registration begins bright and early this morning at 10:30 . . . there will be a bag lunch sponsored by Science for the People at noon in 4101 Nat. Sci. Bldg. . . . and you can top off the day with the Residential College Players' Presentation of The Tempest. Curtain times are at 2 and 8 in East Quad's Auditorium and admission is $1. Have a nice day! On the inside ... ...Edit Page features an Associated Press story on new trends in the world of contraceptives Jeff Selbst writes about the All Campus Orchestra on the Arts Page . . . and the folks from Sports have the "net" results of Michigan's tennis match with Minnesota. On the outside ... Today will be the nicest day of the weekend. The fair weather system that gave us several days of mild weather will move out late today. An arctic cold front and a storm from the Rockies will arrive then. This morning will be mostly sunny with increasing cloudiness this afternoon. Showers and thundershowers are likely tonight and tomor- row morning. Today's warmer temperatures will reach 56-61. The low tonight should be 38-43, followed by cooler temperatures and more showers tomorrow. VA deaths spur detection system By BARBARA ZAHS As a result of last summer's epidemic of breathing failures, officials at the Ann Arbor Veteran's Adminis- tration (VA) Hospital have instituted an early-detection system designed to spot any future "unnatural occur- rences." According to Dr. Jeoffrey Stross, assistant professor of medicine at the University, the system will help the hospital detect possible problems "before they get out of hand." BASICALLI Y, the system entails stepped-up monitor- U.S., OK Soviets proposal to lim it nuclear tests Daily Photo by PAULINE LUBENS A GRADUATE Employes' Organization (GEO) spokesperson addresses a rally outside the Union. The University broke off negotiations with the union yesterday for the second time in their con- -tract talks. DISAGREEMENT ON OPEN SESSIONS: rC U' E talIks cut By JAMES NICOLL The University bargain- ing team yesterday walked out of a negotiating session with the Graduate Employes Organi- zation (GEO) for the second time in a month. The University was protesting the presence of three faculty observers the union invited, and - demanded that future sessions be closed tothe public until ground rules can be set. GEO DEMANDED that all meetings be open. When they refused to clear the meeting of observers, t h e administration team left. A group of protestors with anti-administration picket signs followed with a demonstration on the steps of the Michigan Union, where the bargaining session was scheduled to take place. Funding for MSA narrowly defeated By PHIL FOLEY Mandatory funding for student government was turned down and campus recruiting by the CIA and NSA was approved in Michigan S t u d e n t Assembly (MSA) balloting this week. The mandatory funding re- quest (Proposal I), defeated 1,436 to 1,341, would have con- tinued the 75-cent-per-term stu- dent government assessment in- to next year. MSA President Ken Berneis said the funding defeat "is unfortunate for the See FUNDING, Page 2 "We're not going to schedule another sesison until they're willing to meet in private," said John Forsyth, chief University spokesman. HE INSISTED the administra- tion would not agree to open bargaining, although it is not opposed to it on principle. The University, however, demanded that either side be able to un- ilaterally close a bargaining ses- sion for any reason. GEO wants open bargaining unless both sides agree to close it. Spokeswoman Aleda Krause said the issue is "whether a public University should have something to hide from the community." Forsyth, however, pointed out that the union, not the Univer- sity, asked for closed sessions during last year's bargaining. GEO spokespersons called ad- ministration insistence on the unilateral ability to close bar- gaining a deliberate attempt to break the union. THE UNIVERSITY is prepar- ing contingency plans if GEO strikes when their contract ex- pires Sept. 1. They claim to be confident that they can last "in- definitely" without the services of the teaching assistants. Observer John Broomfield, a history professor, said, "I was both surprised and disappointed that my presence in the room provoked an immediate walkout by the administration team. "I found it rather amusing that the administration assumed me to be an agent of the GEO rather than a member of the University community seeking information," he added. Observer and philosophy pro- fessor Frithjof Bergmann said he attended the session in or- der to neutralize the adminis- tration's use of University com- munications "to distribute false rumors." THE PRESENT contract calls for a "good faith effort" to reach an agreement by the end of this month. However, it seems unlikely that the deadline will be met. The GEO then must decide whether to negotiate during the summer, when many of their members leave town. By AP and Reuter MOSCOW - The United States and the Soviet Un- ion have reached tentative agreement on how to car- ry out on-site inspection of peaceful nuclear blasts, it was announced here yes- terday. In W a s h i n g t o n, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said terms of the agreement will permit U. S. inspectors to visit So- viet nuclear test sites to as- sure the explosions "are not used to mask military purposes." He called the agreement ._an important symbolic step. K I S S I N G E R said Rus- sians would be allowed to visit sites of American peaceful nu- clear tests. In both countries, inspectors would be allowed to take "samples and study the geology," Kissinger said. Officials in Washington and delegates to the Geneva disarm- ament talks cautioned, how- ever, that there is a long way to go before a final treaty is signed. Details of the agreement were not given but U.S. sources in Washington said the two sides worked out a compromise allowing total explosive levels higher than 150 kilotons - a limit some U. S. congressmen believe the Soviets would abuse as a cover for secret military testing. IN RESPONSE to questions, Kissinger said he thought the pact would take the form of an executive agreement, rather than an actual treaty or joint resolution, and thus would not need formal Congressional ap- proval. But he said it would be sub- mitted to Congress before it is formally signed by the United States. He added that he did not plan to go to Moscow for the signing. If approved by the two gov- ernments, the latest agreement would clear the way for belated death for Teng By Reuter and UPI PEKING-A fierce campaign against China's deposed Vice Premier Teng Hsiao-Ping intensified yesterday with the appear- ance of wall posters demanding his death. Street parades in Peking and a huge rally in Shanghai were staged to celebrate the dismissal of Teng and the appointment of Premier Hua Kuo-Feng to replace the late Chou En-Lai as party first vice chairman and heir apparent to the aging Mao Tse-tung. THE COMMUNIST Party newspaper said millions rallied yes- terday across the country in support of the nation's leadership shuffle but warned of a continuing struggle by Teng's "counter- revolutionary" backers. Foreigners in Shanghai, China's largest city, said they saw posters declaring '"Hang the Culprit Teng" and "Down With Teng." Whether the posters had been officially approved was not clear. Informed sources said Shanghai factories were closed .and some areas barred to foreigners as about 200,000 people turned out for the mass rally. TALL, BESPECTACLED Foreign Minister Chiao Kuan-hua led one of the groups that took to Peking's streets to voice support for Premier Hua and hail the downfall of Teng, branded by top leftists as a "capitalist roader." The Foreign Minister led 700 of his department's officials down the main Avenue of Eternal Tranquillity. In the same group were Vice Foreign Minister Wang Hai-Jung, reputed to be a niece of Chairman Mao, and Huang Chen, chief of the Chinese liaison office in Washington. City residents contacted by telephone reported lukewarm response to the demonstrations, which they said were -obviously staged by the government among factory workers and members of other institutions. See PROTESTORS, Page 2 implementation of the 1974 So- viet - American treaty limiting underground nuclear tests to a maximum equivalent of 150,000 tons of TNT. THE TWO countries had been holding up ratification of the weapons agreement pending completion of the talks on peaceful explosions. The new agreement could be initialed here within two weeks and the two conceivably could be rati- fied together. However, American sources in Washington were anxious to point out that the agreement reached ii Moscow is tentative and that there will be further and perhaps very difficult ne- gotiations necessary before a final treaty is signed. In Geneva, delegates to the 35-nation disarmament confer- ence were also cautious about the Moscow announcement. Am- bassador W. H. Barton of Canada said "I would like to think it would set a precedent for the Geneva negotiations but am not sure it will. We have to go a lot further if we want to achieve a comprehensive nu- clear test ban." Protestors ask State Senate passes '77 ' By KEN PARSIGIAN The state Senate approved a bill Th would provide the University with a $3 million in operating expenses for year. Although happy with the decision, President Robben Fleming remained: the bill's chances of being enacted. "WE ARE pleased but somewhat sui the Senate has passed the appropriat higher education at the earliest dat years," Fleming said. "That is encou "But we are concerned," he adde bill may never take effect unless som funding hike sources of revenue are found to fund it." Fleming urged the legislature to back up the iursday that bill with concrete revenue-producing proposals. n additional "WE ARE hopeful that the governor and the the coming legislature will take the steps necessary to insure that the level of funding required by the increases University in the University of Michigan appropriation can skeptical of be supported with adequate revenue," he said. Vice-President for State Relations and Secretary rprised that to the University Richard Kennedy was also un- ions bill for certain about the bill's chances. e in recent "It's encouraging because it's more than the raging." governor proposed," Kennedy said, "but we really d, "that the don't have any inkling of what will be the end ie additional See SENATE, Page 2 Woman unionist urges sisters' to organize; emphasizes labor roles SBy KAREN SCIiULKINS One of Time magazine's 1975 Women of the Year yesterday called on her 'sisters' to organize in an effort to gain a "more meaningful role in the labor unions and in our society." Addie Wyatt, Women's Affairs Director of Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America in the AFL-CIO, said working is a "bread and butter issue" for the many women who must help support a family with or without a husband. Wyatt spoke with a panel of women at the Michigan Union. "WOMEN have no choice but to stand up and cry out and speak for themselves," said Wyatt. "We are not making the progress some would have us be- I _ . _