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March 30, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-03-30

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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 146

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 30, 1976

10 Cents






Ten Pages and 2 Supplements

Closing the books
David's Books will be closing soon after two-
and-a-half years in Ann Arbor. David Kozubei,
>wner of the store, was not sure of the exact
closing date yet, but he didn't seem overly con-
cerned. "The world's a cruel place," he laughed.
He blames the closing on a shortage of money,
and figures that "if the store's gotta go, I
might as well enjoy it." He plans on having sales
to clear out his stock.
Near miss
Eyewitnesses in front of the Arcade 5 pinball
alley claim they were nearly killed Sunday night
when an Ann Arbor police officer fired a blast
from his 12-gauge shotgun at a fleeing burglary
suspect. The action started when police saw an
unidentified man racing from the apartment build-
ing at 612 S. Forest. Police pursued him through
the alley connecting Forest and Church St., where
one of the offers issued a verbal warning before
firing the shotgun. He missed, and the suspect
got away.
... start rolling today at 9 a.m. with a show-
ing of the film "Last Grave at Dimbaza" in Poli.
Sci./Afro-American Studies 351, Lecture Rm. 1
of the MLB ... Isidor Kioleoglu speaks during
a luncheon at the International Center at 12:00
on "Greece: Current Political and Educational
Reformations" ... David Ray reads his poetry
at 4:10 in the Pendelton Rm. of the Union ... The
College Young Democrats are sponsoring a "Meet
the Candidates Night at 7 p.m. in the Kuenzel
Rm. of the Union. Featured are U.S. Senate
candidate John Otterbacher, Mayor Albert Wheel-
er, and City Council candidates Earl Greene, and
Ezra Rowry. Dr. Ed Pierce, candidate for Con-
gress, will also speak ... There isran editor's
meeting for the Undergraduate Journal of Eco-
... Ed Heisler, a spokesman for Socialist Work-
ers Party presidential candidate Peter Camejo,
speaks in Rm. 3205 of the Union at 7:30 on "Why
We Need a Bill of Rights for Working People
... Prof. Philippe Aries lectures on Medieval and
Early Modern Attitudes Towards Death in the
Rackham Ampitheater at 8 p.m.
Tote that bar
The Baltimore father of a Marine recruit who
died during basic training is suing the Marine
Corps for $10 million, and says he wants a con-
gressional investigation into charges of abuse by
drill instructors. Harry John's son, Pvt. Warren
John, 22, contracted rhapdomyloysis, a disease
in which the muscles of the body disintegrate,
only two days after arriving at the Marine re-
cruit training center at Parris Island, S.C. "It
was brought on by overexercise," John says.
"They simply ran my son until he dropped. War-
ren was in the corps for 79 days and he spent
54 of those in the hospital." Herman Bock, a
former Baltimore Marine who was at Parris Is-
land during the same period as John, kept a
record of, abuses by drill instructors. "I person-
ally witnessed several drill instructors place a
large metal trash can over a recruits head and
beat on it with a stick. This noise caused the
recruit to scream and the drill instructors didn't
stop until he cried."
Here I sit
Sam Allen tests toilet seats for a living, but
he doesn't take the job sitting down. "Well, we
do a lot of things but we don't sit oil them,"
Sam says. Allen, who works for a Columbus, Miss.
firm, squeezes, shoves and slams the seats in
random tests to detect flaws. Stress tests in-
clude slamming seats onto a steel plate 25,000
times, rolling tires over them to detect weak
hinges, and applying 400 pounds of pressure per
square inch to expose weak points. Allen says
the Bicentennial craze hasn't really hit the toilet
seat industry. But just in case, his outfit is pro-
ducing a toilet top complete with red, white, and

blue coloring tattoed with a "1776."
On the inside.. .
Editorial Pageieatures a Pacific News Service
piece on the Patty Hearst trial ... On Arts Page,
Joan Borus reviews Martin, Bogen, and the Arm-
strongs, who appeared at the Ark Saturday night
.. and Sports Page will have the whole story on
Michigan's high noon basketball showdown with
On the outside ...
There may be a little rain today but at least
it will be warm. With a storm moving northward
from the Gulf area today we will have mostly

race for v
State Senator Carl Pursell (R-4
Plymouth) yesterday announced
his candidacy for the Second . *''.* E
Congressional District seat being
vacated by incumbent Marvin
Esch, a candidate for the U.S.
Senate..'.?;r C ii'i:: .:
Pursell is the second Republi-
can to make public his can-
didacy in the traditional swing
district comprising a rare di-
versity of suburban and rural
voters. Ann Arbor City Council-
man Ronald Trowbridge (R-
Fourth Ward), an English pro-}
fessor at Eastern Michigan Uni-
versity, announced his bid last
MAKING HIS announcement
at three locations in the district
including Ann Arbor's H'oliday
Inn on Washtenaw Ave., Pursell
declared, "I can win in our
district in November and I will ' *
win. In my last election to the
State Senate I earned 63 per
cent of the vote in a toss-up i : ."
district which had just been|'
apportioned to favor opposing * AP Ph'to
party candidates. I believe I AP Photo
can extend that broad accept- Indiana's Kent Benson falls to the floor after being fouled by Michigan's Wayman Britt. Benson
See PURSELL, Page 2 scored 25 points as the Hoosiers downed Michigan 86 68, in last night's NCAA title game.
'Cuckoo 's Nest' takes Oscars

Blue sputters
late In game
Special To The Daily
PHILADELPHIA-Michigan's dream of its first na-
tional basketball championship is over.
The undefeated Indiana Hoosiers reached the pin-
nacle of their sport last night by marching methodically
past the underdog but competitive Wolverines, 86-68, in
the final game of the 1976 National Collegiate Basketball
THE HOOSIERS reached the top by bombarding the
Wolverines in the second half with 60 per cent shooting
from the floor and nearly flawless free throw shooting.
Defensively, Indiana contained a Michigan fast break
that had sped the Wolverines to a six-point halftime
"That's one of the finest basketball teams of all
time," said Michigan coach Johnny Orr, who yesterday
was named Coach of the Year by the National Associa-

tion of Basketball coaches.
played a super half.
"I don't think anyone could
have beat them," Orr continu-
ed. "They were phenomenal -
that's how you win national
FOUL TROUBLE and the hot
hands of Hoosiers Scott May
and Kent Benson dealt Michi-
gan its slow death. May, all-
American and Player of the
Year, scored 26 and Benson
had 25. Michigan starters Way-
man Britt and Phil Hubbard
each fouled out trying to guard
the two.
Britt left the game at 16:14
of the second half with four
fouls and his team leading by
four. He returned four minutes
later and his team was behind,
47-45. Hubbard picked up his
fifth foul at 7:27 when Indiana
led, 59-53. Less than three mm-
utes later the lead was ten and
Indiana was well into its free
throw shooting exhibition.
In the last six and a half min-
utes, the Hoosiers, unbeaten in
32 games, hit 15 of 17 free
throws and five layups. It prov-
ed too much for the desperate
Wolverines, who had lost Britt
to fouls at 4:58.
THEY PLAYED great down
See THE, Page 10

"They were just super. They
Slain in
By AP and Reuter
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina-
Guerrillas assassinated a high
federal police official yesterday
in defiance of the new military
government, only hours before
Gen. Jorge Videla took-the 0oath
of office as Argentina's presi-
Videla, 50, is commander of
the army and a member of the
three-man junta that assumed
power last Wednesday after the
armed forces overthrew Presi-
dent Isabel Peron in a bloodless
coup. The junta designated Vi-
dela as president on Saturday.
THREE persons presumed to

From Wire Service Reports
Over the Cuckoo's Nest," a film
about life inside a state mental
hospital, swept most of the ma-
jor awards at last night's Aca-
demy Awards ceremony.
Jack Nicholson, the rebel
ring-leader of the 'hospital, and
Louise Fletcher, his cold-heart-
ed antagonist, won best actor
and actress Oscars while "Cuc-
koo's Nest" also won best pic-
ture of 1975 and captured the
prize for best direction by Milos
Forman and for writers Law-
rence Jauben and Bo Goldman.
IT WAS THE first time since
1934 that one picture-"It Hap-
pened One Night" - swept all
the major awards.

"Well, I guess this proves
there are as many nuts in the
Academy as there are any-
where else," grinned Nicholson
as he claimed his award. The
New Jersey-born actor won his
first best actor award following
four unsuccessful nominations.
Fletcher, 41, who played a
soft - spoken, but tyrannical
nurse in the film, broke down
in tears as she accepted her
"Oscar" statuette before a pack-
ed crowd of film stars and oth-
er celebrities.
THE FILM "Barry Lyndon,"
the story of a rogue Irishman in
18th Century England, and the
shark epic "Jaws" carved up
the minor awards between
Television viewers were also

treated to a rare, recent filmed
appearance of 82-year-old ac-
tress Mary Pickford, who re-
ceived a special award for her
contributions to film. The award
was presented at her Beverly
Hills home, where she has lived
as a virtual recluse for 10
George Burns, aging vaude-
villian of "The Sunshine Boys,"
and Lee Grant, the errant Hol-
lywood wife of "Shampoo,"
won awards as supporting per-
form ers.
BURNS, 80, said "I've been
in show business all my life
and I've loved every moment of
it. It proves one thing - stay
in the business long enough and
get to be old enough, and you
get to be new again." He quip-
ped that he had made his last
films 37 years ago and "I think
I'll make a picture every 37
Grant won her Oscar 25 years
after being nominated for the
best supported role in "Detec-
tive Story." After that, her ca-
reer fell into an eclipse be-
cause, she has said, she was
blacklisted for her political
views. Gazing at her Oscar on
the Music Center stage she
said: "I think we had a fight
20 years ago, but he has chang-

Day Afternoon" (best screen-
Oscars were also presented to
"Nashville" (best song, "I'm
Easy"); "Barry Lyndon" (for
best costume design and for
achievements in art direction);
"Angel and Big Joe" (live ac-
tion short film); and "The Man
Who Skied Down Everest,"
Crawley Films (best documen-
tary feature).

NBC sells Reagan half

hour of




NEW YORK (;) - Ronald Reagan finally
gained assurance yesterday of the half-hour
prime network time he sought for a nationally
televised presidential primary campaign
speech, reportedly at a cost of $100,000.
The National Broadcasting Co. (NBC) said
it would make an exception to normal policy
and offer the Republican presidential candi-
date 30 minutes at 10:30 p.m. Wednesday.
ON THE OTHER side of the campaign fence,
five Democratic presidential aspirants con-
verged on New York City for a locally tele-
vised debate on "Who is Responsible for the
Cities?" - a prime issue in the financially
stricken city.
Included among the debaters was Sen. Frank
Church of Idaho, in the initial Eastern ap-
pearance of his fledgling primary campaign.
Others taking part in the debate and seek-
ing the 274 nominating votes at stake in the
April 6 New York primary were former Geor-

gia Gov. Jimmy Carter, Sen. Henry Jackson
of Washington, former Oklahoma Sen. Fred
Harris and Rep. Morris Udall of Arizona.
REAGAN'S North Carolina victory over Pre-
sident Ford led him to change tactics, and
switch temporarily from campaigning in the
field to network television, where he is com-
fortably at home.
Reagan is on the ballot in only one of three
primaries next month - the April 6 Wisconsin
race. So he cancelled a full slate of appear-
ances this week in Virginia, Wisconsin and
Indiana to concentrate on his television ad-
In advance of the Democratic debate, Udall
got the jump on his New York primary rivals.
In town ahead of the others, he took part in
a series of speaches and interviews, during
which he proposed that the federal government
take over welfare costs, which total $2 billion
a year in New York alone.

Other awards were given to
"Great," Bob Godfrey, produc-
er (best animated short film),
"The Hindenburg" (special vis-
ual effects);; "Jaws (original
score); "Barry Lyndon," John
A 1 c o t t (Cinematography);
AP Photo "Jaws," Verna Fields (film
editing); and "Barry Lyndon,"
(original song score), and "Dog



Four (
The Fourth Ward, the city's '.swing
ward', is a broad wedge driven into the
heart of Ann Arbor, covering a f u 11
fou'th of the community. Viewed as a
political thermostat of the city, this ward
harbors a colorful mix of students,
teachers, business types, bigwigs and

opponent Mary Lou Slater.
The Socialist Human Rights P a r t y
(SHRP) has entered Madelyn Elder, a
University senior and shop steward for
the Communications Workers of Amer-
ica Local 4011, in the Fourth Ward bat-
tle. It is unlikely that Elder will t a k e
this race, but she will undoubtedly erode
some of the Democrat's support in this
"As usual," Kenworthy admits,



paign race. Slater, who describes h e r-
self as "an average citizen who wants to
know how her money's being spent," is
following the Republican line by accusing
Kenworthy and other Democrats of "de-
ficit spending."
Kenworthy, however,. has denied such
accusations. "There's isn't any deficit,"
he said. "That's a bunch of bull. We're
going to have a surplus this year."
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