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April 02, 1976 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1976-04-02

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(Te Mirwe~an ates
Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedon
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, M1 48104



depends on


Friday, April 2, 1976

News Phone: 764-0552

Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
Q uinlan decision reasonable

preme Court decision allowing
Karen Quinlan's parents to let her
die if they can find competent medi-
cal authorities who agree that there
is no reasonable chance for her re-
covery is a most reasonable decision.
The comatose 22-year-old woman has
almost no chance, if any, to recover
from the illness that has made her
unconscious since April 15, 1975.
The Quinlans' have decided not to
let Karen die, until the State of New
Jers'ey decides whether or not to ap-
peal the case. If the case is not ap-
pealed and Karen's parents allow her
to die, the court stated, this "should
be accepted by a society the over-
whelming majority of whose mem-
bers would . . . In similar circum-
stances exercise such a choice in the
same way for themselves . . ." This
sets a proper precedent for future
similar cases.

Passive euthanasia is not wrong if
calmly and reasonably reviewed and
considered. Artificially supporting a
hopeless medical case only prolongs
the suffering of the patient. Further-
more, it is senseless to prolong a life
which for all practical and moral
purposes has ceased to exist.
Courts should proceed with caution
in future euthenasia cases, however.
The danger remains that bereaved
family members may opt for termin-
ating the life of a severely ill loved
one who actually has a reasonable
chance of survival so to end their
own suffering. Such cases must be
subject to very close scrutiny by med-
ical authorities and review by the
courts. Throughout the proceedings
the only consideration involved can
be the welfare of the patient. With
the life of a human being in their
hands, these authorities must decide
with the utmost caution and objec-

many bargains around any
more. The days of a good nickel
cigar, not to mention a good
nickel bag, have followed the
lead of the buffalo into extinc-
tion. McDonald's no longer of-
fers you change back from your
dollar. What's this world com-
ing to?
Well there's good news.
There's still at least one last
bargain left in town, being of-
fered by the student government
at the University of Michigan.
For a mere seventy-five cents,
the Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) can provide the student
body with a wide range of ser-
vices that would either not be
available or would cost double
or more elsewhere. It can pro-
vide funding for student clubs
and organizations that could go
nowhere else for funding (ie.
who else would give money to
a group calling themselves the
Martin Sostre Defense Commit-
tee). It can effectively push
for student interests with a
growingly unresponsive Regents
and University administration.
With the proper funding there
is virtually no end to the pow-
er student government could
wield on behalf of the student
That is, if the proper funding
is made available.
A proposal to restore an auto-
matic funding system for the
MSA will appear on the upcom-
ing student government election
ballot (April 6,7,8). Proposal I,
as it is called, if passed, would
entitle MSA to receive a mere
seventy-five cents from each
student as part of the regular
University billing system. Com-
pared to the amounts of money
students toss away at registra-
tion to get Robben Fleming's
lawn trimmed, or to buy new
identification signs for Univer-

'A proposal to restore an automatic fund-
ing system for the MSA will appear on the
upcoming student government election ballot
(April 6, 7, 8). Proposal I, as it is called, if
passed, would entitle MSA to receive a mere
seventy-five cents from each student as part
of the regular University billing system. Com-
pared to the amounts of money students toss
away at registration to get Robben Fleming's
lawn trimmed, or buy new identification signs
for University buildings, it seems like a pid-
dling amount.'

sity buildings, it seems like a
piddling amount.
YET THE FATE of this pro-
posal will be of crucial im-
portance in determining the fu-
ture of central student govern-
ment on this campus, as well
as the future interests and fu-
ture services that could be made
available to the students at the
University of Michigan.

mer student government offi-
cials, further weakened student
confidence in how their funds
were being spent.
Since September 1975, SGC
and MSA has been putting the
books in order, by tightening
disbursement and allocations
procedures. A successful CPA
audit of last year's records and
provision for yearly audits in
the future assures students of

in itself saves thousands of dol-
lars for the student body each
year. It will continue MSA's
efforts to save students money
at every front, whether it be
attempts to cut tuition, or lob-
bying in Lansing on bills that
would effect the condition and
cost of being a student in this
state. Without automatic fund-
ing the Housing Reform Pro-
ject, a bold utilization of the
long dormant Student Legal Ad-
vocate Project (SLAP) funds,
would not be able to continue
more than one year. This pro-
ject alone, aimed at combatting
the high cost and poor mainte-
nance that characterizes Ann
Arbor's rental housing market,
could save students money ma-
ny times over in their yearly
living expenses.
TO GIVE YOU an idea of
how and in what proportions
MSA allocates its funds, it is
easiest to look at how the mon-
ey was budgeted for the past
and present semesters. Forty
per cent of the fall budget was
constitutionally assessed to the
Student Legal Advocate Pro-
ject. $3,000 of that money was
allocated to the Ann Arbor Ten-
ant's Union (AATU) for legal
costs resulting from their Trony
rent strike. The remaining funds
will go to the Housing Reform
. Twenty per cent of the group's
funding supports the projects of
student organizations. As a stu-
dent government MSA receives
many funding requests, and at-
tempts to give money to a wide
range of groups. Without auto-
matic funding, MSA might very
well have to curtail much of this
present funding. During the past
year MSA has funded groups
including: African Student's As-
sociation, Ann Arbor Fifth Es-
tate, Ann Arbor Tenant's Union,
Chicano Program Development,
Future World's Lecture Series,

Gay Academics Union, Indochi-
na Peace Campaign, Rackham
Student Government, Red Cross
Blood Drive and Honduras Re-
lief, Student Organizations Infor-
mation Center and on and on.
It would be safe to say that
if you have been involved with
just about any student organiza-
tion around town, your activities
have been funded by the stu-
dent government.
A vote for automatic funding
would give you even more. The
bargain could even be bigger
and better. With a solid, stable
funding source MSA would have
the potential and the financial
power to fund more student or-
ganizations, to advocate the in-
terests of the student body in
many more directions. Proposed
projects would attack such prob-
lems as: sexual and racial dis-
crimination at the University,
promoting the Affirmative Ac-
tion program, development of
a student union, tuition cuts, stu-
dent say in University policy
making decisions, work on
academic grading and miscon-
duct. There is no end. But to
do this, to once again make
student government an effective
and powerful voice at the Uni-
versity, it needs automatic fund-
Considering all this, it seems
that seventy-five, cents isn't
much to ask. A yes vote on
Proposal I would give the new
MSA a chance to show that it
can effectively serve student
needs on this campus. Give it
a chance. It's foolish to pass up
a bargain when you see one.
They're getting harder to come
by these days.
David Goodman and Gordon
Tucker are at-large members of
the Michigan Student Assem-
bly (MSA) and serve on MSA's
Communications Comrmittee.

Lebanon: Too many cooks

The vote on automatic fund-
ing will serve as a vote of con-
fidence in the new MSA. It is
a new student government, rep-
resenting all facets of the Uni-
versity community, a group ded-
icated to working in the best
interests of the total sudent
body. It was the lack of student
confidence in the old Student
Government Council (SGC),
brought about by SGC's antics
over the years, that resulted in
the revocation of the automatic
funding system in last fall's
SGC election. Charges of em-
bezzlement of funds against for-

proper accounting. It assures
them that there is no longer
anything to worry about. The
new MSA, with its broader
based representation, can only
become a viable and effective
force by restoring this old fund-
ing method. A defeat of auto-
matic funding will virtually crip-
ple an organization with bold
hopes of providing better ser-
vices to its constituents.
Proposal I will allow MSA
to continue the many services
it now supports. It will allow
the organization to continue its
health insurance plans, which

Lebanon. This tiny country to
the north of Israel and to the west
of Syria, on the Mediterranean sea,
has become the focal point of sever-
al festering wounds in the always
volatile Mid-East theatre. It has al-
most gotten to the point where the
original internal conflict between
Moslems and the ruling Phalangist
Christians, which has been raging
for the past 11 months, has claimed
over 10,000 lives, and has devastated
the country, has taken a back seat
to the external power struggles for
influence in helping bring a halt to
the fighting.
Until recently, Syria was the spear-
head for moderating the conflict. Sy-
rian leaders almost single-handedly
effected the last cease-fire which
was just recently broken, In the wake
of the new fighting, Syria is once
again attempting to impose its pres-
ence into the cease-fire negotiations,
to the point of threatening armed
intervention if their recent demand
of a one-week cease" fire to hold
Presidential elections isn't met. But
Syria would have to think very care-
fully before it embarks on such a
major campaign.
The leftist-Moslem coalition, which
seems to be gaining the upper-hand
in the recent fighting, has issued
along with the Palestine Liberation
News: Mike Blumfield, Mitch Dunitz,
Rob Meachum, Ken Parsigian,
Cathy Reutter, Tim Schick, Karen
Schulkins, Pauline Tool, Bill Turque
Editorial Page: Stephen Hersh, J o n
Pansius, Karen Schulkins, Tom Ste-
Arts Page: Jim Valk
Photo Technician: Scott Eccker

Organization a blunt threat to re-
taliate to any outside interference.
Also, Israel has repeatedly stated that
it would invade Lebanon at the
slightest hint of Syrian military ac-
tion there. Reports from UN observ-
ers say that Israel is at present mass-
ing troops and artillery on the Leba-
nese border.
AS IF THAT WEREN'T enough to
deter Syria from carrying out its
threat, Iraq has declared that they
will invade Syria If Syria invades
Lebanon. This is the result of severe-
ly strained relationships between the
two countries that almost led to hos-
tilities last year.
And for the coup ,de grace, it has
been reported that elements of the
US Six Fleet, including the carrier,
Guadalcanal, and amphibious land-
ing craft carrying 1,700 Marines are
in a holding pattern one day's sail-
ing time from Lebanon. The reaction
to this sadly familiar move by our
government from the Lebanese coa-
lition was that they were also within
artillery range, and that they would
sink the American ships just as if
they were off the shores of Mekong.
So it appears that everyone is get-
ting into the act. And it seems that
the more belligerents that enter the
arena under the facade of helping
to restore peace, the gulf between
peace and war increases proportion-
ally. But through all the threats and
counterthreats, shows of strength
and ersatz concessions, the killing
goes on, in an ever more gruesome
fashion. The death rate has reached
about 100 per day.
Editorial positions represent
consensus of the Daily staff.

Reagan's economics
lack sophistlieualion

More turbulence
in Latin'America

disadvantages of Presi-
dential candidate Ronald Rea-
gan's stands on detente or bu-
reaucracy expressed during his
telecast last Wednesday, his
economic plans show a lack of
sophistication. His balanced
budget proposal and strong
fears of inflation appeal to the-
conservative instincts of most
middle class Americans, but
they do not stand up to the close
scrutiny of commonly accepted
economic analysis.
The private sector in the
economy sometimes demands
more or less than what is ap-
propriate for atstable economy;
a balanced budget philosophy
would magnify and sustain
these cycles. For instance, a
boom which raises income and
prices would also raise income
tax revenues, which would lead
to either a tax cut or an in-
crease in government spending
if the budget was to remain
in balance, thereby adding more
fuel to the boom and produc-
ing more of the inflation that
Mr. Reagan fears so much.
Suffice it to say that the most
economically unstable period in
the post-war U.S. was during
Eisenhower's balanced budget
view of inflation, this problem
is not solely caused by unbal-
anced budgets. Prices also rise
in response to rapidly increas-
ing money supply, shortages,
and previous inflation. Further-
more, when the economy has

as much excess capacity and
unemployment as it does now,
inflation will slow despite large
though reasonable deficits.
The former governor also con-
tended that unemployment is
caused by inflation and that the
way to lick the former is to
lick the latter. This again shows
the incompleteness of his know-
ledge of the economy's work-
Suppose President Reagan (if
he got elected) balanced the
budget by decreasing spending
and increasing taxes as he has
proposed. This would relative-
ly quickly send the economy
into a deep plunge, with little
immediate effect on inflation,
and create a deficit as usual
in most recessions. Seeing con-
tinuing inflation and an unbal-
anced budget (the alleged
cause), a Reagan administra-

tion would recommend further
tax increases or the like, a poli-
cy that would turn the plunge
into a tailspin. Thus would
Reagan's war on inflation cause
very remarkable unemploy-
cause unemployment; and, to
follow his analogy, the very
rapid price rises in 1974 were
part of the disease that caus-
ed the unemployment symp-
toms, but such extremertreat-
ments as Reagan proposes
would send the patient into
shock. The present policy of
moderate long-term growth is
now keeping unemployment and
inflation at least restrained,
and such a steady-as-she-goes
philosophy seems the best
course to follow to relieve the
nation's economic trauma.
As the economy improves, tax
revenues will increase and
those big deficits will begin
to disappear. No great demands
on the capacity of the economy
will be made so inflation should
continue to diminish. Mr. Rea-
gan's fears of a post-election
inflationary recession similar to
1975 are thus unfounded.
Such recitals of tried and
not-so-true formulas reveal the
former governor's ignorance of
recent economic findings. Hope-
fully, if by chance he does get
elected, he would appoint one
of his citizen's committees to
the problem and get more so-
phisticated recommendations.
Jon Pansius is a Daily Edi-
torial Page staff writer.

(Editor's note: The follow-
ing on-the-spotereports from
the Pacific News Service are
designed to give readers a
quick sense of the dominant
moods and trends in Latin
Ecuador's three man military
junta - which came to power
in a bloodless coup Jan. 12 -
is charting a moderate course
to raise living standards and
relax social tensions, The gov-
ernment plans to funnel oil
revenues to private industry in
order to increase output. It has
also pledged to carry out land
reform, over the objections of
large landowners.
Despite junta promises to re-
store constitutional government
in two years, it has made no
plans for civil education to
bring more Ecuadorians - 44
percent are illiterate - into the
political process.
ian president General Hugo
Banzer's chief public rallying
point - an outlet to the sea -
received a sharp setback last
week with the collapse of nego-
tiations with Chile for a corri-
dor to the Pacific.
According to Banzer, Chile
demanded too much money and
a guarantee of no armed forc-
es in the corridor.
Just before the talks failed,
a wave of industrial strikes
and demonstrations had forced
Banzer to lift bans on miner
and student organizing and a
wane freeze onteachers' sala-
Operating under a "state of
siege" for more than a year,

one of Latin America's few re-
maining civilian governments
faces new student unrest. Vio-
lent clashes between students
and police in this industrial city
last week left two students
dead, dozens wounded and near-
ly 100 in prison.
The students were protesting
the university's low budget and
poor administration. The city
is now under military control,
and the military commander
here says his men "have pre-
cise instructions to use arms"
to put down disturbances.
cal prisoners heremay benefit
from a new law announced by
the military junta under pres-
sure from world publicity sur-
rounding the case of Dr. Sheila
Cassidy, the British physician
arrested and tortured here last
fall. The new decree calls for
medical examination before and
after imprisonment to deter-
mine if torture has been used
and rapid notification of next-
of-kin as to where the prisoner
has been taken.
Unlike previous laws, this
one is to be enforced by civilian
officials not tied to Chile's po-
lice, DINA. One of them, Su-
preme Court Justice Jose Ma-
ria Eyzaguirre, has previously
bucked DINA to support investi-
gations requested by families
of missing persons. He is ex-
pected to push to make the new
rules effective.
And with support for the de-
cree coming from Santiago's
most ' powerful conservative
newspaper El Mercurio, the
junta may be making its first
serious effort to moderate its
treatment of dissidents.

T iri L04AL . 1V i i





To The Daily:d
are the Fords, Rockefellers, and
those they represent, offering
us? Unemployment for over
10,000,000 people, stock piles of
nuclear arms, continuing dis-
crimination, useless education
. They can't prevent these
problems - instead, they're
pouring millions of dollars into
fireworks and Bicentennial cele-
brations to try to shore up peo-
ple's faith in the system, to
try to unite them for 200 more
years of the same.
People are going to demon-
strate in Philadelphia because
it's important to counter this
attempt - instead of uniting
behind he politicians, we must
unite with each other.
People from all around the
country will be coming. Viet-

ers from the Unemployed Work-
ers' Organizing Committee (U-
WOC) who have been collecting
hundreds of thousands of sig-
natures on their petition de-
manding "Jobs or Income
Students, who have been
struggling for years to end U. S.
interference in other countries,
and who are trying to make ed-
ucation available to lower in-
come and minority people will
also be there.
Coal miners, who last year
walked out 80,000 strong to de-
mand the right to strike and
safer conditions, meatcutters
from Milwaukee, steelworkers
from Washington, autoworkers
from Michigan, and many oth-
ers will be gathering in Phila-
We will be coming off what
we've learned in our different



want us to think. In Philadel-
phia, not only will we be giving
support to one another's strug-
gles, but more important, we
will be taking a big step to-
wards building the movement
of millions that is necessary to
get rid of the capitalist sys-
The Revolutionary
Student Brigade
To The Daily:
30, which bore the title: "FBI
Break-Ins: Unwarranted," of-
fered perhaps the most condi-
tional defense of democratic
rights that one might find. While
it should seem obvious that
the First Amendment right to
freely express dissenting politi-
cal viewpoints is a vital and
necessary right for all of us-

of the country." Whatever is
meant by a "threat" to the
"security of the country," the
implication is quite clear: The
FBI shouldn't violate our politi-
cal rights as long as our view-
points and following are not
popular enough to be really
Your apparent attempt to give
the FBI a little fatherly advice
seems to be a case of the blind
leading the sighted. While you
may seriously believe that the
FBI spies on, and harrasses
political dissenters as a result
of "irrational thinking" and the
"paranoia of J. Edgar Hoover,"
you might also point out that
this organization has carried out
and continues to carry out such
activities, and that this consti-
t'ites a blatant infringement of
the democratic rights of all of
Your ediorial, however, seems

when you scold FBI director
Clarence Kelley for "behavior
(that) is a corruption of the
trust placed in the bureau."
IF YOU HAVE, indeed, plac-
ed your trust in the FBI, one
can only wish you the best of
luck, and hope that the FBI
does not someday violate your
trust by cracking down on con-
fused liberals.
The Socialist Workers party,
incidentally, does not exist "on-
ly for the running of candidates
for public office." In the early
sixties, the SWP played a lead-
ing role in defending the Cub-
an Revolution, and exposing the
U. S. governments' attempts to
violate the national autonomy,
and right to self - determina-
tion of the Cuban people. Simil-
arly, the SWP was one of the
first groups to organize, and
actively participate in the anti-
war movement in the middle


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