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March 23, 1976 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1976-03-23

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Tuesday, March 23, 1



Page Seven

TuesayMarc 23 197 TH MIHIGA DALY Pge eve






t f

Very interesting bits

of aissorted


(Continued from Page 1)
dents hay'e shunned Republicans
at the polls.
Door-to-door voter registration
is not yet a permanent fixture
in Ann Arbor's electoral system-
The proposal, defeated by voters
last April but subsequently en-
acted by council resolution, is
once again on the ballot for
reconsideration this year.
DESPITE possible adverse ef-
facts on his campaign efforts,:
Reynolds supports the proposi-
tion. Similarly, both Kohn and
Greene are in favor of main-
taining the status quo.
Following the controversial
election of Mayor Al Wheeler by
a majority gained through pref-
erential voting (PV), repeal of
this innovative voting process is
a ballot proposal this year.
PV allows constituents to in-

dicate a second mayoral choice!
on the ballot which can be

have a graduated property tax."I GREENE, WHO calls himself
"a sensible liberal," says last'

The Richmond - San Rafael
Bridge in Contra Costa County,
Calif., is four miles long and
ranks as of the largest in the
world. It cost $50 million.
Columbia University was
originally named King's Col-

The Wheley House, Old Town,
is reported to have been the
first brick house built in San
Diego, Calif.
Mexican women were given
the right to vote in a presiden-
tial election for the first time
in 1958.

Penn State football teams
have won 85 of 101 games un-
der Coach Joe Paterno in the
past nine seasons.
Great Smoky Mountains, the
most visited national park in
the United States, welcomes
eight million visitors a year.

counted when no candidate re- REYNOLDS, a University po-s
ceives more than 50 per cent litical science and history ma-' x
of the vote. jor, has had no direct experi- t
ence with Ann Arbor politics.'
THE D E M O C R A T I C and i However, he has worked on the R
SHRP candidates both oppose I state level with the Governor'sl
the repeal of PV while Reynolds task force on the problems of
strongly favors its removal. driving and drinking, and as a
The third and final ballot pro-, summer congressional intern in
posal calls for the levying of a the nation's capital. He is also
property tax of one mill which director of student organizations
will provide the funds for road and is a member of the Mich-
repairs. igan League of Governors.
"Personally I will vote for it The 28-year-old Kohn, who
though I don't want to make an works at Overbeck's Bookstore,4
issue of it," Greene said of the has worked with SHRP's current
tax. And while Reynolds re-, Second W a r d councilwoman
mains uncommitted either way, Kathy Kozachenko and is also
Kohn vehemently opposes such a member of the Ann Arbor
a measure. "It hurts the people Tenants Union.
who can least afford it," the;
SHRP candidate said. "It would Greene, 39, is a music teach-j
be far better if the city would er at Willow Run High School,{

year's SHRP proposal
realistic" and instead
that rent prices and

was "un-

rates be reported annually to
aid tenants in finding the best
possible housing.
Like Reynolds, Greene insists
on more housing inspectors but
also wants "graduated increases
in inspection fees" so that "re-
peated code violators get
Greene's other priority issues
are police reforms and the es-
tablishment of a Human Serv-
ices Commission. Kohn wants
more rigorous enforcement of
the Human Rights Ordinance
prohibiting discrimination and,
along the same lines, she hopes
to pursue the "general question
of what kinds of values the city
is going to be encouraging."
REYNOLDS stresses the im-
portance of fiscal responsibility
in city government, pointing to
the Democrats on council who
votedifor and approved the al-
location of $57,000 for council
members' salaries. The Repub-


Everybody seems to know
something about the wild-
erness. (Even the ones
who don't make it back)


The good son of thedaughter of
the Sky Woman made a pilgri-
mage to the great mountains to
seek his father, who was secluded
by many elements. The father
tested the courage and spirit of
the son with rock, with wind,
with water, and with fire. When
;he good son proved worthy by
mastering the e l e m e n t s, the
father recognized hint and gave
him the power to make living
things to bless the earth . . .
Creation Legend of the
Seneca People-"The
Keepers of the Western Door"


ComMittee OK's
disp U tdresearch
(Continued from Page 1) molecule unless a series of con- MICROBIOLOGY Prof. David
THE REPORT noted that po- trolled tests leave no reasonable Jackson, one of the principal
tential benefits of recombinant doubt of safety." recombinant DNA research-
DNA research include break- The committee's report recom- ers at the University, said last
throughs in the production of mended the tasks of an as yet night he was "very pleased"
insulin and the missing factor unappointed "Committee C" with the report.
in the blood of hemophiliacs, de- which would check University "My position all along was
fense against allergic diseases, laboratories to make sure scien- that the . . . NIH guidelines'
problems of bacterial resistance .tists adhere to government and were ones which I and others
to medicines, crop fertilization University guidelines for the re- in the scientific communityE
and clean-up of oil spills. search. could live with," Jackson said.
The report also reviewed pos- Philosophy Prof. Henryk Sko-
sible risks and harmful applica- "GENERALLY speaking, the limowski, one of the most vocal
tions of the research, including members of the committee will critics of the genetic experi-
the use of dangerous organisms serve as biological safety offi- ments, said he sensed, "al-
in biological warfare. More like- cers, charged to make sure that though I would like to be proved
ly perils, however, stem from the safety of a given laboratory wrong," that Committee B's de-
the use of infectious microorgan- is adequate for the research be- cisions were made independent
isms with E. Coli, a bacteria ing planned there," the report of the scientific debates and
that thrives in the human n- states. forums held earlier this month
testine. Tli-------------on campus.

who has served as a Democratic
precinct captain, a delegate to
Democratic county and, state
conventions, and as c o u n t y
chairman and state representa-
tive of political action divisions
of the Michigan Education As-

WESTERN DOOR WILDERNESS SCHOOL is unique in the field of wilderness education.
Although each of its courses is a basic wilderness course, each also has on area of special-
ization. All of the courses except Wilderness/Homesteadino will backback through wilderness
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HOUSING HAS emerged as lican contender also would like
the key issue in this ward and to see students become more
the candidates have been care- involved on city committees.
ful to emphasize their stands. T h e Republican candidate
Although they all agree that the says he was motivated to run
city's housing needs reform, because he saw a "strong need
their approaches to the problem for a student representative in
differ significantly. city government." He writes off
Reynolds says he will focus the SHRP candidate saying the
on the "quality and quantity" party's platforms are "too ideal-
of housing. He is "not 'so con- istic and too theoretical." Reyn-
cerned a b o u t the (rental), olds added, "I think they're
price." To increase the quality pretty much in left field."
of housing, he advocates the Kohn says that her campaign
employment of more inspectors strategy is to "point out the
to meet the law requiring hous- inconsistencies in the Demo-
ing inspection once every two: cratic position and to be honest
years. He also urges the forma- with people about what the
tion of an arbitration board,: SHRP positions are."
composed of landlords and ten-
ants, to settle disputes.
Kohn, on the other hand, INTERNATIONAL
stresses rent control and, if
elected, plans to resurrect the VA RETY SHOW
SHRP rent control proposal
which was defeated by voters
last April. She says, it was The International Association
godadIdo'<hn of Eastern Michiqan Univer-
quite gsity is sponsorinq a show by
they gave it enough of a the end of this month with a
chance." number of different oresenta-
_ L-- - ions from a variety of cul-
tures- American folk dancin,
Arab belly dancing, comedy,
classical and folk music and
sona, a fashion show, and
other representative aspects of
different cultures.
If your oroup, class or de-
partment would like to porti-
CALL 487-2466
Program co-sponsored by EMU
Student Government, and stu-
I (tent assessment fee.

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"There are many occasions
in human affairs when, even af-
ter intensive, far-minded scru-
tiny of all apparently relevant
factors, the shortcomings of our
predictive capacities leave the
future still clouded," the com-
mittee report said.

This oversight group, offictalny!
titled the Biological Research
Review Committee (BRRC),
would consist of members ap-
pointed by the Vice President!
for Research, with advice from
the Biomedical Research Coun-
cil, a group of faculty members
concerned with research in theI

"I think it is an important
issue," Skolimowski said, "too
important to just say, 'OK'."
"This is only the beginning of
a long, long debate," he added.


"IT IS imperceptible to con- health sciences.
clude that no action should fol- "At least one member of the
low on such uncertainty, since BRRC should be a member of,
inaction is obviously itself ac- the (University) Senate As-
tion and may have consequences sembly Committee on Researchy
as unpredictable as o t h e r Policies; at least one o t h e r
courses of conduct. This is the should not be employed by (the
case on experimentation with University); and at least one
recombinant DNA." member of the committee should
The committee added further not be a researcher in the bio-
restrictions to the current NIH logical sciences," the report re-
guidelines, still being reviewed, commended.
for research by University
scientists. The restrictions ban IN HIS dissent, Liver m o r e
high-risk experiments requiring says that if the recombinant
the strictest physical barriers DNA efforts are successful,
against the possible escape of "man will have a dramatically
disease. powerful means of changing the
Laboratories with these con- order of life.
tainment 1 e v e 1 s, designated "While it clearly would n r e-F
"P4" by NIH, were not planned sent opportunities for meeting
for construction at the Univer- present sources of human dis-
sity. The ban on high-risk ex- tress, I believe that the limita-
periments, however, could be tions of our social capacities for{
removed "by the appropriate directing such a capability to
decision-making body." fulfilling human purposes will
bring with it a train of awesomeI
THE COMMITTEE also re- and possibly disastrous conse-
commended that "except where quences.
an experiment requires other- "I have tried to look into the
wise, especially enfeebled or- faces of those who might be
ganisms which are not likely to immediately helped by this re-
survive outside the laboratory search, but also into the faces
will be used in all experiments of those who might be over-
when they become available." whelmed by the capability of
Committee B also endorsed having basic forms of life alter-
the NIH ban on five different ed," Livermore says.
kinds of recombinant DNA ex- ~
periments "because of the pos-
sible dangers that might en-
sue" if safety measures fail.
This ban includes "experiments'
which include widespread or
uncontrollable release into the H
environment of any organism
containing a recombinant DNA When it comes to


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