Iph Si itMan Daitil Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Laser weapons and the arms race Saturday, March 20, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan By ROBERT WAITE (TNS) - Even as the United States and the Soviet Union prepare for the next round of the SALT II talks later this spring, both powers are intensi- fying research that could lead to a new and destabilizing race for superiority in laser weapon- ry. Despite Defense Department attempts to keep the U.S. laser weapons program secret, suf- ficient information has surfaced to indicate a major effort to keep this nation abreast of the Soviet Union - including re- search on laser beams powerful enough to knock out incoming missiles. The Pentagon received $171 million for fiscal 1976 for its high energy laser research pro- gram - bringing total expendi- tures to roughly $1 billion and doubling the funding level of three years ago. It plans to decide by 1978 which laser weap- ons to begin producing. NO FIGURES on laser re- search were included in the Defense Department's fiscal 1977 budget, arousing the suspicion of several congressmen. Les As- pin (D-Wisc.), a prominent member of the House Armed Services Committee, has re- quested more information on laser research before Congress votes on the defense budget. Funding for the Soviet laser program, according to the Pen- tagon and "Janes Weapons Systems," the authoritative British military journal, is high- er than that of the U.S. pro- gram. The U.S. is now testing at least six different laser weap- ons. * The Air Force is outfitting a Boeing KC-135 with two dif- ferent lasers, one for tracking enemy missiles, the other for hitting them with a beam of radiation so hot it would theoretically "cook" their elec- tronic circuitry. According to a Pentagon source, however, the system looks like it may be more effec- tive against U.S. missiles than their Soviet counterparts. Perhaps the most bizarre re- search - and the most potenti- ally destabilizing, in terms of the strategic arms race-involv- es methods for destroying in- telligence or "spy" satellites, something specifically banned by the SALT agreement signed in Helsinki. 'Despite the denial (that the blinding of an American satellite had anything to do with laser weapons), tinued and the laser longer seccret.' speculation has con- weapons race is no :".:.: r.....::t.t,,.a:+ { r r " : ,,;:s:.s l. 5i.a '':,tSr{r:'';. .,: . ::": r"d:v.eY .s : ..-,. 4. . . . . . . ....". . 9 A LASER-MOUNTED tank, hoped to be capable of knock- ing out incoming missiles and enemy aircraft, is going through trials at the Redstone Arsenal in Alabama and the White Sands Proving Grounds in New Mexi- co. The anti-missile laser would work on the same principle as the aircraft-based laser; the anti-aircraft laser would shatter the cockpit canopy of enemy planes. " The Navy has made efforts to develop a laser weapon for shipboard mounting, to be used against other ships, planes and missiles, but hopes have been dampened because lasers are largely ineffective in humid or foggy environments. * Research contracts have also been awarded for work on lasers small enough to be mounted on helicopters and used by infantry troops. This includes research into "laser-beam dam- age in structural materials" - perhaps leading to use against enemy tanks and other weap- ons. THE PROSPECT of using a laser weapon to knock out ene- my satellites surfaced in mid- December of last year. A source within the Pentagon leaked a story indicating that an Ameri- can intelligence satellite had been "illuminated" five times by strong infrared radiation from the western U.S.S.R. The story surfaced only two weeks after a warning in the highly respected trade magazine "Aviation Week," stating that "The U.S.S.R. has conducted numerous experiments with 'kil- ler-satellites,' demonstrating the ability to disable another space- craft." It warned that "the U.S. some day may discover that its early warning satellites, military com- munications and navigation sat- ellites and photo-reconnaissance spacecraft are extremely vul- nerable." Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld quickly called a news conference to deny the "illum- inated" satellite story, though he conceded that an American satellite had been blinded. A source within the Defense De- partment later leaked informa- tion indicating the illumination had been caused by a Soviet natural gas pipeline which had ruptured and burst into flame. DESPITE THE DENIAL, how- aver, speculation has continued and the laser weapon race is no longer secret. Peter Sch- wartz, a Stanford Research In- stitute research analyst who has been monitoring laser research developments for more than two years, notes that last December the Defense Department pub- lished specifications for con- tract bids on a defensive sys- tem against high energy lasers. "That indicated two things," he says. "We probably have an offensive system already, and the Soviets either have one or soon will." Schwartz represents a grow- ing body of opinion inside and outside the government which holds that the escalating costs and potential dangers of laser weaponry should be openly dis- cussed. He wants to see "multi- lateral discussions with the U.S.S.R. and other nations which have the scientific ca- pacity to develop the laser as a weapon ... to be able to head off the military applications." But the man primarily respon- sible for the invention of the laser, Dr. Charles H. Townes of the University of California- Berkeley, believes Schwartz overstates the dangers. The win- ner of the 1964 Nobel Prize in Physics, Townes believes the high cost of laser weaponry will ultimately limit its use. "LIGHT BEAMS can be made powerful enough to hurt peo- ple," he says, "but I don't think they are very effective weap- ons ... the pistol is much cheap- Rumsfeld er, for instance." As far as developing a laser anti-ballistic missile system, Townes said, "If one could shoot down missiles with it, I'd be generally in favor of it. I would very much like to see a time when defensive weapons have the edge over offensive weap- ons ... We could then call it a 'life ray' rather than a 'death ray.' Concern over the laser weap- ons program is mounting even within the Pentagon, where most officials remain only cautiously optimistic. "The crucial question is whether or not lasers can com- pete against more conventional weapons in terms of cost-effec- tiveness," says one Defense De- partment official. "If they can's - and I personally don't think they can - we will be out over one billion dollars with very lit- tle to show for it." l never lose a primary.. ; or an election!' 'Snuff': On-screen slaying deifies death Wilson: A good man gone BRITAIN'S Prime Minister Harold Wilson recently announced his plans to resign from office after his unsuccessful eight year battle to as- sauge the country's economic woes. Wilson's failure to alleviate Brit- ain's runaway inflation and massive unemployment during his tenure as Prime Minister cannot be attributed to lack of effort or imagination. As head of the liberal Labour Party, Wil- son struggled to implement progres- sive social programs. The Labour Party has pressed for more government intervention in the economy, especially in the form of nationalization of industry. RUT WILSON'S desire to introduce sweeping reforms in the face of an economic decline inherited from his political predecessor had to be tempered by political realities. Although Britain's economic plight makes our recent recession look like a picnic -- at 25 per cent their infla- tion rate is highest among all Wes- tern nations - Wilson and his Lab- our Party must be commended for nationalization on a broad scale. Na- tionalization may not have been TODAY'S STAFF: News: Susan Ades, Phil Foley, J a y Levin, George Lobsenz, Jeff Ris- tine, Bill Turque, David Writing Editorial Page: Marc Basson, Stephen Hersh, Stephen Kursmon Arts Page: David Blomquist Photo Technician: Alan Bilinsky overly effective in stimulating the economy, but, it does represent social progress. The economic power in- trinsic in the ownership of industry belongs in the hands of those repre- senting public, not private, interests. And Wilson's government has be- gun an inovative progra mto cope with the unwieldy industrial bureau- cracies, which represent one of t h e major problems of fnationalization. The British program centralizes de- cision-making within certain large companies. Modelling the manage- ment of these corporations after pri- vate industry, this approach should make the companies better able to compete in Britain's troubled eco- nomy. A LTHOUGH the left wing of the La- bour party has opposed cutting back on social services, Wilson has astutely recognized that there must be some lid on governmental soendinz in or- der to slow inflation, and that infla- tion is at least partly responsible for Britain's 1.25 million unemployment fisure. Wilson's resignation will probably have little effect on the economically stricken country. James Callaghan, the nation's Foreign Secretary, is ex- pected to replace the present Prime Minister. Hopefully, Callaghan will also be progressive in formulating national policy, while retaining the moderation and diplomacy necessary to keen the Labour Party united so that it can carry on with its vision of social reform. By JEFFREY SELBST WATCHING an actress ungla- morously being hacked apart was never my idea of fun. Yet an audience of some four hundred, at Detroit's Fox Theater, was apparently willing to do just that - nauseated, to be sure, possibly consuming less popcorn than they would other- wise, but watching nonetheless. Snuff is truly a film of our time. Boasting a "genuine mur- ned in all kins of intriguing plac- es. One possible explanation for Snuff is that the film is mere- ly an attempt to cash in on the sub-cult of "sick flicks" which has been flourishing for many years. Another is that S n u f f is an attempt at cinematic "art". Whichever of these ex- planations is adopted, the phil- osophical base is frightening. If the first is the case, then a~i'.?4":4:...'..;":.... ... .Ss7{:.;[."+ Jw' ::". ":.::E}tiR 1 . 7 . : ....r..: :r.;'::i{ ;:.: vi.:." :r...:.?+.. 'One possible explanation behind Snuff is that the film is merely an attempt to cash in on the sub-cult of "sick flicks" which has been flourishing for many years. Another is that Sunff is an attempt at cinematic "art." Whichever of these explanations is adopted, the philosophical base is frighten- ing.' .;..- ;.: .: ^' .{" $ w E ... Mr s} .. .............. "r...J~r:r...f_"... . .r."ri : "~.{ 'r~ ;'ri ts s :5 ,{%. S. .::g:.. . . .a".}J1 i films, he depicts a young moth-' er giving birth and biting o f f her child's umbilical cord in her teeth. In another, a crazed out- law woman chops up policemen and eats them. THIS, SO FAR, constitutes some pretty high camp. But Snuff takes itself seriously. If indeed it is the deification of death "art," then the actual murder for art's sake becomes a chilling variation on a scene from Waters' Female Trouble, where Divine brandisnes a gun to a packed nightclub audience, and bellows "Who wants to die for art?" Someone volunteers, and Divine plugs him. This is not taken seriously by the aud- ience or by Waters. But what of Snuff? There is no bloodless murder there; it is the whole unlovely business laid out at our feet, presented for the audience's consumption, with one of two bases: it is as- sumed that either the audience wants to see this degradation of humanity (and will pay for it), or that it is art. Those who conceived the film may be grossly cynical, a n d the film makes adquate com- ment on the state of their psyches. Yet the most chilling aspect is that they wouldn't have wasted footage for some- thing that wouldn't make mon- ey. And watching a woman hack- ed to death (whether it's a Contact your reps- Sen. Phillip Hart (Dem), 253 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. Sen. Robert Griffin (Rep), 353 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. Rep. Marvin Esch (Rep), 2353 Rayburn Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. real murder or not - it cer- tainly looks real) is no kind of entertainment. It is no kind of art. It is obscenity. Jeffrey Selbst is a night editor and occasional film critic for the Arts and Entertainment page. Sen. Gilbert Bursley (Rep), Senate, Lansing, Mi. 48933. Rep. Perry Bullard (Dem), House of Capitol Bldg., Lansing, Mi. 48933. State Capitol Bldg., Representatives, State '\ F~ i: ':"i;;;r:}; 7° . r , 1;. Ii:Ss:.. .y.":.i:"{. wY . {.vvy"vv:y;{ der" on screen, the film h a s been the subject of a massive publicity hype in the past few weeks. Releases, whose s o1 e intent was to stir interest in this sordid piece, have hinted a) that the actress was really alive and living in New York City, b) that she was murdered, c) that the film was made "somewhere" in South America "as it could have only been made there", a n d d) that the film has been ban- it clearly indicates that a film producer feels relatively certain the American public can be ex- pected to pay to see a gut-curd- ling display of twisted violence. As for Snuff as art, let's look at the film's spiritual predeces- sors: John Waters and the Di- vine series - Pink Flamingoes, Female Trouble, and the 1 i k e. Waters attempts a film art bas- ed on the utilization of cinema- tic Bad Taste. In one of his Happenings .. . Letters to the Daily Cambodia To The Daily: THIS IS IN reply to M. Lu- ther's letter of the 14th, con- cerning "U.S. air attacks" against Cambodia. M. Luther shows surprising naivete and gullibility in accepting the Cam- bodian version of the incident. So, let's look at the facts: The Cambodians claimed that three U.S. F-111s attacked Siem Reap. The truth is, the nearest F-111s are in South Korea, thous- ands of miles away. For that matter, there weren't even any U.S. planes in the area, period. Also, it is known that the Cam- bodians are having trouble with rebels in the countryside, fight- ing against the new communist government. It is only natural that they would keep face and not admit that they were hav- ing troubles internally, a n d blame everything on America. The logic of the attack is tot- ally ridiculous. U.S. p 1 a n e s would never attack in such small numbers against only one, small insignificant target. It just doesn't fit. The U.S. has no rea- son to attck Cambodia anyway. AS FOR lies, the communists are experts. They are as bad. if Graham To The Daily: PERMIT ME to provide Tom Stevens with one example of what Billy Graham's ministry is all about. A few years back Bil- ly Graham was preaching in New York City at a crusade meeting. The president of Ray- theon Company (the youngest president ever of that corpora- tion) attended one of Graham's preaching sessions and c a m e under conviction of God's Holy Spirit. He made a decision to place his life in the hands of Jesus Christ and was converted. This man also happened to be a friend of Charles Colson, one of former President Nixon's lieutenants. Colson had also about the same time started to come under conviction by the power of the Holy Spirit and the chance he discovered in his friend from Raytheon deeply im- pressed him. Colson later be- came a Christian and began a prison ministry while serving a seventh month term in a Federal correctional center. He is con- tinuing this ministry and numer- ous lives have already been strongly influenced as a result. (Continued from Page 3) art, film or the concept of suc- cess in America.***** Blazing Saddles -(Ann Arbor Film Co-op, Ang. Aud. A., 7, 8:45 & 10:30) - Western satire that established Mel Brooks' ability to appeal to a mass aud- ience. Thematically, the film doesn't exhibit any appreciable artistic progress from Brooks' Get Smart scripts, but those were funny and so is this, in a low-road sort of way. Brooks will stoop to anything to get a laugh, but even his most banal efforts seem to w o r kkk banal efforts seem to w o r k pretty humorously here - al- though Saddles' final, frenzied climax falls thuddingly flat.**** The Harder They Come - (New World, Nat. Sci. Aud., 7 & 9:15) - Jamaican Reggae singer-turned-criminal becomes a sort of folk hero to his fel- Bonnie and Clyde-ish plot is low countrymen. The film's Bonnie and Clyde-ish plot is pretty warmed-over stuff, b u t the music and visual atmos- phere are so infectious that they tend to obliterate a n y thematic shortcomings that may exist.*** Emmanuelle - (Matrix, 7 & 9:30) - See Wednesday Cin- ema. BARS Heidelberg Rathskeller - Mustard's Retreat, folk, 9, no cover. Chances Are - Shooter, rock, 9, $1 to $1.50. Golden Falcon - Melodioso, iazz. 9:30, $1. friday CINEMA King of Hearts - (Ann Arbor Film Co-op, MLB 4, 7 only) - Say, I'll bet Alan Bates wins again this week.*** The Charge of the Light Bri- gade - (Ann Arbor Film Co- op, MLB 4, 9 only) - Tony Richardson's dramatic approxi- mation of the historical events precipitating the suicidal cav- alry charge immortalized by Tennyson. Richardson zeroes in on the priggish buffoonery of the military higher-ups leading to thefamous blunder, and per- haps lays on the irony just a bit thick. But the film is vis- ually exciting, and benefits from solid performances by Trevor Howard, John Gielgud and especially David Hemmings as the ill-starred officer w h o, sounded the charge.*** The Three Musketeers -(Ann Arbor Film Co-op, MLB, 3, 7 & 9) - See Saturday Cinema. Juliet of the Spirits - (Ann Arbor Film Co-op, Ang. Aud. A., 7 only) - Neo psychedelic study of a woman's fantasies revolving around the ongoing disintegration of her marriage. Fellini's first color film; he seems uncomfortable with it, perhaps sensing a requirement to pile in as many variations as possible on his new-found ele- ment. The result is a surreal- low-key Amarcord.*** Flesh Gordon - (Matrix, 7 & 9:30) - See Saturday Cin- ema. The Wizard of Oz - (Cinema Guild, Arch. Aud., 7 & 9:05) - What can one add to a film that every kid from four to ninety knows by heart already? Here's your chance to see it in large screen - the one thing TV can't match.**** The Chiminal Code - (L a w School Films, 100 Hutchins Hall, 7 & 9:05) - Very early How- ard Hawks film, unseen and un- heard of by this critic. The Great Waldo Pepper - (Mediatrics, Nat. Sci. Aud., 7:30 & 9:30) - Robert Re d- ford stars in George Roy Hill's concocted malemacho fantasy. Say, did I ever tell you about me and this German fella in the war? I wonder what's be- come of him . . . slick and ter- rible.* Emmanuelle - (Matrix, 7 &'9:30) - See Wednesday Cin- ema. BARS Mr. Flood's Party - Silver- tones, blues, 9:30, $1. Golden Falcon - Melodioso, jazz, 9:30, $1. Chances Are - Shooter, rock, 8, $2 to $2.50. Blind Pig - Aldaberan, jazz, 9:30, $1. Lomq Linda - JB & Com- pany. 9:30, no cover. Ark - Martin, Bagen, a n d Armstrong, folk, 9, $2.50. Bimbo's - Gaslighters, rag- time sing-along, 6 - 1:30, 50c after 8. N A&3~ ~ 4r00