THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, April 9, 1976 Page Five TENNESSEE WILLIAMS' PLAY: PTP successfully revives 'Camino Real' U of M Dance Dept., School of Music PRESENTS "MELI-MELO" (A DANCE CONCERT) FRI. & SAT., Apr. 94& 10 --8:00 p.m.-$1.50 SCHORLING AUDITORIUM (SCHOOL OF EDUCATION) STARTS TODAY!!! IM., TVIr,sn.-%7, nrT - r., By JEFFREY SELBST vennonal Williams - in this Ut course, it is more than: show he condemns the self-pity possible that these characters TENNESSEE WILLIAMS' Ca- he uses so liberally in other would not click together in any! mino Real celebrates its works. And the style is also a other type of play. It is a fa-} 23rd birthday this year. Pre- free, fascinating one. tuity easily succumbed to, that miered in 1953, it shows its age There is an undefinable allure of using famous people as sym-! not so much in that it creaks to using characters from fiction bols. It saves time in explana-: -for it doesn't - but rather or history in the writing of a tion, as these could stand as that it was writen in a loose, play. It is a technique with sorts of ready-made totems.t free-form manner that was, which Thornton Wilder toys, in But Williams doesn't fall into 1 even then, going out of style. The Skin Of Our Teeth and the trap. His famous characters But it shows itself a play Pullman Car Hiawatha, and one are subject to all human frail- worth reviving, as the PIP's which Williams uses to master- ty, magnified. They represent production opened Wednesday night at Power Center. Despite :S.::. S...t.... .M .,. ...:.: . . . structural anachronism, it is a play dealing with the same 'The play is utterly outside of what is con- central themes that have oc- cupied Williams and every oth- sEdered conventional Williams - in t h is er playwright since the begin- show he condemns the selfpity le uses so Wing of drama. . The fact that this play is, liberally in other works. And the style is rarely performed anywhere,' much less Ann Arbor, coupled also a free, fascinating one. with the fact that this is al- most an exemplary production ;: ;...>s:.. ::::... ;:: .,...:.: . . -..... of it, ought to make you grab your chance and run to see it, ful effect in Camino Real. not the glorification of human-F as it runs through Sunday only. T H E S E CHARACTERS ity, but its intensification. grinning gargoyle, a god-devil learns, when cradled in the JOHN WOJDA turned in a by the name of Mr. Gutman arms of the lonely, worn-out well-done, if slightly overeager (played by William Leach). Marguerite Gautier at the end Kilroy. Perhaps he didn't un- of the show, that he has trav- derstand Kilroy's dilemmas as HE IS THE emcee, as well as eled the real road of royalty- well as he might, yet blundered the manager of the Siete Mares, he has been, for a time, happy. through to a fairly correct in- one of two hostelries seen in terpretation nonetheless. Wil- Camino. His is the heaven that M A R G U E R I T E AND liam Leach, as Gutman, was is comprised of creature com- 'rher lover, Casanova, are ever everything one could wish in a fort - its foil is the Ritz Men fated to be unhappy. And that ghoul. You hated him, as you Only, a living inferno where is the secret of their self-realiz- ought. Yet the special plau- drunks sing out windows and ation, toward the end. "We dits are reserved for two ac-' men die with impunity. It is have grown used to each oth- tors - Irene Connors for a presided over by the seedy Mr. er," says Marguerite, but she panic - stricken, lovely, desper- A. Ratt (Joshua M. Peck). is still deluding herself, even ate Marguerite; and Sheila Ann Within the play, we witness when she thinks she has come Heyman, she who played the the spinning out of the various !to truth. In the acceptance of importunate Rump Rubinsky in fates of Casanova, a Christ-like her aging lover, she finds her- the truly idiotic Jericho, for the figure known as The Survivor, self as well. brassy, crazy, driven portrayal and Kilroy, the archetypical And Kilroy who does but of the gypsy. All-American. We feel with rises again, is simultaneously them, in large part due to the hopeful and hopeless. He brings This is truly something worth general excellence of the per- forth the understanding that seeing - one of Ann Arbor's formances, and we slowly be- this entire nightmare is but the best productions all year. gin to understand their fate dream of Don Quixote. and what Williams is saying. Acquiescence and hopeless- The play is about the failure ness lead one to Camino Real, of dreams as a sanctuary of yet sheer force of will leads the human spirit. Desperation one out. Nowhere is this so' is what leads men to this No- clearly demonstrated as in the Exit town, and they cannot scene in which Lord Byron leave but by sheer force of (Mark Forth) escapes. For he is Summer. will. But solace is not to be wants to, and he will, and so found in God, and that is be- he does. cause men are not puppets, or Listensto your world so Williams tells us. THE GYPSY is the fc~il of From the devious mind of Alfred Hitchcock, a diabolically entertaining motion picture. THIS PRODUCTION is mark-1 ed by imaginative, wonderful sets; we have W. K. Fauser and R. Craig Wolf to thank. Musical accompaniments are! superb and appropriate, and; the clever dances add much to the show.1 Also, the play is utterly out- side of what is considered con- include Don Quixote, Sancho1 The play itself is a carnival. Panza, Jacques Casanova, Kil-1 It is the dream of Don Quixote1 roy, Marguerite Gautier, Zelda. as he struggles onward, along and Scott Fitzferald, Lord By-x the "royal road" (camino real)., ron, and Paris of Troy. These In his dream, the place is trans- seemingly diverse personas are formed into a Sartrian prison,: all necessary in the develop- where all must wait in physical ment of this, his dream-con- contentment but emotional tur-' struction of a mad fantasy moil until that magic moment world, the world of the camino of release. Hell, or Camino real. Real, is presided over by a Davis speaks on television, nilitary, 'earts and Minds By JAMES VALK and somebody else." to go through with the inter- Davis spoke of his interview,| view. SPEAKING BEFORE a sell- in the film with General Wil- But when the actual filming; ' out crowd in Angell Hall liam Westmoreland (certainly of the statement concerning the Wednesday night, Peter Davis, one of the film's more vulgar value of life by the Orientals director of the award-winning displays in which the general was finished, Davis recalls, "He documentary Hearts and Minds,! philosophizes that "the Orien- (Westmoreland) said, 'Wait a spoke of his early career in tele- tals don't have such a high re- minute-I want to film that vision and the making of the gard for life as do Westerners". over, I don't like the way II film, which was shown before He remembers that meeting' said it,' at which point I his appearance. him was "like meeting John thought he would retract the Although his current status is Wayne. He was awesome." entire thing and say he loved as a filmmaker, it was his in- The director recalled driving everybody. But when we film- volvement with "The Selling of with Westmoreland to the site ed it again, he said exactly the the President", a CBS docu- where the interview was to be same thing - he even had toI mentary that detailed a multi- filmed, carrying on a casual do it a third time because the million. dollar hype campaign conversation until he was ask- camera ran out of film." by the federal government to ed by the general about his par- When questioned about how boost military public relations ticipation in "The Selling of the' he reacts when audiences laugh and increase 'appropriations, Pentagon": "I didn't see it, but aloud at certain sequences in through which Davis first re- I heard it was bias, slanted, dis-the film, he said that he has ceived wide attention. torted. Is that true?" Davis ad- found "sensitive and sophisti- But television, he explained, mitted at that point he was cated audiences tend to be "is a tumbling medium, where "ready to sop the car and get made nervous by such an out-I images fill the screen for only out- ready to forget the en- pouring of very genuine human a few seconds at a time. One tire film." feeling." minute you can be in Vietnam, But this was his very pur- the next in a pie baking con- HE TOLD Westmoreland it pose in making the film. When test." It was this dissatisfac- was honest, to which the gener-I asked to elaborate on his posi- tion that coaxed Davis into al asked him "Was it fair?| tion concerning the war, he! film, seeking a project that Was it honest? Was it accur- aptly replied Hearts and Minds would do justice to the Ameri- ate?," and each time Davis re- is what I mean to say about the can involvement in Vietnam. plied, "Yes, sir." It was only war - I can't put it any more THERE IS A Crucifixion im- age present when the murdered Survivor is cradled in the lap of the saintly Madrecita. But Giitrnan, our Cabaret-like em- cee, tells us: "The Word makes it necessary to resort to martial law." And so we know that for not ha"'ing learned the lesson. we are made to pay more and more harshly. The lesson is that of honesty. Each character must come to grips with his own ininilses, his actual feeli-es, not those parades he aboit for the effect of inmage. "I Pm sincere, T am sincere" moans Kilroy to Es- merelda, the gypsv's daughter, (John Wojda and Diane Daver-i man.) But does he really know what, he is sincere about? Kilroy is humiliated, scorned - he is forced to don a clown suit and become the official "Patsy", with a lighted bulb for a nose; he must sell his most precious possessions - his golden gloves (boxing award), his belt, even his too-big golden heart. But he Gnt-n- she is the cvnical, rnon-J queen of decadent vis- ion-ri-s. She crn see the fn- tire, as she drips oily pearls of pro-ise, but she is omi- no'. She is Glinda the Good Witch Qone eerily mad, in a nlgv with more reminiscent ov- Prtones of tlhA Wi7.ard of Oz than one can count. For not only does it all take nlae in a dream, but the fa- cile admonition of Glinda. that is, that Dorothy had always the nower to go home if she'd onlr known it, is echoed in the end of Camirno eal when we arm *i en to understand that will alone would overcome the staving power of the hellish camino. As an interpreter of this rich, clever, moving play, director Richard Burgwin has few flaws. I could have lived with- out the overdone Byronis mono- logue (in block eight), as a mere suggestion of same would have achieved this effect; the fault here is partly Williams', for overwriting - it is certain- ly the fault of Forth. ti :i f I . r f i 't { I } , i ! i { E t i or see it. $500.00 will buy you a quality sound system. $419.00 will buy you a EuraiIpass AND round trip air fare to Europe. For more information complete this coupon or contact your local travel agent. 1 NameI Address City State Z i L 4TRAVEL CHARTER INC. 1436 Brush Street Detroit, Ml 48226 (3131 AT1511 then that Westmoreland agreed articulately." "THE TELEVISION coverage, of the war was adequate," Da-r vis told the audience, "but it was inadequately presented." And thus the idea of Hearts and Minds came to being. "This film was made to satisfy three criteria: why we were in Viet- nam, what we did there, and the effect the war had on us. If we hadn't adhered to these guidelines, the final film would' have been 35 hours long." The work, which took one year to film and one year to edit, encountered trouble in its distri- bution. "Columbia (the studio who originally bought t h e film) refused to release it when they saw it, and Walt Rostow (former advisor to Johnson was appears in the film) filed an injunction trying to stop its re- lease." THE FILM was ultimately released by Warner Brothers,j and has since been shown at the Cannes film festival and1 has won the Academy Award for best documentary two years ago. (But not without incident: Davis' partner, Bert Schnei- der, read a telegram from the North Vietnamese extending a gesture of neace. The result was an immediate declaration by Frank Sinatra that "the en- tire Academy denlored this ac- tion." It wasn't the whole Aca-' demv that obiected. Davis said, "it was Sinatra and Bob Hone At the movies... This is a hot weekend for new product in the commercial movie theaters. What may well turn out to be the Jaws of 1976 -All the President's Men- starts today at the Movies at the Briarwood shopping mall. Also of interest this weekend 04-1 _ .LYE "...\.iii . % ~57~The Magic of Bergman The Magnificence of Mozart. Carmen F. Zollo presents Ingmar Bergman's Producd and Di.ctnd and W.ittanby Ingroar Begman"Dictsrof Photography Sven Nyk nat Eric Ericson Conucting The Swedish Staoe Brokatirn Network Symphony A S E7R&dioALPrduction -'A SURROGATE LEASE jiJaj"M M SHOWTiMES: Man.-Fri. 7.00 & 9:40 M.M Saturday & Sunday 4:20-7:00-9:40 " A RICHARD DREYFUSS JinNSERTS" c JESSICA HARPER - BOB HOSKINS - VERONICA CARTWRIGHT . STEPHEN DAVIES ( ss ale a d HARRY BENN Poduea by DAVINA BELLING andCLIVE PARSONS NO ONE UNOEwR 1-AMTsTED Wenand fecedlyJOHN BYRUM United AS SHOWTIMES: MON. - SAT. 7:00 & 9:05 SUN 5:00 -- 7:00 - 9:05 i t 1u ! UU&LI uI v . 7 :20, 9:30 p.m . IS TALKING ABOUT I V-r s a v q ~v vTV s eI s sIr-F V V 1T THE FINAL D'AYS READ ALL ABOUT THE STARS!P Nixon, Kissinger, Pat, ' Tricia, Julie, Haig, Ziegler, etc. UNLIKE ANYTHING YOU'VE EVER READ Foo____________________________0_____ C4A1 .th ri _i 1o~epdjr resentE Shiesear '