Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Ml 48104 Candidates By JON STEWART:::::' heat up energy fray Wednesday, March 24, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan DNA research is OK FOR SIX MONTHS, the nine men and two women of Committee B wrestled with an unenviable chore. Appointed by Vice President for Re- search Charles Overberger, the group was asked to consider the policy as-. pects of recombinant DNA research, a relatively new field of inquiry in microbiology. Scientists themselves had warned that certain forms of the study might carry risks, and oth- ers suggested the possible hazards should preclude pursuit of this infant science. Committee B's task, therefore, was to decide which forms of recombi- nant DNA research should be per- mitted at the University, and what standards of safety should be set for the laboratory. They read technical journals, listened to speakers, attend- ed public meetings of experts, talked with interested colleagues, and gath- ered Tuesday afternoons at the Ad- ministration Building to share their thoughts with each other. Monday, he committee issued its recommendations. The report, with a sole dissenting opinion, shows im- pressive wisdom in approving most forms of recombinant DNA research and in rejecting the doomsday sce- nario embraced by critics of the ex- periments. COMMITTEE B WISELY chose to reject the extreme notion that research with any risks - no matter how minimal - must be prohibited. Were this argument accepted, it would demand the cessation of not only recombinant DNA research but all forms of scientific study. Indeed, it would demand the cessation of most human activity. Driving a car, crossing the street and taking a shower all hold certain risks which could lead to catastrophe - but the actions outweigh the risks, and we entinue to take them. Through its six-month study, Com- mittee B has determined that "the potential benefits likely to arise from (Recombinant DNA research) are great," and that the risks are too small to prohibit the genetic experi- ments. The committee also rejected the position - articulated perhaps most Editorial positions represent consensus of the Daily staff. TODAY'S STAFF: News: Michael Blumfield, Phil Bovo- voy, Rob Meachum, Mike Norten, Ken Parsigian, Tim Schick, Bill Turque Editorial Page: Stephen Hersh, T o m Stevens Arts Page: James Valk Photo Technician: Pauline Lubens WE JUST RECEIVED OUR COPY OF THE GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE REPORT ON THE NEW POSTAL SERVICE. frequently in Grade B science fiction movies -- that "there are some things man was not meant to know." Some of the DNA critics be- lieve genetic experiments fail in that category. They buttress their theory with scare stories of horrible human mutations, biological warfare and other evil applications. But as supporters of the research point out, it is difficult to imagine any form of science which, by the widest stretch of the imagination, cannot be used by someone, some- where for dangerous purposes. Far more likely with recombinant DNA re- search are the potential benefits: a cure for diabetes, a cure for hemo- philia, and other breakthroughs in medicine and, possibly, agriculture. MUAN IS CERTAINLY meant to pur- sue these goals. And committee B has incorporated adequate safe- guards into its recommendations, in- cluding the creation of a Biological Research Review Committee to en- sure that recombinant DNA research at the University will not entail unac- ceptable risks. Committee B has used the best evi- dence available, and appears to have reached the correct conclusion. The University must not* discard the op- portunity to achieve these badly- needed goals, but the research should be submitted to reasonable safety re- strictions and controls. To choose any other path would endorse only ignorance and fear, and would re- ject the course toward which logic, responsibility and a hope for the fu- ture seem to point. Editorial Staff ROB MEACHUM BILL TURQUE Co-Editors-in-Chief JEFF RIsTINE . ..... . Managing Editor TIM SCHICK.........Executive Editor STEPHEN HERSH.............Editorial Director JEFF SORENSEN................... Arts Editor CHERYL PILATE...............Magazine Editor STAFF WRITERS: Susan Ades, Tom Allen, Glen Allerhand, Marc Basson, Dana Bauman, David Blomquist, James Burns, ]Sevin Counihan, Jodi Dimick, Mitch Dunitz, Elaine Fletcher, Phil Foley, Mark Friedlander, David Garfinkel, Tom GodelI, Kurt Harju, Charlotte Heeg, Richard James. Lois Josimovich, Tom Kettler, Chris Kochmanski, Jay Levin, Andy Lilly, Ann Marie Lipinski, George Lobsenz, Pauline Lu- bens. Teri Maneau, Angelique Matney, Jim Nicoll, Maureen Nolan, Mike Norton, Ken Par- sigian, Kim Potter, Cathy Reutter, Anne Marie Sohiavi, Karen Schulkins, Jeff Selbet, Rick Sobel Tom Stevens, Steve Stojic, Cathy Suyak. Jim Tobin, Jim Valk, Margaret Tan, Andrew Zerman, David Whiting. Michael Beck- man, Jon Pansius and Stephen Kursman. SAN FRANCISCO (PNS)-The twin issues of energy and the environment are emerging from the campaign rhe- toric of, the presidential sweepstakes as among the central problems facing the nation-and the candidates. On both the Republican and Demo- cratic fronts, campaign aides are busily drafting and issuing position papers on such matters as nuclear energy, oil im- ports, synthetic fuel development, strip mining, natural gas deregulation and off- short oil drilling. Those issues, they agree, will largely shape our future lifestyle, economy, em- ployment patterns and even foreign poli- cy. They may also play a role in de- termining who occupies the White House in 1977. TOWARD THAT END the Washing- ton, D.C.-based League of Conservation Voters has prepared an indepth evalua- tion of each candidate's declared posi- tion and voting record on 14 key energy and environmental issues. The candidates are rated from A to F on each issue. The League, a non-partisan organiza- tion composed of representatives from such groups as the Sierra Club, the Isaac WaltonrLeague and Friends of the Earth, actively supports favored candidates. It claimed 13 congressional victories out of 17 candidates it actively supported in the last congressional elections. It clear- ly has political clout, particularly among the hundreds of thousands of voters who belong to its affiliated institutions. A preview of the League report-soon to be released-reveals that Democrats Morris Udall and Jimmy Carter share the top honors. Each is rated "outstand- ing" on both energy strategy and en- vironmental principles. At the other end, President Gerald Ford and Alabama Governor George Wal- lace share the dubious distinction of 'On both the and Democratic fronts, cam- paign aides are busily draft- ing and issuing position pap- ers on such matters as nuc- lear energy, oil imports, syn- thetic f u e l development, strip mining, natural gas de- regulation and offshore dril- ling.' "hopeless" ratings. Former California Governor Ronald Reagan does slightly better with an overall "bad" score. IN BETWEEN, with ratings of "fair" to "poor," come Fred Harris, Senator Henry Jackson, Senator Hubert Humph- rey and Sargent Shriver, in declining order. The more recent entries into the cam- paign, such as Senator Frank Church and California Governor Edmund Brown, have not been evaluated. One key issue for the League is nu- clear power. Both Carter and Udall are opposed to rapid development of nuclear power, though neither support a moratorium on nuclear plant construction. Carter is particularly well-informed on the nuclear power issue, having done graduate study as a nuclear engineer. "When Carter talks about safety haz- ards, types of plantshand disposal prob- lems he knows what he's talking about," says League Chairperson Marion Edey. BOTH CANDIDATES have also op- posed uncontrolled stripmining. Udall was floor manager for the stripmining bill in the Senate, and Carter says strip- mining is "not a logical approach to meeting energy requirements." Carter and Udall are also on record as supporting greater federal control and participation in the setting of oil import quotas and domestic oil and gas exploration. They share the belief that oil companies should not own other fuel sources, such as uranium and coal. Both have expressed varying degrees of opposition to the vertical integration of the major oil companies, saying they would split the wholesale and retail ends of the business away from production and refining. Alternate fuel sources, such as geo- thermal and solar, would be assigned greater priorities than at present by both Carter and Udall. Republican either the big unions or the corpora- tions, while most of the other candi- dates line up on one side or the other. Carter and Udall's policies contrast sharply with those of their Republican opponents, particularly in the areas of nuclear power, federal controls over gas and oil, and public participation in en- ergy development. Ford favors rapid expansion of fed- eral offshore leasing and oil drilling; massive federal subsidies for corporate development of synthetic fuels and the breeder reactor; nullification of signifi- cant portions of the Clean Air Act; a freezing on auto emission standards; and the removal of federal controls over oil pricing. Ford has also pushed for deregula- tion of natural gas and tax incentives for the energy corporations. He is on record as opposing public energy enter- prises in federal territories, and his ad- ministration has lobbied against all at- tempts to break up the oil companies. He twice vetoed the federal stripmining bill. FORD WILL FIND little to attack in the energy policies of his Republican opponent, Ronald Reagan. The only sig- nificant difference to date is Reagan's plan toturn federal programs over to the states where, experience teaches, they may be more vulnerable to the power of industry. Reagan, like Ford, supports full scale development of nuclear power. He would push development of Western coal, uran- ium, oil shale and other energy sources, giving federal subsidies and tax incen- tives to private devolopers. As Governor of California, Reagan op- posed the landmark coastal initiative, which set strict standards over coastal development. However, even his critics agree that his record is strong on water pollution. Senator Henry Jockson is ranked in the League report as only "fair to poor" Harris due to his overall energy policies, but even his staunchest critics agree that he has a strong record on the envi- ronment. Jackson virtually created the National Environmental Policy Act and the Council on Environmental Quality. He sponsored the stripmining bill and authored the Land Use Planning Bill. He also claims principle credit for the Land and Water Conservation Fund, set up to purchase lands for national parks and other public preserves. JACKSON IS ACKNOWLEDGED to Se the most powerful man in Wash- ington on energy policy, by virtue of his position as chairman of the Senate Interior Committee. But it is on en- ergy issues that he rankles his critics. He is an ardent proponent of nuclear power and supports a $6 billion federal subsidy for private development of syn- thetic fuel. Edey says that Jackson would be "at once more destructive, and better, than Humphrey." The non-candidate from Minnesota has shown little interest or activism on the major energy issues. Though he has supported greater research into solar power since 1962, he also voted in favor of funding the Clinch River demonstra- tion breeder reactor and spoke in its behalf. He co-sponsored federal land use legislation in 1975, but his votes on the stripmining bill were conspicuous by their absence. Overall, Humphrey is viewed by the League as a "business as usual" candi- date on energy issues, except-when they bear directly on labor and the economy, his real concerns. Governor George Wallace, who shares the bottom rating with Ford, has been closed-mouthed on energy and environ- mental issues to the point of creating a policy vacuum. He has made almost no public statements on the issues and refuses to respond to questionaires. Wallace THE LEAGUE gives high scores for being its two favorites independent of Carter PIRGIM REPORTS: What PIRGIM has done for us lately Sports Staff BILL STIEG Sports Editor RICH LERNER.........Executive Sports ANDY GLAZER ........Managing Sports RICK BONINO ..........Associate Sports NIGHT EDITORS: Tom Cameron, Enid man, Kathy Henneghan, Ed Lange, Lewis, Marcia Katz, John Niemeyer. Editor Editor Editor Gold- Scott STAFF WRITERS: Dennis Bash, Paul Campbell, Marybeth Dillon, Ernie Dunbar, Henry Engel- ihardt, Jeff Frank, Cindy Gatziolis. Jerome Hilbert, Don MacLachian, Rick Maddock, Bob Miller, Jim Powers, Patrick Rode, John Schwartz, Mark Whitney. IT COMPARES THE EFFICIENCY OF THE NEW SERVICE WITH THAT OF THE OLD POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. By JOSEPH TUCHINSKY MOSTPEOPLE ON the cam- pus are at least vaguely aware of PIRGIM as a student organization that uses research and advocacy to work for jus- tice and progress. But we have found relatively few know how many of the spe- cific projects we at PIRGIM has undertaken. Here are a few: 1. FREEDOM OF INFORMA- TION. PIRGIM issued a com- prehensive report, "State Sec- rets," on the obstacles citizens face in gaining access to gov- ernment records at the state and local level. The report was widely reported in the press and the subject of several fav- orable newspaper editorials. It was followed by creation of a coalition to support a new Free- dom of Information law to pro- tect the citizen's right to know what the government is doing. This month, the PIRGIM-draft- ed bill was introduced by Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor). PIRGIM, Common Cause, and others are now working togeth- er to lobby it through. We didn't wait for the new bill to pass, however. When PIRGIM was denied access to minutes and proposed rules be- ing considered by the state Board of Pharmacy, we sued under the present, weak law and succeeded in winning a pre- cedent that the public has the right to know in advance what proposals are being discussed by government boards. 2.PRESCRIPTION DRUG COSTS. We have com- pleted the last of a three-part project to lower the cost to con- sumers of prescription drugs. In coalition with the Michigan Citizens Lobby, the pharma- cists' professional association, and others, we helped lobby through 1974 Pharmacy Act amendments which allow con- sumers to buy lower-cost ge- neric drugs, and which require druggists to display a sign with the prices of commonly filled prescriptions. Then we monitored Beard of Pharmacy implementation of the new law, insuring that new riles would make the prices readily available. Following that, in an action rmmnleted 1st December. we ne- titinned for and finally got rules which leeali7ed adirertisina of nrescrintion drg Prices, which sGtdi-q showed conid increase comnetition and lower prices. porting radioact i v e waste from nuclear power plants . . . h a s been turned into legis- lation, House Bill The Federal Trade Commis- sion is now proposing the same principle nationwide. Meanwhile, PIRGIM is again in the legislature trying to re- move loopholes in the 1974 law. 'PIRGIs report on the dangers in trans- many of the provisions PIRGIM and other consumer advocates had blocked. The two versions are now in a House-Senate con- ference committee, and we are watching to insure that the con- sumer isn't forgotten in the pro- cess of compromising them. 4.ENVIR ONMENT- AL PROTECTION. Last summer a determined try by mining interests emerged to de- stroy Michign's 1970 Environ- mental Protection Act, the na- tion's first basic law to let citi- zens sue to stop degradation of the environment. Through the simmer and into the fall, PIR- GIM's work to block it included intensive lobbying by students from many campuses, who vis- ited Lansing or raised the alarm in letters to their legisla- tors or to hometown newsnav- ers. Such efforts by a coalition including every environmental group in the state turned back the tide in the House of Repre- sentatives. which sent an inof- fensive bill to conference com- mittee, where the whole issue is expected to die for this year. The EPA emerged unscathed. 5. N U C L E A R POWER. In 1973, PIRGIM issued its re- port on the dangers in trans- porting radioactive waste ma- terials from nuclear power plants, "Fallout on the Free- way." It has now been turned into legislation, House Bill 5318, pending in the House Public Health Committee. P I R G I M testimony at hearings on the bill made headlines across the state. IN 1975, WE petitioned the Public Service Commission to require utilities to inform their customers of the plans made to evacuate people living near nu- clear plants in case of a serious emergency which might produce an explosion. The petitions were accepted last month for hear- ing, expected early in April. This year PIRGIM decided to carry the nuclear safety ques- tion to the people of Michigan. PIRGIM members are seeking 212,000 signature on a petition to qualify for a statewide ballot. If nassed, the "Safe Energy Initiative" would allow future unclear plants in Michigan only if they met far more stringent safety and financial liability standards than do present plants. Toseph Tuchinsky is a PJR- GIM staff member. 5318, pending Public Health in the Com- mittee.' 3.CONSUMER PRO- TECTION. After the Michigan Senate passed a very weak ver- sion of Senate Bill 1, the "Mich- igan Consumer Protection Act," despite our lobbying, we tried again in the House. It passed a much stronger version, bearing i Letters to The Daily WHAT DOES IT SAY? I DON'T KNOW, BUT IT'S POST MARKED NOVEMBER 10, 1975. DNA 3. The Forum has shown that genetic engineering of the fu- To The Daily: ture is becoming one of the out- The DNA Forum in actual fact standing concerns and worries. did not resolve any major prob- There were three forms of re- tems, but it made us aware of sponse to this problem: (i) we the locus of important prob- have always done genetic engi- tems. neering in the form of vaccines 1. The Forum made it clear and the like, so there is noth- to all participants, and the pub- ing new about it; (ii) we shall tic at large, that nowadays even be able to stop genetic engineer- specific and highly specialized ing when it reaches the level problems such as the DNA re- of genetic manipulation of hu- search, cannot be treated as man beings; (iii) we are fool- "thinas in themselve." ht in- ish and naar-siuhted (the third 4. Yet another issue of im- portance which the Forum cry- stallized is of a more subtle nature. It concerns the nature of moral concepts by means of which gains and losses of Re- combinant DNA research can be wisely and legitimately assess- ed. Is it true, as one school of thought maintained, that cost/ benefit analysis is applicable to every and any social and hu- man issue, so that ultimately we can work out a formula which and therefore cannot be account- ed for in any other terms or currencies, and which cannot be traded off for economic bene- fits? The debate between the utili- tarians (the first school) and the humanists (the second school) is by no means limited to the DNA problem. These two positions can be recognized in various other debates on the na- ture of science. It must be ad- mitted that until recently the utilitarians had the upper-hand ly the best gauge available for a very limited purpose - to show how productive the econo- my is in a commercial sense and the extent to which the economic machinery is speed- ing up or slowing down," the humanist claims that some qual- ities are irreducible to quanti- ties, seem to be gaining validi- ty. 5. The DNA debate did not re- solve the key issue - that of safety and future hazards of the research W were itol that N~K~$~k ~