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March 17, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-03-17

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TOP 0'

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 135

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday,

March 17, 1976 10 Cents Ten Pages


Snuff said
For all you deadpan humor types, don't miss
the premiere of the film which promises to be
the next Naked Came the Stranger, at least in
Detroit. Snuff, the film which boasts a "genuine
murder" on screen, is opening at the Fox Theater
in Detroit this afternoon at 1 p.m. Banned in
Massachusetts and terminated abruptly during
its run in Philadelphia, Snuff may soon present
a viable alternative to Pink Flamingos in the
cinematic portrayal of Bad Taste. But is the
murder real? When asked, the film's distributor,
Allen Shackleton, would only comment, "I'd be
crazy to admit it if is, and I'd be crazy to admit
it if it isn't." So put that in your nose and Snuff it.
Presidential primary
The State House has rejected a -move to scrap
this year's May 18 presidential primary in Mich-
igan. But it is still undecided who will pick up the
tab - the state or local government - because
it is expected to run about $3 million. By a vote
of 63-41 the House refused to debate an amend-
ment which would have ended the primary, effec-
tive immediately. The House Election Committee,
meanwhile, unanimously approved a bill which
would require the state to pay for the primary.
The funding portion of the 1972 law which estab-
lished the Michigan primary has expired. In re-
sponse, a group of township and city clerks has
asked an Ingham County Court judge to determine
if they have to hold the election at all.
Happenings .
will keep you busy today. At noon there will
be a Venezuelan luncheon at the International Cen-
ter with live entertainment provided by Renato
Cabrera . . . at the same time Russian-East Euro-
pean Studies is holding a brown bag in the com-
mons at Lane Hall, Ann and Bob Roff will speak
on "Some theoretical questions relating to the
study of working women (and men) in the Rus-
sian Revolution" , . . At 12:15 you can have peanut
butter and jelly sandwiches for 15 cents at the
Student Counciling Office, 1018 Angell Hall .. .
at 2:30 Prof. Jurgen Kocka will hold informal dis-
cussions on German economic history in the 19th
and 20th centuries . . . at 3 travel tips for anyone
planning a trip to Europe this summer at the Inter-
national Center will be provided . . . at 4 Marie
Borroff, Professor of English at Yale will speak
on "Wallace Stevens' World of Worlds" in Audi-
torium D Angell Hall . . . at 7 Alberto Roldan will
speak on the political relations between Puerto
Rico and the United States in dining room 4 of
South Quad . . . also at 7 the Residential College
Lecture Series presents Dr. Peter Farran speaking
on "Irish and American whiskey, a St. Patrick's
Day fiesta" in the Green Lounge of East Quad
.. at 7:30 the Sociology Undergrad. Associa-
tion will meet in the United Station of the Union
. . . at 8 Lord Caradon former British Ambassador
to the U.N. wil lspeak on "What Hope in the
Middle East." 170 Pand A Building . . . also at 8
is a seminar by Washtenw County Legal Aid and
the Peace Neighborhood Center on "Welfare Law"
at 1121 N. Mapel Rd. . . . finally . . . finally, there
will be a meeting of the Stilyagi Air Corp., the
science fiction club, in Rm. 4203 of the Union.
Congressional tomfoolery
Male drivers in Lafayette, Indiana honk less
and smile more at women clad in scarcely a n y
clothes, wearing outlandish clown masks hobbling
on crutches with a bandaged leg. Senator Wil-
liam Proxmire yesterday awarded the $46,100
National Science Foundation study, which uncov-
ered these findings, the March "Fleece of the
Month Award." The Wisconsin democrat gives the
award monthly for what he considers the biggest
example of governmental waste. Wonder if he
has considered Congressional paychecks.

The great Iraic robbery
Daring daylight thieves stole 44 tons of track
from Iowa's Great River Railroad last month.
Some 3,000 feet of newly laid track was cut up and
carted away for its scrap value by thieves who
"just waved at farmers who saw them cutting up
the rails with acetylene torches," said Larry Raid,
co-owner of the fledgling railroad. The railroad--
which has yet to run a train - had just laid the
track, replacing older sections in need of repair,
when the thieves cut the track into 150 pound
sections and carried it away, leaving neat little
piles of bolts. It is estimated the bandits got
$10,000 for their efforts. As for the farmers, Raid
commented: "They are so friendly, they'll wave
at anybody."
On the inside . .
Tom Godell on the Arts Page criticizes new
piano compositions . . . Editorial Page offers a
profile by Torn Stevens of Billy Graham's upcom-
ing crusade . . . Sports Page has the details of the
ax falling twice at MSU .


w ips



Poor showin forces
Shriver to withd rw
special To The Daily
CHICAGO-Jimmy Carter and Richard Daley were
clearly the big winners in the Windy City last night.
And Sargent Shriver withdrew from "actively cam-
paigning" for the presidency as his poor showing made it
apparent that even help from the Daley machine failed
to boost his already-sputtering campaign.
"I had hoped to do well in this area," Shriver said, "but I
have learned enough to know that proceeding along the primary
route is not the best way for me to be elected."
He said that he might endorse another candidate at some


crabs for
Special To The Daily
CHICAGO-New election
rules have made it a little
harder to cheat in an elec-
tion here, but the resource-
fulness of local politicians
-when it comes to winning
a race-cannot be underes-
The Daley machine was oiled
and running yesterday as party
regulars battled it out with pres-
idential candidates and inde-
pendent Democrats in the na-
tional, state and local primary
WIN OR LOSE, it can't be
said that the "Boss" didn't
throw the full weight of his in-
fluence and prestige behind his
own candidates.
"lIe (Daley) had each pre-
cin t captain in the city handing
in plus and minus sheets every
day, to add tonthe votes each
machine candidate had against
his opponent," said one worker
in the mayor's campaign.
Admittedly, there were some
s i g n s of creakiness; things
weren't quite the way some old-
timers remembered them. "It
used to be that the precinct
captains were important men in
the community," said one long-
time Chicago resident. "Now
they've become almost ludicrous
figures in the minds of many.
"THE OLD basket of coal to
the poor or a basket of fruit at
Christmas doesn't pull in the
See DALEY, Page 2

time in the future, but indicated
that he himself had not given
up all hope of becoming Presi-
"I may well be a candidate
at the convention," asserted
Shriver, "I have said repeatedly
that the nominee will not be
picked on the first ballot. It will
be a typical Democratic free-
for-all, and I intend to be in
on it.'
"Stunning" w a s the word
heard most often at Carter head-
quarters as the grinning Gover-
nor outdid even the expecta-
tions of his own staff, winning
over both George Wallace and
See CARTER, Page 2

Special To The Daily
CHICAGO - President
Gerald Ford, backed by a
large, enthusiastic c a m -
paign staff, notched his
fifth consecutive primary
victory over the fading
challenge of Ronald Rea-
gan in Illinois yesterday.
With 42 per cent of the
vote counted, Ford led with
60 per cent against R e a -
gan's 39 per cent.
tory celebration in Chicago and
reacted confidently to the elec-
tion returns.
"It's on to North Carolina,
then Wisconsin, and then on to
Kansas City,"the President told
a large crowd. "Kansas City
is the springboard of success on
No"vember 2nd. We're going to
make it."
The precincts counted for de-
legate apportionment showed
that Ford captured 56 nominat-
ing votes, Reagan 14, and un-
committed candidates for 14.
REAGAN HAD long been pre-
dicting that he would lose in
his home state Illinois and said
frequently he would be happy
with 40 per cent of the Illinois
"Last week (former Illinois)
Governor (Richard) Ogilvie said
Governor Reagan would only get
33 per cent of the vote, and this
was borne out by our polls at
the time," said Phil Crane, Rea-
gan's camnaign manager.
"But this was before Gover-
nor Reagan's appearance here,
and this appearance helped us to
gain nearly seven per cent in
See REAGAN, Page 2
CHICAGO W)-At 1:50 a.m.
this morning, with 58 per cent
of the precincts reporting, the
GOP race stood:
Ford: 235,111-59 per cent
Reagan: 156,774-40 per cent
In the Democratic voting, it
Carter: 361,878-48 per cent
Wallace: 199,504 - 27 p e r
Shriver: 128,027-17 per cent
Harris: 60,248-8 per cent
GOP delegate counts, with
See BULLETIN, Page 2

JIMMY CARTER campaign loyalists sing Carter campaign songs in Chicago last night awaiting
results of the Illinois presidential primary.




LONDON (Reuter) - Harold
Wilson, leader of four British
governments with a total of
nearly eight years in office,
shocked his party and the na-
tion yesterday by resigning as
prime minister.
Wilson, who has served more
years in office than any other
20th century peacetime British
premier, drove alone to Buck-
ingham Palace and told Queen
Elizabeth he will go as soon as
the Laubour Party finds a suc-
MEMBERSof parliament, as-
tonished by the announcement,
which many of them did not at
first believe, crowded into the
House of Commons to hear op-
position Conservative leader
Margaret Thatcher call for a
general election to "resolve the
But Wilson rejected this and
made it clear he expects Labour
to continue ruling. He revealed
he had planned for a long time
to resign. He told the Queen
last December that he would

quit this March. He was 60
years old last Thursday.
As the Labair Party met last
night to discuss the election of
a new leader, who will auoma-
tically become prime minister,
the most mentioned candidate
was Foreign Secretary James
WILSON said in a statement
that he had been party leader
for 13 exciting and turbulent
years and in parliament 31
years. "No one should ask for
more," he said.
"I have a clear duty t:> the
country and to parliament not
to remain here so long that
others are denied the chance to
seek election to this post."
Wilson said he was sure the

new administration would be
equally determined to ;om:>at
inflation and maintain Britain's
commitment to its allies and to
the European Common Market.
HE SAID he had chosen a good
moment to resign because the
present government, elecied in
1974, was at the "turn of the
hinge - the weeks that follow'
will be a crucial time in the
hammering out of the next phase
of the anti-inflation policy."
He claimed that the nation had
accepted his previous year's
policy in which trade unions
kept wage increases to within
10 per cent. A new agreement
was now due.
There were fears, 4 owever,
that Wilson is needed to main-

tain the unity of the Labour
Party inwhich--a-powerful left-
wing group regards the govern-
ment's harsh anti-inflation poli-
cies as a betrayal of .sociaism.
"I CANNOT see any logical
successor at a time when we
need a leader to achieve the
complete unity of the party,"
said an admittedly shocked Joe
Gormley, president of the Coal
Miners Union.
Opposition Conservatives were
claiming that Wilson was going
because he could not con.rol
"the Marxist wing of the par-y."
But Wilson insisted in his
statement that the Labour PThrty
has a strong team from which
to choose a premier.

GEO discusses open
talks for bargang
Open bargaining sessions for nextyear's contract will be the
main issue at the Graduate Employes' Organization (GEO) meet-
ing tomorrow evening. The University and GEO bargainers have
met twice this month in closed sessions to lay negotiation ground
"We should have open sessions," says GEO Treasurer Art
Schwartz. "The only way they should be closed is if both parties
could agree." The University maintains that either negotiating
team should be able to close a session, as provided for in last
year's ground rules.
"AT ANY point in time one party or the other may think
negotiations should go private," chief University negotiator John
See GEO, Page 7

Daily News Analysis
Despite their own increas
skepticism that University f
cloud explosion research m
not be in compliance with
gental guidelines, a commit
investigating the researche
been slow, and apparently reli
tant, to act.
The three-man ClassifiedI
search Committee, a group
pointed by the University S
ate Assembly to review
search proposals, seems to s
fer from a lack of understa
ing of the technical aspects
the research. And political r
sons appear to be holding th
back from taking the logi
steps to begin a real investi
tion, according to stateme
by the committee members a
outside observers.
THE RESEARCH, f u n ds

research questioned
completely by the U.S. Air
Force and carried out in t h e
Aerospace Engineering Depart-
ing ment came under fire ata Feb
uel ruarv meeting of the Coalition
iay to Stop CIA/NSA Recruitment
re on Campus and University Pres-
tee ident Robbeq Fleming.
uc- Involving the creation of liq-
uid gas clouds and their subse-
Re- quent teosion,the research
a may violate the regental guide-
ap- line prohibiting University study
en- of anything which could "de-
re- stroy human life or incapacitate
nd- human beings."
of According to their own state-
ea- ments, the Air Force has in-
em dicated a primary interest in the
cal military rather than the safety
ga- applications of the research.
nd UNTIL recently, committee Doily Photo by PAULINE LUBEN
members Jens Zorn, a physics Nicholls
e d See LACK, Page 7
Comedian - activst Gregory
levels establishment at Hill


Speaking on a score of subjects running the
gamut from the CIA and Washington big-wigs to
critical food and energy shortages, comedian-ac-
*...-4. T r,-- C' maa .. r1 hsamx f ,o arowd'1

In discussing the Washington establishment,
whom he referred to as "super pimps", the con-
servatively-dressed Gregory talked of George
Wallace as a "home-grown American boy."
"Rvervhin g alaie e hlievre he learned with-

. .> ':

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