See Editorial Page
4fttA& C Yi
See Today for details
Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 88
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 13, 1976
10 Cents
Eight Pages
Concert note
Some months ago, The Daily reported in this
column that musician Carole King would make an
appearance on campus. Soon after that announce-
ment-was made, however, negotiations fell through
and King never performed. Well, we can now say
that she will definitely be at Hill Auditorium for
two concerts: one on Jan. 26 and the other on
Jan. 27. Ticket prices will vary from $4 to $6
and will be strictly mail order only. For more
details, check tomorrow's Daily for a UAC ad-
vertisement. A worI of caution: no mail orders
will be accepted prior to Wednesday, Jan. 14.
Remember, you heard it here first.
Better dead than Red
State officials announced yesterday that the so-
called Red Squad, an arm of the State Police begun
in the 1950's to collect information on alleged sub-
versives, will be. disbandedgashthe result of a law-
suit filed by the Human Rights Party. The state"
attorney general's office also agrees with the
party's contention that laws under which the squad
was formed and operated are unconstitutional.
What will become of the more than 50,000 files the
unit complied remains unclear.
Dope contest
One of the state's alternative newspapers, The
Sun, is holding their Second Annual Win a Pound
of Colombian marijuana contest. To enter, all
one must do is fill nut the entry form in a copy
of the Sun and mail it. Sun Publisher David Fen-
ton assures all those who enter that the winner's
name will remain confidential and says that the
prize is "of high quality, costing, about $450."
Other prizes will be awarded, including Earth
Shoes, a lifetime supply of rolling papers and
passes to movie theatres.
Happenings ...
..today are largely academic. The Reading
and Learning Skills Center is offering classes in
speed reading, self management, academic skills
and writing fundamentals for University staff and
students; for additional info call 764-9481 . . . the
Astronomical F i Im Festival will s h o w several'
films with a lecture in MLB Aud 3 at 8 p.m.. .
Rudolph Pohl, an academic consultant in the area
of early childhood education, will speak at Tappan
Jr. High tonight at 7:30 . . . if you're going to
Europe, the International Center and the Res. Col-
lege are sponsoring a program at 7:30; call 764-
9198 for the details . . . the University's Program
for Educational Opportunity is sponsoring a con-
ference on sexism in education; call 763-9910 for
more information . . . the women's IM basketball
clinic will be held in the Sports Coliseum at 7 .. .
and the IM Bldg. will be the scene of marital arts
demonstrations at 4:30.
Professor Nixon?
It seems that it's going to take more than
resignation without honor to kick the only living
ex-president. Students at Stanford University have
invited Richard Nixon and radical Angela Davis to
accept a guest professorship this spring. Neither
Nixon nor Davis have responded to the offer, but
an old crony of Nixon's says he has already turned
down several lucrative speaking engagements and
a desire to re-enter the political arena and will,
instead, concentrate on his memoirs.
Puppy love
/ Everyone's heard of great expectations, but
there is apparently no limit. Queen Elizabeth's 11-
year-old son, Prince Edward, has received a mar-
riage* proposal. Alison Findlay, 9, a commoner,
says she is in love with the prince and wants des-
perately to marry him. "When we are older, will
you marry me so that I can come and live in the
palace?" she wrote the sandy-haired prince. But
to no one's surprise, a spokesperson at Buckingham
Palace said Edward and .the other royal children
get many love letters, and all are answered by
a lady-in-waiting. And Alison will hear from the
palace shortly.
High lawi
As if they have nothing better to do, the Supreme
Court yesterday agreed to decide whether a state
may let women buy beer when they turn 18 while
making males wait until they turn 21. A special
three-judge panel in Oklahoma upheld a state law
to that effect on grounds that research data in-
dicates more beer is consumed by males than by
females in the 18-20 age group, there are more
vehicle injuries to males and these injuries relate
to alcohol use.
On the inside...
. . . include a review of the Detroit Symphony
by Arts Editor David Blomquist . . . the Editorial
Page features an interview of James Earl Ray
. . . and Sports has complete coverage of last
night's basketball game.
By AP and Reuter
WALLINGFORD, England - Agatha Christie,
England's master of mystery fiction and creator
of the famed Belgian sleuth Hercule Poirot, died
yesterday. She was 85.
Her recipe for crime was .invariably the
genteel setting of a middle or upper class English
home, a murder and the clever unravelling of a
web of intrigue.
DESPITE NEW fashions in crime fiction-with
more violence and antiheroes-her popularity
endured for more than half a century into the
hijacking-and-hostage era of the 1970s.
Dame Agatha's death at her home 55 miles
west of London was announced by her personal
physician, Dr. Gordon Mitchelmore, and her
publisher, William Collins.,
"She had not been in good health for the last
month or two. She was failing," said her literary
agent in London, Hughes Massie Ltd.
IN A 56-YEAR career, Dame Agatha wrote 85
crime novels and 17 plays and was translated into
103 languages. Her books sold more than 350
million copies, her publishers estimated, making
her one of the two best-selling authors inhistory.
Only Georges Simenon, the Belgian mystery
writer now living in the United States, matched
her in over-all sales, according to the Guinness
Book of World Records.
Describing her craft, she once said: "What is
difficult is having a very clear way of murdering
Shortly after publishing her 80th book, in 1971,
she was made a Dame Commander of the,
British Empire--the female equivalent of a
Her most famous creatiorn was a little Belgian
detective, Hercule Poirot, who with his egg-
shaped head, impressive moustache and general
brilliance became one of the most popular fiction
detectives since Sherlock Holmes.
several publishers.
First suggested to Christie by Belgain refugees
she nursed during the war, the dapper little
detective was to reappear in dozens of her novels
and short stories.
But in 1975, Poirot met his end when Dame
Agatha decided to publish a novel written 30
years earlier,
IN "CURTAIN, Poirot's Last Case," originally
intended for publication after the author's death,
a lifetime's devotion to rich meals, Russian
cigarettes and thick chocolate catches up on the
detective and he dies of a heart attack.
Her play, "The Mousetrap," a mystery set in
an English country house, is the longest running
play in the world. Its 9,612th performance went
on as usual at London's St. Martin's Theater last
night, but lights were to be dimmed in honor of
the writer.
~ .N-
Israel condemned as
Zonist racist state
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (Ml - The United Nations
Security Council, disregarding objections from the U.S.,
yesterday voted to invite the Palestine Liberation Organ-
ization (PLO) to participate in debates on the Middle
East by an 11-1 vote. The vote allows the PLO to partici-
pate in the debate with the same rights as U. N. mem-
U. S. Ambassador Daniel Moynihan voted against,
while Britain, France and Italy abstained in the 15-mem-
ber council.
Later, last night, as the debate began the PLO called Israel a
"Zionist, racist state"
PLO spokesman Farouk Kaddourii said his organization would
continue its military and po-
litical struggle to establish, a
Palestinian state. He called on
the council to adopt "an effec-
tiie resolltion" offering Pales-
tinians "a path to return to
their homeland."
KAfnnOUMI charged that the
United States is a "s'istainer of
the continitd eer'sion and
e-nnnsion of Tsrael." Tsrael's
d-cision to boycott the debate
h*".iie of the PLO presence,
h' sad, wat an effort "to fr"s-
trate the will of this council."
Daiv Photo by STEVE KAGAN
Turbo power
This Chrysler turbine car is one of 250 cars on display at the Detroit Auto show, which runs until next Sunday. This is the 60th
year for the auto show, which is the oldest such event in the world.
Rent st r1e nterS mediation
Tn an obvious reference
recent General Assembly
lution equating Zionism
racism, Kaddoumi said:
to a
The-Ann Arbor Tenants Union
(AATU) enters rent strike me-
diation talks today with Sunrise
Management, confident it can
win suitable settlements for the
striking Sunrise tenants.
Today's discussion will focus
on what kind of format media-
tion will take.
LAST WEEK, the 15th District
Court ordered the dispute be
turned over to University 'Medi-
ation, one of landlord Dewey
Black's requests,
However, members of the ten-
ants union insist the ruling will
not harm their position in rela-
tion to the strike.
"Things are going along the
way they should in court-we
have a jury trial and we've paid
our fees," said Jonathan Rose,
legal aid laiyer representing
the AATU.
ABOUT 50 households have
been withholding rent from Sun-
rise Management since Decem-
ber in protest of allegedly shod-
dy living conditions. The strik-
ing tenants claim Sunrise, for-
nierly Trony Associates, has not
provided adequate maintenance
and security measures.
The tenants union feels a jury
trial would be a more equitable
way to resolve the case since
legal counsel is banned from
mediation. H o w e v e r, AATU
members concede that media-
tion has advantages because it
is quick and inexpensive.
The AATU was opposed to
Black's, request for mediation
since it feels that jury trials
tend to be more favorable to-
ward tenants in this type of dis-
IF THE UNION is not pleased
with the mediation results, it
plans to take the case to court.
The district c o u r t accepted
AATU's request not to take a
recommendation from mediation
if the sides fail to achieve a
satisfactory agreement.
"Since counsel won't be pres-
ent, we prefer the juries to
decide themselves on the basis
of evidence presented in court,"
explained Robert Miller, mem-
ber of the AATU steering com-
If mediation fails to settle the
dispute within three weeks, both
See SUNRISE, Page 8
"We're going after a
gsood settlement and
"Our struggle is not against
the Jews in Palestine but
against the Zionist movement
. . . its expansionist practices
and its aggressive intentions
which have led . . to the exile
of our people.
"WE HAVE also declared our
categorical -rejection of any al-
ternative homeland. Our peo-
ple have one homeland, Pales-
tine, and we struggle for its
Moynihan , said Kaddoumi's
"adamant speech . .". doesn't
seem to recognize the existnce
of Israel."
After the Libyan ambassa-
dor spoke in support of the
PLO, the council adjourned un-
until 3 p.m. EST today.
bombs were found in a subway
tunnel beneath the U. N. Li-
See PLO, Page 8
CDU wins
in clerical
University clericals gave the
C I e r i c a 1 s for a Democratic
Union (CDU) an overwhelming
majority of executive offices in
last week's election, according
to results certified early Sunday
The CDU captured seven top
positions--some by slim mar-
gins, which will probably be con-
tested by their opponents, the
Unity Caucus.
anne Jensen, both CDU mem-
bers, were elected local presi-
dent and bargaining committee
chairperson by margins of one
vote. Because of the closeness
of the contest, the Unity Caucus
will probably ask for a recount.
A complicating factor is the
status of 86 uncounted chal-
lenged ballots, which could alter
the results of the election.
Although an election commit-
tee member refused to comment
on the nature of the challenged
ballots, pro-CDU sources claim-
ed that they were - overwhelm-
ingly for the CDU, having been
challenged by the Unity Caucus.
See CDU, Page 2
gear'i g
tori .'
up for
-ran AArTU
Cheating taken too
lightlymmLSA faculty
University students caught cheating on examinations, plagiar-
izing, and fabricating research get off too lightly, according to
literary college (LSA) faculty members at yesterday's monthly
The faculty reacted negatively to a report from the college's
Sharp-eyed salesmen
victimnize 'the sheep'
Associated Press Writer
August, 1971, a hot summer night in Gigi's bar in East Phoe-
nix, Ariz. John Peterson is there when a stranger taps him on
the shoulder. He wants to transact some business in a car in the
parking lot in the rear.
The stranger produces a stack of blank real estate contracts,
each stipulating that the signer has purchased a piece of land on
time and agrees to fixed monthly payments for several years.
Peterson's signature is worth $10 on each contract he signs. Noth-
ing to worry about, says the stranger. Nobody expects him to
make any payments, Peterson later testifies. The stranger's com-