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t i!3au
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Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 143
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 26, 1976
10 Cents Ten Pages
Join the Arts Page
If you have a particular interest in local
cultural events or a flair for writing about the
arts, The Michigan Daily cordially invites you
to join our Arts and Entertainment Page staff.
We have a need forraspiring journalists who
would like to tackle record, movie, and concert
reviews. For further information, please attend
a special meeting for new staffers tonight at
7:00 in the Daily offices on the second floor
of the 'Student Publications Bldg. at 420 May-
nard St., or call 764-0552 this afternoon and
ask for Jeff Sorensen.
Tender loving care
Clennia Bond, the Kettering, Ohio woman who
last Friday removed her brother from St. Joseph's
Mercy Hospital amid charges of racial discrimina-
tion and poor medical treatment, has decided not
to press charges against the institution-at least
for now. "I don't think I'll prosecute," she said,
"my main objective was not revenge, but to let
the public know what's happening" Her brother,
University senior Harold Davis, broke both of his
legs in a February 13 car crash, and threatened
to kill himself because of the pain. According
to Bond, the hospital did not give him the cor-
rect medication or enough "tender loving care"
needed for recovery. She said Davis is happy
with the care he is now receiving at a Ketter-
ing hospital but that "he's still very depressed
over the possible loss of his leg." Bond intends
to write a formal letter to hospital administra-
tors, listing all of her complaints. "Maybe," she
said, "they'll do something about this mess."
... start off today with the Honors Convoca-
tion at 10:30 in Hill Auditorium, Dr. William Haber
will speak on "Preparation for the Unexpected"
.. at noon Danish Economist Ester Boserup will
speak on "Women and Work in the Process of
Development" in the former regents room on the
second floor of the LSA Bldg. ... at 2 there will
be a reception and tea held in honor of the
students and parents who receive acclaim at the
Honor's Convocation, in the Michigan League
Ballroom ... from 6 to 11 there will be a "Worlds
Fair" at Community High school, 401 N. Division.
Classroom reality
Sixth graders in an East Hartford, Conn., class
have struck on a modern twist of the American
dream. When their teacher assigned them to write
an essay on "The Day I Become President,"
about half of them concluded they would be shot.
Michel Rosenfeld, the teacher, said that assassina-
tions had not been discussed, but the essays were
written shortly after the two attempts on Presi-
dent Ford's life last fall. Not all the stories had
unhappy endings, however. Matthew Sullivan wrote
"The gun shot off. Boom! He missed me." An-
other student placed his trust in the Secret Ser-
vice. "One day someone tried to shoot me, but
my guys got him and sent him to the gas
On the inside...
the Editorial page has a letter by Amy
Blumenthal on why MSA is no longer a circus
... Arts page has Jeff Selbst reviewing "Trojan
Women" a UT production ... on Sports Page
Marc Feldman looks at the Rutgers basketball
From Wire Service Reports
The Pentagon announced
yesterday it has formally
notified Congress it plans
to sell Egypt six C-130
transport planes for $65
The proposed sale, first
indicated by Secretary of
State Henry Kissinger sev-
eral weeks ago, would be
the first U. S. arms deal
with Egypt in about 20
CONGRESS HAS 20 days to
veto the estimated cash sale,
which has been opposed by
leading American Jewish groups
and the Israeli government.
In addition to the transport
planes, the sale would involve
spare parts, group support
equipment, training of crews
and other services.
Opponents of the sale have
expressed concern that it is a
forerunner to the United States
becoming a major arms sup-
plier to Egypt, which has cut
most of its ties with the Soviet
BACKERS of the airplane sale
and of the idea of furnishing
Egypt other military equipment
argue that this would help as-
sure that Egypt will not return
to reliance on Moscow for its
military gear and will become
more amenable to U.S. influence
in reaching a lasting Middle
East peace settlement with
In the meantime, congres-
sional sources said they had
been told that the United States
might in fact sell Egypt a civ-
ilian version of the C-130, which
has no capacity to drop cargo
by parachute.
In addition, the plane has no
electronic "friend-or-foe" auto-
matic identification device.
THE UNITED States has not
committed itself to any arms
sales to Egypt beyond the trans-
port planes.
Kissinger told Congress ear-
lier this month that the United
States "cannot be the principal
arms supplier to Egypt, and I
do not anticipate any further
sales of such items in the next
few months."
However, State Department
and congressional sources said
several days after Kissinger's
statement that the Ford admin-
istration was considering sell-
ing anti-tank missiles and com-
bat aircraft, as well as trans-
port helicopters, communica-
tions system and other military
hardware later this year.
on the sale of the six transport
planes have been scheduled for
next Wednesday, but the subject
may arise today when Kissinger
testifies before Sen. Hubert
Humphrey's (D-Minn.) Foreign
Relations Subcommittee on For-
eign Aid.
From Wire Service Reports
United States last night vetoed
a resolution proposed by a
group of Third World states
which would have had the Se-
curity Council censure Israel's
annexation of Jerusalem and
would have called for an end to
Israeli measures against Arab
inhabitants of occupied terri-
All the other members of the
15-nation council, including Bri-
tain, France and Italy, voted for
the text, which was tailored to
avoid a U. S. veto. It was the
14th veto cast by the United
States and the fifth time the
U. S. used its veto power to
of Israel
Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
Angellic pleasures
Angell Hall's stately columns provide a perfect backdrop while
watching a beautiful day pass.
Strilhp nact htnid,
prevent action against Israel.
American Ambassador Wil-
liam Scranton, who had charg-
ed in a speech Tuesday that Is-
raeli settlements in the terri-
tories were obstructing peace
in the Mideast, indicated the
major reason for his action was
that the resolution would have
hampered a new U. S. effort to
restart the peace process.
"We are engaged . . . at this
moment in an effort to regain
momentum in the negotiating
process that has brought some
unusual progress, and I think it
is fair to say there has been
more progress in this effort than
anything that has been under-
taken since the 1967 war," the
new U. S. ambassador said.
He did not elaborate.
THE ABORTED resolution
would have deplored Israel's,
failure to put a stop to actions
and policies tending to change
the status of Jerusalem and re-
scind measures already taken
to that effect.
It would also have called on
Israel, pending the speedy ter-
mination of its occupation, to
refrain from all measures
against the Arab inhabitants of
the occupied territories.
recgniionforTUHarris claims U.S.
or TU
When representatives of the Ann Arbor Tenants Union (TU)
and Trony Associates (Sunrise Management) pen their signatures
on a rent strike settlement sometime in the very near future,
the TU will have ample reason to rejoice.
The collective bargaining agreement reached by the two
parties to end a four-month-old rent strike makes the Tenants
Union the exclusive bargaining agent for all Trony tenants, a
privilege never before enjoyed by the student-run organization.
A FORMAL signing is expected soon because some final de-
tails have to be worked out, but the Tenants Union is pleased with
the terms of the impending settlement.
"Recognition of the TU is a victory for all tenants in Ann
Arbor, not just Trony tenants," said Tenants Union spokesman
See TU, Page 7
mady IDlWI44e uuJ ,at
dential candidate Fred Harris
said yesterday trusted sources
have indicated to him that the
Ford administration is planning
a blockade of Cuba if its troops
engage in further intervention
in Africa.
At the White House, mean-
while, Press Secretary Ron Nes-
sen, was asked if the President
is considering contingency plans
regarding Cuba. Nessen replied:
"There are a number of mat-
ters under study in this area."
Regents recollect China
"One thing we found amazing
was that we could be in a city
of several million people, like
Peking, and hardly see any
Regent James Waters' reac-
tion typifies many in the group
of University officials and staff
who recently returned from a
three-week visit to China. The
delegation was invited in recip-
rocation for visits to the Uni-
versity in past years by Chinese
ping pong, linguistics, and lan-
guage delegations.
THE TRIP, which lasted from
Feb. 9 to Feb. 27, was made by
University Regents Waters, Sa-
On the outside...
A series of weak fronts will disrupt our weath-
er today. This will cause mostly cloudy skies with
a chance of showers this morning and tonight.
Highs today will be 55-60, lows tonight 38-43. The
weekend looks warm.
PV returns to ballot
rah Power, Deane Baker and
Robert Nederlander as well as
two dozen faculty members and
administrators. The group tour-
ed factories, communes and in-
stitutions of learning, and visit-
ed Peking, Nanking and other
major cities.
"You don't go to China as a
tourist," Nederlander explained.
"You go because China wants
you to see their form of govern-
ment." Nederlander was great-
ly impressed with the friendli-
ness of the Chinese and with
"the ability of the government
to feed, clothe and house" 850
million persons.
"If one compares the situa-
tion before 1949, with all its pov-
erty, to today, one has to mar-
vel," he said. "We talked to
one woman who said that in
1949 there was no food to eat
and rain coming through the
roof. Now, well, they still have
six people in a four-room house,
but it's quite an improvement."
Eastern Languages and Litera-
ture Department, who grew up
in China and was imprisoned
there for several years after the
liberation in 1949, agreed that
the Chinese standard of living
has greatly improved.
"It's an absolute turnaround,"
she said. "People are relatively
well-dressed, they have shoes.
You'd see a little boy tugging
on a soldier's finger, pointing to
POWER WAS struck by an-
other aspect of Chinese schools
-their strict adherence to the
Communist party line. She re-
called asking school children
about their activities and being
told "we are doing such and
such for the revolution."
Power added that at briefings
by guides, answers maintained
a strict party line.
"You're very struck by the
kind of behaviormodification
there," she said. "There's a
very strong commitment, bor-
dering almost on deification, to
the sayings of Chairman Mao."
LIKE MOST developing coun-
tries, China has the problem of
large scale migration from the
countryside to the cities. The
government, however, has suc-
ceeded in controlling the flow
by regulating the population of
the cities.
"The party line is''Go to the
country'," said Power. "Every-
one talks about how beneficial
that is."
While in China, Mills spoke
with Dr. Yi-fang Wu, a 1927
University graduate and presi-
dent of prestigous Ginling Uni-
versity from 1928 until her re-
tirement in 1952.
THOUGH skeptical at first of
the current style of education
because she thought it needed
a better scientific base, Wu now
firmly agrees with the present
system because, in Mills' words,
"it nroduces nenl ew honow
NESSEN said he could not
say anything further about the
matter. Asked about a naval
blockade, the press secretary
said he could not comment.
There was no immediate re-
action from the State Depart-
A Pentagon spokesman ack-
nowledged yesterday that the
nation's top military staff is
reviewing contingency plans
for possible military action that
might be taken against Cuba.
Greener said the Joint Chiefs
of Staff are "participating in a
National Security Council re-
view of possible actions which
might be taken with regard to
He said two Navy destroyers
are at the U. S. base at Guan-
tanamo in Eastern Cuba but
that this is normal. Atlantic
fleet units conduct training out
of Guantanamo.
HARRIS, who still is looking
for his first primary victory in
his campaign for the Democra-
tic presidential nomination, did
not identify his sources. A
spokesman for the candidate
said Harris received the infor-
mation from one person - not
several - and that the source
requested to remain anony-
Contacted in Dallas later,
Harris, former senator from
Oklahoma, repeatedly refused
to discuss his source but said,
"I can vouch for the informa-
Doily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
AL HABER and Carl Oglesby, (right) veterans of the SDS
movement, share a moment at last night's radical reunion.
Ol1d SDSers return
to appra ise ations
Carl Oglesby and Alan Haber, two of the former strategists
behind the defunct Students for a Democratic Society (SDS),
have returned to Ann Arbor with the admonition that "this is
the time to begin to make a move" against contemporary politi-
cal institutions.
Speaking at East Quad last night, Oglesby, a former Uni-
versity student, stated, "The only thing that got destroyed in
the late sixties was the origization that was vital to the col-
lectivity and unity of the movement"
His reference was to SDS.
HABER, who was responsible for making SDS a broad-
based organization in 1960, told the small crowd, "We need to
define clearly what we are all about; that -is where the move-
ment in the sixties fell apart.
"The question UNION (a national organization Haber is
See OLD, Page 2
City voters may feel a dose of deja vu
this April when they go to the polls.
In the past 17 months, two of the three
spring ballot proposals have previously
appeared on local voting machines. A pro-
posal for door-to-door registration was re-
jected by the Ann Arbor residents a year
ago; now it is, up for another test after
being slightly amended. On April 5, city
voters will also make a choice on preferen-
tial voting for mayor (PV) - the second
such decision in as many years.
date with the least amount of votes is
eliminated andbhas his or hertsecond choice
votes redistributed among the remaining
mayoral hopefuls. The process is repeat-
ed until one candidate receives a clear ma-
In the fall of 1974, local Republicans took
target practice at the mayoral preferential
voting ballot issue, but that November city
voters approved the proposal anyway. Now,
after losing the coveted mayor's seat to the
Democrats partly because of PV, the GOP
is rolling out its big guns to blast away
prefential voting in anticipation of the 1977
mayoral race.
1st Ward's
Contrary to City Council can-
didates in Ann Arbor's other
four wards, council runners in
the heavily black and student
populated First Ward are stag-
ing a race centered largely
around the issue of racial ten-
sion in the city.
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