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March 17, 1976 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1976-03-17

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Wednesday, March 17, 1976


Page Seven

WensaMac 7 97 H IHIA AL

Lack of info and,
discussion plagues
research stud ers
(Continued from Page 1) si ty student Robert Miller, who
professor, and Elham Elahi, a first brought the military a s -
literary college (LSA) senior, pects of the explosive to the at-
claim they were unaware of any tention of the committee.
of the possible harmful appli-
cations of, the research. They BUT Dr. Zarafoneis runs the
were only familiar with the the- Simpson Memorial Institution,
oretical proposal by the scien- and the others are all caught up
tists - which, according to in their work.
Zorn, fell within the bounds of According to Elahi, he h a s
the regental guidelines. never talked to Zarafonetis and
Both Zorn and Elahi, now has only talked to Zorn "incon-
aware of the possible adverse seoaentially in the hall."
effects of the research, still in- Physics professor Marc Ross,
dicate a hesitancy to single out also a director of the Univer-
a research project "for some- sity's Residential College; has
thing that isn't really drastical- suggested that the committee
ly different from what a lot of members and researchers, as
other people are doing," in Ela- well as outsiders, meet to dis-
hi's words.' s t a ss pros and cons of the re-
Elahi also points out t h a t !search.
"faculty people find it hard to s
cut off research finds for other AND THE scientists doing the
faculty members." research, he said, should "be
Tressed to state the implica-

Election directors
named by MSA
By PHIL FOLEY Vice President David Mitchell,
Treasurer Don House, Business
The Michigan Student Assem- School Rep. Walt Borland, and
bly (MSA) last night appointed at-large member Mike French.
Mark Bernstein and Elliot Chi- In further Assembly action,
kofsky as co-elections directors $200 was given to the Ann Arbor
for the April all-campus elec- chapter of the Martin Sostre
tions. Chikofsky is the current Defense Committee to bring
president of the Michigan Union Sostre-a jailhouse lawyer from
and Bernstein-a B u s i n e s s New York-here to speak. The
School junior - is currently a Assembly allocated $200 to the
member of the Student Publica- Fraternity Coordinating Council
tions Board. to serve as seed money for a
The Assembly delegated the newsletter, and an additional $70
responsibility of working out a was given to the Sociology Un-
contract with the two to a com- dergraduate Association to cover
mittee composed of Executive costs of a newsletter.
GEO discuss talks

Negotiations end at
EMU, strike still on

- -_,

HE CLAIMED that the com-
mittee has several times recom-
mended that other research with
military potential be discontin-
ued, but that each time "they
(the Senate Assemblv's R e -
search Policies Committee) by-
pass all our recommendations."

tions of their research before the
committee before their propos-
als are again approved."
Nicholls has defended his re-
search, continually stating that
his main aim is to "know what's
gni, on."
"We'd almost have to forget

(Continued from Page 1) sions were private last year,
Forsyth believes. He says that were at the request of the
it would be an "unfair labor union," Forsyth says. Former
practice" to allow either party GEO President Aleda Krause
to "insist on open negotiations." ;claims the University "exerted;
(o penta lot of pressure and got our,
"We have found that it(oe team to close the sessions."
sessions) prolongs significantly Schwartz says, "They convinced:
the bargaining process," says us that we could make more
Assistant Personnel Director progress in closed sessions."
William Neff. "Either or both
organizations wind up taking He does concede that "at open
p u b 1 i e positions," he said, sessions people tended to be the-
which are difficult to retract atrical, to play to the audience.'t
later without losing face. GEO and University negotia-
During last year's negotia- tors hope to have a contract byr
tions, "I don't think there was April 30, since many union
any proof one way or the other members leave town for the'
that more was done in closed summer.
sessions," Schwartz says. "The There are eight University
University can use closed bar- bargainers, including Forsyth.
gaining as a tactic. They usual-.sd
ly bring lots of people: deans,' The GEO has three and plans;
faculty, lawyers.',to bring in extra negotiators for'
"THE ONLY times that ses- special issues.

Negotiations between striking
United Auto Workers (UAW)!
Locals 1975 and 1976 and East-
ern Michigan University (EMU)
broke off early yesterday eve-
ning without a settlement and no
date set for further talks.
The meeting between the
union, representing 550 clerical,
administrative, technical and
professional employes, and the
university was the first time
that the two parties had met in
over a week and only the sec-
ond time since the walkout
March 3.
ACCORDING to President of
Local 1976 George Raub, the
primary stumbling block at the
bargaining table is a salary fig-
ure, which "just comes down to
agreeing on a percentage."
Raub added that some non-
economic issues still needed to
be resolved, but "in terms of
work, 95 per cent of the con-
tract is behind us."
Earlier in the day, Vice-Pres-
ident for University Relations
Gary Hawks had expressed op-
timism in reaching an agree-
ment in the near future. "They;
are still continuing to meet and'
that's a good sign," he said.
"Our bargaining committee will
be available all night if neces-
sary to reach an agreement."
HAWKS L A T E R indicated
that the break in negotiations
was due to the advice of the
mediator, rather than either
side walking out. "The univer-
sity made proposals which
w e r e unacceptable to the

union," he said, "and the me-
diator suggested that the meet-
ing end."
Hawks said that in the first
meeting a week ago the univer-
sity had made an offer but it
was unacceptable to the union.
However, Raub countered, say-
ing, "There were no new pro-
posals made in that meeting."
On Monday, Raub asserted.
"We're ready to accept a settle-
ment, but (it) has to be reason-
able. It's hard to say what the
university will come up with."'

1 _____________________

Subscribe to The Michigan Daily

Classes Begin Week of March 15

Students interested in the Program in
Judaic Studies and in the NEW course
offerings f o r 1976-77 a r e invited to
attend a c o f f e e hour to be held on

WEDNESDAY, March 17,
p.m. in 3050 Frieze Building.


Unwillingness to cut off re- d'iin anything if you worried
search is combined with an an- -ot what it could do all the
parent dearth of information on time, he said. He added, "It
its applications and the inability wo'd be wrong for us to desigi
of concerned persons to simply a new weapon," but claimed
get together and disclss the sub- that all of his research is the-
ject. For instance, Elahi wanted oretical and experimental, not
to meet with Charles Overber- designed specifically for mili-
ger, University Vice-President ta rv use.
for Research - but was inform- F-r the committee to go any
ed he would have a three-week f',rther. its members must meet
wait for an appointment, with the scientists. Then, as
Elahi and Zorn also have ex- Zorn said, "a little light and
pressed a wish to meet with the air" will be shed on the subject
other member of the commit- and members can go on with
tee, Dr. Chris Zarafonetis, with their investigations with more
researchers James Nicholls and ,nderstanding than they say
Martin Sichel, and with Univer- thev have had in the past.
Gregory criticizes
system at Hill Aud.

Restoring health, wholeness, harmony, justice
In our culture, healing of mind, body, spirit and community are most
often considered separately, for instance, through psychology, medi-
cine, religion, and politics. Are there principles, processes, images,
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Canterbury House invites you to a series of discussions this term on
"The Connections Among Physical, Psychological, Spiritual and Politi-
cal Healing."
Friday, Mlarch 19.1976 -8 p.m.
DICK MANN, U of M Psychology professor
218 N. DIVISION ST. (corner of Catherine and N. Division)

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Screening Printing
Hatha Yoga
Yoga for Lunch
Tai ChiChuanI&11&1Il Club
Kung Fu
Self Defense, Women I & I I
Designing/Own Yoga
PHONE 994-8400

Photography I & II
Darkroom I & 1I
Darkroom Workshop
Lighting Sensitivity
Camerd' Technique
Color Slide Develop.
Direct Color Print.
Color Posterization
Matting Workshop
Frameless Matting
Nature Photography
Informal Portraiture
Studio Techs/Model
Figure Photo. I & II
Makeup/Black Woman
Modeling for Photo.
Ballet, Beg. & Adv.
Modern Beg. & Adv.
Dawn Moves
Noon Moves
Mod. Studio I & II
(morning classes
Tap Beg. & Adv.
.JazzBeg..& Adv.
Creating Dance
Thai Natural Dance
Mod. Ballroom
Creative Dance
Beledi, Levels Wrks , IhIi
IV & Workshops

(Continued from Page 1)
Americans are buying 16 mil-
lion bicycles and "riding in
cars with people you don't even
The comedian, however, h i t:
the system and the food short-
age, pointing out that tons of
corn are lying on the side of1
the road rotting because there'
are not enough trains to comei
and pick it up.
Gregory dealth another quick
blow to welfare. Referring toj
an article in the Atlanta Con-
stitution, be said, "it costs
aninal in the pound that is '
waiting to be killed. That
three dollars a day to feed an
means that more is allotted to
these animals than is going to
welfare mothers.
"IT'S CHEAPER to eat mon-
ey," he teased, "than to buy
anything with it."
Gregory was applauded when
he spoke of schools manipulat-
ing its students. "You a r e
here to satisfy your needs and
not the needs of the college.
Let them know that they should
start teaching you how to live
and not just how to make a
In concluding his speech, Gre-
gory said that he didn't think
the nation has gone beyond the
point of no return. Already in
the works is a protest led by;
Gregory that is asking people

not to eat solid food during the
ON GOOD Friday, he plans
to go to Washington to pray
and fast and if a parade per-
mit can be had, invite people
from all over the country.
In mid-April, he is planning
to run across the country, pro-
viding of course if his broken
toe is healed. The plan is to run
50 miles a day and get to New
York by the fourth of July.
He told the audience to take
care of their bodies and urged
vegetarianism as the only
means for eventual survival.
Soflens cleaner
12 wk supply $ 6.50
24 wk supply $11.75
Orders are mailed the same
day we receive your check.
P.O. Box 7453
Phoenix, Arizona 85011

21312 S0. MAIN ST.


Why was so much electric service


Why not join the DAILY?
meet other good people
" drink 5c Cokes
t learn the operations of a newspaper
0 write stories
" see your name in print
0 earn a little money
Come on down to 420 Maynard anytime and
join the business, news, sports or photography
8 p.m. Ledure-Thursday, March 18
Professor David Noel Freedman
You are cordially invited to attend the
first public lecture in the U.S. on the
finds of Tel Mardikh at ancient Ebla.
This find may well be even more impor-
tant than the Dead Sea Scrolls to :Bib-
lical Scholarshit).

Those who were inconvenienced are entitled
to answers. Here, from Detroit Edison, are
answers to the questions that we have been
asked most.
Southeastern Michigan has just experienced one
of the worst ice storms in its history. In terms of disrup-
tion of electrical service, it was the worst disaster in the
73-year period during which Detroit Edison has served
the people of this area.
So severe were the effects of the storm-com-
pounded by succeeding rain, wind, and electrical storms
-that it took several days to determine the full extent
of the damage.
One out of every five customers was affected directly
by interrupted service during this period. Few, if any,
escaped the storm without any inconvenience. Accord-
ingly, we are making every effort to insure that everyone
has the facts about the storm and the electrical service
disruption and restoration resulting from it.
How extensive was the damage?
To date we have counted more than 300,000 homes and
businesses that have been without electricity at some
time since Monday night March 1. Thus the storm has
affecteddirectly more than one million people. Hardest
hit were Oakland County with 87,000 homes and
businesses out of service, the Thumb area with 81,000,
and the Detroit area with 79,000. To put this in perspec-
tive, a storm is normally severe if we receive 5,000 tele-
phone calls. So far we have received nearly 225,000
calls regarding this storm!
Could anything have been done
to avoid such severe damage?
Not that we know of. We have continued to place top
priority on maintaining both our electrical system and
the skills of our crews. However, there is no way to
avoid the effects on electric power lines of natural
disasters such as this.
Why were the extent of damage and
number of outages originally underestimated?
Because this storm dwarfed anything ever experienced
in the past, the "normal" indices did not apply. For

ut foir so long
dented. However, the underestimate in no way delayed
a single service restoration. Emergency crews were re-
quested from neighboring utilities early Tuesday eve-
ning, March 2, when approximately 16,000 calls had
been received.
I-low were repair priorities determined?
First priority is always to restore facilities critical to
health and safety, such as hospitals and municipal pump-
ing facilities, homes that contain life-support equipment,
such as kidney dialysis machines, and fallen exposed
wires. Second priority is assigned to facilities that will
produce the greatest number of service restorations in
the shortest possible time.
Did certain geographic areas
receive special treatment?
No. The Thumb area is the last to have complete res-
toration. That, however, is due to the difficulty of
determining the extent of the damage there, the need
for extensive rebuilding, the time involved in assembling
large quantities of materials and manpower, and the
added obstacles of mud and water.
Why has it taken so long to complete the repairs?
Beyond the factors already noted, much of the damage
occurred-or reoccurred-during subsequent rain, wind
and electrical storms. Consequently, new outages were
still developing through last weekend. Perhaps the
whole problem is put in better perspective if you consider
that nearly one-fifth of our entire electrical distribution
system had to be restored, and in some cases almost
completely rebuilt.
How many people were involved
in making the repairs?
In all more than 5,000 Detroit Edison employees, con-
tract personnel and crews borrowed from other utilities
were directly involved, turning their maximum effort to
restoring service disruptions following this storm. We
are extremely proud of what they have done.
Suppose my estimated bill
is too high because of an outage?
This may happen. If it does, you may pay the bill and
any overpayment will be adjusted with the next reading.
Or you can call or visit your nearest Edison office and

. ...

stantly improved our capability. Most recently we had
instituted a centralized storm center in our Detroit
headquarters, consolidated all of our Oakland county
operations in a single divisional headquarters building,
and developed a computerized storm analysis system.
All of these-and more-helped to speed the repair and
restoration process this time. And going through this,
the worst storm in our history, leas taught us much that
will undoubtedly help us to do a better and faster job of
restoring service in future storms. Also, many of our
customers have probably learned that it is wise to keep
supplies available for emergency use. Most of all, we
learned that our customers are understanding and
patient beyond expectations, good neighbors to us and
to ,each other, and the kind of people we are proud
to serve.
What can you do to help?
In addition to stocking up for emergencies, please con-
tinue in the future to report to us any abnormalities in
service or appearance of any of our lines or other
materials. By correcting these during non-emergency
periods, we can often avoid damage during emergencies.
How much is the repair work
costing and who will pay?
It will be several months before the full extent of
damage is known in terms of cost-partly because the
repair work to our system will continue long after all
homes and businesses are back in service. But the figure
will probably exceed $10 million-a magnitude of risk
that insurance companies have declined to cover com-
pletely in recent years. Consequently it appears that
about $1 million will be covered by insurance. Most of
the remainder is included as an operating expense by
Detroit Edison and will be considered by the Public
Service Commission-along with all other valid business
expenses-in setting rates in the future.
Can it happen again?
That's a frightening question to consider, particularly
at a time like this, but just as it happened this month it
can happen again. If it does, all of us will be even better
prepared to deal with it. In the meantime, we at Detroit
Edison will continue to make every effort to provide,
reliably and safely, needed electric energy to enhance

i i

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