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April 07, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-04-07

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See Editorial Page


jI t itan


See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 153

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, April 7, 1976

10 Cents

Ten Pages

G n ~
MSA elections
MSA elections continue today and tomorrow.
Ballot issues include the questions of CIA/NSA re-
cruiting on campus, MSA funding, and the number
of members serving on the Central Student Ju-
diciary. Also on the ballot are thirty-four candi-
dates for twelve MSA positions, three candidates
for a seat on the Student Board of Publications,
and candidates for LSA student government. Day-
time polling places include the Engineering Arch,
the Business Administration Building, and the Law
School. Residents of Markley, Alice Lloyd, Couz-
ens, and East Quad may vote in their dorms
from 4 to 6:30. Polls will be open in the evening
from 7 to 10 at the Grad Library, Med Library,
and the UGLI.
Happenings ...
..get rolling today on the diag at noon, where
Democratic Congressional candidate Dr. Ed Pierce
speaks . . . You can get a 15 cent peanut butter
and jelly sandwich, now featuring whole wheat
bread, today and every Wednesday at the Student
Counseling Office, 1018 Angell Hall . . . Film-
maker Peter Davis speaks after both showings of
his Vietnam documentary "Hearts and Minds,"
at 7:00 and 9:30, Aud. A, Angell Hall . . . The
Revolutionary Student Brigade is holding a planning
meeting for a July 4 demonstration in Philadelphia
at 7:30 in the Michigan Union's Assembly Hall ..
The Sex and Sexuality Conference continues to-
night at 7:30 in the Michigan Union, featuring
workshops on gayness, women's health and ex-
panded sexuality and sensuality . . . The Ann
Arbor Weekly People presents a lecture by James
Sim of the Socialist Labor Party on "Can Humanity
Survive Capitalism?" 7:30 in Rm. 3209 of the
Michigan Union . . . The Spartacus Youth League
holds the first part of a class on imperialism en-
titled "A Struggle for Liberation," at 7:30 in Rm.
68 Greene of East Quad . . . The Stilyagi Air
Corps, the science fiction group, meets at 8:30 in
Rm. 4203 of the Michigan Union, and will retire
afterwards to the PretzelBell. All are welomet..
The MFA art exhibits of Colette Wright and Vic-
toria Stoll are on display in the lobby of the Power
Center during the run of "Camino Real," tonight
through Sunday.
Chief sponsors of Senate Bill One, which would
make drastic and, according to some, repressive
changes in the federal criminal code, have dropped
their proposal for a limited death penalty in an
effort to save the rest of the measure. Senators
John McClellan (D-Ark.) and Roman Hruska (R-
Neb.) have also agreed to the demands of their
liberal colleagues on the Judiciary Committee in
accepting a repeal of the Smith Act provisions in
the bill, making it a crime to advocate violent
overthrow of the government. McClellan and
Hruska refused, however, to make legal possession
of small amounts of marijuana, to leave obscenity
controls to the states, or to drop mandatory jail
sentences for drug traffickers. They also balked
at accepting the liberal's demand that wiretapping
be limited in criminal investigations.
The fault, Dear rn tis
University of Washington research scientists have
developed a highly sensitive laser beam device
now being tested along California's San Andreas
Fault in the hopes that it will lead to an early
warning system for earthquakes. Since surface
deformation often precedes earthquakes, the beam
is being used to detect any movement in the
earth's crust. The system can measure changes
as small as 40 one-thousandths of an inch over
seven miles. While this data alone won't help
predict earthquakes, the U.S. Geological Survey,
which is paying for the project, hopes the tiny
movements, when added to other data, will lead
to the ability to make quake predictions. This

may well be the first example of the government
being generous to a fault.
It's not what you know .. .
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's brother-in-
law was given preferential treatment in being ap-
pointed to a $20,000-a-year government job, ac-
cording to a Civil Service Commission report re-
leased yesterday. David Maginnes, 43, was hired
as an education program specialist in the Depart-
ment of Health, Education, and Welfare in Novem-
ber 1972. At that time Kissinger, then former
President Nixon's assistant for national security
affairs, was frequently seen with Maginne's sister,
Nancy, whom he married 16 months later. Neither
Kissinger, his wife or Maginnes were available
for comment.
On the inside...
Editorial Page features a Pacific News
Service story on office space in Washington . .
Arts Page offers Jim Valk's reviews of Lina
Wertmuller's film, "Seven Beauties" . . . and
Snorts Pae has the storv on Michigan's home

Election gives Council a new


The infighting and bitter verbal exchanges which have char-
acterized past meetings of the City Council may soon become
conspicuously absent, according to predictions of both Democratic
and Republican members of that body.
As a result of Monday's city elections, Democratic Mayor Al-
bert Wheeler no longer enjoys the support of a liberal majority
on Council. The Democrats cannot now enlist the aid of SHRP
radical Kathy Kozachenko to drive through city ordinances and
resolutions over Republican dissents.
FOR COUNCIL is now dominated by Republicans who will no
longer have to fume helplessly as a conservative minority.
Still, while the Republicans can now muster the support need-
ed to pass municipal legislation, the Mayor retains veto power.
Thus, the Democratic-Republican makeup of City Council (sans

SHRP) still bodes the possibility of deadlocks over certain vola-
tile issues.
AND BECAUSE changes in the city's budget require a seven-
vote majority, such moves still will require bipartisan support.
This enhances the power of City Administrator Sylvester Mur-
ray, who draws up the annual budgets.
"It's like there's two mayors," explained Councilwoman Carol
Jones (D-Second Ward). "On the one hand the mayor has all the
mayoral powers, and on the other hand the Republicans have a
Now neither party can walk all over the other. And this situ-
ation will necessitate negotiation, diplomacy and compromise.
"IF ANYTHING positive is going to happen, it's obvious that
the two parties are going to have to work together and do a lot
of compromising," said Jones.
Jones is not optimistic about coming to terms with the Re-
is first

publicans and feels that the Democrats will have to concede too
"Obviously we're going to lose a lot, 50 per cent or more of
what we want. And I think the city is going to lose," she said.
FURTHERMORE, Jones is afraid that the Republicans will
challenge the Mayor to veto unpopular resolutions.
"They have us over the barrel because both parties are look-
ing forward to next year's mayoral election, and a mayor who does
a lot of vetoing become very unpopular," said Jones.
But Councilman Roger Bertoia (R-Third Ward) denies that
his colleagues would resort to this political tactic.
"SOME OF my Democratic peers are still playing at city gov-
ernment like it was a game," said Bertoia. "There are things
we choose to get done, and if Wheeler has to use his veto, that's
a decision he has to make."
See COUNCIL, Page 2







Jack son


N. .

The first Michigan Student
Assembly (MSA) election was
marred by a Watergate-style
"dirty trick" yesterday in the
form of a bogus policy flyer pur-
portedly representing views of
the Student Organizing Commit-
tee (SOC).
The flyer attributes to SOC a
proposedtagenda whichfwould
call for the abolition of funding
for intercollegiate athletics, in-
cluding football, elimination of
27 per cent of University Teach-
ing Fellows, and a 25 per cent
admission quota for minority
Elliot Chikofsky called the un-
signed flyer "apparently a com-
plete fraud" violating the MSA
See FLYER, Page 10

Ford strengt~II rows
with Wil.vietory
By The Associated Press
Rep. Morris Udall clung to a slendor lead and claim-
ed a close victory, but Jimmy Carter was narrowing the
edge early today as the votes were counted in Wiscon-
sin's presidential primary election. Sen. Henry "Scoop"
Jackson won New York's contest for Democratic dele-
President Ford easily won the Republican primary
in Wisconsin.
BUT THE DEMOCRATIC outcome was in doubt with 80 per
cent of the precincts counted and Udall ahead by one percentage
The Arizona congressman scored heavily in Madison, site of
the University of Wisconsin. He led in that area by about 22,000
votes; his edge statewide was only 3,700 votes.
Udall was gaining 37 per cent of the vote, Carter 36 per cent.
That put them in a tie for Wisconsin Democratic delegates,
with each man leading for 25 nominating votes.
FORD LED statewide and in every congressional district, and
thus was ahead for all 45 Republican delegates.

AP Photo
Rep. Morris Udall celebrates at a victory rally in a Milwaukee hotel last night after gaining his
first primary victory in Wisconsin.


China govt. b
From Wire Service Reports
PEKING-China's Communist: Party yesterday moved quickly
quiet political unrest while Peking struggled to recover from
most serious rioting in ten years since the Cultural Revolution.


A few hours after the last of the thousands of demonstrators
had been cleared from the great Tien An Men square, the party
newspaper People's Daily published a front-page editorial declar-
ing "class enemies" should be tracked down and dealt resolute
UNDERLYING the message, large numbers of militia armed
with wooden staves were placed in back streets around Tien An
Men during the day.
The vast square, where cars and a building were set ablaze
Monday in day-long riots involving thousands of demonstrators,
was quiet. Youths wandered around, occasionally questioning

!asts protestors
foreigners, but there were no serious incidents.
The mob Monday was protesting the removal of wreaths hon-
oring the late Premier Chou En-lai on the Martyrs Monument on
Monday, a day Chinese annually pay respects to their ancestors'
DIPLOMATIC sources said top level meetings were believed
to have been held in the Chinese capital yesterday to determine
how to deal with any new disorders.
Loudspeakers around Tien An Men yesterday continually re-
peated Monday's appeal by Peking Mayor Wu Teh for crowds to
disperse, blaming "a small minority of ambitious, evil men" for
the rioting.
The People's Daily editorial virtually linked the demonstra-
tions with the political power struggle that followed Chou En-lai's
death last January.
See PARTY, Page 7

While Jackson was in com-
mand in the New York primary,
his delegate margin was short
of the clear majority he had
See UDALL, Page 2
Here are late vote totals
in the tight Wisconsin presi-
dential primary, with 88 per
cent of the state's precincts
Udall-243,584 37 per cent
244,816 37 per cent
83,953 13 per cent
43,484 6 per cent
Ford-277,825 55 per cent
221,479 44 per cent
Here is how Democratic
delegates in New York
would be apportioned ac-
cording to late returns from
90 per cent of the state's

hiit LSA
Students in the literary col-
lege ~(LSA) yesterday voiced
decidedly negative reaction to
the LSA faculty's vote to in-
clude the average grade in a
given classon students' tran-
The proposal was passed by a
narrow margin at Monday's fac-
ulty meeting. Its supporters
held that the inclusion would
make easier an interpretation
of a student's performance.
"I THINK it is quite unfair,"
said sophomore William Ed-
wards. "It seems like every
semester they (LSA faculty)
come up with something new
to hurt students.
See STUDENTS, Page 10

Robbery charge denied
By MIKE NORTON admitted that they could have interpreted what
he said as racial remarks." When the two showed
The Feb. 8 alleged robbery attempt that objection to his language, said Spearman, Poston
resulted in the death of 18-year-old Larry Edwards called the police and reported a robbery.
may never have taken place at all, attorneys of
People United for Justice (PUJ) claimed yes- THE ATTORNEYS are basing their contention
on an investigation which PUJ has made into
terday, the shooting, as well as an article which ap-
Edwards and a companion, 18-year-old Ricky peared in Sunday's Michigan Free Press in which
Poston "made statements which contradict his
Bullock, were shot by police while running from statements in the police investigation." The group
the scene of the alleged robbery at the Pump 'n' also claims to have three eyewitnesses to the
Pantry store on Broadway. Bullock was wounded incident.
in the buttock and is now free on bail pending
criminal proceedings against him. One of the witnesses, Edwards' younger brother
Robert, 17, originally supported the police version
THE POLICE were originally called to the of that night's events. However, the lawyer said,
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Georgia State Senator Julian
Bond yesterday portrayed for-
er Georgia governor and pres s2

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