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March 21, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-03-21

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See Inside

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:43 a t IVI

See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 139

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, March 21, 1976

10 Cents

Eight Pages




t -
VA case
U.S. District Judge Philip Pratt dealt a setback
Friday to government prosecutors' attempts to get
a sworn statement from a key witness to the
alleged murders at Ann Arbor's Veterans' Adminis-
>tration Hospital last summer. Assistant U.S. At-
torney Richard Delonis had asked for permission
to get a sworn statement from a terminal cancer
patient, Richard Neely, but Pratt ruled that Neely
must undergo a thorough physical examination by a
court-appointed physician to show genuine danger
of imminent death that would deprive the govern-
ment of his testimony. An attorney for the prime
suspects in the case,twonurses, argued that the
sworn statement violated their constitutional rights
because they have not yet been charged with any
crime. "They would be held up to accusations and
public ridicule without specific charges," he said.
... are not particularly plentiful either today or
tomorrow. Today's events kick off with a program
on "Transition to Worker's Control," sponsored by
the People for Self-Management at 2 p.m. in the
Union's Rm. 3209 . . . The University Reformed
Church's month-long arts festival opens at 4 p.m.
with a choral performance featuring the works of
Mozart . . . Rabbi Joel Poupko will speak on "The
Jewish-Christian Encounter at Auschwitz" at 8 p.m.
at Canterbury House, corner of Catherine and
Division . . . the Southern African Liberation Com-
mittee sponsors the film "Last Grave in Dimbaza"
at 8 at St. Andrew's Church, 306 N. Division .
Monday offers a meeting on "Magazine Writing
and Management" with Women in Communications,
at 7:30 p.m., 1420 Granger . . . and the Center for
Japanese Studies offers Ichikawa's "Odd Obses-
sion" at 8 p.m. in MLB Aud. 3.
On the inside ...
What kind of a -person advertises for a lover in
the "Personals" section of a newspaper? Sunday
Magazine Editor Cheryl Pilate profiles the covert
companions from a series of interviews . . . and
our Sports staff analyzes various and sundry facets
of Michigan's basketball triumph over. Missouri.
On the outside .. .
Cold air behind an arctic cold front will cause
winter-like weather today. Temperatures will stay
in the 30's most of the day and there may even be
some light snow or flurries. Highs today will be
35-40, lows tonight will be 19-24. Monday will see
considerable sunshine but it will remain on the
cold side.

at jury's
ricia Hearst's defense attorney
said yesterday the newspaper
heiress had "wondered if she
ever had a chance" at acquit-
F. Lee Bailey sat puffing on
a cigarette as he faced report-
ers with fellow defense lawyer
Albert J o h n s o n following
Hearst's conviction on a federal
bank robbery charge.
"SHE WAS quite disappoint-
ed," Bailey said of Hearst's re-
action. "She wondered if she
ever had a chance . . . I'm sur-
prised at the combination of a
quick verdict and a guilty ver-
Asked if there was anything
he would like to have done dif-
ferently, Bailey said, "I can't
think of anything offhand."
He said Hearst was hurt most
by some of the judge's rulings
to allow admission of certain
documents and testimony about
her "missing year," especially
the time spent in Sacramento
during the last year of her 19
months underground.
"I CAN'T think of anything
that hurt her more than having
to take the 5th Amendment and
certain documents including a
list of banks and . . . instruc-
tions on how to make bombs
.. . " he said..





By AP and Reuter
Patricia Hearst was found guilty yesterday on two
counts of bank robbery, ending one of the most dramatic
criminal trials of the century.
The 22-year-old heiress to the Hearst newspaper
fortune could be sentenced to up to 35 years in prison.
A SEVEN-WOMAN, five-man jury filed back into court after
only 12 hours of deliberation, spread over two days, to deliver
the verdict.
It showed they had not believed her story of being forced under
threat of death to take part in a bank robbery by her Symbionese
Liberation Army kidnappers.
The heiress listened impassively as the verdict was read in
a hushed courtroom. Her sisters wept, but Hearst remained dry-
Until February 4, 1974, Patty Hearst was simply a wealthy
college student living with her boyfriend in a Berkeley apart-
ment. On that day, however, she became the focus of public
attention when the terrorist Symbionese Liberation Army kid-
napped her. For more than a year she eluded the police.
In what may be the concluding chapter of this drama, the
jury found her guilty. Former Daily Photographer David
Margolick attended the court proceedings for sveral days. His
impressionistic account of the trial appears in the Sunday
Magazine on Page 3.
"OH, MY GOD," gasped Catherine Hearst, who had begged
so often for her daughter's return from the terrorist underground
and took the stand to defend her as "a warm and loving girl."
F. Lee Bailey, the famed criminal attorney who designed an
elaborate and expensive defense for the 22-year-old Hearst, went
white with shock as the court clerk read calmly the word "guilty."
Bailey told reporters: "We are not too thrilled about it," and said
he would appeal the conviction.
HEARST TESTIFIED that she was flung in a tiny closet blind-
folded by her kidnappers, kept there for 57 days, sexually assaulted
See HEARST, Page 2

AP Photo
PATTY HEARST is escorted by deputy U.S. Mar shall Janey Jimenez as they arrive at the federal
building in San Francisco yesterday morning.



From Wire and Staff Reports
Tornadoes, spawned by a line of severe storms sweep-
ing the Midwest, tore through southern Michigan yester-
day causing widespread d a m a g e and at least two
reported deaths.
In West Bloomfield, one tornado chewed through residential
areas, businesses and two shopping malls. Two persons there were
reported to have been killed in their car when the twister struck.
Old Orchard Mall and Old Orchard Shopping Center were ex-
tensively damaged while early evening shoppers remained trapped
EMERGENCY medical treatment was being offered at Dom-
browski Field House and at Abbot Middle School.
Area hospitals have reported at least 25 injuries. In addition,
many looting instances were reported in the area.
Black ma ority rule
rejected b mt


ravage soui
The one tornado which ripped through a section of West Bloom-
field cut a four mile swath along Maple Road.
ALONG ITS PATH, residential areas lost power and water.
Electrical lines were down across major roads, while homes and
public buildings suffered extensive damage.
"We've got people trapped all over the place, and it's a real
mess," a West Bloomfield police spokesperson said. "We've got
ambulances helping in at least five directions to at least five
Hardest hit was the intersection of Maple and Orchard Lake
roads, where Old Orchard and Orchard Malls suffered extensive
A NEARBY gas station was levelled and a sign was lying
across the intersection. One car was wrapped in power lines.

At the emergency command center, situated in the Orchard
Mall, fire, police, Red Cross, and Salvation Army workers han-
dled the transportation of victims to hospitals and the emergency
Two school bus drivers, Kay Lowen and Priscilla LeClair, were
pressed into service. "My husband is a West Bloomfield fireman,"
said Lowen. "I haven't seen him for hours."
One resident, a Michigan State University student named
Jeff Marks, was at the Orchard Lake and Maple intersection
when the tornado touched down.
"WE WERE in the back seat, and then we heard a huge
boom," he said. "I held Marty's head down (his girlfriend) and
then ducked.
"There were windows breaking, the car hood came up over
the top, and the Marathon sign crashed into us. The tornado
pulled the car 50 or 60 feet and turned it around."
Clean-up and rescue efforts were hampered by the downpour,
downed power lines, and darkness.
FOUR PERSONS in the Marathon station escaped serious
injury and one was taken to an emergency treatment center.
Tom French, who works at the K.K. Texaco gas station in
Orchard Lake, drove a wrecker to the intersection. One car con-
tained a fatality and French pulled injured persons out of over-
turned cars.
Among other buildings destroyed at the intersection were the
Bell Tire Co., the Ponderosa Steak House and the Big Boy Res-
taurant. Farmer Jack's supermarket also suffered damage.
ONE WOMAN near the intersection reported that her car was
carried several hundred feet before being slammed to the ground
by the funnel. She was not injured, however.
No funnel clouds were sighted in Ann Arbor, but all of Wash-
tenaw County was placed under a precautionary tornado watch
until 9 p.m. last night. A spokesperson for the fire department
said that the nearest tornado reported was more than 50 miles
But tornadoes were confirmed near Marshall, Stevensville
and St. Joseph, White Cloud, Lennon, Charlotte and Onadaga.
OTHER REPORTS of high wind damage in the southern and
central sections of Lower Michigan listed a trailer home destroyed
at Goodrich, a plate glass window blown out in Flint and a barn
destroyed in Elba Township of Lapeer County. Winds topped 70
miles per hour in Grand Rapids.
Numerous other counties were covered by either severe thun-
derstorm or tornado watches starting midafternoon yesterday.
The National Weather Service said the cause of the violent
weather was a cold front that overrode warm, moist air from the
(Gulf of Mexico that had held temperatures at near record levels
Friday and Saturday.
IN KILBOURNE. La., a tornado demolished the general store,

SALISBURY, Rhodesia 'P) -
Prime Minister Ian Smith vow-
ed yesterday to reject black
majority rule in Rhodesia but
said he would accept a govern-
ment with both blacks a n d
whites working together.
"I don't believe in b l a c k
majority rule ever in Rhodesia
- not in a thousand years," he
said. "I believe in blacks and
whites working together. If one
day its whites and the next it is
blacks I believe we will have
failed and I believe it will be a
disaster in Rhodesia."
HE SPOKE at a news con-
ference after Friday's collapse
of talks on a new constitution
with black nationalist I e a d e r
Joshua Nkomo.
Smith accused Britain of con-
tributing to the failure of the
negotiations because of its "one-
sided" approach. Britain c o n -
siders itself to be the legal ruler
of Rhodesia despite Smith's
unilateral declaration of inde-
pendence for the colony in 1965.

one year and charged that
Smith's plan would keep pow-
er with the 274,000 whites for
10 or 15 years.
Smith said his government
would bring in blacks and that
Rhodesians would have to ex-
pect.in the future to be govern-
ed by blacks and whites.
Smith urged the British gov-
ernment "to come in now, of-
ficially through the front door,
and accept responsibility t h e y
claim they have. We see this as
the only way to remedv the
damage which has been done."
The British, he said, "have
now put themselves in a posi-
tion where it is impossible for
them to keep out of the issue."
SflTnTTi went so far as to sivy
ho wo"+d r-'nomnn-e the dPclara-
tion of indenendence "if it is
npcessarx- in the interest of Rho-
d(sia " SH was asked if he
w''ld . tt1nd a British-snonsor-
ed constitvtional confnrence ont-
side R h o d e s i a and replied,
"I am always amenable to rea-

-saml m . . x.ar. a:

saw, ''

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