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March 19, 1976 - Image 1

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Eee Editorial Page

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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 137

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 19, 1976

10 Cents Ten Pages


h- ,
Election time
For all you budding politicians, the chance
to run for elective office is now available. The
Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) is currently
looking for students who wish to run for the 12
available seats. The deadline for the election, to
be held April 6-8, is March 23. In addition to the
MSA seats there is a spot on the Student Pub-
lications Board also open. Additional information
can be obtained at the MSA office, third floor
of the Union.
A clarification
Yesterday's article on the county venereal dis-
ease program proposal may have left the impres-
sion that no such treatment program currently
exists. However, any county resident who would
not otherwise be able to afford it is already
eligible for free VD screening and treatment.
One has a choice of any private doctor, clinic
or hospital for the treatment. The new program
under consideration, should it be approved by
the County Board of Commissioners, would mere-
ly make the University Health Service the main
center for screening the disease, while in the
past the Health Service has only been open to
University students for free testing.
Happenings ...
... start at 9 a.m. today with assertion train-
ing registration in the Kuenzel Rm. of the Union,
this goes on until 4 this afternoon ... at noon
Claire Jeannette will speak on "The Woman's
Assembly: Learn How to Affect Your Govern-
ment" at Guild House, 802 Monroe St. ... at 7
Tyagi Ji, a spiritial leader will hold a meditation
class at the Friends Meeting House, 1420 Hill ...
also at 7 Don Sioane will give a lecture-demon-
stration "T'ai Chi" and "I Ching" at the Yoga
Center, 500 Miller ... at 8 the University Dan-
cers present the "Rite" concert at the Power
Center ... meanwhile at Canterbury House at
the corner of Catherine and Division Dick Mann
will speak on "The Connection Between a Politi-
cal Perspective and a Spiritual Perspective" ...
and finally, Don Luce will speak on Vietnam To-
day, also at 8 to be held at 921 Church.
Setting loose a Hurricane
Rubin "Hurricane" Carter will probably be
a free man next Wednesday. Carter, who has
served 91/2 years for the murder of three per-
sons in a New Jersey bar, is scheduled to ap-
pear at a bail hearing on that day. The sched-
uled hearing follows Wednesday's New Jersey
Supreme Court ruling ordering a new trial for
Carter and codefendant John Artis. Passaic Coun-
ty Prosecutor Burrell Humphreys says he will not
oppose the request providing the amount of bail
is substantial. Humphreys plans to personally re-
try the case, despite the fact the two men who
were instrumental in convicting Carter have since
recanted their testimony.
Middle of the road
Barricades have once again been erected in
the streets of Berkeley, but now they are the
cause of protest instead of the result. The city
placed the barricades as well as 20 traffic circles
and 321 stop signs in the road to divert traffic
off residential streets and onto main arteries.
Since then there have been anti-diverter rallies,
petition campaigns and physical attacks upon the
barriers themselves. The question of keeping the
barricades up has even been put on the ballot.
One police officer looks at it phlisophicaly. "It's
like marijuana, it comes down to enforcing a law
that nobody believes in."
Birth defects
The Seattle Fire Department appears to have
new insights into human reproduction. According
to statistics issued by their computer, "aid car"
personnel last year delivered six babies, five to
women and one to a man. "Either the computer
goofed or one delivery made medical history,"
the department's newsle.tter reported.

Playing the field
For years many male a t h l e t e s have
deprived themselves of loving comfort the night
before a game. However, an international sympo-
sium on Rugby injuries has been informed sex
is not detrimental to the sportsman. Speaking
on the influence of tobacco, alcohol and sex on
Rugby players, Professor Nick Strydom of Johan-
nesburg said: "There is a belief that sex has
a profound influence on performance of a rugby
player, it is not so."
On the inside. .
the Editorial Page has a look at the Jimmy
Carter campaign by Steve Selbst ... Cinema Week-
end is on Arts page ... the details of the Michi-
gan-Notre Dame game is on Sports Page.
On the outside...
Today will be a good day for kite flying. A
southerly wind will null un Gulf air, hrinming

Church launches
late campaign for
Dem. nomination

From Wire Service Reports
Sen. Frank Church launch-
ed his bid for the Democra-
tic presidential nomination
yesterday, a c c u s in g the
F o r d administration of
weak leadership and say-
ing other Democratic can-
didates are not discussing
the real issues.
He joined other major
Democratic candidates for
the nomination, saying:

"It's never too late, nor are
the odds too great to try."
BUT Church has already miss-
ed the first five primaries,
which narrowed the field of can-
didates and left only Jimmy
Carter, Henry Jackson, George
Wallace and Morris Udall as
full-time, active contenders.
Church had pledged he would
not become a presidential can-
didate until the Senate Intelli-
gence Committee, which he
chaired, completed its inquiry
into the CIA. The committee is
now in the final stages of draft-
ing its report.
He said his major campaign

. Carolina victory
By The Associated Press
Ronald Reagan and George Wallace, each seeking his first
primary victory of the presidential campaign, sought support from
North Carolina voters yesterday as Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho)
joined the seven-man field of major candidates for the Democratic
Former Georgia Gov. Jimmy Carter also was in North Caro-
lina, telling voters he could defeat Wallace in every Southern state
except Mississippi and Alabama.
REPUBLICAN Reagan, whose challenge to President Ford has
been hurt by five straight primary defeats, insisted his can-
didacy was in better shape than he had anticipated before he
launched his campaign.
Reagan said he would stay in the race even if he loses to
Ford in Tuesday's primary.
"I don't see why suddenly this has turned around," Reagan
said in Fayetteville, N.C., in an apparent reference to reports
See N.C., Page 2

issue will be "restoration of the
federal government to legitimacy
in the eyes of people."
"IT IS leadership of weakness
and fear that grants a full par-
don to a former president for
whatever crimes he committed
in the White House, but looks the
other way while his subordinates
stand trial," Church said.
That same weakness, Church
said, forces imitation of the
Russians "in our treatment of
foreign peoples, adopting their
methods of bribery, blackmail,
abduction and coercion as if
they were our own."
"These are crimes against
freedom, and they won't be
cured by the cosmetic changes
proposed by President Ford,"
Church said. "He is clearly most
concerned about the exposure
of such crimes. I am most con-
cerned about their commission."
THE 51-year-old Idaho Demo-
crat made his announcement in
this picturesque, once-booming
goldmining town where his
grandfather settled.
Church pointed to his nearly
20 years in the Senate and his
recent experience in heading the
Senate committee investigating
the FBI as well as the CIA and
other government agencies as
onalifying him for the prtsi-
"As a ranking member of the
Senate Fnreign Relations Com-
mittee," Church said. "I have
hqd a unine oniortamity to de-
x'elon an intimate knowledge of
A-rican foreign policy."
"When it comes to dealing
wth foreign governments, or
nquntiatinQ with Russia or China
in this daneerous world, I sug-
st to vonthe nresidencv is no
"lace for on-the-job training,"
he said.

AP Photo
MICHIGAN GUARD Steve Grote (30) and Notre Dame guard Don Williams (25) scramble
for a loose ball in the first half of last night's NCAA tourney in Louisville. The Wol-
verines pulled it out in a squeaker, 80-76.

o tscraps





PIRGS under attack
for funding procedures

Special To The Daily
dropped in two free throws
with 27 seconds remaining
to give Michigan all the'
points it needed to upset
the fighting Irish of Notre
Dame, 80-76, in the NCAA
Midwest Regional semi-
final here last night.
Grote's free throws, which
came in a one-and-one sit-
uation, enabled the Wol-
verines to survive furious
Notre Dame pressure t h e
rest of the way.
WITH 21 seconds left, Notre
Dame's Don Williams convert-
ed a one-and-one to pull the Irish
within two, 78-76. Notre Dame
stole the subsequent in-bounds
pass, and called time out with
16 seconds to go.
But after the Irish inbound-
ed, Michigan's Phil Hubbard re-
flected the ball and Williams lost
it out of bounds.
Hubbard in bounded, and after
two passes Rickey Green sped
out of the back court just be-
fore a 10 second violation would

have given the ball to the Irish.
GREEN drove an open 1 a n e
and was fouled by Notre
Dame's Jeff Carpenter.
The Irish, out of time outs,
looked on grimly as G r e e n
dropped in both free throws to
give the Wolverines their final
"That was just great for
Grote," exclaimed a jubiliant
Michigan coach Johnny 0 r r .

"He'd been downed after miss-
ing in that same situation at
Indiana, and this was just great
for him."
FOR awhile it appeared that
there would be no late heroics
for Michigan. A Notre D a m.e
burst in .the middle of the first
half gave the Irish a 35-24 lead
with 3:59 to go.
See CLUTCH, Page 10

Public Interest Research
Groups (PIRGS) in states such
as Minnesota, New York, and
Washington have encountered
hostile pressures from business
groups, state legislatures, a n d
university regents recently. The
attacks have centered around
discussions of the fee assess-
ment process of funding - a
method similar to PIRGIM's in
most cases.
Minnesota Public Interest Re-
search Group (MPIRG) has
been exploring the practices of a

number of state businesses and
industries in the past few years.
Last year they investigated such
controversial areas as electric-
ity rate assessment, the Re-
serve Mining case, nuclear pow-
er, and copper nickel mining.
"We've been highly visible lae-
ly," commented executive di-
rector of MPIRG Chuck Leer.
"It's been a pretty good year for
us - we've been doing a lot."
IT HAS BEEN such a g o o d
year that one University of
Minnesota Regent has received

over 500 letters asking for the
revocation of MPIRG's conmract
with the university. In fact, the
Regents have gotten more mail
on this issue than any other
controversy in their hi 3:ory.
Leer said he believed,, h o w-
ever, that more mail was favor-
able than not.
Pressures began to mount last
year after MPIRG published re-
ports unfavorable to certain bus-
inesses during their 1973-75 con-
tract with the university, "trans-
lating our support into action,"
See PIRGS, Page 2

Re gents hear MSA
structure and plans
Officers and members of the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA)
outlined their organizational structure and goals to the University
Board of Regents yesterday, in the first steps toward what they
hope will begin an era of respectability for student government.
MSA, approved by student vote last fall, has its .origins in the
recommendation of the Commission to Study Student Governance
(CSSG), created by the Board nearly two and a half years ago to
develop ways of making campus government more effective.
COMPLETE with charts detailing their programs and intricate
bureaucratic set-up, MSA President Ken Berneis told the Board
that their primary objective will be to provide "support and direct
services" for students and to "represent and lobby for the interests
of students."
See MSA, Page 7
Snuff Unbridled
blood and violence
Special to the Daily
DETROIT - Sitting in the Fox Theater, watching with
growing revulsion, an audience observed the following
scene: a young, lovely actress was held to the floor and
systematically dismembered and disemboweled.
The scene was the climax of the new "shocker" film
Snuff, which has been the subject of a mammoth publicity
blitz, each release proclaiming a fresh and more dis-
gisting aspect of the picture. But the topper by far was
the disclosure that the film contained a real- on-screen
murder, or so the publicity had it.
ALTHOUGH it is true that the "killing" was both real-
istically filmed and explicitly performed, the film appears
to rely upon a clever set of stunts and special effects to
simulate the death.
The audience had just sat through a screening of a gory
kung-fu feature, The Punch of Death. Cheering through each
smash, kick, and chop, the audience's appetite was whet-
ted for the gruesome display of Snuff.
But it proved too much for the crowd.
WHEN the movie came on the screen, a fairly n o i s y
rrimA -.nnn Ai tlrciln nl - thank, , hahr ni inc.nl


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