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March 24, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-03-24

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See Editorial Page

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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 141

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 24, 1976

10 Cents Eight Pages



Blown away
One student .suffered minor injuries yesterday
morning in a benzoil peroxide explosion at the
East Engineering Building's Chemical Engineer-
ing lab. The lab sustained no appreciable dam-
age, and the student, David Hammer, was treat-
ed at U Hospital and later released. Robert
Jareb, a Chemical Engineering teaching assistant,
says little snafus like this come with the terri-
tory. "It's no big deal," Jareb explained, "small
explosions like this occur often enough.'
... begin this morning at 9:30 with a symposium
on "The Role of Women in Conflict and Peace,"
at the Rackham Ampitheatre ... The Women's
Commission will meet at noon in Rm. 3205 of the
Union to hear a report of the Returning Students
Committee ... Tickets go on sale at noon today
for the Arlo Guthrie Concert tomorrow at the
Michigan Theatre, sponsored by the Harris for
President organization. Tickets can be had only
at the Michigan ... Today and every Wednesday
at 12:00 you can pick up a free peanutbutter
and jelly sandwich at the- Student Counseling
Office, 1018 Angell Hall ... State Senate Majority
Leader William Fitzgerald will speak this eve-
ning at a meeting of the Washtenaw Democratic
Party at 7:30 in the League ... The Spartacus
Youth League will discuss "The Working Class
and Revolutionary Strategy" in Rm. 68 Greene,
E. Quad, at 7:30.
Long arms of the law
A federal biologist says the state of Washing-
ton has exceeded its legal reach with a new regu-
lation designed to protect the octopus. A new
state law now makes it a gross misdemeanor,
punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 or a year
in the can to "molest" or "harass" an octopus.
Bill High, who works for the National Marine
Fisheries Service, is something of an expert on
the subject, having studied the octopus for 19
years. He was also world champion octopus
wrestler in 1963. High says the average diver is
just "interested in how the creature lives," but
Fisheries Director Donald Moos.says there is evi-
dence that when the giant mollusks are treated
poorly by divers, they often die afterward. The
largest octopuses in the world are found in Wash-
ington's Puget Sound and off the coast of British
Political poet
A leading South Korean political prisoner, poet
Kim Chi-ha, was returned to court yesterday in
Seoul to face charges of violating the nation's
repressive anti-Communist law, for which the
maximum penalty is death. Kim is already serv-
ing a life sentence on a conviction for participating
in an allegedly Communist-inspired plot to over-
throw the government in April 1974. The new
charges against Kim stem from a newspaper
article; he wrote last April accusing the govern-
ment of fabricating a "Communist conspiracy"
to justify a series of mass arrests in 1974. The
35-year-old Kim is the author of several prohibited
poems, including "The Five Bandits" and "The
Rumor." Both are satirical works" expressing
anxiety and anger about corruption and injustice
among Korean officials.
A Japanese actor-pilot in a World War II
Kamikaze pilot's uniform he donned for publicity
pictures crashed in a light plane yesterday into
the home of Yoshio Kodama, a key figure in
Japan's Lockheed payoff scandal. The actor, Mit-
suyasu Maeno was killed in the crash, but neither
Kodama nor 11 others in the house were injured.
Kodama, 65 and bedridden since a stroke two years
ago, was charged with tax evasion after a U.S.

Senate subcommittee was told he paid $7 million
to promote the sale of Lockheed airplanes in
Japan. Kantaro Hamada, a cartoonist who lives
near Kodama, said he watched the plane through
binoculars as it circled overhead and that the
pilot appeared to cut the engine. "It looked like
a Kamikaze crash," said Hamada. The plane
crashed into a second-floor veranda of the house,
starting a fire that spread to the first-floor an
hour before it was brought under control.
On the inside ...
Editorial Page offers a Pacific News Service
story on energy issues in this year's presidential
campaign ... Arts Page features Jim Valk's re-
view of "Swept Away" and on Sports Page,
Bob Miller takes a look at the 1940 Indiana
basketball team, the only runner-up team to win
the NCAA title.















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President Peron under arrest

By Reuter
tine President Maria Estela
Peron was deposed by the
armed f o r c e s early this
morning and flown out of
the capital to house arrest
in a winter resort in the
foothills of the Andes.
Military sources said the
president drew a revolver
as she was surroupded by
air force troops at the mu-
nicipal airport here but was
rapidly disarmed.
PERON apparently tried to
flee the country as a military
noose tightened around the cap-
ital in the final phase of a coup
which had been expected for
several weeks.
She left Government House
here by helicopter shortly after

1 a.m., local time, apparently
heading for her residence in the
suburb of Olivos.
But she ordered the pilot to
divert to the municipal airport,
in the hope she would be able
to fly abroad. Air force troops
surrounded the helicopter as it
touched down.
SHORTLY afterward the 45-
year-old widow president was
transferred to an air force Fok-
ker F-28 which informed sources
said was taking her to the win-
ter residence of Argentine pres-
idents, at Messidor near Bari-
loche in the foothills of the An-
des Mountains.
As Peron was flown to the
Andes foothills, a column of
tanks and armored troop car-
riers roared- through the busi-
ness district of Buenos Aires to
take up position around Govern-
ment House.
The sources said a three-man
delegation-a general, an ad-

SUSAN~ RO WNMILLER,{ahorof6te rap stuy
Author tlls crow
ofseul injustice
r r
- X
B yNM RDoily Photo by SULINE LUB
Pensively surveying her audience, cupping her chin in
her hands, Susan Brownmiller, author of the highly acclaimed
study on rape, "Against Our Will," told a Hill Aud. crowd
yesterday, It is my major thesis that the threat and use
of rape is a conscious effort by all men as a class, to keep all 9
women as a class, in a state of fear."
"Our lives," Brownmiller told the predominantly female
audience, "are profoundly affected by the fact that men
can turn their bodies against us and use it as a weapon."

miral and an air force brigadier
general-were heading for Casa
Rosada (Pink House) just after
midnight to demand Peron's
MEANWHILE, troops occu-
pied key positions throughout
the country and a column of
tanks was reported to be mov-
ing into the capital from the
Campo de Mayo base on the
northeastern outskirts.
Tanks were already in posi-
tion in La Plata, capital of
Buenos Aires Province where
one third of the country's 27
million people live, and inform-
ed sources said provincial Gov-
ernor Victorio Calabro already
has surrendered his post to an
army general.
See COUP, Page 2
Beginning July 1, the city
will probably start laying off
municipal employes in an effort
to balance the general fund
budget, according to Adminis-
trator Sylvester Murray.
Murray announced his- pro-
jected city budget for the fiscal
year of 1976-77 last Monday
night, and the figures were not
E S T I M A T E D revenues
were calculated at $20,194,370,
while expenses were estimated
at $21,442,580; a budget deficit
of $1,248,000.
Murray will present the offic-
ial city budget to Council on
April 12, and he promises it
will be balanced, even if work-
ers have to be laid off.
If Murray does propose lay-
offs on April 12, Council will
still have the option of rejecting
the plan before any actual fir-
ing could begin on July 1.
THE CITY could also choose
to make up the projected bud-
get deficit by trying to increase
revenues rather than cutting
back on expenses.
Murray said that additional
money could be raised by in-
creasing property taxes or by
asking for more state and fed-
eral aid.
He added, however, that local
See CITY, Page 2

From Wire Service Reports
RALEIGH, N. C. - Ron-
ald Reagan won North Car-
olina's Republican presi-
dential p r i m a r y elec-
tion last night, reviving his
challenge for the White
House with a startling up-
set over President Ford.
Ford conceded his first
defeat, congratulated Rea-
gan - and said he remains
confident of victory in the
contest for the Republican
presidential nomination.
D E M O C R A T I C front-
runner 'Jimmy Carter won his
primary test in a runaway over
George Wallace and four other
Reagan's first triumph after
a season of primary defeats was
magnified by the fact that it
was unexpected, the comeback
he needed to silence suggestions
that he quit the campaign.
The reasons for his victory
embraced the light voter turn-
out, which favored him be-
cause of his more committed
supporters, and his tough cam-
paign speeches in which he at-
tacked Secretary of State Hen-
ry Kissinger and the Ford Ad-
ministration's policy of detente
with, the Soviet Union.
HE WON comfortably against
the odds.
With all of the ballots count-
ed, Reagan. had 52 per cent of
the Republican, Ford 46.
In the Democratic race, for-
mer Georgia Governor Carter
scored an expected victory over
Alabama Governor George Wal-
lace, taking 54 per cent of the
vote and boosting his string of
primary victories to five.
REAGAN WAS flying from
LaCrosse, Wis., to Los Angeles
after the election ended. A cam-
paign aide said the former Cali-
fornia governor was delighted
See REAGAN, Page 2

AP Photo

Realg 11

Trowbridge to run
for House of Reps

City Councilman Ronald Trow-
bridge (R - F o u r t h Ward) is
launching a campaign for the
Second District Congressional
seat, with hopes of capturing
the vacancy being created by
Republican Marvin Esch, the
Daily learned yesterday.
Trowbridge is officially an-
nouncing his candidacy today
during a 9 a.m. press confer-
ence at the Holiday Inn, West
TROWBRIDGE, the first poli-
tician to proclaim his candidacy
in this race, is presently round-
ing off the first year of his two
year term as an Ann Arbor
According to Trowbridge, he
has been asked to run for the
congressional office by "some
of the key leaders in town."
"I've been asked many times
to run," he said yesterday, "but
I just began taking it seriously
two or three weeks ago. As soon
as I was sure that I had the
support, I decided I wanted to
do it."
TROWBRIDGE said he is

wi lling to work "masochistical-
ly" at paring down government
bM reau racy which he maintains
"hns just gotten too damn big."
"I would like to think that I
could at least miake some noise
in Washington," he said.
Should Trowbridge land the
post which will go up for grabs
in this November's general elec-
tion, he would be forced to sur-
render his duties as city coun-

Financial difficulties-
closingMatrix* seek
support to re-open
Ann Arbor's Matrix Theater, a division of the non-profit New
World Media Project, Inc. will close its doors on April 9, 1976
due to financial difficulty. Reopening of the community theater
will depend on the outcome of a refinancing drive that will run
until April 11.
"Our immediate refinancing goal is $20,000," said Dallas
Kenny, general coordinator of the New World Media Project.
"THAT WOULD put us back on the track for a year and pay
off the members of the Ann Arbor community who loaned us
money," he said.
The Matrix is a small community theater that presents local
talent shows, special childrens' programs, live theater and regular
film showings.
Kenny said he believes that there are a lot of people in Ann
Arbor who want to support a community theater like the Matrix
but so far he has received very little aid.
"IF WE DON'T come up with the money it'll be curtains for
us," he said. "We'll be bankrupt."

DALLAS RP--Secretary of State Henry Kissinger
refused to rule out a U.S. invasion of Cuba yesterday
after saying the Ford administration is serious in its
warnings against further Cuba intervention in Africa.
Kissinger was asked specifically whether the U.S.
might invade Cuba if it defied his warnings. Ile
said, "I do not want to answer that question."
He also said, "What we will do I can't say, but
we are serious, and we have pointed this out to Cuba.
We were accused of not making our issues clear in
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