i Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104 US plans to anne Thursday, March 25, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan US Cuba threat utter foly THE REFUSAL BY PRESIDENT Ford and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to rule out an Amer-. ican invasion of Cuba in the event of a Cuban involvement in a Rhodes- ian war was an arrogant, dangerous gesture. That the Administration is even considering a war on Cuba - that it would even threaten such an attack -- is an irresponsible flirta- tion with disaster. Not since the Bay of Pigs invasion of 1961 has a U.S. administration considered as a serious possibility a war which would likely escalate into a confrontation of superpowers. And it hardly takes a stretch of the imag- ination to picture the USSR defend- ing Cuba with armed force. What can Kissinger and the Ford Administration hope to gain by an invasion of Cuba? The obvious goal of Kissinger's threat of force is to throw fear into Fidel Castro, to make him stop the Cuban military actions in Africa which are appar- ently gaining the Communists re- spect in the Third World. THE CUBANS ARE consistently on the right side in their armed sup-. port of struggling African factions. In Angola, they backed the MPLA: the group with the longest standing as a force for independence from Portugal, the group which made the strongest commitment to a progres- sive socialist program ,and the only one of the three rivals which was not fighting with the aid of troops from racist South Africa. And in the Rhodesian confronta- tion, the Cubans are massing to fight for the speedy overthrow of a minority white government in favor of black government. Kissinger apparently wants to draw the line on the falling dominoes of countries becoming.friendly to the Communists. THE QUESTION OF whether a country like Cuba should inter- vene in foreign conflicts which do not directly affect its security is a difficult one indeed. The fact that the Cubans are preparing to back the Rhodesian opposition -- which should rightly win - weighs heavily in their favor. But Kissinger is on very shaky moral ground in using a threat of force to try to stop Cuba. America, TODAY'S STAFF: NEWS: Dana Baumann, Elaine Flet- cher, George Lobsenz, Cathy Reut- ter, Jeff Ristine, Tim Schick, Rick Soble, Bill Turque, Mike Yellin. EDITORIAL PAGE: Marc Basson, Steve Hersh, Jon Pansius. ARTS PAGE: Kevin Counihon, J e f f Sorensen. By ROGER GALE (PNS) - As the U.S. cuts back its military commitments on foreign soil, the annexation of the 14 Northern Mari- ana Islands will give it a new home base for expanding military installations, and booming American investment in the Pacific Basin. This first legal acquisition since 1898 splits the UN-mandated Trust Territory of Micronesia, sparking strong criticism from the UN Trusteeship Committee and representatives of the other two Micro- nesian island chains. Critics say the se- cession of the Northern Marianas to be- come a U. S. commonwealth will cut off the richest part of Micronesia and vio- late the UN-guaranteed right of self-de- termination for the whole territory. (Micronesia, three island chains, was taken over from Japan by the U.S. after World War II and has been administered as a UN mandate. The mandate expires in 1981, when the territory is supposed to become independent. Of the original 10 trust territories created after World War II, only Micronesia and Namibia (Southwest Africa) remain under foreign control.) The secession was approved by 78 per cent of the Northern Marianas' 5,300 reg- istered voters in a U.S.-sponsored plebis- cite last June. The House of Representa- tives passed an annexation bill in July and the Senate followed late last month. Several steps remain before the new status is implemented in 1981, including the drafting of a constitution for the com- monwealth. UNDER THE AGREEMENT, the peo- ple of the Northern Marianas will be- come U. S. citizens and will be self-gov- erning except in matters of military and foreign policy. U. S. interest in the area has always been military. Guam, the southernmost Mariana island and a U.S. colony since 1898, showed its strategic potential dur- ing the Vietnam war, when B-52 bomb- ers based there made daily raids over Indochina. Army Lt. Gen. James Hollingsworth, until recently commander of U.S. forces in Korea, told PNS in an interview that B-52s from Guam would participate in any new Korean war. The Marianas are closer to the North Korean capital of Pyongyang than to Hanoi, and they are within easy flying range of the USSR's Pacific military headquarters in Vladi- vostock. Vital as Guam has been to recent U.S. military strategy in the Pacific, the is- land is only 30 miles long. And accord- ing to former Secretary of the U.S. Air Force John McLucas, has "limited space and facilities." THE PENTAGON NOW wants to build a $300 million naval and air base on the island of Tinian, 100 miles north of Guam and one of the Northern Marianas. The Tinian base would complement the massive facilities already on Guam- reducing the need to secure approval for military operations from foreign nations hosting U.S. bases. The annexation agreement includes a 0 x Pacii. legislative body for the whole Trust Ter- ritory, rejected an offer of common- wealth status similar to the one now being implemented. The Congress in- sisted on independence or significant au- tonomy. The rejection came at the end of five years of intensive U. S. economic and educational development - including a Peace Corps blitz of the islands - under a plan outlined by a Kennedy-appointed commission. The commission, headed by Harvard Business School professor An- thony Solomon, had projected approval of commonwealth status as the culmina- tion of the development drive. .,. ' t E E Yrv w ?: .{ i :}~" v:r{ :V:4 ::i 5 r } 5 " ? Y\:" } . ' ? ; } . l " } r " . " "s." 'This first legal acquisition since 1898 splits the UN. mandated Trust Territory of Micronesia, sparking criticism from the UN Trusteeship Committee and representatives of the other two Micronesian island chains. Critics say the secession of the Northern Marianas to become a U.S. com- monwealth will cut off the richest part of Micronesia and violate the UN-guaranteed right of self-determination for the whole territory.' naamsasgss ..iagessasamaangseA .ssm ... r.mas islands were promised significant economic benefits from annexation. These includ- ed seven years of development aid and land rent totalling almost $154 million, as well as eligibility for federally fund- ed welfare and employment programs and food stamps. The cash payments alone average over $10,000 per person and are expect- ed to provide improved roads, schools and health facilities as well as jobs. Kissinger 50-year renewable lease by the Pentagon on 18,182 acres of land on Tinian. With, U. S. direct investment in East Asia rapidly increasing - to $12 billion in 1975 - the Marianas offer an attrac- tive home base for American firms do- ing business in the region. As a U. S. commonwealth, the islands would pro- vide U.S. military protection, stable po- litical surroundings, inclusion in the dol- lar zone and a familiar social environ- ment. And the Marianas - equidistant from Tokyo, Hong Kong and Manila - are at the center of a communications network extending over the whole Pacific; WITH AMERICANS AND Japanese seeking island paradises, a growing tour- ist industry invites U. S. investment. A new international airport has just open- ed on the Mariana island of Saipan, and Pan American and Continental airlines have recently opened hotels there, hop- ing to attract some of the 240,000 tour- ists who visited Guam last year. But U. S. interests don't necessarily match those of the 115,000 inhabitants of all three island chains of Micronesia. In 1969, the Congress of Micronesia, the A new effort to secure a legal U.S. status in Micronesia began in 1972-this time through negotiations with a newly formed team of representatives from the Northern Marianas alone. In the pre- vious negotiations only the Northern Marianas, whose economy has been dominated by U. S. military installations since World War II, had supported clos- er ties with the U.S. HEADED BY EDWARD Pangelinan, an attorney representing slot ma- chine interests and a speculator in Tin- ian land, the new negotiating team agreed on a proposal for a Common- wealth of the Northern Marianas sepa- rate from the rest of Micronesia. Four-fifths of the electorate voted in favor of annexation last June. But critics charge the wording of the ballot was bi- ased. UN Charter provisions for such plebiscites stipulate that voters must be offered the choice of independence. But the ballot allowed only approval or dis- approval of the commonwealth plan, with no alternatives suggested. Already the most developed of the 2,100 Micronesian islands, the Marianas MEANWHILE, AS THE U.S. Congress was voting to acquire the Northern Marianas, delegates from the Caroline and Marshall Islands - the rest of Mic- ronesia - met in a U.S.-funded constitu- tional convention last summer and fall to draft a constitution for a federated Mic- ronesian nation. Despite the cultural differences and distances separating the islands, conven- tion chairman Tosiwo Nakayama was confident the constitution would work. The very fact thatsthe convention had accomplished its task "shows that Mic- ronesia has a way of solving its prob- lems," he.said. Even without the economically more advanced Northern Marianas, the pro- posed state of Micronesia has a valuable resource in its oceans. Foreign vessels now take an estimated $75 million worth of fish in Micronesian waters, and under the proposed UN law of the sea, the is- lands could collect $10 million annually in fees. Butthe new state will be fragile - and some feel it will be vulnerable to attempts to incorporate it into the Mari- anas commonwealth. In a complaint to the UN late in November, the Interna- tional League for the Rights of Man charged that the separate vote had vio- lated the right of the people of Micro- nesia to determine their own future. Ac- cording to League counsel Jose Cabra- nes, separation of the Northern Mani- anas would make it "difficult if not im- possible for the other island groups to survive as a unit." And in a report prepared for the Car- negie Endowment for International Peace, James F. McHenry described the separate agreement with the Marianas as "contrary to international law and international practice." Roger Gale, former chairman of the political science department at the Uni- versity of Guam, is a regular contributor to Pacific News Service. Ford after all, is probably the leading, in- tervener in foreign conflicts. And to threaten one "foreign ad- venture" is retaliation for another is a backward kind of eye for an eye foreign policy. The most chilling aspect of Kis- singer's stance is that a stand-off with Russia could be the result. Kis- singer may be willing to brave such a confrontation as a last ditch effort to salvage America's waning prestige in the Third World. THE MOST CONSTRUCTIVE ap- proach, which seems to escape Kissinger repeatedly, would be to back in the future popular national liberation movements in the tradi- tion of Vietnam's National Libera- tion Front or Angola's MPLA. But with Kissinger at the foreign policy helm, the days of American support for this kind of movement is far off on the horizon. For the pres- ent, we're back in a kind of cold war. And in cold war, the possibility is always present that all hell will break loose. Editorial positions represent consensus of the Daily staff. HEALTH SERVICE HANDBOOK: Exercising to avert heart disorders By SYLVIA HACKER and NANCY PALCHIK GARWOOD QUESTION: My father, who is 46 years old, recently had a serious heart attack. Do you think I should start an exer- cise program in order to help me stay well? ANSWER: We have consulted Dr. Edmund Whale, a Health Service staff physician knowl- edgeable in this area, who notes the following: To answer this question one must first determine what risks are involved, and then what is a reasonable treatment for these risks. In fact, children of young (under 50 years of age) heart attack victims should be carefully evaluated and a plan formulated for them. The evalu- ation should include a test of blood fats (cholesterol and tri- glyceride levels), blood pres- sure, body weight and history of cigarette smoking. Since males are more prone to heart attacks than females (at least until age 45 to 50), sons may need stronger treatment re- commendations than daugh- ters. The treatment.plan which is formulated may consist main- ly of precautions such as: don't start smoking cigarettes, or be sure to have your blood pressure checked annually. However, if high levels of fatty substances are found in the blood, if the blood pressure is high, or if the person is very overweight, there may be strin- gent dietary prescriptions and, at times, medication prescrip- tions. So, you ask, what about exer- cise? Exercise may aid in gen- eral relaxation of stress and in general heart and lung fitness. People who are more fit physic- ally have a strong tendency to have lower cholesterol and tri- glyceride blood levels, and the blood level of cholesterol may be the best single predictor of the likelihood of subsequent heart attacks and strokes. If one does undertake an exercise program it probably should be done at least three times per week. Details should be work- ed out with your medical ad- visor. In brief, exercise may be beneficial in helping to fore- stall untoward cardiovascular events, if you like to exercise. If not, concentration on other factors such as diet and weight control may be enough. QUESTION: When I was up in the gynecology clinic getting treated for vaginitis, I heard the nurse say that there were so many cases of venereal warts lately that there was hardly any time left for treat- ing ordinary vaginal infections. What exactly are venereal warts? ANSWER: Along with the re- cent upsurge in the incidence of genital herpes (discussed in this column on 11/13 and 1/28), we are now in the midst of seeing more of another charming sex- ually transmitted disease known technically as Condylomata acuminata. In lay terminology (pardon the pun) this simply means genital or venereal warts. They are caused by a virus which is similar to the one responsible for common skin warts but are transmitted by vaginal, anal or oral-genital intercourse. They appear more frequently in uncircumcised males than in circumcised and the most commonly affected areas are the glans and fore- skin, the opening of the penis, the shaft of the penis and the scrotum, in that order. If anal intercourse has been part of one's sexual repertoire, warts may appear in or around the anus as well. In women, they most commonly appear on the bottom part of the vaginal open- ing, but the vaginal lips, inside of the vagina and the cervix can also be affected. Genital warts appear about one one to 3 months after the infecting sexual intercourse and their physical appearance de- pends somewhat on the part of the genitals affected. In moist areas they are usually pink or red and soft with an indented, cauliflower - like appearance. They can be single or multiple and groups of moist warts can grow together to form a single large tissue mass. On dry skin, such as the shaft of the penis, they are usually small, hard and yellow-grey, resembling or- . dinary skin warts on other parts of the body. They tend to grow larger if kept moist by vaginal or urethral discharged caused by diseases like vaginitis or gonorrhea. Also, for unknown reasons, pregnancy seems to stimulate veneral warts to grow quite large. If the warts are small, a medical person can re- move them rather easily by one or two surface applications of a specific chemical. Howev- er, if they are large they must be removed surgically and this is generally done under a local anaesthetic. In some extreme cases plastic surgery under general anaesthetic is neces- sary. Our gynecology clinic recom- mends that you might have a lesser chance of catching vener- eal warts if you'd take a look at your partner's genitals be- fore intercourse. If there are any suspicious bumps or growths, take a raincheck until after you get them checked out. In the meantime, you might try some alternative forms of sex- ual expression such as autoero- ticism either alone or together. PHOTO ens. TECHNICIAN: Pauline Lub- PEAN UrsurrE' 4ND JEL.Y SANDWICHN ( d l K s A F t1 ELECI F O PQ~cn rT Letters to The Daily Tenants To The Daily: THE DAILY news analysis of March 23 accurately describ- ed the prospects for more ren- tal housing construction as "bleak." I disagree, however, with some of the analyses by the Daily and the landlords they quoted of why this has come about: The Daily states that "the city and the University recent- ly were unable to secure over $10 million in Housing and Ur- ban Development funds." (em- phasis mine) What the Daily omits is that the University sat on a $5.6 million loan at 3% interest earmarked for construc- tion of low-cost student housing from HUD and allowed the of- fer to expire. Considering cur- rent interest rates and inflation, this loan was a gift. Only a political decision by the U con- sistent with their do-nothing pol- icy prevented the construction of new housing with this loan. First, rents have skyrocketed in Ann Arbor since the early seventies and there has been no new construction in student areas. Second, with the low vacancy rate in these areas, the land- lords can charge what they want: it is a seller's market and consequently provides no incentive for new construction despite great rent increases. Third, if there are places to make "better money else- where," one wonders why Gulf Oil has significant interests in McKinley and both 3M and Du- Pont have ties to Wilson-White. Apparently, as far as the multi- nationals are concerned, Ann Arbor is a great place to make a buck. Fourth, the Daily presents an image of the magnanimous in- vestor, William Martin, who is "willing to wait a while to see if the financial (equation) charg- es" (sic) What he is saying is that he and other landlords are on an investment strike until housing problems." First, land- lord-tenant laws in this area are identical with the laws of the rest of the city, and to a great extent, with the rest of the state. The law which allows ten- ants to withhold rent in re- sponse to a landlord's unwilling- ness to make repairs is a state law, the 1968 Tenants' Rights Act. Second, until this fall, the Ten- ants' Union has had little if any impact upon tenants' ac- tions and attitudes for 2 or 3 years. During that lull in the tenants' movement, there was no new construction or change in investment patterns except that about $65,000 was invested in an effort to stop rent con- trol. While landlords certainly fear the Tenants' Union, its ab- sence does not make them any more benevolent. Third, the "high risk" status of investment in campus areas, and consequently the high inter- est rates on loans (which ten- ants...... xvin nn nnna n nra has close ties to the realty busi- ness and only small landlords who don't have the capital (and tenants) will suffer from high interest rates. Fourth, the implication of the charge that the Tenants Union "adds to the housing problem" is that tenants are to blame for the lack cf new housing and should passively accept the landlords' conditions - put up with bad maintenance andtout- rageous rents and we'll try to find room in our hearts for a new building for you to find a home in. As I have tried to make clear, a lack of tenant militancy has done nothing for tenants. Tenants should not tol- erate this kind of "blackmail," but should take the matter into their own hands. An organized tenants' movement and tenant unions can reduce rents and get maintenance and can pressure the University to build the hous- ing we need. Far from being an added problem, the Tenants Union presents a viable solution to the housing crisis. We are a landlords, bankers and the Uni- versity who are to blame for this mess must be made ac- countable directly to tenant needs. Jim Henle For The Ann Arbor Tenants Union Support To The Daily: THE WASHTENAW COUN- TY Unemployed Council ex- presses total support for the workers at ,Eastern Michigan U n i v e r s i t y in their current strike action. The Un- employed Council, a group of people fighting for economic equity for workers without jobs,. is equally committed to the struggles of all working people for decent pay and fair work- ing conditions. As such, the Washtenaw County Unemploy- ed Council is in full solidarity with the UAW strikers at EMU, and we endorse their demands fr an, arntahle conTtracts. lea D} a