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March 18, 1976 - Image 1

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Eee Editorial Page




Low-29 °
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Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 136

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 18, 1976

10 Cents Ten Pages

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He's the greatest
According to officials at the Federal Correc-
tional Institution at Milan, just a few miles south
of 'Ann Arbor, World Heavyweight Champion Mu-
hammad Ali is planning an exhibition bout there
on March 27. Final arrangements for the fight
are not complete, however. In other prison news,
after two years of work, 15 June graduates of
Wayne State University won't be able to attend
their graduation exercises and have their diplomas
awarded to them personally. The circumstances
are a bit unusual, however, as the students are
prisoners at the state's largest prison, Southern
Michigan Prison at Jackson. But prison officials
and those at the Detroit College say they can-
not afford to pay guards to watch over the men
during the ceremony.
Blazing store
For those of you who were in the downtown
area early Tuesday evening and saw a fire, and
for those of you who weren't but would like to
know what happened, here are the details: the
manager of the Sugar Bin Bakery called the Fire
Department when he discovered smoke coming
into his store from Accent Decor. A Department
spokesman said that the one-alarm blaze-which
took some two hours to extinguish - "is under
investigation," but fire, smoke and water damage
was extensive to Accent Decor and there was
smoke damage to the Sugar Bin, a jewelry store,
and Kline's, a department store.
Dope note
In its customary tedious and laborious fashion,
the Michigan House of Representatives has finally
gotten around to acting on the controversial pot
reform bill which has been floating around for
the past couple of months. Monday, the House
Judiciary Committee approved a version of the
bill which, according to the bill's primary spon-
sor William Bryant (R-Grosse Pointe), is "essen-
tially as it would have been if the amendments
we had pending earlier had been added." The
revamped proposal is considerably more conserva-
tive than the original bill, however the measure
still lowers the maximum penalty for possession
or use of less than half an ounce of reefer from
a year in jail and 'a $1,000 fine to 90 days and
$100. The new bill also requires judges to give
probation to those convicted of possession or use
of less than 18 grams if they have not been pre-
viously convicted of another offense, whether drug-
related or not.
Happenings.. .
today are enough to keep even the most
industrious person busy. Dean Billy Frye will hold
an open house this afternoon from 3 to 5 at 1018
'Angell Hall ... Assertion training for women will
hold registration for the Roof Project: the dead-
line is Monday and you should call 764-3487 for
more info ... GEO will have a special member-
ship meeting tonight at 7:30 in the Rackham
East Conference Room ... Students for Jimmy
Carter will have a meeting at 4:00 in the Cook
Room at the Law Quad ... Prof. Jurgen Kocka
will lecture on "The Nazi Regime in Germany:
Its Social Origins and Functions" in the Rack-
ham West Conference Room at 8:00 tonight..
the Music School will sponsor the music of Irving
Fine, a 20th century composer in the Stearns
Bldg. (N. Campus) tonight at 8:00 ... University
Dancers will preview the "Rite" concert in the
Pendleton Arts Room in the Union at noon .. there
will be a poetry reading with Tony Klein at the
Guild House, 802 Monroe, at 7:30 tonight ... and
University Housing Council will meet tonight at
7:00 with Housing officials in MSA offices in the
The plot thickens
The FBI says investigators don't know wheth-
er a reported scheme to off President Ford and

challenger Ronald Reagan at the Republican Na-
tional Convention is a fake. As with many tips
about impending terrorist activities, an FBI spokes-
person said Tuesday, "you're dealing in this
'never-never land.' "The matter is still being
investigated, the person said. The statement was
made after The Washington Star, citing informed
sources, said that FBI officials know the report-
ed plot is a fake.
On the inside . .
Warmer weather is on the way. This is be-
cause a warm front moving slowly our way to-
day will push temperatures up even before the
front comes through this evening. But since the
cold air will not move away immediately there
may be a period of light snow early in the morn-
ing but ending by mid-morning. Highs today will
be 39-44. Tonight skies will be fair to partly cloudy
after the warm front comes through. The warmer
flow of air will keep temperatures from falling
too far. Tonight the low temperatures will be a
not-as-cold, 29-34. Tomorrow will see another shot
at spring as a strong southerly wind under sunny
skies will bring temperatures near 60 by late

Hurricane' Carter wins new trial

TRENTON, N.J. (A)-Nine years after he
was sent to prison for a triple murder he
says he didn't commit, onetime middle-
weight contender Rubin "Hurricane" Car-
ter had his conviction overturned yesterday
by the New Jersey Supreme Court.
In a 7-0 ruling, the court said Carter, 38,
and codefendant John Artis, 30, were denied
a fair trial because the prosecution failed
to reveal promises of leniency it made to
two key witnesses.
BURRELL Ives Humphreys, the Passaic
County prosecutor, announced that Carter
and Artis would be retried for the fatal
shootings of three persons at a Paterson,
N.J., tavern on June 17, 1966.
"I only know I am still in the peniten-
tiary," Carter told a news conference at
the state reformatory in Clinton. "Regard-

less of the opinion of the state's highest
court, I am in prison illegally."
"If I am bitter, then I have a right to be
bitter. What you are seeing is a person who
has been raped for 9 years for crimes I
did not, would not and could not commit."
CARTER'S attorney, Myron Beldock, said
a bail hearing for Carter and Artis has
been set for 9 a.m. next Wednesday in
Passaic County Superior Court in Peterson.
Beldock said that with the Supreme Court
decision, Carter and Artis must be pre-
sumed innocent and therefore should not
be in a state prison. But he said he would
not press for them to be transferred before
the bail hearing.
Carter demanded "immediate freedom"
from Gov. Brendan Byrne, who he said
should give him and Artis "executive re-
lease" until the new trial.

CARTER and Artis have adamantly main-
tained they are innocent.
The Rev. Ralph Abernathy, president of
the Southern Christian Leadership Confer-
ence, announced plans at the news con-
ference to erect a "tent city" in Trenton
as a protest until Carter and Artis are ex-
A movement to free them, supported by
a number of celebrities who included
heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad
Ali and singer Bob Dylan, began in 1974
after disclosures that the two key witnesses
had recanted their testimony, which had
placed Carter and Artis at the murder
scene. Later the witnesses recanted their
new stories.

'I have been raped

0r 2912

years for

crimes I didlnot com-
in it.'


N.C. primary next
for Ford, Car ter




CHICAGO - Mayor Richard Daley strode off at the
head of the St. Patrick's Day parade yesterday, once
again the grand marshal of Illinois Democratic poli-
tics, while President Ford and Democrat Jimmy Carter
looked to North Carolina to continue their march through
the presidential primary elections.
Carter carried with him an unexpected bonus, cap-
turing about one-third of the state's Democratic na-
tional convention delegates to go with his landslide vic-
tory in the presidential preference balloting.
Ford swamped Ronald Reagan in Illinois, his fifth primary
victory. The president's campaign officials in Washington are
seeking a dialogue with Reagan supporters to convince the
former California Governor to abandon his campaign, it was
learned yesterday.
INITIAL reactions from three prospective Capitol Hill go-
betweens, however- indicate a reluctance to even begin a

AP Photo
This little piggy
Mailman Charles Jones is given a hammy greeting by Bonnie the pig while delivering mail near
Farmington, Del. Jones has gotten into the habit of carrying dog biscuits for the canines along his
route and it didn't take Bonnie long to sniff out Jones' handouts.
Regents examine 'U' report

The University Regents today
will review the recommenda-
tions forwarded by the Norman
Committee, a body set up by
the Regents 18 months ago to
report on the development of
the School of Natural Resources,
the College of Architecture and
Urban Planning and environ-
mental-oriented curriculum in
The main thrust of the report

is of an organizational nature
with its five major proposals
dealing chiefly with the coordi-
nation and consolidation of the
some 300 environmental courses
scattered throughout the Univer-
ALTHOUGH the report re-
quires "no formal permission
on the part of the Regents" ac-
cording to Vice-President for
Academic Affairs Frank Rhodes,

Suspension of bus
driver draws protest

it does call for several exten-
sive modifications which would
lend some cohesion to the va-
rious, widely dispersed environ-
mental courses, programs and
Central to the report is the
recommendation calling for the
establishment of a University-
wide coordinating group to be
known as "The Council for En-
vironmental Programs." The
15-member council would be re-
sponsible for organizing all en-
vironment-related educational or
research activities within the
University in order to insure
the best use of existing pro-
grams and resources.
Rhodes also foresees a watch-
dog role for the Council. "It will
be the Council's job," he said,
"to fill the gaps and avoid over-
laps between programs."
Council would not be a full-
fledged administrative unit: In
particular, the Council will have
no budget, no faculty appointive
power and no degree-granting
authority. However, Rhodes -em-
phasized the Council would have
considerable innovative author-
ity saying, "changes will most
See 'U', Page 7

Vice President Nelson Rocke-
feller said yesterday that "to
have Mr. Reagan stay in the
race as long as possible is
in the best interests of Presi-
dent Ford", since he would at-
tract attention and add an ele-
ment of competition.
Sen. Robert Griffin, (R-Mich.)
said yesterday he expects Ford
to score another victory in
North Carolina's primary n e x t
"I would think after North
Carolina, Mr. Reagan would
seriously consider withdrawal,"
said Griffin, the Senate GOP
MINORITY Leader Hugh Scott
of Pennsylvania said Ford's
showing again Reagan "is now
so strong it is obvious he will
be nominated in Kansas City."
Rockefeller said in Chicago
that he saw no reason for Ford
to consider the conservative
Reagan for second place on the
Republican ticket. Rockefeller
said he doesn't want to be con-
sidered for it. But he said Rea-
g.n could bring to the ticket
only "the conservative ele-
ment," a fraction of the minor-
ity Republican party.
Carter and Alabama G o v.
George Wallace were squared
off in North Carolina, too. Car-
ter said his big Illinois victory,
with 48 per cent of the popular
vote, was "extremely import-
ant," the more so for the size
of his margin.
CARTER said in New York
City that the Democratic nonx-
inee will be either himself or
See N.C., Page 2


Green beer flows
oan St. Pat's Daly
Leprechaun suits, paper hats proclaiming "Erin Go
Braugh," and green food galore is the traditional norm on
St. Patrick's Day, and Ann Arbor proved no exception yes-
From gulping "Shamrock Shakes" at McDonalds, to
guzzling pitchers of green, foamy beer at Dooley's, many Ann
Arborites celebrated St. Patrick's Day in ways that would
suit the likes of any good Irishman.
On -campus' yesterday, Irish and non-Hibernian people
alike could be seen commemorating the day by donning
green apparel. Some devoted St. Paddy fans even went so far
as to tint their hair the color of shamrocks.
"BEFORE I party at Dooley's," said freshwoman Anna
Dong, "I'm going to Kresge's to buy a bunch of green carna-
tions on this cold St. Patrick's Day."
But nothingcan compare to a real Irishman who puts his
whole heart into festive celebration. Richard Kennedy, Vice
President for State Relations at the University, and long
time celebrator of March 17 really tips his hat to ol' St. Pat.
"WE HAVE a rather long standing, family tradition de-
veloped by my wife," he said. "We have a typical Irish
dinner and we have green milk and green beer. The kids
aren't allowed out of the house without green on.
The real thrust of Ann Arbor's Gaelic spirit shines through
at the local pubs. At the Village Bell, bartender Tony Taylor
explained, "Everybody's been going for that green beer.
Tonight they'll drink 'till their tongues turn green."
AT DOOLEY'S, groups of people sat around tables toast-
ing each other with Irish cheers and mugs of green-colored
ale. When asked how the tinted beer tasted, one customer
replied, "There might be a difference from regular beer,
but I've drunk so much I can't taste it."
See IRISH, Page 7

Charging "tokenism" and "in-
stitutional racism", transporta-
tion workers picketed last night's
meeting of the Ann Arbor
Transportation A u t h o r i t y
(AATA) at City Hall.
The protest came in response
to the AATA's suspension of
city bus driver Ronald Bay-
lis. Baylis, a black, was, tem-,
porarily relieved of duty after
he allegedly struck a 17 year
old white youth who had pro-
voked him.
THE YOUTH reportedly spat
on Baylis and hurled racial
slurs, after the driver refused
to let him off at an unauthoriz-
ed spot.
Shortly afterward, Baylis al-
lezedly hit the youth. Baylis
wqs slsoended without p a y
the following day pending in-
Tha Transoortation Employ-
ee; Union (TEU) q'iickly came
to Baylis' defense, accusing the
A ATA of discriminatory disci-

Speaking on behalf of black
TEU members, Beatrice Berry
pointed to discrimination at all
levels of the AATA.
"Ron's case, which sparked us
into action, is merely a symbol
of larger problems," she said.
ADDRESSING the all w h i t e
AATA board, she noted that
there are currently only "one
token black" and one woman
in skilled mechanics' jobs, and
"few blacks in meaningful man-
agement positions."
Schurman agreed, saying that
"as citizens we are concerned
when a public service agency
such as the Authority appears to
harbor policies and procedures
which are discriminatory in
their application. We are also
concerned about the pattern of
instittiongl racism within the
A A TA."
The board declined to com-
ment on snecific allegations.
However. one hoard member ad-
mitted that further invesiga-
tion into the incident was neces-

on edge of change?

Last of a three part series
The notorious "Block," with its long-term
reputation for being an area center for
heroin trafficking and fencing of stolen
goods, may be on the brink of undergoing
a drastic mutation.
After watching the situation on the 100
block of E. Ann St. for 40 years, area resi-


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