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March 21, 1976 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1976-03-21

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Page Four


Sunday, March 21, 1975 1

Pace Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, March 21, 1976



Nightmare: How Richard Nixon
and friends did the dirty work

Turtle Diary: An amusing, wistful tale

NIGHTMARE by Anthony
Lukas. New York: The Viking
Press, 1976, 626 pps., $15.
WATERGATE -that catch-all
word for the CREEP break-
in at the Democratic Party Na-
tional Headquarters in 1972, as-
sorted dirty tricks, and numer-
ous quid pro quos between ex-
ecutive agencies and big busi-
ness during the Nixon years-
has had a wrenching impact on
It used to be that persons who1
held high government office
w e r e viewed as statesmen.
Woodrow Wilson. Averell Harri-
man. Louis Brandeis. All were
respected as keepers of the pub-
lic trust.
But Watergatery has twisted
the way most of us on the out-
side eyeball contemporary poli-
ticians. They're assumed to be
crooked or at least shady until
proven otherwise. And, unfor-
tunately, there seems ample
evidence to support the thesis.
Senate Minority Leader Hugh
Scott has admitted that a major
oil company slipped him a cool
10 grand a year for 13 years.
Howard "Bo" Callaway, Presi-
dent Ford's campaign mana-
ger, may have, used undue in-
fluence as secretary of the army
to seek expansion of a ski re-
sort he owns.
THEN THERE is Watergate.
The casualty list leaves the
reader breathless-not only be-

cause of its length but also its
important members. Two attor-
neys general, a director of the
FBI, the president's personal
lawyer, three of the president's
closest advisors, and a slew of
The subterfuge of these men
in their efforts to re-elect Rich-
ard Nixon forms a montage of
corruption and power monger-
ing the likes of which has never

zine, but it contains much more.
Each of the important names,
dates, and places is here in
some form or another.
Lukas attacks the mass of in-
formation in a subject-by-sub-
ject manner focusing in turn on
such aspects as Dirty Tricks,
The Break-In, Hush Money, Im-
peachment, a n d Resignation.
There is even a chapter on
Spiro Agnew's travails to boot.

Despite Nixon's advice to the con-
trary, it might be beneficial to wallow in
Watergate just a while longer. Until the
phenomenon is understood, a reoccurence
cannot be prevented with any certainty.
407' ' .'aY W':i :"Ti:' e^r4' ;"ri . a :


surfaced before. Anthony Lu-
kas, a former New York Times
reporter with a mantel full of
awards including the Pulitzer
Prize, tries to sort out the evil
goings-on in his latest book
Nightmare: The Underside of
the Nixon Years.
The crisply written, exhaus-
tively researched account pro-
vides a veritable catalogue of
what all the president's men
were doing on their jobs, days
off, and way to jail. Lukas' book
grew out of three pieces com-
missioned for the Times Maga-

CAMP SABRA, coed residential camp in Rocky
Mountain, Missouri Jewish Community Centers
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& Drivers, Kitchen Workers.
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3:30-7:00 P.M. 11:35-1:00 A.M.

contains nothing new. It
is not an investigative work but
rather a compendium. Where
the public record is extensive,
the book is extensive. Where the
public record is spotty, the book
is spotty.
This is disconcerting in that
the best untold tale of Water-
gate-just how Nixon's resigna-
tion was shepherded by the pre-
sident's aides-remains largely
the secret of the participants.
Furthermore, Lukas makes no
effort to analyze or explain what
happened throughout the Nixon
years. He sidestepsethe question
of why such abuses flourished
under the guiding hand of the
man from Whittier. But that's
nagging residue of Watergate.
Was it an isolated type of thing
that sprung from some abbera-
tion in Nixon's psyche? Or was
it a gross magnification of a
flaw in nearly all politicians?
Lukas does not answer, yet
he is as qualified as any ob-
server to attempt such a judg-
ment. Maybe, howeve'r, Water-
gate is too overwhelming, too
suffocating to challenge in such

SIDE FROM these shortcom-j
ings, which should not blunt
the brilliance of the work, Lu-
kas succeeds in the framework
he has defined for himself.
NIGHTMARE is a good ency-
clopedia of a multi-faceted ev-
ent. The detail is lavish-heavy
with color and annecdotes. Thee
pace doesn't flag over the
course of the volume.
Lukas uses a particularly at-
tractive technique by breaking
up the narrative with short bio-
graphic sketches of key actors
in the Watergate drama. Rarely
longer than a page each, the bi-
ographies are incisive commen-
taries that use incidents and
quotes rather than polemic to
make points.

TURTLE DIARY by Russel and there is no objective narra- cides to free the turtles at the:|
Hoban, Random House, N.Y., I tion to give the reader any re- port of Polperro, a artificial:
211 pp., $7.95. lief. This approach gives t h e tourist town that begs for do-
novel a dreamy quality, but at nations to preserve its "au-
By CINDY HILL times this subjective confusion thenticity." (Neaera comments'
RUSSELL HOBAN i n c 1 u d- is overwhelming, as if one were that Polperro "seemed to me
es more delightful imag- drowning in a sealed vat of wa- like a streetwalker asking for
es in his latest novel, Turtle ter. :money to maintain her virgin-
Diary, than most authors write Typically, William G. c o m-
in a lifetime. ments, "Sometimes I t h i n k
The novel, which successfully that this whole thing, this whole
combines clear-eyed observa- business of a world that keeps
tions with unpretentious insight, waking itself up and bothering
has added Hoban's name to to go on every day, is neces-.1
many people's list of "cult writ- sary only as a manifestation 1.
ers" (a classification which in- of the intolerable. The intoler-
cludes Tolkien, Kesey, Vonne- able is like H. G. Wells' invis-
gut and others). ible man, it has to put on
Hoban, an American expat- clothes in order to be seen.
rate whose wiry hair and So it dresses itself up in a
heavy-rimmed glasses give him world.
a Woody Allen look, already Continued thoughts, similar
has a following in Britain. Tur- thoughts, and sometimes even
tle Diary may make the erst- identical thoughts are repeated
while children's writer equal- as Neaera H. and William G.
ly well known in America. plan to abduct the turtles.
The storyline could have been
copped from a Walt Disney mo- UTOBAN MANAGES to make
vie: two strangers meet at the his whimsical plot b e -
London Zoo and decide to liber- lievable despite the unlikely .
ate the sea turtles. participation of the zoo's aquar- ity"). Polperro, the reader
ium keeper in the heist, a n d learns later, is where William
THE PLOT, however, does despite some rather unlikely co- G. was born.
not degenerate into cute incidence as well. Hoban achieves this believ-
superficiality and preciousness, For example, Neaera H. de- ability largely through his main
as it easily might have. Hoban
dignifies both his subject mat-
ter and his characters, Willam
G. and Neaera H., who narrate
the story in alternating chap- R A
tens. aestcmingwithc
The novel is about loneliness

characters' understated
and quiet outrage at the
of the animals:


as muchl as it is about turtles. (Continued from Page 3) the bars." cessful in their quest for a lov-
tAoted biblikap which oints "a .ecrbes rs elfeas Loren, a doctor at an Ann Born in New York and edu- er, however. Joanne, a Univer-
tatedtbibliographdywhc ptsa moreor less artsy-intellect- Arbor hospital, was equally em- cated in Boston, Loren speaks sity junior who advertised for
an interested reader toward ual-oing lady of forty-three phatic in stating his wish to with the confident, immodest an escort to a Christmas dance,
particularly significant public who is unmarried,dresses more meet the sort of person w h o manner of one who has had is now deeply involved with a
thora of Watergate memoirs. He 'heortle thansforfahonoos does not usually pursue personal things easy in life. His slightly, man she affectionately describ-
thinks Jeb Magruder's is the he sort of spinster who doesn't ads. In fact, he was so intent frizzy but carefully combed es. as "wacky." Because f e w
best written but consistently keepcats and is not a vege- on attracting the "uncommon" brown hair and closely-shaven women advertise in the per-
self-serving and considers How- tarian. She has a pet water woman that he spent three days red cheeks give him a well- sonals, she was swamped with
ard Hunt's completely unreli- beetle for company. writing his 20-line ad. "In a scrubbed, boyish appearance. replies. "A lot of guys I talked
able. William G. is divorced, a n d way, I'm an elitist. If I look at He ignores politics and cur- to were foreign students and
shares a building with several a lot of people around me - as rent events in favor of ob- lonely freshmen. I got the im-
Despite Nixon's advice to the other tenants, among them far as intelligence and looks are servation of peonle and their oression they didn't really know
contrary, it might be beneficial Miss Neap, who is "militantly concerned - my own self im- relationships. Although L o r e n too many people around cam-
to wallow in Watergate just a fragrant, as if mortaility could age is relatively quite high. I was disappointed in his search pus," she says, as a fleeting
while longer. Until the pheno- be kept at bay by lavender in think if you can test people, for a woman friend, he claims look of concern replaces her
menon is understood, a reoccur- the same way that garlic repels I'm right up there. Obviously, that the advertising venture re- usual grin.
ance cannot be prevented with vampires," and Sandor, a burly I don't want just anybody. I suited in manv intellectually When the Christmas dance
any certainty. And NIGHT- Hungarian who leaves strange have no interest in appealing to stimulating evenings. finally rolled around, Joanne
MARE is a starting point for odors on the communal cooker the down and outers." "Some didn't attract me phy- went with a friend and didn't
such understanding and a dirty bathroom in his sically, bt they were v e r meet Lenny until January, al-
wake. Lennyruntil an4zary, al-
T OREN divides the ranks of bh hs hm d tgl th

"The sign said: 'The Green
Turtle, Chelonia mydas, is the
source of turtle soup . .' "
William G. relatees. "I am the
source of William G. soup if it
comes to that. Everyone is the
source of his or her kind of
soup. In a town as big as
London that's a lot of soup
walking about."
Occasionally, Hoban verges
on being overly chic, such as
when Neaera comments t h a t
"the zoo is a prison for animals
who have been sentenced with-
out trial." But overall the tone
is level-headed and original.
At its simplest level, Turtle
Diary is consistent in its polish-
ed humor. But Hoban manages
to do more than this. While
providing an honest, uncom-
promising view of humanity,
he is sensitive where others are
cynical, and joyously s ill y
where others use leaded humor.
His calm sanity is, in itself,
Cindy Hill is a former execu-
tive editor of The Daily.


AUDITIONS For the Musical
(to be presented May 12-16 by
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre)
MARCH 20 and 21 at 1:00 p.m.
Appointments now being made for private audi-
tion times (March 20-21 from 2-5 p.m., March
21-24 from 7-10 p.m. CALL 663-3424 (Sylvia
Llewellyn) for appt.
CAST OF 40-all ages, incl. 9 major roles,
chorus, dancers. All must have some sing and
dance ability.
Musical Director-DILL MURRELL
Washington and Liberty Sts.-1 block East
of S. Seventh-662-9405.


Gordon Atcheson is f o r m e r
co-editor-in-chief of The Daily.
Have a flair for
artistic wriinjfq?
poetry, and music
or writing feature
stories a b o u t the
drama, dance, film
arts: Contact Arts
Editor, c/o The
Michigan Daily.

"I'd had a whole life, a house
and a family!" William G.
complains. "And it had come
to this: Sandor's pubic hair in
a rented bath."
WJILIAM G. and Neaera H.
recognize each other al-
most immediately as kindred '
souls, sommuch so that they
fear any closeness, drifting out
of each others lives as easily
as they drifted in. This similar-!
ity of thought creates a prob-
lem in the stream-of-conscious-
ness narration. It is almost im-
possible to differentiate the
thoughts of the two characters,

I !


to tw
ans o
and t
the f(
18 m
I rea
ing s
I wa

UU11UF6 iltjainavxbright and we had some great
"personals" advertisers in- conversations. Basically, I can
o distinct, separate camps: tell what kind of person I'm
who are the real veter- getting into within the first half
of the box number circuit hour. If its the right person,
hose who are merely vic- there's a certain magic that's
of a temporary situationh apparent immediately. B u t if
rally, Loren identified wi there isn't, at least you don't
'ormer group, pointing out feel lonely for awhile and youi
his girlfriend of the last jhave someone to bullshit with."
onths broke up with him "To be quite honest, some of
r suddenly, leaving him the women were really homely,
few social contacts. "I but usually something was sal-
myself not really knowing vaged from the evenings. I
ne outside the hospital and mean we h d flan it was in-

tnougn iney na zame on te
nhone a couple of times. "The
first time we went out, I chug-
ged two beers because I was
so nervous." she reports with
the self-iudulaent laughter of
someone who knows her eory
has a hannv ending. "We went
to thehGolden Falcon and did
some d-ncing. By the time we
aot tiking, we di-overed we
had so mch in common that
w0 r'nldn't cover it all in one

March 1-April 4
First Floor
T-F 10-6, S, S 12-6

ally wanted to keep my
Ilife away from medicine.
a couple of months of be-
tuck in atrut, I realized
s going to have to do
thing besides the usual
- running around to all

A portion of BAITS HOUSING and EAST QUADRANGLE will be open
for occupancy during the Spring-Summer Term. Applications will be
accepted in the Housing Information Office, 1011 Student Activities
Building, beginning March 31, 1976. Students desiring housing for the
Fall and Winter Term need only to complete the Fall-Winter portion
of the Application.
Sprinq-Simmer Term
May 2-August 211
(due in two equal Sprinq Half Term Summer Half Term
oavments on May 31 May 2-June 26 June 27-August 21
andJune 30) (due May31) ( (dueJulv 31 )
EAST QUAD (room and board-not air conditioned)
SINGLE $806.97 $399.85 $407.12
DOUBLE 721.50 357.50 364.00
BAITS HOUSES (room only-not air conditioned)
SINGLE $379.62 $188.10 $191.52
DOUBLE $295.26 146.30 148.96
DOUBLE SUITE 366.30 181.50 184.80
Sing'e 366.30 181.50 184.80
Double 350.76 173.80 176.96
BAITS HOUSES (room only-air conditioned)
SINGLE $459.54 $227.70 $231.84
DOUBLE 375.18 185.90 189.28
DOUBLE SUITE 446,22 221.10 225.12
Single 446.22 221.10 225.12
Double 430.68 213.40 217.28
Several FRATERNITIES and SORORITIES will be openI
for occupancy during the Spring-;Summer Terms. Ac-
commodations available include:
Co-ed, male or female residences.
Singe and double rooms at costs of $45.00 to $75.00/month.

LIFEWORK presents:
Gestalt Approach
To Men's Issues-
Weekend Workshop
APRIL 2-4--$30
668-8882 OR 995-0088

tellectually interesting. I'll pro- T IKE THE others, Joanne is
bably call some of them up A4 o'ick to set herself apart
again, butt I'm sure that a re- °"'n the ranks of societal cast-
lationshi twon't result." ofotursn tino the classifieds
Although he failed to meet the in desperation. And there
right woman, Loren's ad spawn- seems little reason to doubt her
ed one very positive result. "In storv. Tall and thin with wide
a way, it was a disappointing blue eves, she punctuates her
experience, but it did have one enth"siastic ramblings on life
fantastic aspect. I talked to and love with infectious laugh-
tons of people and it broke ter. She says she advertised on
me out of a rut and pushed me an imnulse - "st to do some-
right out into the mainstream thing wacky" - and maintains
again. It accelerated a process that her new boyfriend was
which might otherwise have tak- looking for a place to live and
en months." just happened to glance at the
Not all those who advertised personals column for "snicks."
t Joanne, like Loren, is among
in the personals were unsuc- the group of people who turn to
Sthe classifieds to break out of
t lithe doldrums - to meet some-
INIlR/SITY Inna that th. might not h a



8:00 p.m. March 19 and 20
3:00 p.m. March 21
Reserved Seats at $4, 3, 2
Presented by the University of
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one ta itney migt no nave
otherwise encountered. Unlike
Morry and Randall, they have
had long-term relationships in
the past and it is clear that
some feeling other than desper-
ation impelled them to adver-
But despite the relative ease
and contentment of their lives,
they too suffered from a period
of loneliness and boredom and
turned to the personals column
in the hopes that someone out
there in the same frame of
mind was waiting with a ready
}"Basically," says Loren, "I
realized that I was going to
have to do something out of the

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