Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Th hursday, March 25, 1976 IIM I II I I III M I I I I I I i I 11 1 1. 1 .. 1.. . . . .T I FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY r......r.,. I s E Uncontrocted ( WORDS 0-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 INCHES 1 3 2 5 3 8 4 10 5 13 1 2 3 1.15 1.4C 1.65 1.9C 2.15 2.4 2.65 2.9C 3.1 3.15 5.65 8.15 0.65 3.15 5 2.30 0 2.80 5 3.30 0 3.80 5 4.30 0 4.80 5 5.30 0 5.80 5 6.30 6.30 11.30 16.30 21.30 26.30 3.05 3.70 4.35 5.00 5 65 6.30 6.95 7.60 8.25 8.25 14.75 21.25 27.90 34.40 SUBLET TRAVEL ~lossified Rates MAY-AUGUST: 2-4 people needed to SUMMER FLIGHTS TO LONDON sublet large, modern, A/C, furnish- 14 to 119 days from $259. Also 4 5 6 add. ed 2-bdrm. apt. Centrally located. Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Zagreb. UAC Free parking, laundry. Rent nego- Travel, 2nd floor, Michigan Union. 3.80 4.55 5.30 .75 tiable. 665-7882, 70U328 763-2147. 80P331 4.60 5.50 6 40 .90 _ --- ------ --- -- - 5.40 6.45 7.50 1.05 INCREDIBLE SUMMER SUBLET LOST AND FOUND 6.20 7.40 8.60 1.20 OPPORTUNITY!! Very private sin- -- 7.00 8.35 9.70 1 35 gle in 3-man apt. on top floor of old LOST: Light brown wallet, import- 7.80 9.30 10.80 1 .50 house cradled by the Arb. The view ant papers and ID cards. Reward I 8.60 1 0.25 13 .90 1 .65 is terrific as are the people you'd 995-8419. 40A328I 9.40 11.20 13.00 1.80 live with. Near campus. Fall option. __A3- - 10.20 12.15 14.10 1.95 THIS CAN'T BE BEAT. CALL JO- FOUND: Set of keys in Church St./ SEPH, 761-4569 dU325 Willard area in a mailbox. Call 995- 5280. dA327 10 20 12.15 14.10 1.95 1-BEDROOM, May-Aug., furnished, -28- 18.20 21.65 25.10 3.45 A/C, parking, rent negotiable. 995- FOUND: pair of men's black glasses 26.20 31.15 36.10 4.95 3413. 45U328 near Benjamin and Sybil, Monday 34.20 40.65 47.10 6.45 - - ---- - - morning. Call 994-8448 and identify. 42.20 50.15 58.10 8.95 4May-Aug. Largesunny, furnished, 2- dA327 bedroom apt. on S. Forest. Near -_---.- ------ Counts as one word. campus. Two or three person. Rent REWARD: Herring bone grey coat 5hcts negotiable. Call 995-4270 persistent- left in student activities room Tues- characters count as two words ly. 94U0325 day afternoon 665-7092 or 764-2101. 5 numers) -- ___ 36A326 5 wards per hine SPRING-SUMMER: Furnished, 2- I bedroom apt., huge kitchen, air- LOST DOG. $10 reward. "Orphan", conditioned, 3-minute walk to cam- black with brown paws and white U Epus. Price negotiable. Phone 994- markings on chest. Sheperd-Collie SUBLET 5697. 90U324 mix. 4 mo. old male 14" tall wear- -~- '- ----- --- --- ---ing leash. 994-5916 76A326 MALE to share room in 3-bedroom THE NICEST! May-Aug. large two LOST:~-ne~-~al~ apt opposite V-Bell. A/C, May- bedroom two/three person. 723 Oak- LOST: one small green notebook Aug. Cheap. Call after 5. 995-4954. land, No. 2, one block from Diag. containing poetry and other infor- 30U401 Negotiable. 995-0226. 49U328 mation. Call 995-3970 mornings or -- ~--- - ,-----late evenings. dA326 MODERN. 1-bedroom (big enough ONE-BEDROOM APT. Great kitch- for two) convenient location, a/c, en. Call 995-5324 after 6. 88U325 LARGE REWARD parking, dishwasher, furnished. May-August. Price negotiable. Call O F F E R E D F OR R E T U R N 995-5091 after 6:00 or weekends DI ERNse eroom apts A/C, of handbag and contents. Lost Mon- 15U327 dishwasher security, campus area, day in Ang Sto Spt Pric; ngtiabe with day Angell Hall. Grey tweed HELP-WANTED "LIGHTWORKS," a community arts monthly needs committed individu- als for saleswork. Excellent oppor- tunity. Call 662-6482 persistently. dH327 WANTED: One male to work lunch- es at sorority. 769-4472. 22H326 NEEDED: MUSICIANS - 1-3 piece arrangement for April 3rd Anniver- Osary Party. Good pay. Contact 995- 9644. dH327 EXPERIENCED SHOE FITTER for part-time work including summer. Willoughby-Wanty Shoes, 210 S. Main, Ann Arbor. 662-5102. 500H326 PERSONS WANTED to work on so- cial justice issues in world of work. Qualifications include positive ori- entation toward church, group lead- ership and seminar design skills, in- terest and competence in social an- alysis. Contact Dim, 13826 West Mc- Nichols Detroit, Michigan 48235 for details. 30H325 COUPLE NEEDED as resident man- agers for Halfway House, caring for women re-entering community from Ypsilanti State Hospital. Salary ex- cellent, fringe benefits 995-0354 or 995-0318, ask for Randy or Carol. 44H328 WANTED: one fish net for decora- JIMMY CARTER FOR PRESIDENT: tive purpose. 764-7768. 88K326 Help with the Michigan campaign or join a busload of us going to I NEED 2-4 tickets to UM game in Wisconsin the weekend before their Philly. Will pay good price. PleaseApilc6nimary. 994-3524,e995-1794. call 761-7377. 23K326 April 6 primary. 994-3524, 995-1794. -------54F325 SMALL USED CAR, 6. cyl., $300 range. 995-5082. dK326 SEPARATED/DIVORCED WORK SHOP for men and women in tran- PERSONALsition from being coupled to being RSONAL single again. April 2-4. Bob and Mar.f garet Blood, 769-0046. 67F401 i LONELY SKIPPER needs outdoor. ____f girl as mate for cruising in Carib- WEDDING INVITATIONS - Mod or bean aboard 40' sailboat. Friendly traditional Call 761-0942 anytime adaptable sailing experience, biki- ----------- his hopeful but not essential. Leave Any PIRGIM member wishing to about May 1. Daily Box 19 Ann I run for PIRGIM'S local Board of Arbor, 48109. 38F328 Directors can file for candidacy at -- -- ----- ----- the PIRGIM office, Room 4106 Mi- Marilyn Chambers goes acrobatic in chigan Union, no later than Thurs- BEHIND THE GREEN DOOR. The day. April 1st. 07F401 Ivory soap girl in her greatest role - ----- - - . Our last X feature this term! MLB YOGA CLASSES starting NOW. 7, 8:30 and 10 p m. Saturday, March Mondays, Wednesdays. 6-8 p.m. 27. 25F327 Saturdays: 10:30-12:30 _ --The Yoga Center of Ann Arbor PINBALL WIZARDS 500 Miller 994-0385, 769-431 TEAT YOUIR SKILL O n N HE95F326 WANTED TO BUY PERSONAL N.B.: Each oroup of character, Hvphenoted words over 5 !this includes teleohone 10 lines eauals 1 inch FOR RENT! CAMPUS Available immediately Newly rede- corated. New carpet, fully furnished. 3 bedrooms. 507 Saver Ct betweenr Benjamin and Sybil. May be seen Sat, and Sun., 10 a m. to 1 p.m 46C0328 I'WO sunny rooms in semi-coopera- tive house Division @nd Catherine Available May 1. 665-9480. 20C328' ?-BEDROOM APT. available until May 1. Packard/State area $275/mo. 194-6278. 28C330 THOMPSON APARTMENTS SUMMER RENTALS Furnished efficiencies renting at $115/noon. See manager at Apt. 216 or call 665-2289 cCtc WARM, friendly cooperative housel needs house-mates. Year lease. 995- 3082. 98C330 ONE BEDROOM APT, near North Campus. Sublet till July, renew the lease if wish. $179/mo BUY some furnishings. If interested call 769- 7824 for Schuman after 11 a.m., between 5-7 p.m. ONLY. d 1-BEDROOM APARTMENTS. Older house. Fall and May rentals. $205 and $225. 668-8918 87C403 NOW RENTING FALL 19761 SANS SOUC I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY AD deadline is 12 noon the day before publication (4 p.m. Fri. for Sun.) including corrections and cancellations. The Daily is not responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an ad. Advertisements may be removed from publication but will be billed according to original num- 'Der of days ordered. This policy is also applicable to ads requir- ing pre-payment. i.e., no refunds. Information regarding content of classified ads cannot be dis- closed prior to publication. Ad- vertisers names may never be evealod. Number of lines in advertise- ment is determined by total number of words-5 words/line. Help Wanted" ads cannot dis- criminate on the basis of sex, color, Creed or national origin to any extent (i e. "preferably" is still discriminatory). "Found" ads are run free-of- charge to a maximum of 3 lines for 3 days. n PERSONAL BEAUTY PAGEANT WINNERS needed for T.V. show. Contact 763- 6064 or 995-4087. Leave name and number. 97F326 PREGNANT? Need help? Call Prob- lem Pregnancy Help, 769-7283. 400 S. PIZZA MACHINES AT The CROSS EYED MOOS 613 E. Liberty High score for the weekv a pizza from Pizza Bob's. E wins cF305 PART-TIME STUDENT aide posi- JUNIORS: Thinking about law { tions available for qualified upper- school next year? Doing well on class LS&A students interested in the LSAT's is essential. Help your- group and individual counseling for self by learning how to prepare and new students during summer orien- take the exam. We're giving the tatbn program starting June 13- famous New York course right here August 13. Applications are available at the Campus Inn, April 3-4. Your at 1213 Angell Hall. 763-1042. Dead- future depends on a 3-hr, exam line Friday, April 2 at 4 p.m 40H3261 Call for details and registration. We " __ _ _.helped white the review books for ADDRESSERS wanted immediately! ARCO Publishing Co. RUTGERS Work at home-excellent pay Write REVIEW CENTER, INC. Call col- American Service. 1401 Wi1.. i o R E C HOUSE EXCHANGE. Visiting lectur- er, family of three, wishes to trade BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA house for living arrangement in Ann Arbor for May-June, possibly July. Call 971-2455 88F328 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: George Wallace Headquarters. 1882 E. Mi- chigan, Ypsilanti, 481-1776. Office I hours 9 am. to 6 p.m. Mon thru Sat. 76F0402 WOMEN'S GESTALT WEEKEND: April 2-4/$30. Leaders: Catherine Lilly and Gail Grigsby For info/ registration, 761-7456 or 995-3607. 74F328 MAY-AUGUST. Quiet furnished I a/c, eficiency. Near campus. Rent negotiable. Call 995-4048 persistent- ly. 14U329 APARTMENT to Summer Sublet. Completely furnished, A/C, dish- washer. garbage disposal, laundry facilities free parking 5 minutes from campus. Rent negotiable Call 995-9416. Ask for Steve or Kirk. 10U327 FREE MONTH RENT. Free mattress. Own room in 2-woman apartment. Huron Towers. 995-1540 42U327 SUBLET: 1-bedroom in furnished 2-bedroom apartment. May-August. $60/mo. Call 995-4302. 50U326 OWN BEDROOM in 2-bedroom mo- dern apartment. Very near campus. A/C Avbailable April-August. $125 mo. Call Scot: 663-2619. 32U0328 2-BEDROOM 3/4 man apartment. May-Aug. A/C, underground park- ing, rent negotiable. 769-4310. 848 Tappan. Apt, 2 33UO331 extra discount possible. 662-3675 cloth, shoulderstrap bag with Greek e 375. label. Contains prescription eyeglass- .5.3. 5 es, I D. cards and address/appoint- ment book which I resperately need. Absolutely no questions asked.l Cam pus A rea Call434-0428 evenings or leave it or message concerning where it can bej 6 - ggy gg fund in Anthro. Dept. Office. 221 nSublet Service gell Hall. 86A326 A free service to assist FOUND March 22 in front of Cam- our tenants pus Corners: one man's watch. Call C~mn~t PIrtnno f i-668-8942. dA326 3 1 l nished summer apartments LOST 3/20: Female black and white from one to five bedrooms cat. North Campus area Disting- f uishing marks. 994-8025. 08A328j in modern bldgs. and older' houses. Central Campus and FOUND: Pair of glasses in case on Church St. late Friday night. Call Medical Center Iocotions. 994-8415. dA326 stop by or call: TICKETS Campus Rentals 1335 S. University 665-8825 nucItc evc, vio W8n 5va., I Suite 101, Arlington, Va. 22209. PIZZA DELIVERY DRIVERS Must be 18. Part-time only Apply in person after 4 p.m. at Omega Pizza 101 Washtenaw Place. 20H325, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Assistant to executive director for educational organization. Excellent typing and clerical skills. Capable of added responsibilities. For inter- view, call 662-5575. cHtc FULL-TIME or part-time Go-Go I Dancers. Minimum pay $250/wk. Al- so Cocktail waitresses (M/F) 7 p.m - 2 a.m. Monday thru Saturday. Callj 313-426-3139 between 9 a.m. and 4 p .._ 91H327j MUSICAL MDSE., a RADIOS, REPAIRS FOR SALE: Sansui AU-555A Amp, Very good condition. About 30 Rms Watts total Inexpensive, reliable' power. 665-4659 evenings. 45X0328 USED Fender Guitar. 769-1400 Apol- 1o Music Center. cXtc Used SHURE P.A. System. $650. 761- 9431. cXtc lect 1-557-3158. 34F401 17F326 Division Free pregnancy tests. - - --- CURVACEOUS REDHEAD: Happy -_ REGGAE MUSIC in funky Kingston Birthday from your not-so-curva- COPYING CLOSEST TO CAMPUS Town. Jimmy Cliff and the May- ceous roommate! 13F325 tals. Nat Sci. Aud. today, March 25: 7 and 9:15 p.m. 24F325 ANN ARBOR -__----HYPNOSIS CENTER Books-Class Notes-Papers-Resume Dissertation quality, low prices. FRIDAY IS Every other Mon., 7:30 p.m., free From 2 c per copy GRE D Ylecture on the theory and applica- 211 S. State (by Gino's) GREEK DAY tion of hypnosis. Tues., 7:30 p.m, 7 days/week plus evenings at the CROSS-EYED MOOSE classes using hypnosis to stop smok- 662-3969 All members of fraternities and sor- ing. Wed., 7:30 p.m., classes using 66 3- orities receive free pinball between hypnosis to lose weight. Call 761- OfstPiinerxCps 1:30 and 2:00 p.m. this Friday. 0440. 611 Church, Suite 3029. Offset Printing, Xerox Capies _ _Xerox reductions, photostats GOOD LUCK TO: BUMPER STICKERS. Custom print- Halftones, Typesetting Denise ed while-U-wait! MBL PRESS, 1217 and much more Paul . Prospect, Ann Arbor. 761-0942. ARBOR INSTANT Terry -- -PRINTING Patricia XEROX AND OFFSET Sally fast, low cost duplicating STUDENT ACCOUNTS WELCOME Greg COPY QUICK 214 S. 4th Ave. 994-4664 and to all of the wonderful cast of 1217 S. University 769-0560 TH TESPCLOIYpr Musket's "Hello Dolly." You've been _THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY Are- a pleasure to work with I'm sure(BOARD EXAM tutoring - enroll- sents a talk, "Pattern for the New the audience will appreciate you as 1 ments now being accepted for S.H. Age", March 25 at 7:30 p.m. Michi- much as I do. Your producer. I Kaplan Tutoring Courses to pre- gan Gas Co., 211 E. Huron (free 59F3251 pare for the MCATS, DAT, LSAT, parking and entrance in rear). - --and Nat. Dent. Boards. Call (313) 92F323 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MIKE ROTC 354-0085, locally, 662-3149. cFtc ) PATTERSON. STUDY HARD. JOE ,__._.,TOPREVIOUS PZZE AND DAVID. 91F325 COPIES - 2Vc eachA $RtToetrUZZLE - --A' M Lowest Prices Anywhere ! A R2S ETRU SUPERB PLANTS IMPRESS, 524 E. William, 665-4321 P EL S [El T A fJ91 R S T WANTED: 2-4 tickets NCAA. Bernie 665-0608. 19Q325 WANTED: 2 tickets for both games NCAA Basketball finals. Call 665- 6993 99Q325 (across from U-M Stadium Furnished 1 and 2 bedroom a ments. Parking available. Buse and fram campus every ?z ] See manager at Apt. K-1 or ca 994-3955 FOR RENT: Apt. in house. 2-3 sons. Good location, 1130 Oak] Spring, summer, with fall op Call 994-0572. 57 TWO ROOMS available on M In vegetarian cooperative house 995-3875. 51 - MAY-AUGUST - 3 bedroom house.' MISCELLANEOUS part- SUBLET: May-August I-bedroom completely, furnished. 5 minutes es to apt. Furnished in old house. Fire- from Union. Call persistently, 764- EXPERIENTAL COMMUNITY hour. place, garage, close to campus. Rent 1741(0).. 03U326 WORKSHOP ll: negotiable 663-0825. 44U328 ATTRACTIVE 3-4 man aptavail-Two-hour workshop for anyone in- IMAY-AUGUST, 2-bedroom Great able May-Aug. Close to campus, air- terested in discussing possibility of CCtc location on Oakland. Free utilities, conditioned, nicely furnished. $190 forming a small experimental, in-i - - --carpeted. Nice living room. Two re- or best offer. 995-1408. 43U327. tentional, or co-operative commun- per- frigerators. Rent negotiable. 995 - ity including both single people and land. 9127. 93U0330 GREAT LOCATION. Modern, furn- families, open to staff as well as tion. -----93..- Iished, one-bedroom, $160/mo. 1016 people outside the university com-j 0325 SUBLET: Single room. April-August, Oakland, Apt. 1. 995-9125. 24U326 munity. For more information, - Phone 995-1566, 85U0328 -- . - tune, place of workshops, please :ay - -- SUBLET/FALL OPTION. 2 bedroom call 995-2898 persistently. 48M328 hold. BDRM. BI-LEVEL apt. for May- apt. in older house, west sidt, quiet E --- - .C405 Aug. Air conditioned,. balcony. ex- street 665-5977. 4311327 INTERVIEWS will be held on Sun- SAGUARO SUCCULENT SHOP I I--- FISHER XP-66B - - s.All plants sold with expert advice $2.ICHER 9-368af3-way speakers. and guaranteed healthy. 514 E Wil- $50. Call 994-4368 after 4. 75X328 iam-upstairs. 663-3692. TRAYNOR BASS AMP. 75 watt $90. MUCHO NEW STUFF2 668-8958 evenings only. 08X325 UNFURNISHED ROOM for rent, pre- fer grad student. Call Carol, 994- 4857 or 662-3664. 62C328 SHARE 2-bedroom apt. $92/mo. April 18-June 31. Option to renew. 434-2925 evenings, 769-7800 days 68C328 2-BEDROOM 4 or 5-person apt. on campus. Call 665-4578 after 3. 12C325 NO RATE INCREASE FOR FALL '76 REDUCED SUMMER RATES Completely furnished apartments. 1 block from campus. Laundromat and recreation room. Weekly maid service. Heated swimming pool. 2 and 4 month summer leases. 8 month fall and winter leases. UNIVERSITY TOWERS 536 S FOREST - 761-2680 cCtc SUMMER RATES. One bedroom apts. $155/mo. One block from campus. For one or two people. Two and four month leases. Heated swimming pool, weekly maid service. Phone 761-2680 Mon.-Fri 9-5 eCte THE HIGHLANDS One & two bedroom unfurnished apartments. Lighted tennis court, pool and security lock system. Buses to and from campus daily. 1693 Broadway, Apt. 302 769-3672 cCtc cellent summer location. Free park- ing 995-4137. 05U327 1-BEDROOM APT. large windows, A/C. Near St. Joseph's Hospital Available April, $150. 663-8691. 56U327 ROOMMATES SUNNY Co-operative grad student house looking for one person for spring' summer. Own room. $70.001 month. 665-4281. 43Y0327 day, March 28 from 11-1 and 12-5 - -_ _...._ p.m. for the Central Student Judi- SALE: Pioneer PL12DII Turntable, ciary. Sign up today at MSA offices, Shure M95ED cartridge. 3 mo. old. 3909 Michigan Union. 95M0326 Has manufacturer's guarantee. List - - - ----- --- $160. asking 885. Nick, 764-1082. BY POPULAR DEMAND - Another 89X326 MAGIC MATINEE at the MATRIX .. _ __--._____- FREE PARKING, laundry, location Save TIME and $! Inexpensive room- 2 blocks from campus. 3-4 person, board for women; spring-summer 3-bedroom apartment. Call 995-9456. and/or fall-winter INTERNATION- dU326 AL CO-OP Friendly people no gro- SUBLET CHEAPLY: large, 3-bedrm. campus. 76174 earTonniscourts- house/apartment near campus, 39Y328 shopping. Two spaces in huge dou- ble bedroom for summer. 763-6311. NEED A ROOMMATE FOR NEXT 6011327 F ALL? I want a single room in a SUMMER SUBLET: May-August, 2- Ihouse or apt., fairly close to cam- pus. Call Lois at 764-2902 or 764-0552 bedroom modern bi-level. Two bath- and leave a message. dY327 rooms, A/C, dishwasher, porch. Call dm evenings. 662-9627. 13U325 QUIET, CLEAN, STUDIOUS LAWE .U.- -g- - bd STUDENT SEEKS SIMILARLY IN- SUBLET: May-August 1 large bed-! CLINED ROOMMATE FOR SEPTr room of a 2-bedroom, furnished apt. OWN BDRM. IN LUXURIOUS BI- Price negotiable. Call Linda, 668- LEVEL ALBERT TERRACE APART- 6729. 7311327MENTS. ALL MODERN CONVENI- LARGE furnished efficiency, pets THEATRE featuring Hank "MR. BUBBLES" Moorehouse of the MAG- IC EMPORIUM. Illusions, sleight of hand, audience participation plus the famous BUZZ SAW illusion! ! ! Saturday, March 27th at 2 p.m. 38M327 RARE handmade steel string acous- tic guitar, made by violin maker in1 1975 Exotic woods gold tuningI keys. Absolutely unique, $600. 434- 5518. 31X326 BANG & OLUFSEN turntable, mo- del 3000. Lists for $300, asking $225 FOR ACNE, dandruff, warts, try our drug department. Village Apothe- cary, 1112 S. University. cFtc JEWISH GUY: Now I'm curious, write a litle about yourself, you cer- tainly do sound like a law student with everything all planned out; Can you be spontaneous? Me dF226a PLAY THE FIRST BEST GAME BILLIARDS AT THE UNION cF325 WELCOME TO THE FAMOUS Campus Pinball 1217 S. University 0 NEW MACHINES BUSHMEN FRE St A L v I I A l ! H LEAM IVY R I I SOR8ON N N E N LNGI I V ED 'SPHERE EMINENCE P A U A M AL INN ALOON I K A E I AL A EMER IT!I TRAD R A RISEN ARMR ASNARE LA P E BUSINESS SERVICES I SONY TC 640B, 3 motor, 3 head, reel-to-reel tape deck. Lists for $450, PING IBM Selectric Disserta asking $275. Call Morris, 761-2680 be- tions, Manuscripts. Reasonable rates. fore 5 or 995-8370 after 5. 07X325 Call H Williams, 995-3403. 34J327 SANSUI SR-313 turntable. Excellent, - - - -- - - - - - - alm o st n ew ; -cartrid g e. $170. 995- Cltc 1ft~rIijiu i Daily; CROSSWORD PUZZLE 1976 LOS ANGELES TIMES bI CY CL EEKtPA I WILL COME TO YOU and bicycle, and help you tune ul repair. In-shop repairalso. negotiable. Josh, 761-0496 d your p and Rates 84J3251 CENTER, CAMPUS. NO SMOKERS Score higher on MCATs, LSATs, Kitchen, bath. $185/month. Negoti- PLEASE. CALL FOR STRIKE AT .GREs. Call RUTGERS REVIEW able. 662-3847 7711326 662-5671, ANYTIME. 96Y0330 CENTER, affiliated with ARCO t bl. 6238? 732- Publishing Co. on campus classes MODERN EFFICIENCY apartment. QUIET, furnished apt., near cam- now forming. 1-557-3158. 59J325 2 blocks from campus. Furnished, pus and hospitals Own room, park- carpeted, A/C, free laundry, May-;ing, May-Aug. Sherry, 995-5346. STEAM CARPET & Aug. Rent negot. 350 Thompson. 02Y330 UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Cali-Jll,7-4 - -82. 9 1OPPORTUNITY: Female to share llc/sq ft. 9x12 carpet $11.88. Excel- SUBLET MAY 20-AUG. SUMMER lovely 2-bdrm. apt. Ann, 994-0938. lent references. Free estimates. In- IN AIR CONDITIONED LUXURY 01Y331. sured. Tompkins Steam Extraction, BI-LEVEL ALBERT TERRACE APT. I-UURY__ 663-4303, 662-5077. cJtc I-PEE ABE.TJTERRAE APT. NEED one male to sublease space in FROM ARB, CEMETERY & S.U. 2-bedroom apartment April-August. [ AM a full-time, free lance typist NEIGHBORHOOD PARK ALAS WE All conveniences, parking, excellent with considerable experience typing MUST LEAVE THIS TREASURE TOmanagement. Kim, 995-8961. 59Y325 oooks, dissertations, papers.a Itype MUST LEAE-THIS REASURE-O _ _- ver 100 wpm, perfect accuracy YOU. CALL STRIKE AT 662-5671 MALE ROOMMATE WANTED. Prefer I guaranteed. Base rate 70c per page. ANYTIME IF YOU WANT TO EN- grad, non-smoker. 995-2706. 58Y402 I IBM Correcting Selectric. Cull Bill, JOY SUCH EXTRAS AS SUN 3 - 365-0166. cJtc PORCH. DISHWASHER, SHAG MALE ROOMMATE wanted for mo- >__--- . ct_ CARPETS AND FRIENDLY PARTY- Idern apartment in fall. 763-1797. IM N SRP EDT G ING NEIGHBORS. NO SMOKERS, al 50Y327 MANUSCRIPT EDITING NO PETS PLEASE. 97U0330 E A UDISSERTATIONS, BOOKS, ___- -- -- NEED ROOMMATE at UNC-CH ARTICLES. 769-2931 2 MALES for 3-man apt. Rent ne- next year. Call Dave 665-0166. cJtc gotiable. 817 Arch, No. 5. 663-7251. 82Y330 ----- - - - - - ---- 46U327 NTED t share -b TYPING, Copying, Binding, Editing, S-----FEMALE WANTED to share 2-bdrm.I Keypunching, Notary Service. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. Woman apt. for Fall with three girls at Al- THE SECRETARIAT (or women) to sublet room now bert Terrace. $94.00/mo. Call persis- Dissertation Specialists through August. Price negotiable. tently. Wendy, 764-9714. 25Y327 812 S. State Street 995-7625. 11U1326 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. 994-3594 WANTED TO RENT - - - . - -- 1-BEROO furishd ap. Prkig, --__- 9337 63X328 EUROPEAN TWO CERWIN VEGA SPEAKER ca- CHARTER FL I GHTS binets, V32's. $300. 483-7596. Midwest's Largest Selection 65X326 U.S. and Canadian Charters U A m10 days to 9 months duration SG Systems GU7ITAR AMP. 6 mos. I Call GREAT PLACES, 769-1776 old never used professionally. cPtc Built-in phase shift, distortion, etc. -- 2-channel, two 12-inch speakers. REVLON, Max Factor- and Ruben, $475-best offer. 995-4867, 14X325 stein, too, are all good products USED GUITARS. 00-18 $400 others. made just for you. Village Apothe- Banjo $50. 665-7348. eXtc cary, 1112 S. University cFtc NEW YORK CITY this summer?, HOW A R OERT'S Seminar lIs Share66 a partment, Manha tan. coming to Ann Arbor soon. Call Jon Shae an aparment,.Mnhattan for details 668-6995. 09X328 ue. . ANN ARBOR CREATIVE MUSIC PERMANENT WEIGHT LOSS CENTER. Private instruction on all Through B e h a v o r Modification. instruments for students in all lev- _C__ els and styles. Jazz Theory and His- BANJO KITS. Write for free cata- } tory classes and playing workshops log. Stewart-MacDonald Mfg., Box available. 3361 S. State St. 994-0080. 900AF, Athens, Ohio, 45701. 40F328 _ ._._.._. _ ..__ __ _ _ _ ._._ _ y _ __ _ MARTIN SALE now IV progress. BARGAIN CORNER Get yours at a dIscounttprice. See ------- - - - Don, Apollo Music Center, 323 S Main. cXtc REPAIR, adjustment and restora-S tioyofallstring instruments. Quality work, completely guaran- te d rat Lakes Banjo Co , 1342 N 14N. Main. 994-4964. cXtc GUITARS, 40% off list. Garcia, Her- LEVI'S DENIMS nandis, Ramirez. 665-7348 or 429- 9241. cXtc Bell Bottoms -- - - -- - - - - ACROSS 1 Part of London 5 Certain impor- tant times 10 Flemish painter 14 Vehicle in1 Across 15 Crystalline compound 16 Pulitzer Prize winner of 1958 17 French pronoun 18 Gallery event: Phrase 20 Swerves 22 Hydrocarbon 23 Former Czech VIP 24 Former German ruler 25 Glides 27 Tete----- 29 Kind 30 Ethel 32 NCO's 36 Wary: Slang 38 Painting 39 Condescend 40 Mother of Castor 41 Legal list 43 "Three -- match" 44 Choleric -4 1 4 iKE 20 2 - 52 53 46 Sadat's prede- cessor 48 Jenny Lind's impresario 51 Chemical com- pound Domiciles Simple windin- struments 56 Certain yeast 58 59 60 61 breads Throw things at Look - Nostrils Outside: Prefix 62 Ooze 63 Carl XVI Gustaf 64 Gambol DOWN 1 Dashed 2 Heraldic band 3 Not well plan- ' ned 4 Spanish item 5 Bishop's-con- cern 6 Prohibitions 7 Lemon and lime 8 Day, in Hebrew 13 Pattern user, usually 19 Wonderful, in current lingo 21 "An -- of th4Pope People" 25 Part of a window 26 Swiss painter 27 Vestment 28 Rumor 31 Back the team 33 Kind of lamp 34 A Flat, for on 35 Box 37 Part of s shower 39 One step of a series 41 Plums 42 All together 45 Felt regret 47 Takes pot shots (at) 48 Fundamental principle 49 Have - to pick 50 Way 51 Longed (for) 53 Monster's relay tive 54 High: Prefix 55 Block All Psychology COME PAP A/C, laundry, negotiable. 995-4830. SITUATIONS WANTED l66U326WANTED: 1-bdrm. or efficiency apartment May-June. Barry 662- RESPONSIBLE May graduate seeks SHARE HOUSE with two grad stu- 9709. 49L328 summer house-sitting situation dents through May. Den, 995-0856, DESPERATELY WANTED: 2-man, with faculty/staff. Experienced, re- 6-8 p im, 37U326 2-bedroom apardtment near campus ferences available. Richard, 764- and/or hospital starting Fall term. 4001 evenings. 790325 Call Dave or Mark, 665-9516 persis-- - Udtently. We'll make it worth your USED CARS while. dL327I- Undergrads! I --L--- - 1967 FORD, runs reliably. Asking WOULD YOU LIKE YOUR HOUSE $100. Call 663-6521. 35N327 WELL TAKEN CARE OF FOR 1 or 2 --- -- --- __ years, AND be paid, too? Profession- 1972 MONTE CARLO,- Full power TO A al couple seeks unfurnished home in air; good condition; 36,000 miles. or near University. Prefer 3 bed- $2200. Call Schuman between 11 a.m. rooms, basement some yard space and noon and 5-7 p.m. ONLY, d References available upon request. - - Write Daily Box 31, Ann Arbor, Mi. '67 PONTIAC, white, 4-door, very 48109. dT 32 5 good condition. $350-375. Car may I FOR SALE 1965 TRIUMPH T-100 Motorcycle. $200 firm, but needs some work. Only call if serious. 663-7200. 18B3271 MUST SELL: Dynaco ampOhm B- plus speaker. 769-3019. 31B328 UPRIGHT PIANO: good condition. Sells for $150 annd you move it. 764-1132 patiently 71B327 10-SPEED BICYCLE: Gitane grand sport, 2412" frame. Good condition. $75. 668-6217 after 6 p.m. 81B331I SHEEPSKIN COATS for men an# women. All sizes. Persian House of Imports. 769-8555. cBtc Boot Jeans ~ raditionols Button Fly Pre-Washed LEVI'S CORDS Bell Bottoms Straight Legs SPRING IS HERE Short Sleeve T-Shirts from $2.59 New Western Shirts hove arrived 9 Letup 10 Most rash 11 Oriental rulers 12 Sierra -- 5 J6 17T8 9 I- 22 24 27 128 57 l Labor gp. 10 1I 12 13 16 I i 23 25 26 29 - I - 33 34 35 j 137 1; i -- ... M--_ ''