nr 3itran Da tg
Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Billy Graham
in Mo town
Wednesday, March 17, 1976
News Phone: 764-0552
Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan
Arms to Egypt pro peace
dat's call for the immediate sev-.
erance of his nation's friendship
treaty with the Soviet Union holds
forth a possible promise for peace
in the Middle East but suggests the
danger of a new escalation of Mid-
east tension.
Russia's efforts to reduce American
influence in the Middle East h a v e
often disturbed Arab-Israeli relations
at crucial moments when peace might
have been achieved. With Egypt's
step towards repudiation of Soviet in-
fluence, perhaps such external dis-
turbances will become a thing of the
past and the Arabs and the Israelis
can be left to themselves to work
out the peace both seem to want.
In this sense, Sadat's action may re-
present a chance for peace.
However, a note of caution must be
Mounded. Sadat is too canny a poli-
tician to do the U.S. favors without
expecting something in return. There
is now before Congress a bill to start
arms shipments to Egypt. Sadat's
move is obviously intended to influ-
ence the Congress favorably toward
this bill.
There is a danger that the United
States will start giving Egypt wea-
Editorial Staff
JWP RISTINU...............Managing Editor
TIM SCHICK.................Executive Editor
STEPHEN HERSK ............Editorial Director
JEFF SORENSEN.................Arts Editor
CHERYL PILATE...............Magazine Editor
STAFF WRITERS: Susan Ades, Tom Allen, Glen
Allerhand, Marc Basson, Dana Bauman, David
Blomqulst, James Burns, Kevin Counihan,
Jodi Ditmick, Mitch Dunitz, Elaine Fletcher,
Phil Foley, Mark Friedlander, David Garfinkel,
Toro Godell, Kurt Harju, Charlotte Heeg,
Richard James, Lois Josimovich, Tom Kettler,
Chris Kochmanski, Jay Levin, Andy Lilly, Ann
Marie Lipinski, George Lobsenz, Pauline Lu-
bens, Teri Maneau, Angelique Matney, Jim
Nicoll, Maureen Nolan, Mike Norton, Ken Par-
sigian, Kim Potter, Cathy Reutter, Anne
Marie Seblavi, Karen Schulkins, Jeff Selbat,
Rick Sobel, Tom Stevens, Steve Stojic, Cathi
Suyak, Jim Tobin, Jim valk, Margaret Ya,
Andrew Zerman, David Whiting, Michael Beck-
man, Jon Pansius and Stephen Kursman.
Sports Stff
Sports Editor
RICH LERNER........Executive Sports Editor
ANDY GLAZER........ Managing Sports Editor
RICK BONINOG..........Associate Sports Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Tom Cameron, Enid Gold-
man, Kathy Henneghan, Ed Lange, Scott
Lewis, Marcia Katz, John Niemeyer.
STAFF WRITERS: Dennis Bash, Paul Campbell,
Marybeth Dillon, Ernie Dunbar, Henry Engel-
' b1rdt, Jeff Prank, Cindy Gatziois, Jerome
Gilbert, Don MacLachian Rick Maddock, Bob
Mller, Jim Powers, Patrick Rode, John
Schwartz, Mark Whitney.
"The Soviet Union is on the road to
conquering the world!"
"Joe Louis and I used to visit his
mother and pray for her."
"Richard Nixon is still my friend, and
a religious leader doesn't desert a friend
when he's in trouble."
-Billy Graham
Cobo Hall press conference
March 8, 1976
He imparts the big, firm Texan image:
strong set jaw, assured mild drawl, firm
and dry handshake. He speaks his pol-
ished, humble, Lorldly PR in a slow,
almost catering address. He is affable,
sincere. His smiles seem light-years from
the aseptic and when he answers a ques-
tion his bright-rich-blue-ice-laser eyes
drill at you.
And this October, Graham will be dril-
ling away evangelist-style to the masses
in Pontiac Stadium. He stopped off last
week in Detroit for two days on his way
to New York and Philadelphia for a
press conference and to indeed prepare
for the big deal this fall. A big deal that
verily drips of respectability.
The conference was scheduled to begin
at 11 a.m. At about twenty to thet50-or-so
chair room starts filled up. We arrived
somewhat early and got first pick of the
free donuts. And hot coffee. And ex-
cellent front row seats.
Before we knew it, Graham slipped in.
He chatted for a while at the back of
the room, and then took his seat at the
front, flanked by Roy Allen, Detroit area
reverend and First Vice Chairman of
"NOTHING CAN stop them (the USSR
from conquering the world) but the
Lord. We must become a disciplined,
hardened nation," Graham says.
But he admits that is an iffy proposi-
tion. Do you detect a bit of the dooms-
day prophet there? Graham believes that
Jesus Christ will return. And if He does,
what does it matter if the Russians troop
over? All will be taken care of in the
end if Graham's belief comes through for
him, and us.
Yet Graham's act is losing something
through his own interpretation. Either
the public is becoming more aware of
what's really going on or nothing is going
on, period.
This evangelist's act is not torced, but
it seems that it certainly is lacking and
lame. Though the Nixon et. al. revelations
brought out higher logical conscious-
ness in many of us, it left behind plenty
with the proper mentality to swallow
Graham's shimmering righteous gobble-
Graham is an answer to many looking
for solutions in a time of none. He is an
excellent Lordly technician, but that's
about it. He is the out-dated lead-sled
model that should have been traded in
long since for a heap of progressive
B-t watch him.
Billy Graham has a message for you.
"Young people need to have a moral
standard," he says. And he condemns all
these new-fangled goo-roos and such.
What do you think of that?
Tom Stevens is a member of the Daily
Editorial Page staff,
the crusade, and Carl McDonald, chair-
man of the whole crusade.
THE LAST GRAHAM crusade in the
Southeast Michigan area was in 1952.
Graham says he decided in 1974 to re-
turn to Michign because of the prayers of
two local women. The organized efforts
began six to seven years ago by a group
of local women here..
"I am staying a million miles from po-
litics this year!" Graham declared. But
the very nature of his work is indeed,
It's as easy to apply a "hype" label
to Graham's words as it is to tag
"fraud" on Richard Nixon's neo-sincere
explanations of numerous things past.
Still, fair is fair; How do we know Nix-
on didn't or Graham doesn't have our
best interests at heart? After all . .
Somebody asked Graham whether or
not he thought Nixon was a sinner.
"I am a sinner!" Graham came back.
"The world will change more in the
next five years than it has in the last
50 years," Graham deduced. That isn't
hard to agree with.
But Graham also stresses the threat of
the Red plague.
pons without adequate safeguards in
order to maintain the newly improv-
ed Egypt-U.S. friendship. Too much
too quickly may destroy the fragile
balance of power that now maintains
the uneasy peace between Egypt and
YITZHAK NAVON, chairman of the
Foreign Affairs and Security
Committee in the Israeli Parliament
said, "What they did to the Rus-
sians today they'll do to the Ameri-
cans tomorrow if it becomes exped-
ient. Look what they owe the Rus-
sians: the Aswan Dam and the build-
up of the Egyptian Army."
On the other hand, Sadat does ex-
pect arms and perhaps the U. S.
should give him some, contingent on
his making real concessions in t h e
Egypt-Israel peace negotiations.
One Israeli general commented
that if the United States handles its
relations with both Israeli and Egypt
properly, it could become "a cons-
tructive factor" for peace.
Just as the United States now
cashes in on previous aid to Israel
to force Israeli concessions, Egypt
must be told that if and only if it
works honestly toward peace in the
Mideast it will receive the arms it de-
Editorial positions represent
consensus of the Daily staff.
News: David Garfinkel, Charlotte Heg,
Rob Meachum, Ann Marie Shiavi,
Tim Schick, Margaret Yao
Editorial Page: Marc Basson, Michael
Beckman, Stephen Hersh, Tom Ste-
Arts Page: Jeff Selbst, Jeff Sorensen
Photo Technician: Scott Eccker
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Obtaining the pill and fighting mites
Question: I've decided I want
to go on the birth control pill as
soon as possible. Do I have to
go on the birth control pills as
wait for a regular appointment
or do you have a faster service
for someone like me who just
needs a quick routine exam and
a supply of pills?
Scabies is a disease
(unfortunately on the
rise at present) due to
infection of the skin
and is caused by an or-
ganism called a mite.'
Answer: Are you thinking that
there are different levels of ex-
aminations, quick, medium and
long which you can select? We
appreciate your hurry but pre-
scribing the pill is more com-
plex than you may think. It
takes a thorough exam, a med-
ical history and furnishing im-
portant information to the pa-
tient. Not everyone reacts equal-
ly to the pill. There are differ-
ent dosages that must be con-
sistent with a woman's physical
makeup and medical history and
there is information she needs
in order to monitor her body's
reaction to the particular pill
prescribed. So, while our exams
for this purpose may be routine,
they are in no way quick or cas-
ual. They are governed by in-
dividual needs.
With all that said, we regret
to inform you that the first
opening for a routine examina-
tion at the gvnecologv clinic is
change the sheets and use the
others a couple of weeks later.
A recent article in the Ann Ar-
bor News says scabies and lice
are on the increase and we poor
people need some straight an-
swers. Thanks.
Answer: Not to cast a n y
stones, but scabies is associated
with not-so-clean living condi-
tions. It is a disease (unfortun-
ately on the rise at present) due
to infection of the skin and is
caused by an organism called a
mite. Another variety of the
mite, incidentally, causes mange
in dogs but is not transferable to
humans. The mite is a small
whitish creature hardly visible
to the naked eye and the female
of the species burrows beneath
the skin laying eggs as she tun-
nels along. Aawhole new gener-
ation arises about every f o u r
The intense itching which
characterizes the disease usual-
ly begins from several days to a
month after infection; it is be-
lieved to be due to irritating se-
cretions of the mite, and often
feels the worst after a bath or
shower. Little hard vesicles con-
taining a yellowish fluid form
along the burrows and when
the end of April or beginning of
May. It is an enormously busy
clinic and only a small facility.
We urge you to use foam plus
condom while waiting (both are
available at our pharmacy). If
you read our September 25th
column we revealed how those
methods can be sexy to use. If
not, call or write us and we'll
send you a copy.
W'd like also to say that if
a person already on pills will be
out of them before her next ap-
pointment, arrangements can be
made for a pill extension. Please
call 764-8329 for information on
this or come in to the walk-in
clinic Mon. to Fri. 8 to 12 for a
these are scratched they rinture
and form scabs. Sometimes
personal contact. Normally, this
takes place at night because the
mites like to wander around on
the surface of the skin when it
is warm and this is most often
when a person is in bed. It has
been found that in the dry,
warm air of a room, away from
the human host, the mites do
not usually survive more than
3 or 4 days. In moist places,
however, such as in the folds of
soiled underwear, bedclothes or
towels, they can survive as long
as ten days. Thus, it is possible
to catch the disease even if you
share clothes or facilities with
someone, other than a bed.
All members of the household
should be treated simultaneously
by two thorough applications of
"Kwell", 5 to 7 days apart. (Al-
though "Kwell" requires a phy-
sician's prescription, other pro-
ducts for treating this infec-
tion do not seem to be as ef-
fective). The first application
kills the adult mites and the se-
cond kills the newly hatched
eggs. Of course, all clothes, bed
linen and towels need to be
thoroughly washed and dried (no
need to boil in a cauldron or
anything like that). A bath be-
fore the first application is de-
sirable and clean underclo'hes
and sheets should be used after
it. The itch may persist for some
weeks after treatment, but can
be alleviated by applying caia-
mine lotion.
Health Educators
U-M Health Service
207 Fletcher
Ann Arbor, MI 48709
Note: There will be a stop-
smoking clinic public meeting
tomorrow evening at 7 p.m. in
the basement of thi Health Ser-
vice. Stop by if you want to
kick the habit.
Letters to The Daily
Freon For more information, please
To The Daily :
BEGINNING in the 1980's, the
percentage of skin cancer cases
will steadily increase. By the
year 2000, the problem will
reach alarming proportions.
Freon, a chemical used ex-
tensively as aerosal propellants,
refrigerants, solvents, cutting
fluids, and in the production of
textiles and plastics, is now
coming into view as a signifi-
cant environmental hazard.
When freon is expelled into
the air, it thins the protective
ozone layer of the atmosphere.
As the density of the ozone de-
creases, ultra-violet rays are al-
lowed to pass to the earth caus-
ing skin cancer and numerous
other dangerous effects.
Large corporations are spend-
ing millions of dollars every
year on the manufacturing of
this chemical.
IN 1971 AND 1972, the United
States and Canada accounted for
44 per cent of the world - wide
freon emission.
Humans For
Environmental Concern
Community High School
Ann Arbor, MI 48106
To The Daily:
ocratic Cambodia recently is-
sued a statement strongly de-
nouncing the barbaric bombing
raids on the Cambodian city of
Siem Reap on February 25 by
American war planes. The two
raids inflicted heavy damage on
a hospital, children's center and
a school. Fifteen persons were
killed and over thirty others
were wounded, including in-
cluding infants. This kind of
criminal act must be denounced
and condemned by American's
who believe in justice and the
right of nations to live in peace.
Democratic Cambodia is a
peaceful, independent, neutral
and non-aligned country and a
member of the United Nations.
This latest attack by the U.S.
imperialists is the most extreme
type of aggression, and yet an-
other futile attempt to terrorize
the Cambodian people into sub-
The cynical denial by the U.S.
government that any attack
took place is nothing new. These
liars cannot stand the light of
day, and are forced to hide be-
hind lies, as they did through-
out their war of aggression
against the three Indochinese
peoples, which despite their ties,
ended in utter defeat. Let's not
be fooled now by these same
liars and butchers. Cambodia
suffered five long years of bru-
tal war to free herself from
U.S. imperialism. She hAs no
desire or need to concoct hor-
ror stories, and as always she
desires peace and friendship
with the American people and
peaceful coexistence with the
M. Tucker
March 14, 1976
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