& Mi igBally Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Ml 48104 Carter victories: Just peanuts Friday, March 19, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Dems: Carter or confusion THE ILLINOIS presidential primary has again singled out Jimmy Carter, the once obscure Georgian governor, as leader of the Democratic pack. Carter's successful delegate c a m - paign, in a state dominated by ma- chine politics, means that he could score as well in other northern in- dustrial states and win a first ballot nomination at the convention. But the power of the old guard is still a thing to be reckoned with, as Chicago's Mayor Richard Daley de- monstrated. The 'Boss' still raked in a controlling number of Illinois dele- gates. It's a well known fact that Carter is not Daley's or other such old guard members' first choice for the nomi- nation. 4 ND WHEN the forces finally do clash at the convention, almost anything might happen. Carter has indicated that he might settle for the number two spot on the ticket rather than return to his peanut farm in Georgia as a private citizen. Old pros like Daley are muttering about Humphrey or Jackson. The Demo- cratic committee chairman, is desper- ately putting together a political bar- gaining team to help resolve the ex- pected chaos. But unless Morris Udall of Ari- zona, can pull a win in Wisconsin, the liberal wing of the party may have less influence than George Wal- lace over the outcome of the conven- tion. It will simply be a confrontation between the new, and old guard mod- erates - Carter versus the likes of Humphrey or Jackson, - and what kind of choice is that? By STEPHEN B. SELBST THE BOYS on the Bus have digested the Illinois pri- mary andsconcluded that Jim- my Carter, the most famous peanut farmer since George Washington Carver, is now the front-runner for the Democratic nomination. The basis for that almost un- animous conclusion comes from Carter's string of primary vic- tories in such diverse states as N. Hampshire, Florida, Illinois. But it's time to blow up the bus those journalists are riding on and explode the myth of Car- ter's invincibility through p r i- maries. These primary wins are less convincing, viewed separately, than they are as an aggregate. For in every primary Carter has taken, some major candidate or bloc of candidates has been mis- sing, and in Massachuse'ts, the only race where the entire De- mocratic pack was entered, Car- ter finished a distant fourth. IN N. Hampshire, for example, what Carter demonstrated was that he could corner the ;noder- ate-conservative vote while the rest of the state split its votes among the liberals,^Udall, Bayh, Shriver, and Harris. In Florida, there were no lib- erals in the race. Only Car- ter. Jackson, and Wallace were really rining, and even there, Carter eked out only a narrow win. Had there been a slabstan- tial liberal field, George WAace and Scoop Jackson might not have lost many votes, bit it's argueable whether Carter would have triumnhed. The results from Illinois, too, are more illusory than genuine. Tn truth, Jimm Carter heat the alternative, the stand-in slate for RWhard Daley. The imvortant race was Mas- sachuisetts, where all the an- nonmced candidates ran, and the voters had a fair chance to con- Oider the entire spectrum of their views. There, Carter ran a weak fourth, finishing behind Jackson, Udall, and Wallace. But those who chronicle Carter as a champion have convenient- ls downplayed the Masachusetts results. candidate. That's not a fashion- able thing to say. Progressives are supposed to admire the ma- chinery of the electoral tystem, and abide faithfully by the re- suits, as revealed by that mono- lithic bearer of virtue, the peo- ple. But presupposing that the peo- ple's will, at best a slippery quantity, truly demonstrated by that maze of beauty contests we call the primary system, is as dangerously naive as believing that the model of perfect corn- netitiontaught in Econ 201 close lv apnroximates the workings of the U.S. economy. Still, what is the alternative? Zacking the notion of a brokered convention smacks of an appeal to return of the party's power to the hands of those doddering white males who control the na- tion's urban machines. The Democrats may have becane trapped by their own Franken- stein; in the name of partici- patory democracy they may well nominate a candidate with- out even proving that he's the favorite of the party. Ste phen Selbst, former Cit y Editor of The Daily, is now an LSA senior. Ford's cockiness may hurt SO WHAT have the C a r t e r wins demonstrated? They have shown that Carter does appeal to the voters. The man must be given his due. He's a good cam- paigner; he manages to portray an image of slickness and hon- esty simultaneously, all the while waffling like Aunt Jemima in her prime. But he is not yet the consensus candidates he has been made out to be. The Carter primary victories should be taken to mean that under given sets of circumstances, Carter can win elections. Whether he can win while running against a wide field has yet to be proven. But Carter's victories h a v e put the other candidates in a tough spot. Carter is planning to run in all the primaries, and now he can afford to do so. He is gathering momentum, which means money and volunteers, and he's getting enough expo- sure to guarantee that he won't be embarrased anywhere he runs. THE OTHER candidates don't enjoy the same luxuries. They can only afford to run in states where they have a reasonable chance of doing well, because most of their campaigns are about as solvent as New York City. So the other candidates in the race face a tightening noose. If they spreadthemselves too thin, they risk diluting their meager resources in an attempt to build a wave of popularity. But if they aim for a single stunning blow, they risk not be- ing well enough known to over- come the leads mounted by oth- er candidates. Carter could keep on winning shadow races where he isn't contested by all the other candi- dates right up until the conven- tion. The result could be the fulfillment of all those prophe- cies: Carter could be the s'and- ard-bearer. But that doesn't ne- cessarily mean he is the Demo- crat's first choice. '{. .v, .The Lighter Side How we drove the CIA out of the cold m."".. : -.. :' .".." Dick W est -s Daily Photo by PAULINE LUBENS THE INECSAPABLE conclu- sion is that the primaries may not be the best available me- thod of determining the best THE ILLINOIS Republican primary turned out to be quite a wash- out for Ronald Reagan, and t h e former California governor will have to revamp his campaign style in the next few weeks if he entertains any notion of someday occupying the house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Conceding his native state to Presi- dent Gerald Ford long before the first votes were even tallied certainly backfired for Reagan. His frequent announcements threw a pall over his state campaign headquarters outside of Chicago and did little to inspire his campaign workers to put forth the best possible effort. In contrast, the Ford camp in Chi- cago lapped it all up and enthusiasti- cally peddled the incumbent f r o m Grand Rapids. Cockily predicting at times up to 70 per cent of the vote, Ford's or- ganization capitalized on Reagan's insistence of loss and sporadic a t - tacks on the president to build a large, successful campaign. Despite Reagan's weak position now, Ford has displayed a large dose of overconfidence and it might be worth his while to cool his expectations. Ford telephoned his victory party Tuesday night and beamed to his supporters, "It's on to North Carolina, then Wisconsin and then on to Kan- sas City (the site of the Republican Nominating Convention)." The President omitted mention of such primaries as New York and Cal- ifornia. Lest Ford forget what the people of fiscally troubled New York City think about him after his non- handling of that city's problems? And, of course, Reagan should have an advantage over Ford in California. and the Southern and Southwestern primary states. Ford might be strong now, but he's far from a shoo-in. November 2 is a long time away. Law for the c'itizen By DICK WEST WASHINGTON (UPI) - The harsh glare of publicity in which the CIA has been bathed these recent weeks had its first glimmering three years ago. Before 1973, the CIA courted anonymity with such passion it wouldn't even publicly admit the existence of its mammoth headquarters complex in near- by Langley, Va. The CIA exit off the George Washington Parkway was then marked by a sign that read "Fairbanks Highway Research Station." But during his brief stint as CIA director, James R. Schlesinger ordered a road sign that identified the agency by name. That, I believe, was the flick of the Bic that lit the torch of publicity. SCHLESINGER apparently figured that since the CIA's location was marked on various road maps, anyone looking for the headquarters could find the right exit anyhow. But, as anyone who has done much driving is aware, road maps and highway exit signs have little if any relation to each other. Indeed, highway exit signs bear little if any relation to anything. Anyway, contrary to what Schlesinger apparently con- cluded, I am convinced that a lot of people were fooled by the Fairbanks Highway Research Station sign at the CIA exit. LET'S SAY THAT two foreign agents were assigned to take photographs of the CIA build- ing. They buy a road map, rent a car and drive out the parkway toward Langley. "Okay," says the agent in the passenger seat who is holding the map in his lap. "According to the map, the next exit ought to be it." "Couldn't be," says the driver peering at the sign up ahead. "According to that sign, the next turnoff is the Fairbanks Highway Research Station exit." THE PASSENGER begins frantically running his finger over the map. "You must be mistaken," he cries. "There isn't any Fairbanks Highway Research Station marked on..." By this time, of course, they have already passed the exit. And by the time they reach the next exit, turn around and get back to Langley, it is too dark to take pictures. Ford Editorial Staff MEACHUM-BILL TURQ Co-Editors-In-Chief ROB QU2: JEFF RISTINE . Managing Editor TIM SCHICK .Executive Editor STEPHEN HERSH ............ Editorial Director JEFF SORENSEN Arts Editor CHERYL PILATE .............. Magazine Editor STAFF WRITERS: Susan Ades, Tom Allen, Glen TODAY'S STAFF: NEWS: Glen Allerhand, Dana Bau- mann, Stewart McConnell, Mike Nolan, Tim Schick, Karen Schulk- ins, Bill Turque, Don Whiting. EDITORIAL PAGE: Marc Basson, Mi- chael Beckman, Steve Hersh, Jon Pansius, Tom Stevens. ARTS PAGE: Chris Kochmanski. PHOTO TECHNICIAN: Pauline Lub- ens. MANY U-M law students with experience in politically progressive movements f in d their participation in law school troubling. They understand that law school "tracks" students in- to corporate and large firm practices, practices that serve the interests of wealth and, pri- vilege instead of the need of the poor and the ideals of justice. The law is inherently conserva- tive and protective of the class in power, and its effective use has traditionally been denied to all but a relatively few Ameri- cans. A conference has been planned to explore how and whe- ther the law can be used as an effective tool for social justice. This article was prepared by members of Section E, a grout of first year University l a w students who are interested in making the legal system "more responsive to the needs of the people." The second annual Conference on Alternative Practices in the Law will take place next Satur- day, March 20, at the University Law School. Over 50 speakers from around the country will present fourteen workshops on a variety of radical and political legal practices. THE ORGANIZERS of the Conference hope to expose the Ann Arbor community to legal practices which encourage soc- ial change and serve the inter- ests of those who have tradi- tionally been denied legal serv- ices - the poor, middle-iacome people, and political dissidents. People attending the Conference will be introduced to lawyers who are using their legal skills in non-corporate practices, who are acting from a standpoint of political or moral commitment. Many of the participants in the workshops live in the Detroit- Ann Arbor region, but the 50 speakers include a number of radical leaders from throughout the Eastern and Midwestern who is active in the suits arising from the murders of Black Pan- thers in Cbicago in 19/2. The Tenant Law forum will include Paul Tecth from the Ann Arbor Tenants' Union, Jon Rose, director of the Campus Legal Aid Society (called "that crook" by landlords' counsei), mission on Urban Housing and and Tom Carey from the Com- Law in Detroit. THE PRISON workshop w iI11 'The organizers of the Conference hope to expose the Ann Arbor community to legal prac- tices which encourage social change and serve the interests of those who have traditionally been denied legalservices-- the poor, middle- income people, and political dissidents. {:"::ti:tf: { .s.{. vi'% r"":i ,."{ ::ir. .,{:i : ::'.}? ti ;; '{C;;:" ., mr,:;::: :.y Letters to the Daily United States. GERALD LEFCOURT will de- liver the keynote address in Rm. 100 of Hutchins Hall at 1:30 p.m. Mr. Lefcourt, the author of numerous articles on alherna- tive forms of legal practice, has been active in radical causes for many years. He worked at the New York City Legal Aid So- ciety, belonged to one of the first legal collectives, The Law Commune, and has defended nu- merous political activists, in- cluding Mark Rudd, Abbie Hoff- man, and the Panther 21. The Criminal Law forum will include Pamela Horowitz of Montgomery, Ala., a member of the JoAnn Little defense team, and Jeff Haas from Chicago, include Dnfroit attocney J u d y Magid, who spurred recent re- forms at DeHoCo and Jackson Prison, and Edward Tru lau, a former Jackson State Prisor fr.- mate whose research as a jail- house lawyer ultimately result- ed in his -etaase from prison and a private war with Okrland Co- unty prose :; nr Brooks Patter- son. Other wo:kshops will present discussions cf prac/.ices chat dd- dress specific issues such as con- sumer pro'c'ion, public mfltCr- est law, mental heuPih law, en- vironmen'al law and lahar lw; and practices wh'ch dife- in lifestyle, .uch as le'gal collect- ives, publicly funded practices, women's )racties. and private practice. To The Daily: IN YOUR ISSUE of7 March 2, 1976 therea a news article by Da finkel concerning Colle vins' appearance bef Council on Monday ni leen is opposed to cer ployers interviewingc pus. I suppose that's b but she is also oppose presence of police on and her right to that is indefensible I belie' In the calendar yea there were the folloN ported crimes agains M. students, staff or police And Ms. Chauvin's solution to these serious problems would be to keep police off campus. I Tuesday, would like to hear her defend appeared her position to a rape victim, vid . Gar- or armed robbery victim. en Chau- In my humble opinion (which ore City is really not very humble) what ght. Col- this campus needs is more po- tam em- lice, preferably our own U. of on cam- M. police. her right .d to the I live next door to Officer campus Wise and I don't think he even t opinion knows how to work a camera ve. but he is a good police officer r of 1975 and so is Rick Cornell, and a wing re- lot of students who have been t U. of aided by these two officers visitors. would support my sentiment. Finally, in my usual cynical manner, let me add that peo- ings ple shouting "cops off campus" are more likely perpetrators rather than victims of crimes. David M. Foulke Manager of Security er Service, Housing Office March 2, 1976 I NUs4 1 04M~1 e. ki C, A l. 86 209 7 29 27 988 felonious assaults breaking and enteri violent sex crimes arsons robberies felony larcenies and a variety of oth crimes. I t1V6 IU51PC A QCC L 7KA7"15 r 1C A AL. TM-r 16 W51W - AFORT FROM VOU. THAT 6' 10)51 C A TOL)I, r} no motvwgmwmI T1Ar 1,5 umI?6 THET 5cA \ \\N%\\ \ . _- IF7 41W RA-UW 1WVW IMC YOUP Fl)2 ME. a - -11111I ' 111m.1 - .111 -